Orc Wolf King

Chapter 58 Purgatory

"My lord, Your Highness, Mr. Mo Duo of the Gray Wolf Clan has arrived with dozens of witch doctors! Mr. Mo Duo is the number one witch doctor in the Gray Wolf Clan! With his help, I believe the treatment will go much smoother! "

"That's great!" Lin Yeqiu's feeling of powerlessness eased a lot when he heard it, and his expression became much brighter. "Take them to the injured side quickly!"

"Young Master Mo Duo has begun to assign personnel to participate in the healing process."

Lin Yeqiu nodded, and then looked back at Lemans. The two smiled at each other, and when they were about to devote themselves to their own work, Nuo Er, who had led people to fly down the cave to investigate, and 12 people flew up to the ground. He had already fallen into a coma, and was supported by his companions and lowered to the ground. The other five felt discomfort to varying degrees, and one of them fell down as soon as he got up.

"What's going on?" Seeing this, Lin Yeqiu hurried over, "Put the person under the eaves first."

Nuoer and the others carried the three comatose people to the nearby undestroyed eaves: "We don't know, it's too dark down there, even with night vision capabilities, the visibility gets smaller the further you go down, and you can barely see them at the end." No, I can only judge the approximate location of the companion by the breath of the companion around me. I only know that the surrounding area is very quiet, it seems that the space is also very large, and I can’t reach the bottom. As someone said before, the more we go down, the more suction will pull us down , It took a lot of effort to resist it, and then suddenly some people couldn't support it, and some people felt dizzy and out of breath, and we came back." Noel staggered slightly as he said, and seemed to be almost exhausted.

"That's right." Lemans asked them to drink a hot drink, and then asked, "Do you still remember how many meters you went down?"

"It should be five or six hundred meters."

While Lymans was pondering, more than a dozen other elders who hadn't traveled far also rushed over, some flew around the black hole a few times, and some went to help the orcs deal with the scene.

Lin Yeqiu looked at the three comatose people for a while, but couldn't see why. Just as he was about to call someone to call the senior witch doctor, a voice beside him said, "Let me take a look."

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a slender figure who was neither familiar nor unfamiliar walking towards this side, it was Mo Duo.

Lin Yeqiu got up to make room, Mo Duo stepped forward and knelt down, raised his hands to check them one by one, his expression was serious and calm, and his mannerisms indeed had the posture of a first-class witch doctor, which was in contrast to the savage and capricious impression he had left on him before. big.

"By the way, I smelled a faint smell afterwards, which was quite pungent, but it was only in bursts, as if it came up from the depths below." Nuo Er drank the hot drink and said, "The three unconscious people are all as a result. The pioneers went down the deepest, they first sensed something was wrong, their bodies reacted, and then we also felt a little uncomfortable, and then turned back to go up, and two of them suddenly lost consciousness and fell halfway."

"How do you feel now?" Maud asked Noel.

"In addition to wheezing, I still have some difficulty breathing, a feeling of tightness in my chest, and bouts of dizziness."

Could it be poisoning?Lin Yeqiu frowned slightly.

After listening to Nuo Er's narration, Mo Duo checked for him, and then checked the three comatose people in detail, her expression became serious: "It's miasma!"

There is miasma under that pothole?Lin Yeqiu was startled: "Then is their situation serious?"

"Those three people's miasma has eroded very badly. I must treat them immediately, otherwise it will be bad if I delay." Don't dare to disturb him.

The so-called witch doctors are practitioners of witchcraft and pharmacological treatments, but the spiritual power of witch doctors is different from that of priests. Their power cannot be used for divination and blessing, but can only be used for healing, so that patients can heal faster, so they only have People with spiritual power will not be selected into the tower, but the spiritual power required for each disease is different, and spiritual power cannot replace medicine. Generally, if the non-patient is in critical condition, the witch doctor will not use it easily Spiritual power, because every ounce of spiritual power consumes the witch doctor's own energy, and this kind of load is extremely heavy. If it is used excessively at the same time, it will cause irreparable damage to the witch doctor himself.

Now it is necessary to perform witchcraft therapy for three serious patients at once, which is an extremely severe test for witch doctors.

Lin Yeqiu wanted to do something, but found that he couldn't do anything. He was not clear about the medical treatment of miasma, and he was hesitating whether to ask other witch doctors or invite people to come to help, but the number of witch doctors was not enough. There are many, but there are many seriously injured, and everyone is overwhelmed——

While Lin Yeqiu was hesitating, Mo Duo suddenly opened his mouth, said a series of medicine names, and then stopped talking, concentrating on the treatment of his subordinates.

Lin Yeqiu was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that he was busy getting ready.

