Afterwards, it was much more comfortable.

Although Yangzhou is a typical scar that heals and forgets the pain, the wound is healed, the knuckles are bent, and the smile on the face is like the sun immediately, I always want to go to the place where Norn works to touch tools, but this time I look at him It was not Lin Junqi, but the little brother Suzhou.

Suzhou was also frightened by this incident. He didn't want to see his younger brother bleeding from his finger, nor did he want to see his younger brother unhappy for several days because of his finger pain, so he very much resisted his younger brother's contact with those dangerous things. tool.

Whenever Yangzhou wants to touch those tools, Suzhou will go over and drag people aside. Although they should be regarded as twins, Suzhou's physique is much stronger than Yangzhou's, and he is also a head taller than Yangzhou. It is not easy to drag Yangzhou away. Disaster.

In the first few times, Yangzhou would pout his mouth and complain because his wish was fulfilled. Later, seeing that Suzhou was unmoved, he had no choice but to stop making trouble and hit Suzhou on the head with his small fist instead.Suzhou didn’t make trouble after being knocked on the head, and obediently took out all his toys for Yangzhou to play with, such as balls, wooden pens, and various shapes of wood. Although Yangzhou was not happy at this time, he would still sit down Play together.

Lin Junqi’s favorite thing is to watch two children quarrel with each other. Although they sometimes have a little awkward fight, they will make up soon. If there is anything interesting and interesting, they will find another person to share with each other. Although they are still very young, But he already knows that he is worried about the other party and does not want his relatives to be hurt. These will make him feel very warm.

When I was on Earth, it was impossible for my aunt’s children to get along with me like this. When I was young, I didn’t have much fun with my peers, because they would always call themselves illegitimate children. Later, although they seemed to get along well with their classmates, friends Not a lot, but that was just a superficial effort. He never really cared about anyone, and no one really cared about himself.

On the contrary, he came to this world without those so-called friends, he met this person who is sincerely good to him, this person he is willing to give his sincerity, and everything here makes him feel happy.

Sometimes Lin Junqi is also very worried. This tribe is really big, and the location of my home is also on the edge of the tribe, and each house is not close to each other, so if you don’t go out to go somewhere, basically you can’t meet them. To whom, let alone the entire tribe, there are not many orc children in a year.

Lin Junqi is afraid that if her child does not have frequent contact with people, she may lack communication skills. If she becomes autistic or semi-autistic, it will be detrimental to the child's physical and mental development.

At present, only the Ou Rui family is suitable for socializing.I originally wanted to go, but their family has too many people. Nuo En wants to hold Lin Junqi and take two children with her. The children are too young and worry about letting Nuo En carry it on his back. Lin Junqi is only convenient. Hold a child well, so it has not been done all the time.

Now that she wanted to go, Lin Junqi thought of a way to make it easier for the whole family to travel—hehehehaha finally came in handy.

Although they have always been self-reliant, after all, they have lived together for so long. Lin Junqi's gestures and simple orders to the two big bears are understandable. These two guys have grown to more than two meters, taller than Norn. It's a big part, and the body is as thick as two Norns. Fortunately, the gate of the yard has always been opened wide, and they usually enter the door on all fours, so they didn't tear down the gate and rebuild it.

Lin Junqi made a simple wooden chair, the kind without feet, and the whole chair was covered with soft animal skin. Lin Junqi tied the chair to Hengheng's forelimb, climbed up to sit on it, and then placed it between the two armrests. Tie on strong animal hide straps and secure yourself in the chair.In order to prevent Hem from falling when he suddenly stood up, he specially made an animal skin circle around the root of Hem's mouth, because it is at the root of the mouth, so it does not affect Hem's opening his mouth and roaring, and then from both sides Pull out the rope so that I can hold it with my hands, so that even if Hum Hem stands up, he can use his strength to stabilize himself.

I sat on it and strolled a few times, and felt very safe. Hum Hem is very sensible, knowing that there is someone on my back, and it is very stable whether I walk or run.

Lin Junqi planned to let Hem take her to Ou Rui's house just like this.Anyway, there is a lot of space between the orcs' rooms, so Hehe doesn't have to worry about getting stuck in an alley.

Then the two children saw the novelty, and wanted to sit like this when they were arguing. Lin Junqi simply made another chair with the same model, but the model was from Norn, tied the animal skin and fixed it on Haha’s back in the same way, and each person hugged one. The child sits on the chair, and then fixes the child after fixing himself to prevent the child from moving and falling.

Hehehe, the trotting speed is still very fast, faster than walking by Norn.Since then, Lin Junqi finally has a decent means of transportation, which is fast, convenient, and requires no maintenance.

After preparing everything and choosing a day with good weather, the family of four went to visit Ou Rui's house.

The big bear mount has attracted a lot of attention along the way. The orc tribe also has animals for riding and transporting goods. This animal is somewhat similar to a sheep. It is about the same size as a camel. It is a herbivore and can carry heavy loads. The walking speed is not very fast. , very edible, usually several orc families raise one.This kind of animal will only come in handy when it goes to trade with other tribes. It is usually kept in another yard, and it is directly planted with a fast-growing grass for it to eat, and it has to be mowed every day. Grass feed it.

I have to say that the animals here are really edible and very difficult to keep.

Lin Junqi, a sheep-like freight animal, has never seen it before, but Lin Junqi’s mount has never been seen before. Bears are not suitable animals. They eat meat and vegetarians. Adult bears eat a lot, and they also eat It is not suitable for captive breeding. If they are kept in one place for a long time, they will get angry and hit the wall. Moreover, the bear will stand and sit up. If it suddenly stands up with a lot of goods on its back, all the goods will definitely fall off.

Lin Junqi's family can run around with a bear, which really makes many people envious, but the bears of the Lin family can take care of themselves, which is something no one can do.

With a 100% return rate, he stopped at the door of Ori's house, Nuoen jumped off the bear's shoulders with the child in his arms, and knocked on the door.Lin Junqi didn't have his skills, and he didn't dare to jump down with the child, but he had his way, let Hengheng get down, and then slide directly from his shoulders.Here I want to praise again that Hum Hem is very smart. It puts its paws against its face, and Lin Junqi is not afraid of slipping as long as it sticks to its face.

As soon as Ou Rui opened the door, he was shocked when he saw two big brown bears blocking the door. Fortunately, he saw Lin Junqi at the same time and remembered that these two were raised by the Lin family.

Nuo En and Lin Junqi brought their children to play, which made Ou Rui very happy. There are few children in the tribe, and the residents live far away from each other. It is very inconvenient to get together to play every day. There is only such a child in Ou Rui’s family, so he is really lonely of.

The author has something to say: Thank you MP00010034986HKK.sdo pro and a945108604 pro mine!

JJ makes my stomach ache, so many V texts, how can I be so drawn here? ! ! !

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