Orc Wolf King

Chapter 57 This is an inescapable responsibility!

"Why do you say that the other kings of the four major clans came to our wolf clan at the same time? They have been talking in secret for almost three days and haven't come out yet. Did something serious happen?" Sisley slapped the ball high and back.

"I don't know." Lin Yeqiu raised his head, tried his best to stretch his right hand holding the racket tightly, and ran to the rear left panting, but he was still a step slower, the ball passed the racket and landed on the stone floor, rolling away a few laps.

"Ha! You lost again! Yay!" Sisley laughed and jumped a few times, making a big V.

"I can't do it! Phew! I have no strength, I will challenge you another day." Lin Yeqiu was sweating profusely, panting and bent over to support his knees, looking up at the still energetic person, very unwilling and helpless.

Sisley shrugged: "It's not that this is your unique skill. You have always won in your hometown, but why haven't I seen you win?"

Lin Yeqiu said bitterly: "That's because your physical strength is too good!"

"This can also be a reason? But the problem is that you haven't won once in so many days! And every time you lose directly from the first game to the last game!"

Lin Yeqiu watched depressedly as Sisley picked up the fur ball to play with. This kind of self-made ball and racket is still very different from the badminton of the present world. It takes a lot of effort to hit the racket far. Skills, I have to say that he is inferior to Sisley, but this guy has never played a similar game before!How could he kill the "inventor" as soon as he got started?

After Lin Yeqiu calmed down a bit, he went to the table by the window and poured a glass of water.

"Didn't your family say anything?"

After Lin Yeqiu drank the water, he sat down on the stool and looked up at the sky with his chin: "No."

The four kings have been in the wolf clan for six days, and he gradually discovered that Romon always looked at him with a hint of unbearable eyes, and Phoenix King Anton showed a trace of compassion, plus all the thoughts of North and Arit in the beginning. , clearly all have meaning.

Although Lemans was still the same as usual, and he didn't see anything abnormal about him, but Lin Yeqiu knew that something had happened, and he had a close relationship with him, but he kept was kept in the dark.

What is so important that the kings of the five clans put aside the affairs of each clan and gathered in the hall of priests for three days and three nights?

Lin Yeqiu frowned slightly, is it related to what Nuo Ya said last time?

"Sisley, how does this year's weather compare to previous years?"

"Climate? Speaking of this, this year is really different from the past. Although the cold season has passed, the weather has not been so hot, and the sunshine seems to be a bit short. There will be no strong winds and lightning in this season, let alone Talk about the heavy rain like today." Sisley looked out the window.

The raindrops made an extremely loud sound on the window sill, and Lin Yeqiu looked out through the half-opened window, only to see a rain curtain outside, and all the scenery was hazy, making it hard to see clearly.

Suddenly there was a thunderous thunder, which made the two of them jump, and the thunder came without seeing the lightning.

"Damn! It's scary!" Sisley burst out with a swear word.

"Uh, pay attention to your wording, keep your mouth shut!"

"I didn't learn this from you, so you're still talking about me?" Sisley squinted disapprovingly.

Lin Yeqiu slipped a drop of cold sweat: "That's the only way to remind me! Otherwise, your Zeli will go crazy again..."

"He dares!"

Lin Yeqiu secretly slandered, he naturally dare not scold you, but he will secretly punish himself!

When he was about to speak, he suddenly felt that his chest was hot. He stretched out his hand to touch it and found something. He took it out and saw that it was that piece of jade. The temperature transmitted between his fingertips seemed to be hotter than his body temperature?

"What is this?" Sisley leaned over and asked curiously.

"Given by High Priest Nuoya, it's a necklace or jewelry." Lin Yeqiu replied indifferently, and looked down, and couldn't help being slightly surprised, remembering that the stone was transparent and white before, why is it turning pink now?Could it be the light?He held the jade stone and turned it around a few times, and the pony inside didn't seem to be so curled up the last time he looked at it.

"Huh?" Sisley moved closer, "What's in here?"

"A fossil of a horse?"

Sisley looked at it for a while, and frowned slightly: "How does this look like a legendary beast..."

"Divine beast?"

"Well, I have seen the different postures of the beast in an atlas. If it is sleeping, it seems to be similar to this posture. And you can see that it has two wings that fit together on its back, and three wings on its forehead. Although the sharp cone spar is too small to see clearly, if you look carefully, you can still find that the color of the spar is actually golden, which is the characteristic of a divine beast."

After being told this, Lin Yeqiu took a closer look, and sure enough there was a small golden triangular cone on the forehead, and there seemed to be a spiral pattern?