When he brought the medicinal materials, Mo Duo also finished the treatment, looked at the medicinal materials he brought one by one, and stated plainly: "There is still a piece of Qibei."

"I'm sorry, I can't remember so much at once..." Lin Yeqiu was slightly embarrassed, "I'll get it later."

Mo Duo didn't reply, and lowered his head to arrange the medicinal materials by weight. When Lin Yeqiu came back, he had already sorted the medicinal materials, but in the end he continued to put the medicinal materials by weight.

"Have they escaped danger?"

"It's too early to say that they are out of danger. It depends on their situation in the past few days, but even if they wake up, it may have a certain impact on the future."

"Definitely affected?"

"Physical stamina will drop significantly. The miasma has a great aftereffect on the orcs, and I'm afraid it won't be able to eradicate it completely."

Lin Yeqiu understands, that is to say, these three people may no longer belong to the ranks of the brave warriors of the wolf clan...

And what this means to the orcs, especially to the former brave, is self-evident.

Lin Yeqiu was silent, and looked sideways at the three people, regretting his previous decision, it really was too hasty...

Reymans glanced at him, raised his right foreleg to push the raincloak forward for him, there was worry in his eyes, but he didn't say anything.

Lin Yeqiu noticed something, and forced a smile back: "I'm fine."

"These three people have different degrees of illness, and the order and amount of medication are also different, so they must not be mistaken." Mo Duo ignored the interaction between the two of them, and explained the precautions in the voice of the tablet, and at the same time, the other prepared medicine Let Nuoer and the others take the medicine.

Lin Yeqiu took notes one by one carefully, not daring to be sloppy at all.

After Mo Duo finished speaking, he was sure that he had remembered, so he turned around and dispensed some medicine for Lemans: "If any of you want to go down the black hole, you'd better take this first."

"Is this to prevent miasma?" Lemans and several elders stretched out their paws to catch it.

"This is only a temporary suppression, and the effect won't last long. As long as you return within an hour, it shouldn't have any effect on your body, otherwise I can't guarantee anything."

Lymans nodded, raised his head and swallowed the medicine.

Mo Duo glanced at him, moved her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but she just bowed her head in silence for a while, then turned to treat other wounded patients.

"Miasma was kept secret in advance so as not to cause panic," Lymans said.

Mo Duo didn't turn her head back: "I know."

"Be careful to protect yourself." Reymans said again when he stepped out of the roof.

Mo Duo's footsteps paused, and then she left quickly. The whisper of "you are also careful" was covered by the sound of rain.

Lin Yeqiu watched him leave with mixed feelings in his heart. Because of the unpleasant incident before, he once held Mo Duo at arm's length, but he didn't expect this person to be so capable and decisive when dealing with things. He was sloppy and more calm and stable than usual, and he was completely different from his reckless behavior at the beginning.

Perhaps, the behavior pattern of every young man who is deeply in the quagmire of love really cannot be judged by common sense, nor can he veto everything about this person.

Maybe, Mo Duo just loves too deeply, suffers from not being able to get it, and is reluctant to let go because of being too obsessed.

But if Lemans hadn't come back in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable. No matter whether Mo Duo was naive or cruel, whether he was too whimsical to think that everyone would be happy or became selfish for love, Lin Yeqiu still had a grudge in his heart.


Lin Yeqiu had already heard a lot about Mo Duo and Lemans' childhood growing up, and gradually understood how deep Mo Duo's feelings for Lemans were. No, maybe, the truth was deeper than he thought. It's even more profound, after all the many years, so many days and nights of heart-to-heart talk, as well as the missing after the separation, continued to ferment, getting deeper and deeper, and penetrated into the bone marrow...

At that time, Lemans saved his life regardless of his life, and the scar that was left on his body that would never be erased was the curse that made Mo Duo deeply trapped in it forever, unable to extricate himself.

Mo Duo is also a stubborn person.

If Lin Yeqiu exchanged his position with him, would he really be able to look at the person he has loved for a long time with someone else, especially when his family and relatives think they are a couple, and he keeps changing for this reason? I improve myself, I am strict with myself, just to be worthy of that person, but I find out that everything is just wishful thinking, and all the sacrifices are a joke, so can he still be generous? let go?

Perhaps, the answer is no, at least even if you can let go in the end, it will be a very long process, destined to be a painful and lonely journey.

Lin Yeqiu found that during this encounter, although they kept silent about the past festivals and seemed to get along peacefully, Mo Duo never looked at him from the beginning to the end...

However, there is no time to think about these things now. Lin Yeqiu suppressed these chaotic thoughts, raised his eyes and asked Lemans: "Will that miasma spread to the ground over time?"

