With a flash of silver light, Broken Jinmei flew out of Zhang Shu's backpack thrown on the bridge, turned around in the air, and went straight down to Mo Fei!

No, not right.

Sweeping his habitual consciousness, Zhang Shu found that the person in the car who looked exactly like Mo Fei didn't have the slightest aura. Sui Jinmei turned in front of the other's terrified eyes, wiped off two eyelashes, and stopped dangerously.

Zhang Shu asked: "What's your relationship with Mo Fei!?"

There was no response, whether he was frightened or unable to hold on, the man passed out completely.

With Mo Fei's ability, it shouldn't be possible to approach Zhang Shu in this way for a sneak attack.

Zhang Shu checked the person in the car many times with his spiritual sense, and after confirming that it was not Mo Na, he put a noose around the person's waist, smashed the remaining glass on the window frame, and slowly pulled the person out of the deformed car. come out.

It's better to faint, but it's better to be honest.

Zhang Shu climbed up first, and then pulled people onto the bridge with Xie Gaowen.

Zhang Shu carried a first-aid kit with him, and first bandaged the bleeding wound. As for the broken leg bone, he and Xie Gaowen didn't know what to do with it, so they had to ignore it for now, and took him to the village of HY, looking for a family with an open door. carry it in.

The owner’s house has become a zombie, and Zhang Shu’s Broken Jinmei took it out. There were few zombies in HY Village, and they were killed by Zhang Shu to the very few left. As long as you don’t wander around, close the door, and put anti-theft cages on the windows, It is very safe and can be used by this person to recuperate temporarily.

The day when Yunjiu said that the Mo He might be found is approaching, Zhang Shu intends to live outside the cave for a while, lest the Mo He find the cave, he has broken golden plums in his hand, which are more effective than guns, refining this method After taking the weapon, he became more courageous, so he asked Xie Gaowen to go back by himself, and he would stay outside for a while.

It is impossible for this person with the same face as Mo Hui to have nothing to do with Mo Hui.

Zhang Shu always felt the need to figure it out.

After the man with the broken leg woke up at night, he panicked for a while, and then he calmed down a little when he realized that Zhang Shu was a living person.

"Thank you for saving me!"

Zhang Shu handed over the biscuit: "You have bled a lot, eat something!"

The man looked terrified: "The smell of blood will attract zombies!"

"Zombies can't get in." Zhang Shu indicated with his eyes that the doors and windows are closed.

Seeing the candles lit in the room, the man smiled wryly: "Yes, you dare to light candles. You usually hunted down a lot of zombies, right?"

Zhang Shu was noncommittal.

"My name is Gu Qinghua, what about you?"

"Zhang Shu."

Gu Qinghua didn't remember the scene where Zhang Shu wanted to kill him, even how he asked for help before, it seemed vague, after eating biscuits and drinking water, he grinned and wanted to connect the leg bone himself.

In this situation, the legs are still crippled, and there is really no way out.

Zhang Shu had been on guard all along, watching Gu Qinghua fiddle with himself, but he didn't expect Gu Qinghua to be such a ruthless person, he actually used both hands to straighten his deformed calf without anesthesia, and asked Zhang Shu to help him find a wooden board with his head full of cold sweat , Zhang Shu did not refuse.

After getting the board, Gu Qinghua tore off the bed sheet, fixed his calf, and lay down on the bed panting for a while.

Zhang Shu couldn't bear it, and asked him, "Do you know Mo Fei?"

Gu Qinghua shook his head: "Who is he to you? From your family?"

Zhang Shu shook his head, thinking about going downstairs to meditate, so he stood up, Gu Qinghua said: "Can you please talk to me, no matter what I think in my mind, it is distorting and flying around, I really don't know How long can it last, I feel better talking to you."

Zhang Shu's heart moved, he sat down and asked, "You said you were attacked by the tenth district, what's the matter?"

Gu Qinghua smiled wryly again, and when he smiled, the fine lines at the corners of his eyes brought out a vicissitudes of life.

"The tenth district was established after the second epidemic, just like the eleventh district where I am..."

After the second epidemic, the military took over the remaining survivors and re-established a containment area in the air-raid shelter in the urban area. The tenth district is such a new area that has not been established for a few days.

Gu Qinghua used to be a researcher at the Institute of Medical Biology in K City. For a professional like him who is in demand in the last days, the "control bureaus" in several districts kept a close eye on him.

After the tap water was polluted, the water supply in the containment area was limited. Even people like Gu Qinghua only had one bottle of mineral water a day, and the situation of others was even worse. Walk most of the civilians.

Gu Qinghua's colleague was shot and killed by the officer because he contradicted him.

Last night, mutated zombies attacked District [-]. In the chaos, hundreds of people snatched guns and vehicles and escaped from the urban area.

Zhang Shu has seen the results of this group of fugitives, and Gu Qinghua is probably the only survivor.

Ever since he got acquainted with Yunjiu, Zhang Shu had a vague feeling that the zombies were not caused by plague or diseases.

Xie Gaowen once ran into a zombie with only a small half left. That zombie didn't even have a stomach. Where did the hunger come from?

Moreover, zombies only attack people, which cannot be explained clearly by any known theory. Zhang Shu is more inclined to believe that it is caused by unknown forces.

But he still asked: "The dead come back to life, can you explain?"

Gu Qinghua shook his head, muttered something, then fell asleep.

Zhang Shu put a box of antipyretics beside the bed and went downstairs.

