Orc Wolf King

Chapter 59 Maybe Ruthless...

The rain gradually subsided, but the crying and whining that had been blurred by the rain became clearer.

Looking up, the survivors hugged and snuggled up with their relatives in twos and threes, and their emotions were difficult to calm down for the rest of their lives.

More is the mourning and crying of the loss of a loved one.

Not long after Saida and the others were rescued, Lemans also brought someone up, but it was a pity that he died soon after, and he didn't even have time to say his last words.

Lin Yeqiu ordered the corpse to be placed in another place far away from the water source. When he turned around, he found that Xue Lang had a strange expression, and he was anxious: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Lemans shook his head: "Noel and the others said that we didn't encounter the miasma until we descended about 600 meters, but we already encountered it when we reached [-] meters——"

"The miasma is spreading!" Lin Yeqiu was startled, "It's been less than an hour now, at this speed I'm afraid—"

Lymans nodded.

Lin Yeqiu immediately frowned slightly: "Once it spreads to the ground, how far will it spread? And how to stop it?"

"The situation is not very good, unless—" Lemans looked up at the sky, but didn't say any more, looked back at Lin Yeqiu, and made a decisive decision, "In short, let all the people in the surrounding ten miles evacuate now, and get rid of all the injured people. Move to the periphery, let the orcs with the best physical fitness volunteer to participate in the remaining rescue operations, all witch doctors and a series of related logistics personnel try to move to the periphery, all volunteers to stay here should report and record, and count the number of people , in order to avoid omissions in the final evacuation."

Lin Yeqiu nodded and was about to turn around and run to convey the message, but Lemans stopped him: "Later, you also retreat to the periphery together."

Lin Yeqiu was stunned for a moment, then turned around and smiled slightly: "You forgot, I said that we will advance and retreat together."

"I didn't forget, but—"

Lin Yeqiu came over and hugged the wolf's head, and whispered in his ear: "I am your partner, after the wolf clan, you have no right to expel me from here." Slow but firm.

"Xiaoqiu—" Reymans was taken aback, moved his body, and raised his front foot to push him away.

"I'll take care of my own safety." Lin Yeqiu hugged him even tighter, "Just as you don't want me to be in a dangerous situation, so I can't let you take risks here alone. Let us together Do your respective responsibilities, and then live well for each other, and go back together. Huh?"

Reymans moved again, and then slightly distanced himself from him, staring at him closely—usually careless, unprincipled and bully, who would hide away when he saw trouble, and would only treat him badly The person who was yelling and punching and kicking was unexpectedly serious and forceful at the moment, but the eyes looking at him were unexpectedly gentle and serious, but with indisputable determination.

What kind of state of mind is needed to have such a complicated and contradictory expression?But Lemans understands that this is a kind of advance and retreat together regardless of life and death!

Lemans's heart was shaken, and the forelimbs that were raised on the spot showed the strong struggle and contradiction in his heart: "I'm afraid of losing you. If I can, I want to keep you under my nose, but I have to go down there again." Go check and see if there's any remedy—"

Lin Yeqiu put his finger on his mouth lightly, and smiled slightly: "I understand. It's okay, trust me."


"Trust me." Lin Yeqiu lowered her head slightly and kissed his wolf's mouth, stroked his neck one by one, and combed the wet and messy hair carefully.

Reymans hummed, leaned his upper body forward, and licked his lips with the tip of his tongue.

They could feel the other party's intentions, and because of this, Lin Yeqiu was unwilling and unable to leave him, and Lemans could not say anything else to refuse.

In the rubbing of ears and temples, the two finally had to suppress the strong reluctance in their hearts, did not speak any more, each staggered, and ran in the direction they should go.

Did not look back.There is no turning back either.

During the period, other elders brought up several people one after another, but unfortunately they all passed away before they could be treated. They didn't even see their relatives for the last time and fulfilled their last wishes.

The family members of the victims refused to evacuate and stayed where they were. Whenever they saw someone being dug out or brought up, they would squeeze forward to see if it was their relatives. They mourned and lost their voices, and scenes of parting from life and death dyed this continent with a strong sense of sadness.

