I don’t know how many people have seen the plant of mimosa, the appearance of this small grass is very similar to that of mimosa, but it is countless times smaller than the mimosa that Zhang Shu has seen, it is divided into three stems, each stem has a There are five small leaves each, and each leaf is divided into small thin strips like a mimosa, which looks exquisite and unusual, and the color is emerald green as if transparent, just like carved out of emerald.

The appearance is not what Zhang Shu cares about. The most surprising thing is that as soon as the tortoise shell is opened, the rich green aura immediately rushes into the air, and it is so thick that it is close to the essence. Countless leaves and blades of grass fell outward.

It took three full seconds before the gust of wind caused by the aura stopped.

Could it be... this is Shaoyang purple official grass! ?

Suddenly a voice came from the side: "Tianhuangzi!"

A black shadow rolled towards this grass with the sound, Zhang Shu believed that it was the Shaoyang purple official grass, and the reaction was several times faster than usual. way forward!

The black shadow paused, and a thick snake appeared - the ink gnat.

Zhang Shu squeezed the sword formula in his hand: "Mo Fei, we will still be friends after we go away now!"

The black snake shook its head left and right, afraid of the power of the mulberry and bamboo seed sword, but was very reluctant to part with this spiritual herb, and said hissingly: "Friend? Have you ever regarded me as a friend? I helped you several times, but you didn't Ken tell me where that man is, what kind of friend is this?"

If he said this normally, maybe Zhang Shu would still be embarrassed, but it's about Yunjiu, and he can't give up an inch!

"How do I know what you are looking for him for? If you don't say anything, there must be something wrong! What if I say it and kill him!?"

Mo Fei was taken aback: "You think I'm going to kill him?"

Zhang Shu was angry: "Otherwise!?" The first time Mo Fei appeared in front of him, he said that the human soul is delicious, and he never forgot!

Mo Fei was also angry: "Why should I go out of my way to harm a mortal!!!"

Zhang Shu yelled back: "How do I know!! In short! The Shaoyang purple official grass is mine! Don't even think about it!!"

Mo Fei went crazy, flapping its tail indiscriminately, causing mud clods to fly everywhere:

"This is not Shaoyang Purple Official Grass!!! This is Tianhuangzi!!! Also! I never thought of harming that person!!!"

Zhang Shu sealed the front with sword light, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't try to lie to me!! Anyway, if you want to take this grass, ask my sword first!!"

Mo Fei was about to die of anger, and yelled: "You need to cover the turtle shell first, otherwise all the monsters from a radius of a hundred miles will come! None of us will get it!"

That’s right, Zhang Shu understood the truth when he had seen cultivators scrambling for the cursed blood fruit. With a hook on his heel, the big tortoise shell was put back in place, and all the spiritual energy was immediately hidden, and the surroundings suddenly returned to their original state, as if There was never anything wrong with it.

Stone eggs and the like, even dead shells work.

Really wanting this grass, Mo Hui had no choice but to back down, persuading Zhang Shu: "This is really not Shaoyang purple official grass, I can take you to find the 500-year-old Shaoyang purple official grass, but in exchange, I want Tianhuangzi."

Zhang Shu shook his head: "I don't believe it!"

The critical point of Mo Fei's anger was once again challenged and evolved to a new height. He smashed several big rocks with his head, and finally calmed down.

"You wait here for me, I'll fetch it! Since you need the Shaoyang purple official grass so badly, you should have a wounded primordial spirit on you, right? Wait for me to bring it, and you can see for yourself which grass works!" After finishing speaking This sentence, Mo Fei gritted his teeth viciously and said: "If you dare to poach Tianhuangzi away when I leave, I will tell the surrounding monsters that you have Tianhuangzi in your hand, and see if it is your cultivation base or the demons who are powerful." !?"

Seeing that Mo Fei was so sure, Zhang Shu felt a little skeptical. If it really wasn't Shaoyang purple official grass, and if it was useless to Yunjiu, it wasn't worth causing trouble for a useless spiritual grass.

Since Mo Fei wanted the grass behind him, he would definitely not ask other monsters to help, but he could wait and see.

So nodded: "OK."

Mo Fei immediately turned into a cloud of black air and flew away.

Zhang Shu sat down beside the tortoise shell, practicing Wenfengpinlujue while waiting.

A few hours later, Mo Fei really flew back with a grass in its mouth.

It put the purple grass two meters in front of Zhang Shu, and the mulberry and bamboo sword was like a human hand, gently touching the ground, lifted the grass, and brought it to Zhang Shu.

Zhang Shu looked at it and asked Mo Fei, "How do I use it?"

Mo Fei said angrily: "Didn't you form an alchemy? You don't even know how to use spirit grass?"

Zhang Shu turned the grass over and over, trying to figure out a way out. After a while, Mo Fei was impatient, so he had to say: "Inhale the spiritual energy into the sea of ​​​​qi, and then transfer it to the thing attached to the primordial spirit, but if the primordial spirit is affected The damage is too heavy, this Shaoyang purple official grass is only 500 years old, it will not be of much use, it must be thousands of years old."

The implication is that everything is used, and you can't play tricks just because it doesn't work.

Zhang Shu nodded, took the grass in his hand, and sucked the aura like purple smoke into the sea of ​​air little by little.

He was extra cautious, afraid that there might be problems with the aura of the spirit grass, so he only inhaled a small amount, so that even if there were problems, he could deal with them.

The thin purple air was sent into the Yangyuan Pearl through his body, but the Yangyuan Pearl remained the same and did not respond.

Zhang Shu tried to enter the spiritual consciousness, but was still blocked.