"It's still hard to say."

"Then do we need to let the ethnic groups evacuate in large numbers again?"

Lymans pondered for a while: "For the time being, let the nearby ethnic groups evacuate part of it according to your original idea. As for the more peripheral ones... I'll go down and have a look first, and then I'll talk about it."

Herzo glanced at Lemans and said, "You stay on the ground, and we can go later."

Reymans shook his head and refused, instead letting the two oldest elders stay on the ground to command and dispatch, he took the lead in flying into the air, and swooped down towards the black hole in front of him.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help chasing a few steps, the rain hit his face, it was cold and painful, and the white figure was no longer in his field of vision.

Several elders also spread their wings and flew down one after another.

Before He Zuo left, he said to Lin Yeqiu: "I will bring him back safely."

"Yeah." Lin Yeqiu looked back at him and nodded, "Father, please be careful too."

"The same goes for you, child. It is his blessing that the child can have you." After He Zuo finished speaking, he followed the trajectory of the person in front of him, and disappeared into the darkness in a blink of an eye.

Lin Yeqiu clenched his fists, turned around and continued to do his own thing.

Lemans is one of the strongest members of the wolf clan, and all the powerful elders who went there at the same time will definitely be fine.

After a long time, Elder Fei Ke came up, carrying a frightened little wolf cub on his back: "It was found on the rock mass on the wall of the big cave."

Lin Yeqiu hurriedly picked up the terrified cub, checked it carefully, and found that it was just overly frightened and some flesh wounds, but miraculously, it could be said that there was nothing wrong with it.

When Fei Ke flew down again, another elder also brought up a female, who was seriously injured and semi-conscious.

"Mother, mother! Mother~!" The little wolf cub whimpered and rushed forward, trying to pronounce the syllable of "mother" indistinctly in his thin voice.

The wounded man seemed to wake up a bit, looking down slightly at the little wolf cub that kept arching around his neck, his eyes full of grief showed pity, he clenched his mouth tightly, as if trying to hold back tears, but In the end, he still cried bitterly.

In order to confirm his level of sobriety, Lin Yeqiu asked, "What's your name?"

"Sai, pull..." the female choked up.

"Do you feel dizzy, chest tight, and have trouble breathing?"

Sai Lai shook his head.

Lin Yeqiu nodded, it seemed that he was not affected by the miasma.

"Is this your child?"

Saila tried her best to reach out and touched the little wolf cub's head, then nodded, looking at his eyes full of love and compassion: "His name is Saida, and he just started learning transformation from his father this year. Urda hoped that he could be transformed in advance." Start to learn skills..." At this point, the tears couldn't stop falling.

The children's names are taken from their parents' names, which shows how much the couple love each other, but now...

Lin Yeqiu said a word of comfort, but the pain of a person who has experienced such an accident, it is not just a few words of comfort that are not painful, so he remained silent and focused on healing him. hurt.

"Ulda could have escaped..." Saila hid her face, crying uncontrollably, "Things happened too quickly before we realized that the ground began to shake, and we were already falling. Gone by and hurt, but he could still transform and fly up, but we can't..."

Saila looked up into the void: "During the fall, he kept us firmly in his arms, dodging mud and rocks, he wanted to take us up, but it was too high, and the aggravated injuries made him gradually exhausted... ...But he refused to let us go, no matter what..."

Sara looked pained.

Lin Yeqiu looked at him sadly, and probably understood what happened. The orc named Urda was seriously injured in order to protect his female and child, and there was already a very strong monster in the depths of the cave. Gravity, sending people up under such circumstances, has great difficulties. It seems that in the end he saved his family but sacrificed himself.

"Ulda knew that he might not be able to take us up in the end, so he used his last strength to put us on a small platform on the cave wall." Saila cried again, "but the platform is too small, it is too small That's enough! It's barely enough for one person, Ulda he... gave me and Saida, but he's exhausted! He, he—"

Sai La couldn't speak any more, but Lin Yeqiu already understood what happened next.

Although they have never met each other, this Urda is indeed a brave man, a good father, and a good husband.

"Ulda just wants you to be safe and happy." Lin Yeqiu could only say this in the end.

"I know..." Saila hugged Saida and broke down in tears.

Lin Yeqiu wrapped up the wound for him and then went to treat the other wounded.

Time passed by, and there were countless wounded who were lucky enough not to fall in the periphery. The witch doctors shuttled around and were extremely busy, but looking around in a hurry, the number of wounded continued unabated.

Weeping children can be seen everywhere, the mournful cries of survivors who lost their lovers or family members, the ruined houses and oars, the corpses lying across, a tragedy on earth!

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