Concubine Li De is a legendary figure.For the country and the people, she disregards personal honor and disgrace, her determination is as strong as iron, and she is strong and strong.Before seeing her person, several traversers admired her so much, but after seeing her true face, the three knew that their previous imagination was not as good as this legendary woman.

It was still morning when Xiao Guoshi led the two real people into the Changchun Palace.Concubine De is wrapped in gold and jade sitting behind a screen, behind her are two court ladies fanning fans, and in front of her are two rows of palace maids carrying stoves and handkerchiefs, all of whom are heavily made up and completely motionless.The golden censer is burning with the best Ganan incense, which fills the room with fragrance, and the fragrance of clothes and shadows on the temples is like the heaven on earth.

Xiao Guoshi took the lead, and the three celestial beings from Fangwai gave a big gift to Concubine De one by one.Concubine De let out a slight sigh from behind the screen, the graceful twists and turns made one's tendons and bones crunchy.She didn't even say a word, just waved her hands, and a young and beautiful court lady beside her answered for her: "Your Majesty has a decree, please excuse me from the national teacher and the two real people. Give me a seat!"

After the three of them sat down, Li Niangniang finally opened the Tan mouth and talked to them: "The one in front of me dreamed that three clear lights came down, landed on the ridge of Changchun palace, turned into three small stars, and rushed to the northwest. The national teacher and the two priests are all masters, but I don't know how to interpret this dream?"

The two priests, Hongyun and Minghe, closed their eyes and shook the whisk, while the other bowed their heads and twirled their five fingers, each looking for a secret, wanting to interpret the dream with the empress.Only Teacher Xiao Guo has the highest morals, and his reaction is very fast. Before those two could steal his limelight, he got up and said together: "My lady, this dream is a good omen, but this omen should be a fairy, and it should not be heard by mortals. Please, empress, retreat everyone, so that this little monk can explain this dream in detail."

Grandmaster Xiao Guo stood there mercifully, Daoist Hongyun also intended to help him, opened his eyes, and was about to get up to speak, when he saw the prince who had been standing in front of them bowed behind the screen: "Ma'am , the national teacher is a true Buddha with great power. You must listen to what he says. These two real people are also white-haired and child-like, and their Taoism is not shallow. With the three of them interpreting dreams and psychics for the empress, everything will be safe. Please follow the country Master's order, don't let these mortals collide with the real people and ruin the fairy fate of the empress."

Sitting firmly on the screen, Concubine Li said, "Sure. Wang Cheng'en will stay to wait on you, you all go down."

The palace rules were strict, and when Concubine De gave an order, all the eunuchs in the palace answered "Yes" and lined up outside the door.Wang Gonggong also followed them out and strictly ordered them to leave the hall thirty steps away and not to eavesdrop.After driving everyone away, he returned to the hall and stood at the door listening to the movement outside, giving Li Concubine and the others a lookout.

As soon as Eunuch Wang closed the door, Concubine Li opened her mouth again: "Three distinguished guests are invited... Cough, I'm sorry, I've been a concubine for a long time, and sometimes I can't talk anymore. You go inside and talk outside. The sound insulation is not good."

Although the speech was nice this time, it didn't have the tone of one chant and three sighs, which means that they don't treat them as outsiders and don't talk with their voices.After the three of them went in, they saw that Concubine Li had stood up, wearing a one-foot-tall bun on her head, full of Baoguangren's jewelry, so heavy that Concubine Li, who was only less than 1.6 meters in height, lifted her head. Can't get up.The three eminent monks felt a little bit unbearable when they saw it, and their hearts of sympathy and compassion spontaneously arose.

Concubine Li is short and can't lift her head up. She couldn't see the expressions of the three of them. Feeling, "She's looking at me".

She blessed her body slightly again, and her figure was like a willow in the wind, graceful and indescribable.He said to the three of them: "Customers and friends, please sit down. I haven't seen anyone other than Xiao Wang for more than [-] years. I'm a little excited. If there is anything I can't entertain, please forgive me."

After all, Master Xiao Guo entered the palace many times, and after seeing the world, he recited the Buddha's name and replied: "Thank you, Ma'am." Come on, sit down and rest for a while." After talking around for a while, but there was no place to sit, the head of Chu said on behalf of his younger brother: "We don't sit anymore, just stand, and you can just do it if you have something to do. order."

The empress lowered her head, blushed, and asked softly: "I don't know if Hua Lang has said anything to the three of you, but I am actually..."