I tried that the purple qi was harmless, and increased the amount of absorption. After a while, the purple qi on the spirit grass had been reduced by half, but the Yangyuan Pearl still did not respond.

Could it be... Yunjiu Yuanshen was seriously injured?

Mo Fei said impatiently at the side: "You have absorbed half of it, you should know that I didn't lie to you! Tianhuangzi is useless to you, get out of the way!"

Zhang Shu stood away, curious: "What does Tianhuangzi do?"

Mo Fei was reluctant to say it, but it also understood Zhang Shu's stubbornness to a certain extent, so he hesitated for a few seconds before saying it.

It turns out that after being transformed into a human from a demon, there is a long period of time when one cannot maintain a human form all the time. Although the human form lacks some of the physical strengths of the demon itself, but fortunately maintaining the human form can gradually open up spiritual consciousness. Very helpful, Tianhuangzi is a spiritual herb that can greatly extend the time it takes for demons to form humans. It grows underwater and is quite rare.

The moji had only found one plant before, and it only had one stem and one leaf, and they doubled the time it takes to transform into a shape. If you eat this plant with three stems and fifteen leaves, maybe you don’t need to return to its original shape , has maintained a human form, the growth of spiritual knowledge must be very considerable, and the progress of cultivation will be much faster than now.

Zhang Shu laughed: "I thought you didn't want to say anything, but you still do."

Mo Fei was rolling up the tortoise shell with his tail. He was so frightened to death that he almost smashed the Tianhuangzi inside. After opening it, he swallowed it in one gulp. He didn't have the time to get angry with Zhang Shu. , ask Zhang Shu to help it protect the law, it needs the fastest time to refine the aura.

There is nothing wrong with Mo Fei's primordial spirit, and he ate the grass he found, which really proves that the thing under the tortoise shell is not the Shaoyang Ziguan grass. Zhang Shu thought: just trust Mo Fei once.

It just so happened that he also wanted to get all the aura from the Shaoyang Purple Official Grass into the Yangyuan Pearl, so he nodded and agreed.

At a distance of more than ten meters, one person and one snake sat down quietly.

Time flowed unknowingly, and the purple aura of Shaoyang purple official grass slowly entered into the Yangyuan Pearl. After confirming that the spirit grass in his hand had no aura, Zhang Shu did not dare to hold out hope and used his spiritual consciousness to enter Yangyuan again. beads.

The white clouds seemed much thinner than before. He tried to walk in, but he passed through!

Zhang Shu focused more and pushed his spiritual consciousness to the depths.

Behind the clouds and mist, it turned out to be a very old-fashioned hall with carved beams and painted buildings. In the hall, there were dozens of people wearing ancient robes sitting on the ground. In the middle stood an old man with a snow-white beard that grew to his waist and a white hair on his head. Hair bun, pinned to a black hairpin.

Zhang Shu suddenly came among these people, almost overwhelmed with fright: "You guys! Why are you in Yangyuanzhu!?"

After his words were spoken, it seemed that no one could hear them. The old man in the middle said: "Now the monsters have risen again and are rampant in the world. It is about to open the door of the Nine Heavens. Isn't it too late to unite against the enemy when the monsters come? Concentrating our strength one day earlier, we may be able to stop the army of demons before the demon soldiers approach the city and help from the immortal world, so that when the immortals come down, they will also be rewarded, and everyone will have the opportunity to make good fortune."

At the beginning, all the people around, old and young, were still embarrassed. When they heard that the immortals would praise them, their eyes flickered, and they were very tempted.

Zhang Shu could only look at the old man involuntarily, and it was impossible to turn to other places. Then he realized that he might not have walked into this group of people out of thin air, but walked directly to one of them!So wherever this person looks, he can only look.

Someone asked: "Reverend Chongxu, will the people in the fairy world really praise us for stopping the army of demons? Stopping the army of demons is not an easy task. It is necessary. All the people in the mountain gate must try their best. I don’t know if they will survive in the end." Down to a few percent, during the Conferred God War, the immortal cultivators of Jiuchongtian were all wiped out once, which shows how aggressive the demons are, we cannot deal with them."

The old man stroked his beard and said, "It is precisely because of the fierceness of the demons that the immortal world needs the power of our immortal cultivators. Otherwise, why do we need to do it? The aid to the battle has already happened, but no immortal cultivators survived at that time, so the immortal world has no way to bestow immortals." The instrument is given to people, as long as we can survive now, we will definitely be able to form a fairy relationship."

"That's the way it is said," someone suspected: "Before the Conferred God War, it is said that the cultivation base of the immortal cultivators approached the gods and generals of the fairy world, and they were all killed by monsters. With our current cultivation base, we are far behind the ancient immortal cultivators. How can we survive?" Come down? Although Xianyuan is good, you must have your life to take it."

"This statement is different."

The old man spoke eloquently: "In ancient times, one cultivator was a sect. Even if they had great supernatural powers, there were only a few of them. But now, there are dozens of sects and many disciples in Jiuchongtian Mountain 81. Individuals may be small, but If all the disciples come out and the water gathers in the sea, the monsters must be afraid of it!"

Most people are very hesitant. It is not so easy to pay the price of more than half of the casualties.

The old man said lightly: "The disciples of the sect and you and I are destined to be immortal, you all know the importance, so I won't say much."

The lives of others and your own interests, if you are more selfish, you will probably choose the latter.

Sure enough, after a while, they all expressed their willingness to work together to resist the demons. They said it very high-soundingly, but it was actually a despicable agreement to sell the lives of innocent people!

The person Zhang Shu possessed hesitated the longest, but finally agreed.

All the cultivators in this room are extremely ugly in Zhang Shu's eyes!

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