When the Wenchuan Earthquake occurred in this world, Lin Yeqiu only heard various news from the TV and the Internet. Although he felt sad at that time and participated in the donation out of the love of his compatriots, he still continued to do his own thing. Immediately, the people around cried one after another, but their rescue operations did not produce much effect, and the number of deaths continued to increase, which made him truly feel that this was a disaster of purgatory.

No matter whether it is the present world or another world, high technology or supernatural ability, everything is weak and powerless in front of nature.

Lin Yeqiu really realized that life and death were so close and heavy to him, but he couldn't avoid it. At this moment, he couldn't say that he fully understood what these unfortunate people were like. Not long ago, he might have talked and laughed with his relatives, But it became a farewell. This kind of heartbreaking pain and powerlessness of losing a loved one forever, and the extreme sadness, I am afraid that no language can describe and explain it.

He didn't know what it would be like if he became one of these people who cried bitterly. He couldn't imagine or foresee this possibility.

But no matter how you deliberately relax your mind and don't think about the so-called what-if, the panic in your heart increases sharply with the relentless passage of time. You can't help but look around from time to time, but you never see that white figure coming up again: "How much?" time has passed?"

"It's been almost an hour, why haven't Wang and the others come up?"

Lin Yeqiu frowned slightly, and could no longer be calm in his heart, but he just asked calmly on his face, "How is the evacuation going?"

"The surrounding ethnic groups have almost evacuated, and some rescuers whose physical strength has been exhausted have also withdrawn from the danger zone, but so far most of the injured are still too late to leave—"

"Haven't the follow-up people who participated in the assistance arrived yet?"

"Most of the strongest orcs in the clan have already participated in the rescue, and the few remaining people stayed behind in each clan. It is really hard to tell them apart. There are also some powerful orcs who are not only only sons but also have no heirs. Can't participate, so—"

Lin Yeqiu frowned, what should I do next, is it at the end of the road?Do you really want to give up...

No, no!

But the remaining orcs still have to maintain a certain amount of physical strength. If they survive until the last moment, if the miasma spreads, the remaining witch doctors and other females will need to be taken away by the orcs...

Suddenly there was a muffled bang, and everyone was shocked. Looking around, they saw the dust in the north, and the gray-white smoke rising up, and falling down again.

"What's going on?" There was quite a commotion in the crowd.

"Everyone, don't panic!" Lin Yeqiu hurriedly shouted, "If I remember correctly, there is no one living in that area, so there shouldn't be any casualties." For the time being, he had stabilized the emotions of the people, but he was very uncertain. Could it be that there was another collapse in the situation just now?If so, where will the next collapse occur?

"Your Highness, do you want to send someone to investigate?"

"Please let us go!"

Lin Yeqiu looked at the two people who voluntarily begged for life, nodded slightly, and warned: "Don't be too close, and come back immediately if you understand."


Not long after the two left, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Your Highness! What is that?"

"There seems to be some black smoke coming out of the pit!" A man stumbled and ran over and shouted.

Lin Yeqiu was startled, and raised his eyes to look over. Sure enough, a few strands of black silk were faintly visible in the middle of the big pit, and he couldn't help panicking. Could it be that the miasma has spread out?Why has the speed increased, but Lemans and the others are still below...

"Your Highness, I'll go and have a look."

"No, don't go!" Lin Yeqiu turned around, but stopped him decisively, forcing himself to calm down immediately.

The guard was stunned: "But the king and the elders are still below! If something happens, we can take care of it!"

Lin Yeqiu turned his body slightly, lowered his eyes, his expression was not clear, but he said decisively: "Send the order, and all personnel will evacuate immediately! The sooner the better!" The tone was unprecedentedly low but resolute.

"The king—"

"Didn't you hear clearly! All personnel evacuated immediately!" Lin Yeqiu's slightly long bangs hung down on his forehead, covering his eyebrows and eyes, and he looked extremely ruthless and cold.

Everyone was shocked and looked at each other.

"That's our king and the elders of the past, don't you want to leave them behind?" someone questioned.

"I'm going to find Wang and the others!"

Lin Yeqiu suddenly raised his head and said sharply, "No one is allowed to go!"


The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Lin Yeqiu stared at the crowd closely, without letting go: "Immediately obey, order, do, and do."

"Hmph! I won't abandon the king!" After a moment of stalemate, someone turned around and wanted to fly away.

