Now that the big mistake has been made, the head of Chu has learned from the pain, it is impossible to press him back, and it is impossible to drive him out of the sect, even to beat Yin Chengqin... He can continue to beat him, but how can he explain the reason to others after the beating is over? ?Could it be possible to spread the fact that he was suppressed by his junior brother so that the whole world knows?

He wants a face too!

After closing the door, Yin Chengqin kicked it out, and head Chu began to comfort himself for several hours.He was so comforted that he couldn't bear the hunger, so he naturally thought about it.Anyway, there is no way to save it, face is still important, and the dark loss has already been eaten, so let him take care of the lower body of the younger brother for once!

In the evening, he ate three full bowls of rice, one roast chicken and two plates of fresh fish and roast meat, making up for what he lost in the temple yesterday morning and in bed at night.After eating and drinking, he showed his prestige as the head of the sect for the first time. He scolded all the younger brothers and sisters and sent them back to the room. He even scolded Yin Chengqin emphatically to vent his anger. All those shady things come to mind, and I formally plan to make an invention that can be improved.

Master Xiao has already delivered the washing machine and the like, and the guns and ammunition Leader Hua did not let them be exposed so early. All he can get now is the glass mirror.He is already familiar with making silver nitrate, so it's not impolite to get a piece of glass and have someone carve a mirror frame to make the inlay look nicer, right?Much better looking than matches anyway.

He locked himself in the room and did research, and Junior Brother Yin came to visit him eight times a day, but every time he called him to the door and scolded him before driving him out.The content of the reprimand ranged from his poor martial arts practice to the junior brother's marriage letter. Anyway, except for the incident between the two of them, everything else could be brought out to scold him. Take him to run to the head of Chu's house.

After studying for two days, Lu Guoshi came to see him in person.The head of Chu is white, so he will naturally bring his younger brothers and sisters out to greet him.Everyone performed the ceremony in the post house, and listened to Xiao Guoshi's "Amitabha Buddha" a few times, and everyone dispersed, leaving only the two foreign friends of the Guoshi to accompany them, and the three of them talked quietly in the room.

After Xiao Guoshi entered the door, he took out two marriage certificates from his sleeve and handed them to head master Chu: "Your junior brother's, it was delivered to me yesterday afternoon. I wanted to come over for dinner at that time, but the monks wouldn't let me come over." , I had to wait until today. I asked someone to book two tables, and today we will have a good talk."

"You came here just to have a meal? You can also eat in the temple. There are people coming and going in this place, so it's inconvenient to talk." The head of Chu put away the marriage certificate, moved his buttocks uneasily, and Ask them both: "Do you know where Jin Cheng lives? I don't have any information about it. How can I send the marriage certificate?"

Junior Brother Yao said: "How can you stay at home like this, you don't know anything about the outside world. Now I go to Li Shangshu's house to discuss poetry and papers every day, and Xiao Xiao'er is in the Long'an Temple. How can I have time to care about such trivial matters. No, you can ask Senior Brother Yin to inquire about it, Jin Cheng and the others are members of the Demon Cult, and will not live in the public house like us."

Master Xiao ignored Junior Brother Yao, but stared intently at the chair where Master Chu was sitting, which made Master Chu feel guilty, and asked him awkwardly: "What are you looking at, I give you this chair? "

The national teacher coughed lightly, and held up the tea bowl to cover his face.The head of Chu had a ghost in his heart, seeing that he didn't watch it, he also used tea to cover up his blushing.Unexpectedly, after Xiao Guoshi put down the tea bowl, he would bluntly go straight to Huanglong and ask him: "You did it with Yin Chengqin? How did you do it? Who's on top and who's off?"

"Pfft—" Sect Master Chu sprayed all his tea on the opposite Junior Brother Yao, not a single drop wasted.Junior Brother Yao, who was eagerly waiting to hear the gossip, jumped up, wiped his face with his sleeve, and shouted at him: "What are you doing? I really didn't say this, it was Junior Brother Han. Long'an Temple is looking for Xiao Er, if you want revenge, you have to find the right person!"

"I didn't say it, it was Junior Brother Han..." Master Chu didn't close his mouth after spitting out the water. These two sentences circulated in his mind endlessly, and the blow made him look haggard for a while, and his heart was ashamed.Junior brother Yao was unequivocal, wiped his face and took out the best clothes from his closet to change into, and slapped him on the head when he came back.

"Sprayed me all over, and didn't explain the actual situation to us as an apology?"

Xiao Guoshi hurriedly got up and stood a little further away, and said meanly to Yao Chengna: "What do you ask? Judging by his virtue, he can't be a master. I've heard what Han Chengxin said, and Chu'er hasn't lost much these two days Yin Chengqin, thinking about it with his toes, he knew that he was fucked by others, and he became angry from embarrassment, looking for faults and throwing fire."

The head of Chu threw the cup to the ground, slapped the table with his hand, smashed a wooden table as hard as steel, and looked at the two who dared to laugh at him: "Let's talk again, talk about me again!" Beat you both to scum!"

Yao Ci immediately apologized: "Brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong, this matter is not my business, and I didn't listen outside, it was all heard by Junior Brother Han, really. He came back What he told us was that I told them that this kind of thing can't be said in front of girls, so he didn't tell Junior Sister Xu and Junior Sister Zhao."

Master Xiao Guo hid behind Yao Chengna, and followed suit: "I also listened to what Han Chengxin said, and he asked me if I could even arrange your marriage with him..."

"Wait!" Headmaster Chu was only trying to scare the two of them, he didn't intend to fight, so he put down his hands immediately after hearing this. "Why is there still something about Junior Brother Han? Why did he get involved with you? I think none of my junior brothers and sisters will go to you?"