"Male?" The three of them said in unison, and then they all stopped talking, pretending that they didn't care to look up and down at this delicate and tactful lady Defei, who was more feminine than their most feminine Mrs. Chu on Tianmai Mountain. .

Empress Concubine De's face flushed again, and she softly replied: "It's good that you all know..." After saying these words, he sat down on the phoenix couch, and fell down as soon as he tilted his body. On the pillow, the chignon weighing more than ten kilograms hit the armrest with a "boom".His body is leaning firmly, his left leg is still on the back of the couch, his right leg is curled up on the couch, the pleats on the hem of the skirt have been pulled away layer by layer, and faded to his knees, revealing the legged trousers embroidered with big red mandarin ducks and a pair of white socks .

He let out a long breath and sighed: "There are so many people in this palace every day, so I have to dress up like a criminal. It's rare that we are the only ones who know the basics, so I'll take it easy, don't mind it."

This posture is so bold and unrestrained from his previous image, even a master like Xiao Guoshi, who is so sexual and empty, is over-stimulated, and when he sees the charming and charming concubine breaking her legs and rubbing the soles of her feet, she is already sluggish.The three of them didn't speak, and Concubine Li assumed that they understood their difficulties, and talked while massaging.

"Xiao Wang and I have also heard Xiaohua talk about the three of you. In fact, it stands to reason that we formal workers should not have any contact with you ordinary time travelers." Comrade Li quickly retrieved When I was a man, I grabbed a bunch of grapes from the table and put them in my mouth, and while I was eating, I remembered to greet them: "You eat it too, these are all tributes from foreign countries, and it is rare for me to eat them once." , there is no one for sale outside.”

The three of them lost their taste for the plate of crystal clear grapes as soon as he took his hands off his feet, and forced a smile, "It's okay, you eat yours, we're not hungry, we ate too much in the morning."

Concubine Li also remembered that she touched her feet and food again, she was a little embarrassed, and smiled at them: "I'm sorry, it's easy, it's really not intentional. There are bananas, oranges and so on. I haven’t touched it, eat it, don’t be shy.”

No matter how polite this is, it seemed too pretentious. The three of them went up and took a piece of fruit each, and sat back on the carpet to peel and eat.Comrade Li put the remaining peel and core on the table, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, wiped two handfuls, threw it on the ground in a ball, and then asked them: "You have all heard of Xiaohua's plan." Is it right? I heard that the three of you don’t have any big ambitions, you just want to live your own life?”

The three looked at each other, Xiao Guoshi took the lead to answer: "I didn't want to do anything at first, but now that I have become a national teacher, I can see many things. It is true that if we don't change, it will be very difficult for our group of time travelers to survive." I have already decided to follow Leader Hua, and if you have anything to do, you can just tell me."

Li Niangniang really ordered: "Don't call me Niangniang behind your back in the future, can you? I am also a big old man. Originally, even these 20 years of torture have not crushed my mind. I want to learn from the top of Mount Tai. Qingsong—let’s call him Comrade from now on, Comrade is so kind and warm, and reminds me of the time when I was a pure man..."

Comrade Li's big watery eyes gathered a little bit of starlight, and tears rolled in the eye sockets, refusing to fall.Back then, he was also admitted to the civil service after graduating from university, and he was full of vigor and iron to expand the territory for the country. Who would have thought that now he is in the palace with a beautiful face and no light.After all, a few people from the previous world came here, and they even called him Niangniang, reminding him of his miserable situation in every voice.

The above is purely the head of Chu's imagination.Comrade Li has been in the palace for 20 years, and tears can't be shed casually. Every drop must be shed on the emperor's heart, and it is not necessary to wear them like this.Comrade Li sighed for a while, and then said to the head of Chu: "The emperor said he wanted to see you a few days ago, but he must have forgotten it by now. But it doesn't matter if this stupid king sees you. Do you have anything to offer? It's best. It’s about eating, drinking, and having fun, and he doesn’t care about people’s livelihood, and if you make hybrid rice and genetically modified soybeans, it’s just for the blind to see.”

Master Chu hurriedly said: "I made a glass mirror, I don't know if anyone has already invented it." Comrade Li said: "That's all... I mean, just this one, no need for any high-end ones. Yao Where is sir?"

The word "Mr. Yao" is so delicate that Yao's neck turns red when he hears it, and he politely said, "What's your name, sir? You can just call me Xiaoyao. I'm only seventeen this year, and everyone calls me Xiaoyao. I Originally, I wanted to give away a collection of poems, or... will "Jin Ping Mei" be completed? I wrote a copy by hand, and I will give it away."

