The broken golden plum was floating on Zhang Shu's outstretched five fingers. When Zhang Shu's eyes fell on Gu Qinghua's body, the plum blossom with a simple appearance speeded up, and only the petals could be vaguely seen.

Gu Qinghua swallowed, his astonished expression turned into horror.

Perhaps Zhang Shu didn't even notice the killing intent that sprouted in him at this moment, but Gu Qinghua, who was stared at by him, really felt it.

—Take him with you.

Zhang Shu was startled, as if he had been awakened, and hastily put away the broken golden plums.


——Mo Fei must have a reason for using his face!

(Tug oil bottle...)


Gu Qinghua, who was on high alert, saw Zhang Shu cover his ears in pain. On the side he couldn't see, under the broken and messy hair, a drop of blood dripped from the lobe of Zhang Shu's right ear, which was empty at first. , an extra red earring appeared out of thin air.

Zhang Shu touched the earrings, and after injecting spiritual energy, a light red flame ring appeared around his body.

Since it does have the same effect as the aura ring, I have no choice but to ignore its appearance. After all, my life is more important.

With this magic weapon, you are not afraid of getting close.

——Broken Jinmei can barely be considered a first-grade magic weapon, and the spirit fire pendant can't even enter a first-grade magic weapon. If you are really afraid of Mo Zhi, take this person with you. In the mountains more than 40 miles away from you, there is a magic weapon of at least the third grade , after you get it, you will be rewarded with the "Magic Realm Spirit Sketch Book".

(Magic Realm Spiritual Grass Book? More than 40 miles? Where?)

Going through life and death to fight monsters and upgrade, do you have to bring a cripple?Why?

Yunjiu left a trail of gray air in Zhang Shu's consciousness, and it disappeared.

Only then did Zhang Shu look at Gu Qinghua who hadn't dared to move for a long time on the stairs - Gu Youping.

Gu Qinghua had already seen Sui Jinmei, so Zhang Shu didn't bother to cover it up anymore. He got out of the car first, and then turned around to help Gu Qinghua. Out of deterrence, Sui Jinmei kept slowly moving within ten meters. turn around.

They stood on the high ground next to the former cement factory. The reason why they added the adjective "before" was that the supposedly dark cement factory turned out to be as bright as day with great fanfare. Inside the barbed wire wall, separated by a wall, countless zombies swarmed outside the wall, making a hoarse roar that could be heard a kilometer away.

In Yunjiu's super GPS cottage, Zhang Shu drove Gu Qinghua through many wrong roads, and came here only after dark.

According to Yunjiu's instructions, another magic weapon that is much more advanced than the Broken Jinmei is in the underground of the cement factory. It would be easy to deal with if there were zombies everywhere, but Zhang Shu's head got dizzy after seeing this.

Gu Qinghua didn't dare to cry out in pain along the way, and didn't even dare to say a word to Zhang Shu. He didn't ask him what Zhang Shu wanted to do, but Gu Qinghua saw Zhang Shu looking at the cement factory for more than half an hour. Rubbing his stiff arms, he said, "You can use me as an excuse to get in."

Broken Jinmei flew over Gu Qinghua's head, cut the head of an approaching zombie in half, and then flew back. The whole process only took a second.

Gu Qinghua turned his head in a cold sweat, and the zombie fell to the ground with a "boom".

Zhang Shu asked: "Can you speak?"

Gu Qinghua trembled: "No! No! I promise!"

"Go in early tomorrow morning."

Gu Qinghua heaved a sigh of relief - after going in, he will never come out with this brat again!

Zhang Shu said again: "Let's go, find a place to settle you first."

Gu Qinghua was depressed, and Zhang Shu's hostility towards him came and went. What was the reason? If he saw something he shouldn't see, he didn't kill him, and he was given food and drink?Even the medicine is willing to give.

In the past, high housing prices cost the lives of many ordinary people. When the ordinary people are almost dead, no one will want to lose their houses.

Zhang Shu found a place at random, as long as the doors and windows are intact, the anti-theft cage and anti-theft door, even mutant zombies cannot be opened.

After meditating for one night, Zhang Shu infused a lot of spiritual energy into the Broken Jinmei and the Spirit Fire Pendant, and even stripped two pieces from the dantian, and divided them into magic weapons, just in case.

Zhang Shu locked the door, saw zombies staggering towards here, and told Gu Qinghua inside through the door: "There are zombies outside, don't open the door."

Gu Qinghua seemed to be cursing inside, Zhang Shu walked out of the building indifferently, deliberately missed the zombies around him, rode his bicycle for a while, hid the motorcycle, and then walked to the cement factory with a bag full of biscuits and mineral water on his back Go to the door.

After walking for a while, he picked up an iron rod and pretended to be a survivor who narrowly escaped.

The number of zombies surrounding the cement plant at night decreased by more than half during the day, and some were too weak to hide, squatting or lying in the small shadows around them, and their movements were slow.

Zhang Shu walked along the middle of the road, and when he got to the place where there was a basketball court away from the gate of the cement factory, someone yelled and asked, "Where is it?"

