Zhang Shu threw a bright pearl beside him, rolled up his trouser legs, endured the pain and squeezed the opened flesh together, then used his teeth to tear off the plastic paper on the Band-Aid, using the Band-Aid as a needle and thread, he closed the opening first.

After the two band-aids were put on, the calf was wrapped with the gauze obtained from the outpatient clinic, and the outside was tied with adhesive tape. He could only deal with it like this temporarily.

In the wild, there are no stone eggs. Even if Zhang Shu meditates and refines Qi, he has to release a few hundred meters of consciousness to prevent monsters from approaching him.

Wenfeng Pinlu Jue is very systematic, and it is much more effective to practice than the single Zhoutian qi refining in the past. After sitting until dawn in the morning, Zhang Shu refined one-third of the aura in his body, and the wound on his leg did not hurt so much, so he got up Pat off the thick layer of snow that fell on you overnight, and then walk down.

With his speed, he can search five or six square kilometers in one day. In the first two days, because the search area is on the outskirts, he can occasionally see trampled mountain roads. The trees and flowers are not young, so he found nothing.

On the third day, Zhang Shu found a strange-looking "snake fruit".

This kind of grass is not too rare. I have seen it several times in the past when I went to the forest area. It is said that snakes like to eat it very much. Several leaves like bluegrass surround a single stem. The end of the stem bears fruit. It looks like a bunch of fruits like corn cobs, but the granules are red, crystal clear and beautiful.

This snake fruit was different, it was buried under the snow and still emitted aura more than ten meters away. Under the red aura, the snow-covered fruit was a bit more beautiful than usual, Zhang Shu couldn't help but feel greedy.

But no one told him that he could eat this thing.

People who grew up in the mountains know that the more beautiful the color of the plants in the mountains, the more likely they are poisonous. Not only mushrooms, but also many trees and vines, such as red snake fruit, are probably poisonous.

So endured, Zhang Shu didn't dig it, left it where it was and left.

A few minutes after he left, several flower snakes followed the scent of the red snake fruit, and they fought for who would eat it. In the end, a snake with a dark yellow triangle head won. It just swam to the red snake fruit While preparing a delicious meal, a big black snake suddenly fell from under the tree overhead, its tail was still wrapped around the tree, and its head hung above to glance at it.

The poisonous snake with dark yellow triangular head immediately ran away in fright. Fearing that it would run slowly, it ran a long way and got under the snow.

Mo Gua Na admired this rare red snake fruit with aura for a while, and ate it slowly and with great enjoyment.

Zhang Shu wanted Shaoyang Purple Official Grass, but he didn’t want to tell him the whereabouts of that person, so he had to look for it by himself. Mo Hui doubted that he could find Shaoyang Purple Official Grass in such a large mountain forest in this weather. Out of curiosity, I quietly followed in the distance. I didn't expect Zhang Shu to find such a good meal. What a surprise!

But in the next two days, Zhang Shu got nothing again, which made Mo Fei, who was still wanting to eat snake fruit, extremely disappointed.

Mo Fei didn't know how hungry Zhang was, he only knew that his stomach was hungry.

The effect of Bigu Wan is only a few days. After those few days, I will be hungry and still be hungry. It is not like fasting as written in the book.

Fortunately, he drilled around in the woods every day, and he found several wild sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes that were out of season. There was no dry firewood, so he could only eat them raw.

Wild sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes, served with unified iced black tea are not bad, but it will chill the stomach, and every time I have to use Wenfeng Pinlu Jue for a while to warm up.

There are no zombies in the mountain, but there are monsters, but no matter how meager the spiritual power Zhang Shu can use, at least looking at his cultivation level in the alchemy stage, the little demons and demons basically escaped far away.

Eat the wind and sleep in the open, while constantly practicing Wenfeng Pinlu Jue, while slowly going deep into the forest area.

A week later, the wild sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes had already been eaten, leaving only the chocolate and candy in Kun’s bag. Fortunately, the sugar can replenish calories. Zhang Shu still had no intention of going back with these things, so he turned a little bit when he was hungry. He eats the grass roots he knows, barely enough to keep his eyes from getting dizzy.

After refining the aura obtained at the instrument factory that night, his Wenfeng Pinlu Jue quietly broke through the second floor.

Unlike the previous Qingming Sword Art, which had to be used in the No.20 five-style "Wu Wang" to separate the sword light, after Wenfeng Pinlu Jue reached the second level, as long as the No.11 "Tai" can be differentiated. When Jian Guang came, it was almost halfway there!

When he was happy, but there was no one to share with, Zhang Shu could only touch the Yangyuan Pearl, and said softly in his heart: I will definitely find Shaoyang Purple Official Grass, and wake you up one day sooner!

The snow stopped for two days, and it was more difficult to walk in the woods than when there was snow. It was wet everywhere, and many places could not be jumped through with spiritual power. They had to cut weeds and bushes with mulberry and bamboo seed swords to clear the way.

On this day, it should be the ninth day after entering the mountain. There are still two cells left on the second battery in the mobile phone. Once this battery is used up, he will lose his way.

There is no way to go straight when walking in the mountains, and you often deviate from the direction before you notice it.