Comrade Li nodded, approvingly said: "This is the best, you can write another one, the handwriting is better. You can't use second-hand things for the emperor. The emperor will definitely visit the Changchun Palace tonight, and I will report this matter to you." It's been arranged. Within seven days, you will be given face-to-face in the Golden Palace, you have to be ready, don't be rude in court."

The words "The emperor is fortunate enough to visit the Changchun Palace" exploded in the hearts of Head Chu and the others like thunder.Although these people knew that Comrade Li had become a concubine and gave birth to a prince, they didn't think about the relationship between men and women—no, in fact, every time they thought about it, they would force themselves to divert their attention.

The so-called kindness means that when someone has become a woman, don't flirt with how he handles married life.

Comrade Li said things that even outsiders like them dared not think about.What a strong mind this requires, what harsh working and living conditions it is!The hearts of the three traversers were all sore, especially the head of Chu, who had field experience, and his eyelashes were filled with tears at this time, staring at Comrade Li intently.

Concubine Li knew what they were thinking when she saw the virtues of the three of them, and said indifferently: "It's nothing, it's been 20 years, I'm used to it. Anyway, I'm alone at night, and I can get through it when I close my eyes; it's even harder during the day." There are the Empress Dowager and the Empress, and there are a bunch of spies from various palaces below, and there are always people watching and catching my mistakes. To be honest, I feel at ease when the Emperor is here, except for him, everyone else is Holding back my life..."

Comrade Li said a few words, and he said the end of his life of blood and tears.The three of them were terrified when they heard it, and they were also flustered with sadness for him.He didn't want to talk too much about it, so he turned to the head of Chu and said, "I heard from Xiaohua that you bought a lot of production technology for home appliances?"

Head Chu nodded repeatedly and asked him what he wanted to use.

Comrade Li said: "Entertainment and household products can't be promoted for the time being. We need those that can create production value and don't use electricity. Now if you want to build a power plant, you can't do it alone, and the Ministry of Industry will definitely not do it. Socially There are many people who are superstitious, and there are still misunderstandings about electricity, so it’s not easy to use it after you get it out.”

Head Chu couldn't come up with an idea for the time being, so he had to say, "I'll look through the materials again. The main problem is steel. Without steel, I can't make any machines. At most, I can get a spinning jenny or something."

"Let's go step by step. Originally, Xiao Xiao was trying to grow hybrid rice. I hope you can come up with better farming tools... Forget it, you go back and think about it. You don't have to step into the industrial age. Little by little. Just improve."

Comrade Li shook his head and didn't say anything more. He asked Yao Chengna about steelmaking and mining. , and slowly referred you to the Ministry of Industry. When my emperor succeeds, it will be convenient for you to lead people to mine or build some factories in the name of the Ministry of Industry."

The few people were talking until noon, when Wang Gonggong came in from the outside and pulled him up with a "ouch": "Get up, what time is it, hurry up, the emperor will definitely come to your place for dinner, don't wait!" It’s like being in your own home.”

Li Niangniang was also taken aback: "Why so fast? I thought it was early." She quickly got up from the bed, straightened her hair that was crooked to one side, straightened her clothes, sat upright, and called Three A real person sits down outside, and puts the leftover skin cores in the sleeves and don't throw them around.

After a busy work, the prince opened the palace door again, and called the group of maids and eunuchs outside to serve.Li Niangniang pretended to say a few more words, gave them a plate of gold and jewelry, and then ordered the prince to send them out.When they reached the empty place, the three of them all thanked the prince and father and said goodbye to him.The prince was so excited that tears flowed down his face, and all the old wrinkles on his face were wrinkled together: "It stands to reason that I am twenty years older than you, and I don't dress like a young man like others, so I can pretend to be young. Can you Can't you just call me Uncle and forget about those two words?"

The three of them were ashamed, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, Uncle Wang, I forgot for a while. From now on, you will be our real uncle, and we promise not to call you those two words again!"

Only then was Uncle Wang satisfied, and sent them out of the palace to go back to their own work.The three masters returned to Long'an Temple and still had a heated discussion about the seniority of the three staff members of the Traveling Office.At night, Patriarch Hongyun returned to Fire Cloud Palace, Patriarch Styx Sect descended into a sea of ​​blood, only Master Xiao Guo was still in the world praying for the Holy King and chanting scriptures.

Master Chu and Junior Brother Yao went back to their inn together, and kept silent about today's entry into the palace, each took out the things they wanted to enter and continued to further process them.

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