"H Town!"

"Which factory?"

"In the village."

"Ever been bitten or scratched?"


The other party was hesitating and didn't speak for a while. A few guns were pointed at Zhang Shu. Two zombies came towards him from the grassy slope next to him. He purposely shouted in a panic, "Zombies are coming!!"

"What's in the bag? Any food?"


"Come in!"

The small door on the main gate was opened, and it was closed immediately after Zhang Shu was let in. Before Zhang Shu had time to count how many people were in the door, his backpack was snatched away, and the biscuits, mineral water, etc. inside were snatched away. Get it clean.

As for the Broken Jinmei, he carried it in his trouser pocket.

Zombies chased after them and slapped the door loudly. These burly and sturdy men all showed a look of fear.

Is it...

Zhang Shu saw a bear's head on a gun on a man's back, and understood: it turned out to be a toy.

Could it be that they thought they could scare away zombies with guns on their backs and lights on? ?Or is it for their own courage?

Zhang Shu didn't look like someone who came to ask for help, but rather like someone who came to rescue someone in distress.

This group of people are tourists who come to Province Y. I don't know how many tourists can catch up with their luck. Walking on the road, the tour guide turned into a zombie.

Nine out of forty people in a car ran out and fled in a panic for a few days before they found a "safety island" in the cement factory that could be isolated. gruel.

The person who asked Zhang Shu just now was a former employee of the cement factory, and the worker organization in the factory was transferred, so he missed it.

Zhang Shu counted: only five, how about five more?

After asking, I found out that there are also mutated zombies here, one of the five was eaten, and four became zombies in the shadows outside.

The mutated zombies may have eaten guns elsewhere, so they carry toy guns on their backs all the time. Although they are ostentatious, it also makes the mutated zombies afraid to attack them. They are afraid of being attacked in the dark. Even if there is not much oil for power generation, they Don't even dare to turn off the lights.

Zhang Shu looked at each of them with bloodshot eyes, and felt heavy in his heart—people living on the verge of life and death like this will probably not be uncommon in the future. Even he himself can't guarantee that he can survive. What's wrong with this world?

"Staying here is to wait for death. There are people in the instrument factory in H town who are taking in survivors. They can provide the minimum security... maybe there is food. If we leave now, we can arrive in the evening. There are few zombies during the day, so rely on the road Walk in the middle."

The five people stared blankly at Zhang Shu going into the cement factory. Zhang Shu thought for a while, then turned around and said, "It was fine when I came, so you should be careful and you can get there."

The man from the cement factory asked, "Why don't you go?"

Zhang Shu said: "I don't want to do long-term work for them!"

The only thing he can help is this. Wang Li and Pang Wu are extremely powerful, but those two people can indeed provide a breathing space for these survivors who are struggling under the shadow of death every day.

Zhang Shu thought: To these five people, he is more selfish than Wang Li and Pang Wu.

I don't know if those five people believe him or not, and will go to H Town.Zhang Shu walked around the cement factory for a long time, hesitating whether to open the sewer manhole cover to find a way, when he saw a dug earth pit with a natural cave entrance at the bottom, half buried by sand, it turned out to be here .

The mine last time was strange enough, if it was really in the sewer, Zhang Shu would wonder if Yunjiu put it in on purpose.

Digging up the sand, putting on a headlamp, and carrying the much lighter backpack, Zhang Shu first checked with his spiritual sense.

Diagonally below, there are no less than a hundred zombies, and another kind of aura that Zhang Shu has never seen before. It is flickering, flickering, and disappearing from time to time. It has a constant and stable aura, but it is also different from the aura of Broken Jinmei, as if there is something wrapped in the middle.

Zhang Shu first used his spiritual sense to get close to some auras that were flickering and flickering, and almost all felt danger within a fixed range. These... turned out to be all monsters!More than a dozen monsters! !

Although it is not as powerful as that in the mine last time, there are too many of them.

They kept wandering around the magical artifacts, Zhang Shu couldn't find out what the magical artifacts were, so he raised his head and took a few long breaths of fresh air, then bent down and burrowed into the cave.

This underground cave should be the channel of an underground river. In some places, there are still pools of water, some of which are very shallow, and some of which cannot be seen to the bottom under the light of headlights.

Zhang Shu carefully crawled through the bottomless pool, and couldn't help worrying that the magic weapon he was going to take was not at the bottom of the water, he couldn't dive, and he didn't have any diving equipment on him.

But after a short walk, the greater the downward slope of the cave, it seems that there is no need to worry about diving.

But another problem followed: the water washed the surface of the stone extremely wet and slippery. For a person as agile as Zhang Shu, it was inevitable that he would slip and roll.

After bleeding from his knees and elbows, the zombies and monsters that were closer in his consciousness came towards him, and Zhang Shu had a slope of more than 70 degrees behind him.

If you die inside, you don't have to worry about the way back.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Zhang Shu leaned into a sunken stone cave, turned off the headlight, and if he didn't move, it would be clearer to see with his spiritual sense.

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