Lin Yeqiu suddenly thought of something. It looks like a horse, has wings, and a horn on its forehead. Isn't this a unicorn?

"Why did the high priest give you this thing?" Sisley pondered.

"Then I'm afraid we have to ask the high priest." Lin Yeqiu spread his hands.

"Leave it alone." Sisley shook his head, and suddenly noticed something else, "Why do you hang this around your neck?"

Lin Yeqiu followed his gaze and saw that it was the earrings that Lemans gave him.

"That's right, you seem to have never put on your ears..." Sisley looked at him thoughtfully, then clapped his hands suddenly, as if discovering a new world, "Don't tell me, you don't love him?"

"of course not!"

"Then why never wear it? Don't you know the meaning of earrings worn by females?"

Just as Lin Yeqiu was about to answer, the waiter ran in in panic, yelling, "It's not good, it's not good! Your Highness!"

This extremely familiar scene made Lin Yeqiu stand up abruptly, feeling that something happened to Lemans again, he walked up to grab the waiter's hand, and asked urgently, "What's wrong with him?" Could it be that he was fighting with other kings again?Fortunately, no one was hurt last time, so don't make anything happen this time!

"Him?" The waiter was taken aback for a moment, then asked blankly, "Who?"

"What happened to Lymans?"

"King? I don't know!"

Knowing that it wasn't that person's accident, Lin Yeqiu heaved a sigh of relief and put the jade earrings back into his clothes: "Then what are you in a hurry for?"

"Something just smashed a big hole in the west, and many houses have been spread out!"

"What!" Lin Yeqiu was shocked. Could it be that the loud noise just heard was not thunder?

"What should we do now? Wang has been in the tower for so many days and hasn't come back..."

"Don't panic." Lin Yeqiu forced himself to calm down, "How many casualties?"

"I don't know the exact situation yet, but the guards patrolling the city wall saw the report."

"Has anyone informed the king?"

"I don't know, maybe someone went..."

Lin Yeqiu lowered his eyes, walked quickly outside the hall, and called loudly, "Come here!"

"Your Highness!" Several people outside the hall greeted him when they came out, their expressions were a little flustered, obviously they had heard about the disaster in the west.

"Everyone, don't worry, don't panic, just do your own thing, as usual." Lin Yeqiu looked into the eyes of the waiters one by one, calm and dignified, "Don't spread this matter everywhere, if you see Some people panicked and frightened, so they told them that everything is under the king's control, so there is no need for everyone to be afraid."


Lin Yeqiu asked them to disperse and perform their duties, and called the guards standing guard outside the hall, and ordered them one by one ably: "The head of the guard Nuoer and his people immediately assembled a team and rushed to the scene to help the people get out of trouble."

Noel quickly ordered a few guards to leave immediately.

"Sisli, please go to the pharmacy and ask the witch doctors for help."

"Okay." Sisley turned and ran away.

Lin Yeqiu said to the few people who traveled the fastest: "In order to ensure that the news is notified in place, you go to the priest's hall and the outer hall to notify the wolf king and the elders respectively."

"Obey." Those who were named left in different directions one by one.

"The rest are to prepare food, clothing and other supplies, and rush to the scene as quickly as possible."


Lin Yeqiu quickly explained the general situation and pondered for a while. To be on the safe side, it was better for people to strengthen the patrols in the city to prevent any accidents from happening again, so everyone split up and acted separately.

Lin Yeqiu took the cloak from the waiter, put it on two or three times, and plunged into the heavy rain.

The line of sight was blocked by the thick rain curtain, and at a glance, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the rain fell on the body making a loud slapping sound, and after a long time, I felt raw pain.

The rain was too heavy, even if you put on a raincoat made of animal skin, it still couldn't stop all the rain, but after a while, the neck and arms were already wet, and the feet were even wet, and the cold hit directly. But he couldn't back down, he didn't care about the rain splashing under his feet, and went straight to the outside of the hall with difficulty.

After leaving the gate of the castle, he bumped into Zeli, who probably came over after hearing the sound, and the two wings exposed outside the raincoat were already soaked.

"Come up, I'll take you there!" Zeli folded her wings and landed in front of him, lowering her body.

Lin Yeqiu didn't have time to worry about whether it was etiquette to sit on the backs of other orcs, so he quickly climbed onto the back of the snow wolf.

"Sit down!" Zeli said as she spread her wings again and flew into the air.

"What's going on? Why did a big hole suddenly pop out?"

"I didn't do it this time!" Zeli replied immediately.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't laugh or cry.