Moreover, there are many mountains but not high, so it is difficult to find a sign to point them out.

Looking at the two battery levels, Zhang Shu thought for the first time whether he should go back first, and then come in to continue after finding a replacement battery.

But there is a problem. He has already reached the depths of the forest area. Even if he starts to go out now, it will take four to five days to get out. The two batteries obviously cannot support him to go out.

If it’s a sunny day, it’s okay to see the angle of the sun, but even if it doesn’t snow, the sky is still gloomy, not to mention the sun, I don’t even know which side will light up first in the morning.

Sitting on the dead tree trunk, Zhang Shu thought for a while and came up with a solution: catch a monster. The monster grows in this place and should be very familiar with the environment. With the monster leading the way, he can continue to search.

The trouble is that the little demon found him all the way and fled away. He only has a mulberry and bamboo seed sword. How can he be captured alive?Instead of killing with a single sword... No!

I remembered!

When Yunjiu summoned him to another world, he didn’t take a thing with him because he didn’t know its purpose. He left it in the cave at that time, and when he “decorated” the room a while ago, that thing was put into Kun’s bag. , I didn’t think of taking it out later!

Flipping his hand, a bead floated a few centimeters above the palm of Zhang Shu's palm. It was the bead that Yunjiu put in the underground cave of the cement factory. of.

In the past, he didn't have enough spiritual power, so he didn't dare to waste it casually. Every bit of spiritual power had to be used on the Broken Golden Plum and the Spirit Fire Pendant. After refining the spiritual energy in his whole body, he has maintained a state of sufficient spiritual power for a few days. How about Try what this bead can do.

Even if it is not as good as the Mulberry and Bamboo Seed Sword, Yunjiu also said that it is of the third rank, and the Broken Jinmei is the first rank. A third rank magic weapon should have some amazing supernatural powers!

Zhang Shu immediately poured spiritual power into the bead slowly...

——Have not got it in two hours, idiot!

After a long absence... Yunjiu's spiritual consciousness appeared in his mind, Zhang Shu was startled, and his heartbeat doubled!





There was no response at all, Zhang Shu hurriedly took out the Yangyuan Pearl and tried to communicate again, but the Yangyuan Pearl remained the same and did not give any response.

Zhang Shu tried countless times in a row, and finally realized that the words he heard just now were probably the consciousness that Yunjiu deliberately left on the bead when he put it deep into the cave. If he got it within two hours, it would be natural. I couldn't hear the phrase "stupid", but that day there were not only bats, but also ink gnats. next words.

After thinking it over, Zhang Shu couldn't help smiling wryly, thinking that Yunjiu woke up...

Putting away the Yangyuan Pearl properly, Zhang Shu calmed down and injected spiritual power into it again.

A strange thing happened, the water on the surrounding ground, grass tips, and leaves flew towards the bead in his hand drop by drop, and then penetrated into the surface of the bead and disappeared.

It is like a magnet, pulling in all the water within a radius of tens of meters. It is only the size of a walnut, and the water sucked in exceeds its volume in a short while, but it is still absorbing water droplets, and it does not seem to stop at all.

Unless Zhang Shu stops injecting spiritual power, it will stop immediately, but as soon as Zhang Shu injects spiritual power, it will start to absorb the surrounding water vapor again.

The dense raindrops broke away from their original positions and poured onto the beads from all directions. The scene was very strange.

Zhang Shu has a lot of spiritual power, so he wanted to see how much water the bead could absorb into it, so he patiently poured spiritual power into it. After more than an hour, the trees, weeds and even the ground around him were dry. It's like it's never snowed.

Zhang Shu simply sat down on a large turf of long grass. There was a steep slope on his right, and there was a stream converging into a pool at the bottom of the slope.

After the surrounding water was almost absorbed, the bead did not continue to absorb the water under the soil and inside the trunk, but completely absorbed it from the stream.

Zhang Shu was even more curious. If it goes on like this, can it suck up the water in the pool a few meters wide below?

After a few hours, it really did!

Zhang Shu hurriedly put it away, half of the spiritual power in his body was gone, so he had to save some for safety.

Go back to the lake and try again in the future. If you can suck up the whole lake, it will be really scary!

Zhang Shu looked at the dry bottom of the lake and imagined how the lake of hundreds of square kilometers would be sucked dry, speechless!

There was a half-circle buckle the size of a dustpan on the bottom of the pool. At first I thought it was a stone, but after a closer look, it looked so similar to the pattern on the back of a stone egg!

Zhang Shu jumped down, slowed down with his spiritual power before landing, and fell gently.

Looking closer, it looks more similar, except that this turtle shell is much bigger than the stone egg, and the pattern on it is also clear, unlike the regular pattern of the mahjong tortoise, this pattern is completely chaotic, as if there are countless lines kneaded into a mess.

Zhang Shu looked at it for a while, and pried it up with a branch—it’s a pity, it’s not a female turtle, it’s just an empty shell, if Shidan knows it’s time to cry...

Just after Zhang Shu pried the tortoise shell open, a small grass growing in the small confined space under the tortoise shell was revealed in front of Zhang Shu.

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