Lin Yeqiu stood with his hands behind his back, and shouted: "Presumptuous! Do you want to resist the order?" He narrowed his eyes slightly, "Anyone who resists the order will be deprived of the qualifications of the brave forever, and expelled from the wolf clan!"

"Your Highness?" Everyone was in shock. Some of the guards who had been around the Wolf King's Hall for a long time had always seen the friendly and casual nature of His Highness the Wolf Queen, so what he showed today was so different from the past. Severe, vicious and astonished, some people realized the seriousness of the situation from this unusual attitude, but it is unavoidable to order no one to respond to the king and the elders...

"Gailong, calm down!" Someone flew to block the way of the violator.

"Why do you!" Gailong bared his teeth, his back hair stood upright, and he stared at Lin Yeqiu with fierce eyes. The wolf's nature was clearly exposed, and it seemed that he would attack in the next moment.

But Lin Yeqiu didn't seem to notice it at all. Standing tall, he was completely fearless. He took out the wolf king order that Lemans gave him long ago, which can command the brave men of the whole clan, held it high above his head, and clanged loudly: "The king Before leaving, I was ordered to handle all affairs, and you, as a hero of the Black Wolf Clan, are you going to openly challenge the authority of the king and discredit the Black Wolf Clan!"

Kai Long was frightened for a moment, flapping his wings hesitantly.

"But Your Highness—" Although the others did not openly defy, they did not submit 100% in their hearts.

"I know what you are going to say, I know your doubts, and I know your love and respect for the king, but now is not the time to say these things!" Lin Yeqiu raised his hand to stop the other person from speaking, and eased his tone , but still powerful, with an undeniable majesty, "I repeat, let everyone evacuate! Immediately! Now that you are in a stalemate here, one more person may not be able to evacuate safely in the end, or—— Is that how much trust you have in the king?"

Everyone was startled.

"What do you usually ask for during training? Stay calm when in danger, obey orders, perform their own duties, and take care of the overall situation. How much have you accomplished? Now, the king and the elders are investigating the situation below, and everything on the ground depends entirely on you." You are doing something, but you want to ignore everything and let your own preferences and make up your own mind!" Lin Yeqiu paused, looked over one by one with eyes full of pressure, and examined everyone's expressions, "Don't forget your responsibilities What is it! What exactly does the king really need you to do!"

Everyone looked at each other in a daze for a moment, and someone asked cautiously: "Your Highness, why did you evacuate in such an urgent manner? In the pit—"

Lin Yeqiu closed his eyes. Originally, he didn't want to let the crisis of miasma leak out, for fear of causing panic, but in the current situation, there must be a good reason for these loyal deployments to abandon, maybe he should believe them...

When he opened his eyes again, there was a decision in his eyes: "This is a moment that may be related to the survival of the wolf clan!"

There was a sudden commotion underneath.

Lin Yeqiu raised his hand to calm them down, but he didn't say anything more about the specific matters. He just made a request again, with earnestness under his majesty: "What you have to do at this moment is to keep calm and calm, and you must not act rashly, let alone Publicize it, and cause panic among the people because of your inappropriate performance. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut and do your best. Remember, the people need you, and so do your relatives and friends!"

The commotion subsided slightly, and everyone looked at Lin Yeqiu with different expressions.

"You are the number one brave generals of the wolf clan. Now is the important moment for you to show the unity of the wolf clan! Show your determination! Protect your clansmen and relatives, and wait for the king to return!"

"Your Highness!"

"I believe in you who have been elected, please believe in the king, and in me!"

In the silence below, Kai Long lowered his body slightly towards him, then spread his wings and flew away, but it was to convey the order.

Others also acted according to the order. They may have realized the seriousness of the life-threatening situation. Many people have regained their senses and their actions are still orderly.

Lin Yeqiu's eyes fell on the direction of the big pit, his mouth was tightly clenched, and his fists clenched at the sides trembled slightly.

He knew that his decision was indeed too cold, even cruel, but in fact, if Lemans and the others really couldn't escape smoothly, then no matter how many people went, they would just die...

But now he can no longer lose any vital strength, he can't mess up his position for his own selfishness, lose his judgment, and cause more casualties and losses!


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