Nuo En didn't ask, but Lin Junqi was happy to say nothing, he wanted to leave a surprise for Nuo En.

The greenhouse is a frame made of very solid wood, about 2 meters high, 2 meters wide, and 5 meters long, and then some transparent wings collected are framed with bamboo to make a large piece of transparent Window-like objects, and then these transparent bamboo frames are made into sliding doors and fixed on the frame of the house, so as to keep the whole house transparent as much as possible, so that it can receive maximum sunlight.When the weather is bad and the temperature is low, these bamboo frames are closed to make the house airtight.When the weather is fine, if the temperature is suitable, the bamboo frame can be pushed and pulled apart, so that fresh air can circulate in the room.

Lin Junqi designed it like this, but the materials are not easy to find.I usually use few materials to make windows, and I don't think it is difficult to find them. Now I want to use these materials to make a small house, but it is very inconvenient.

It is inconvenient to find the materials except the two children.

Lin Junqi originally thought that it would be easier to carry the child if he could walk, but he didn't expect that the child who could walk would be more troublesome.Because they can walk by themselves, they can go wherever they want to be curious.

Some time ago, it was too hot, and my skin would hurt if I went out, so although the two children will leave, they just play at home.The weather has been cooler recently, and it caught up with Norn to build a greenhouse again. Those tools, which have never been seen before, process various materials, and make some strange sounds. These sounds make them very interesting, and they can't help but want to go Check it out.So Lin Junqi was in the process of cleaning up the room, or preparing food for the children, or even just going to the toilet. As long as she didn't pay attention, the two children would go to Nuo En's work place.

It's nothing to them to see Nuo En's work, but they have a strong interest in the sound-making tools in Nuo En's hands when watching, so as long as Nuo En is not paying attention, the two little things will happily want to take the tools. Repeating the actions of his father beast, making the same sound as before, and those tools are used by male orcs, they are heavy and big, and some tools are very sharp. As a result, Lin Junqi and Norn have to look at them from time to time. What are the children doing? Work efficiency is greatly reduced.

It's not that they haven't been educated, but although the two children listened very carefully, they always acted like they didn't understand what they meant. Just after they finished speaking, they ran away again.For this reason, Lin Junqi whipped Suzhou's little butt three times, and Yangzhou's little butt once. Suzhou, who had been spanked a lot, just flattened his mouth and looked very wronged.

How much Lin Junqi missed the time when the two children were just able to walk. At that time, they still lacked balance ability. Sometimes when they were standing and concentrating on something, they would appear unbalanced and tilted to one side. Sometimes they even fell to the ground directly because they didn't control their sense of balance, and then they would quickly get up and stand up and continue what they just did.

At that time, Lin Junqi was very worried that this phenomenon was caused by the poor development of the children. You must know that he had read in a certain magazine that some children's cerebellums were not well developed, and they would lack balance and even stand unsteadily.It wasn't until later that the children's legs and feet became stronger and their walking became more and more stable that he slowly felt relieved.After all, in this primitive environment, he doesn't think there is any medical condition that can correct such defects in children.

The children at that time were so cute. They always looked back to find where they were after walking a few steps, and only when they saw that they were not far behind them would they take a few more steps with confidence.

Look now, I always look for these two boys everywhere...

Lin Junqi thinks that the rotation of Feng Shui is actually quite suitable for this place.

Later, Norn said to let them go, and when they suffered a loss, they would know not to mess around.

Seeing Nuo En's indifferent look, Lin Junqi cut in his heart at that time, thinking, he will really suffer at that time, let's see who is more distressed.

As a result, within a few days after saying this, Yangzhou cut his finger because of the triangular knife that was used to split the bamboo slices, and the blood came out from the wound, flowing along the finger to the wrist, and a line of blood flowed out. .The two little things, who had never seen such a scene before, were frightened to death. Yangzhou sat on the ground and cried, and Suzhou held his hand next to him, and cried too. You know, Lin Junqi is still the first when the two children are so old. This is the first time I saw this child from Suzhou crying, his small mouth was pursed flat, his nose was lifted and raised, and the teardrops just hung down silently.

Lin Junqi checked and only scratched the skin. The child's hand is small, and the wound is about 1 cm from the pulp of the finger to the second knuckle. The wound is not deep. It is estimated that it was squeezed tightly by Suzhou. The long strip came, and when Lin Junqi finished checking the matter, the blood was no longer bleeding.After letting go of his mind, he found it amusing to see the two children crying. He deliberately didn't treat his wounds that were healed, didn't comfort them, and didn't allow Nuo En to go. He was determined to scare the two children.The two children looked at their parents with hopeful eyes, and they saw two serious faces—in fact, Lin Junqi had a serious face on purpose, while Nuoen looked very serious because he was worried about seeing the child cry, so the children even more serious. Terrified, she continued to cry.

When the two of them were shaking from crying, they started to hug them, patted their backs, and coaxed them softly, "I know I'm afraid, I told you not to go, let's see if you dare to play next time. "I thought in my heart: Xiao Mian, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will be at a disadvantage!"

Nuoen, who had long been distressed by his son, picked up Suzhou after Lin Junqi picked up Yangzhou, wiped his crying red face, and said to him whether he could understand or not: "A good male!" Females should not be exposed to dangerous things!"

Lin Junqi was evil-hearted, and deliberately used black herbal juice to paste half of his arm, and the half of Heisuo's arm looked really scary.Little Yangzhou must have been frightened quite a bit. These days, he behaved like a little rabbit, eating and sleeping when he was asked to eat, holding his arms and looking at the wound on his finger when he was free, with a sad expression on his face.

The wound was on the knuckles of the fingers, as long as the fingers were bent, the wound would definitely become painful.The little thing is afraid of pain, and he keeps his little hands open all day long, afraid to hold things, and often touches the wound carefully, and then hisses and gasps as if he was seriously injured, scaring little Suzhou who was always worried Look nervous.

Every time Lin Junqi sees this scene, she wants to laugh, the little thing is so funny.

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