Halfway through, the rain weakened relatively. Although it was still heavy, the sight line was finally much better.

When the two arrived at the accident site, they found that the incident was more serious than expected. Hundreds of stone houses had disappeared, and what was left was a huge black hole of thousands of square meters. Some orcs flew down to check the depth. After going down for a hundred meters, I still couldn't reach the bottom, and the more I went down, the more I felt a suction force, and the investigators almost couldn't get back to the ground.

Lin Yeqiu stood by the edge of the hole and looked down, only to see it was so dark that he couldn't see to the end, and then looked at the messy scene around him, if there were people in the house when the incident happened, it might have been a disaster.

He turned around and directed Nuoer, who came over, to take people to check if there were any survivors around, and at the same time ordered the surrounding people to evacuate this place and temporarily move to another place, and let Sisley, who was able to rush over, order him to cook a big pot of ginger soup , and will be distributed later. At the same time, a temporary back room will be set up in the adjacent house, and sufficient hot water, food, and thick clothing will be prepared for the use of the injured and rescuers.

The continuous rain has brought difficulties to the rescue work, and the muddy road has become more and more slippery. Everyone should pay attention to their feet while moving stones and blocks carefully.

Some relatives of the victims who heard the news were startled and cried out of control when they saw the tragedy. Lin Yeqiu had asked people to guard the periphery to stop these excited relatives from giving comfort.

"Your Highness the Wolf Queen, we're going down to see if there are any trapped people, so please take care of your Highness from above." Nuo Er has transformed into a wolf shape, and intends to fly down the big hole with a dozen of his men.

"No one knows what's going on below. Do you need to take additional protective measures before going down?"

"Your Highness, don't worry, the king has trained us to adapt to various emergencies and various skills. Behind me are good hands, and we will be careful."

Lin Yeqiu frowned, but time was tight and he couldn't allow him to think about it. If there were any survivors down here, they would drag one more copy here, and the people below would be more dangerous: "Well, you 12 people in the process of going down." People must never be separated, remember to follow closely one by one! Don't force yourself, if anything goes wrong, turn around immediately!"


Lin Yeqiu clenched his fists unconsciously, watching them spread their wings and fly down the big hole, and were swallowed up by the darkness in an instant, panicked in his heart, what kind of thing could smash such a big bottomless hole in the blink of an eye, This kind of destructive power, I'm afraid the missiles in the world can't do it, and why is there suction below?How is the structure of the planet itself?What is deep in the crust?Is this accident caused by the destruction of external force or the movement inside the earth's crust?

He has no clue at all, and no one can ask a series of questions, let alone ask them, because before the arrival of Reymans and the elders, he is the pillar of the people, if he shows any wavering, even if it is a question, It will bring panic to the people, and this is the worst thing.

He didn't know if his handling method was appropriate, and if he missed anything, he could only hide his helplessness and fear, maintain the image of a calm and majestic wolf queen, and struggle to carry on.

"Your Highness, we found the wounded!"

"Where are the witch doctors? Quickly put all the witch doctors in place! Some of them are on standby in the house, and all the slightly injured patients will be helped to the inner room. Some of the witch doctors will patrol the scene and treat the seriously injured on the spot! Let the logistics staff provide supplies to all departments at any time." Sufficient and necessary healing supplies for the witch doctor!"


"Everyone should pay attention to safety! If you go to a place near the entrance of the cave, try to make two orcs into a group of females, and keep them close, so that you can rescue each other if the mud on the edge collapses!"


Lin Yeqiu saw that everyone was busy at their places, and frowned slightly, wondering if there was anything else to pay attention to.

"Your Highness, the Gray Wolf Clan, the Black Wolf Clan, and the White Wolf Clan have all sent people to help! The former is still on the way, and the support teams of the latter two clans have arrived."

"Really?" Lin Yeqiu immediately followed the communicator after hearing the words.

"Honorable Your Highness the Wolf Queen, we are here to serve you under the orders of the patriarch."

"You don't need to be too polite." Lin Yeqiu pardoned everyone's etiquette, and expressed his gratitude concisely and sincerely. Then he assigned the corresponding areas and matters to be responsible for according to the skills that each tribe and each person are good at, and told them to pay attention to their own safety. They joined the rescue operation.

Seeing that everyone is doing their own affairs in an orderly manner, I feel a little relieved in my heart. The number of people has increased a lot at once, and the efficiency should increase a lot.