There are three zombies outside the house, and if they are dealt with, they will meditate... Thinking of this, he scanned his consciousness again, and suddenly found a strange aura outside the house.


Quite different from the one in the mine, no.

Although the aura of the zombies is weak, it is also concentrated. What Zhang Shu sees now is a small piece that diffuses, vaguely outlines a human figure, and naturally contains more aura than that of the zombies.

Zhang Shu first approached with his spiritual sense, and found that there was no danger, then he found the location and opened the curtain a little to see out.

Under the light green night vision scene, there was a person squatting on the roof of a small building opposite, Zhang Shu adjusted the binoculars and saw the person's face.


One eye hanging out of the eye socket, so honorable, what is it if it's not a zombie?

Could it be a mutation?

Zhang Shu lightly opened the window a little, and the broken golden plum was hanging by his hanging hand, emitting a faint silver glow, which flashed instantly and flew towards the opposite roof.

Two seconds later, the mutated zombie jumped onto the roof of another small building, and then quickly fled far away.

Zhang Shu was surprised, it not only avoided the two attacks of Sui Jinmei, but also knew how to run away if it couldn't beat it! ?

Be wise! ?

A chill rose from the bottom of his heart, and he wasn't even sure if it was a zombie or a demon.

Yunjiu didn't seem to need to sleep, and he, who usually connected with Zhang Shu at night, naturally saw the scene just now.

——Although you have refined the broken golden plum, but your own cultivation is not enough, and the power of the magic weapon cannot be fully displayed, one out of ten is not bad.

(The zombies here have almost been killed by me.)

— Change the place.


——Only weapons, what level of Mo Fei's cultivation has reached, are you sure you can take this demon's full blow?

(Where is a magic weapon like the aura ring?)

An earring-like thing appeared in front of Zhang Shu.

——Spiritual fire pendant, this object is comparable to the spiritual light ring in defense, kill the zombie who just escaped before dawn, and I will give it to you.

(Depend on!)

——Delayed until dawn, it doesn't count!

(You are ruthless!)

Zhang Shu didn't dare to delay, put away the broken Jinmei and walked out of the gate with the iron pick.

The mutated zombies will know how to run when they see Broken Jinmei. Before drawing it out, Zhang Shu can only return to the original and use the iron pick as a weapon.

If it is really a mutated zombie with the desire to eat people, it will definitely not go far.

Zhang Shu maximized his spiritual sense, and after finishing the three zombies, he chased after the mutated zombies in the direction where they were fleeing.

The moonlight was hazy, and he could barely see the ditches on the road. Every few steps Zhang Shu took, he closed his eyes to change his consciousness.

If you chase after it, you have to use binoculars, and the woods and bushes are mixed. This is the cemetery of HY Village. Huge semi-circular black shadows are stuck upside down in the woods, making people feel dizzy and numb .

Zhang Shu didn't want to hunt down a resurrected corpse in the cemetery at all. After searching with his spiritual sense, there were at least dozens of zombies in the forest, let alone going there.

He could only go back the same way.

The candles in the house were still on. Seeing the candlelight, Zhang Shu's heart moved and he came up with a very risky idea.

For the sake of the spirit fire pendant, you have to try anything.

After about two hours, in the silence of Wan Lai, a black shadow quickly flashed into the brightly lit house——


After throwing out the stool, Zhang Shu rolled on the spot and rolled into the kitchen.

The mutated zombie dodged the stool, which hit the half-open door, slammed the door shut, and locked it with a "click".

Under the candlelight, a zombie with arms longer than normal humans appeared, with only a pair of tattered sweatpants left on its whole body, its skin was gray-black, covered with rotten sores, the most unsightly thing It's eyeballs hanging out of their sockets on their faces.

The other eye with yellow whites quickly swept left and right, showing what could be called a "suspicious" look, and gradually crawled towards the kitchen door on hands and feet.

A box clock next to the TV behind it suddenly screamed "Get up, get up..." When it turned back quickly, a silver rainbow flew out from the top of the air conditioner, and it was about to cut its head open. Tilted his neck.

The black-red liquid splashed onto the wall, and the zombie whose skull the size of a palm had been cut off made a cry of tearing eardrums, and then Zhang Shu, who jumped out of the kitchen, pierced his chest with a pick and set it on the coffee table.

The surface of the brain under the skull is like a pineapple after water has shrunk, gray and white, with black blood vessels entrenched.

That eye suddenly turned to Zhang Shu who was standing nearby. Zhang Shu's heart tightened, and he fell out. The broken golden plum that flew back cut off the zombie's long arm, twisted an "N" letter, and cut off the arm that was trying to pull it out. Drop the pickaxe to the neck of the standing zombie.

Zhang Shu raised his hand, and Broken Jinmei returned to his palm, spinning slowly, and stopped in the air.

The misty spiritual energy emanated from the zombie's body, escaping towards Zhang Shu, and the spiritual consciousness was shrouded in a blur by this layer of fog. Suddenly, a cloud of black air flew out from the zombie's head that rolled to the ground, at a very fast speed. , far above the Broken Golden Plum, Zhang Shu could only watch it run away without a trace.

——Possessed by monsters.

(Is that a monster?)

——Monster Primordial Spirit.

The term primordial spirit is no stranger, it should be a synonym for soul.

Just as Zhang Shu wanted to remind Yunjiu to give him the Spirit Fire Pendant, he suddenly heard a voice, and when he raised his head, Gu Qinghua stood at the stairs, looking at him in astonishment.

"You...you killed the mutant zombie!?"

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