Xiao Guoshi snorted coldly, and blamed him: "I don't blame you all. Did you say that you asked the matchmaker to send the marriage certificate to Long'an Temple and hand it over to the abbot?"

Head Chu nodded, "What does this have to do with Junior Brother Han, I didn't tell him?"

Yao Shaoxia didn't think it was shabby, and proudly admitted his evil deeds: "I said it. Marriage is such a big deal, how can you rely on an incomprehensible brother like you, you have to let him stare at you to be safe .Also, that Jin Cheng and Han Chengxin got online again. I know that these two are dating, but you don’t know. How did you become a senior brother? You are not just a junior brother Yin, although you have never bribed others with your body You, you can't ignore people like this."

Headmaster Chu heard smoke rising from his head, rolled up his sleeves and rushed towards Yao Chengna: "Okay, I'll let you see how a qualified headmaster educates juniors today! Who are you talking to?" I am full of obscene thoughts, I don’t care about saving you today, maybe I will be watched in prison next time!”

Xiao Guoshi looked helplessly at the two ordinary people who were beating wildly, sighed, and stood leaning against the door, hoping that someone would deliver the lunch early.

At noon, he ate another vegetarian meal with meat and vegetables. Finally satisfied, Master Xiao Guo pointed to the door and asked, "Yin Chengqin stays outside like that every day? This is to tell the world that you two have problems. For the sake of reputation, you might as well Bring him in and talk about...huh?"

Head Chu's eyes were like searchlights trying to shine into the hearts of the two men.But the eye knife is not a real knife after all, Xiao Guoshi was not afraid, and looked back at his gaze with carelessness.The head of Chu is not blind to be beaten, he sneered back and fought back: "Do you think he is watching me outside every day? He is watching you. He is afraid that I, who is pure and upright, will be led astray by flower pickers and thieves like you." !"

Xiao Guoshi and Yao Shaoxia were silent together.Head Chu thought that he had hit them too hard, and felt a little sorry, so he quickly smoothed things over and said, "I'm making a mirror, you can help me see if it's okay..." Yao Shaoxia suddenly raised his head and interrupted him: " You two are really big-faced, at least Xiao Xiaoer and I have never had sex."

I don't want to be gay either!The head of Chu was so depressed that his face was wrinkled, but he couldn't find anything to refute, so he had to change the subject: "When does the emperor plan to see us? We live here every day, and we can't leave the house. Brother Han's marriage is also going to be arranged. No, it’s not a problem to spend so much, right?”

Xiao Guoshi replied: "Don't worry, you are a reckless man, it will not be easy for the emperor to think of meeting you. The Ministry of Rites has to pick a day, and you can pick someone who has been around for ten or eight years. You are in a hurry in less than a week." It’s like this, is it plausible? The emperor won’t be able to see him, but the concubine can see one. Comrade Li already has an opinion, saying that he intends to let the two of you come to the palace with me, and let you understand the development of this space plan."

Yao Shaoxia naturally knew about this situation a long time ago. Seeing the excited state of head Chu, he calmly persuaded him: "Brother head, don't rush to be happy, we are all outside men, it is not so easy to enter the palace, we have to pretend to be national teachers Follower, this hair problem..."

Master Chu covered his head nervously and looked at Master Xiao vigilantly.Master Xiao said contemptuously: "How did you persuade me to shave my head? Now it's my turn to be virtuous? Don't worry, I'm different from some people. I won't let people change their hairstyle just to make others less handsome than me. Comrade Wang said, you two can just pretend to be Taoist priests, anyway, the emperor is good at Taoism, so it's nothing for me as a national teacher to have two Taoist priests go together."

But being a Taoist priest also has the professional ethics of a Taoist priest. Under the persuasion of two colleagues, the head of Chu also spent a contribution point to buy a Taoist Tibetan set, and learned the ethos and appearance of a Taoist priest with Junior Brother Yao.

In the evening, when Junior Brother Han came back, Head Master Chu called him into the room, took out the marriage certificate, shook it in front of his eyes, and kindly persuaded him, "I have the marriage certificate, and the six rituals are ready. Waiting for a good date to be done. According to the usual practice, a man and a woman cannot see each other before marriage. From now on, you will cultivate yourself in the room and prepare to get married. As for Master Jin, I will let Junior Brother Yin arrange it. You You have to be patient for the future."

Junior Brother Han is naturally very willing, and since then he has been locked in the room by the head of Chu, and Junior Brother Mo is watching closely, and he is not allowed to go out even a step.The head of Chu changed his clothes in private and went to the market to find a lot of erotic pictures with rich pictures and texts, and even sent "Jin Ping Mei" released by Junior Brother Yao Xinmo to his room, so that he could study it alone before marriage.

A few days later, the head of Chu has mastered both alchemy and drawing talismans, and he is also very clear when talking about karma.Master Xiao Guo asked someone to send him and Yao Chengna two sets of brand-new Taoist robes and cloaks, officially setting a date to meet Concubine Li De.Because the two wanted to pretend to be noble, they no longer lived in the inn. Instead, Yao Chengna used his disguise skills to disguise himself as two old Taoists. One was renamed Hongyun Taoist, the other was renamed Styx Patriarch. Stayed as a friend.

February [-]th is the official day of entering the palace.Waking up early in the morning, Daoist Hongyun and Daoist Minghe changed into their Taoist robes, held fly whisks in their hands, carried mahogany swords on their backs, stepped on multi-eared hemp shoes, and followed Lu Guoshi into the palace.Under the guidance of the chief eunuch Wang Chengen, who was in charge of ceremonies, he entered the Changchun Palace where the concubine Li lived.

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