The heavy rain still did not abate, Lin Yeqiu was almost wet, and the coldness hit him directly, his feet completely soaked in the rain puddles were almost numb from the cold, but he just kept running around to observe without changing his face, and continued Patrol all the way to the past, in order to promptly find areas that need improvement or care.

When the orcs turned into wolves, they hated touching water the most, but now no one complained, let alone hesitated, and rushed into the rain without hesitation, letting their wings and bodies get wet, and the rain flowed The drenched wolf fur slid off and splashed in the mud puddles, dirtying the limbs.

At such a moment, everyone can only stick to it with perseverance and faith.

One after another, the wounded were dug out from the stone pile by the orcs. Some were dead, some were bloody and bloody, and they were all seriously injured. The females held heavy raincloaks made of light animal skins to cover the wounded from the rain, lest the rain would worsen the wounds. .

"Your Highness, there are too many wounded, some of them are seriously injured, and the treatment takes a lot of time. The witch doctors are not manned enough! There are still many wounded patients waiting to be healed, what should we do?"

"Let the responsive and nimble females assist the witch doctor in treating injuries, and give them some hemostatic bandaging work, and the witch doctor will treat difficult diseases specifically."

"But none of them are witch doctors—"

"Now is a special situation. It is necessary to divide the degree of injury and treat them separately. Hemostasis is very important, which can buy time for the witch doctor's treatment. Now let the females follow the witch doctor to see how to stop the bleeding and bandage the medicine. The witch doctor heals The process is actually a demonstration process. The treatment will explain the points of attention to them at the same time. When treating the next wounded, the witch doctor will watch from the side and let them do it again. If there are no mistakes, then some simple treatments for relatively lightly injured patients. They can be done independently, which can save the witch doctor a lot of time, and the treatment of the witch doctor will be more efficient, so that the wounded can get the maximum degree of healing, and the waste of unnecessary time in the process should be minimized.”

"But will they do?"

"They can do these simple tasks, and every outstanding witch doctor has come here. We have to trust them and everyone's determination to do their best."

"Okay, I'll pass it on."

"Hmm." Lin Yeqiu thought for a while, then called the person in charge of medicines to ask how many healing supplies he had brought and how much was left. After getting the answer, he looked up and looked around, estimated the situation, thought for a while and said, "Send someone back to the medicine house to bring more white cloths and medicines, especially those to stop bleeding, be careful not to get wet!"

"Go here."

Lin Yeqiu nodded, and then he also dived into the medical work, now one more person is more strength.

Drops of water slid down his cheeks, it was rain and sweat.

The situation is very serious, and he doesn't know how long he can hold back.

As time went by, more and more wounded were carefully carried out, but there were very few witch doctors with spiritual power, and there was no time to treat them.

"King! The king is coming!" Suddenly someone shouted, and then the people cheered with joy.

Lin Yeqiu looked up, and saw a white dot in mid-air flying towards him at lightning speed, and it was in front of him in the blink of an eye.

Snow Wolf soared in the air twice, presumably to inspect the situation, and said loudly: "Everyone has worked hard! Now please continue with the work at hand, and everything will be fine!"


Lemans stayed in the air for a while, his sharp and calm blue eyes looked over one by one, and finally folded his wings and landed in front of Lin Yeqiu.

"How are you?"

"You finally came!"

The two spoke in unison, and were taken aback for a second.

Lymans said slightly apologetically, "I'm sorry, I came late and left you alone to bear everything."

"No, I was just a little caught off guard..."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Snow Wolf took a step forward, wanting to kiss him, but then remembered the water all over his hair, so he gave up, and asked softly, "Did you get hurt somewhere?" ?”

Lin Yeqiu shook his head: "I'm fine, but this time the wolf clan's vitality has been seriously injured, and many people have not been rescued yet. I don't know how to face their relatives—"

"You've done a good job." Snow Wolf finally couldn't help but licked his nose with the tip of his tongue, and said softly, "Leave the rest to me."

"Yeah." Lin Yeqiu looked up at Xuelang, and finally heaved a sigh of relief under the calm and gentle gaze from the beginning to the end. His flustered heart slowly calmed down, and only then did he suddenly realize that he actually trusted and relied on this man so much. .

Everything has him.This is the message conveyed by Lymans' gentle but firm eyes.

Lin Yeqiu believed it, and believed it firmly.

The snow wolf spread its wings again, flapped it for a while and turned around to fly up, but turned back before taking a step: "It's dangerous here, you go to the outside."

Lin Yeqiu shook his head, walked up to Snow Wolf, looked him in the eye, and said, "We advance and retreat together."

Snow Wolf seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly, and replied: "Okay."

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