When it was completely dark and the stars came out in the sky, the evening activities began. In the large open space in the middle of the village, bright flames danced, different kinds of meat were roasted on it, and the fragrance was everywhere.Let a bunch of little non-orcs and little orcs swallow desperately.

Some orcs and non-orcs without mates dance, and this event is held every year to choose a mate for females.Therefore, those orcs were extremely active at this time, even the little non-orcs kept firing at the little females, and the little females who hadn't grown up were still a little easier to seduce.

Xiao Mo's little hand was holding the meat of the nun ball, and his little mouth was greasy, and he gnawed very vigorously.Surrounded by a circle of little orcs, all holding various kinds of meat in their hands, exuding different fragrances, and Hu San next to him helped Xiao Mo block the group of little orcs, otherwise the children would not know that they were being eaten by them How much silken tofu.

Since the night's activities, Hu San's face has never been better. Midas next to him is watching with relish. How good his daughter-in-law is, if Hu Hu and Hu Wei can't compete with Hu San, then Mo Mo will become his sister-in-law.Comparing the size and IQ of the two little orcs and Hu San, although there is still room for growth, Midas still feels that there is little hope, and his children are too simple.

"Momo, let's go dancing too." Huhu's eyes sparkled, and the little orcs beside him were also full of anticipation.

Huwei's face was cautious, and his gaze was aimed at Xiao Mo from time to time.He didn't even have the energy to talk back to Hu San at ordinary times.

"No." Xiao Mo refused directly, looking at the bouncing people in the arena, the jumping was really ugly, so he didn't want to go.I took a bite of the meat in my hand, it's better to eat this, wiped my clothes with greasy hands, and touched Yuanyuan's belly, "Uncle, I want to eat the meat over there."

"Eat later, let's digest it first." Hu San helped Xiao Mo rub his stomach, his clothes were covered with oil stains, and soon Hu San's hands were also dirty.

"Momo." Huhu's voice became softer, not as energetic as before, a little bit aggrieved.Momo rejected him.

"Don't you guys eat meat?" Xiao Mo blinked his eyes, turned around among the little orcs, and then looked at the meat roasting on the fire.

"Mo Mo, I want to eat the meat on your hand." Tan Le swallowed his saliva, his eyes opened wider and wider, and the eyeballs rolled around, but he didn't look at Xiao Mo, and his face was also red of.

Xiao Mo directly stuffed the remaining meat into Tan Le's hand, just as he couldn't eat it, it's not good to waste it.I wiped my greasy hands on the clothes again, but it was of no use. Under the firelight, my little hands were shiny with oil.

Tan Le foolishly grabbed the meat in his hand, saw the wolf-like eyes of the crowd, and hurried to other places, followed by a group of little orcs.That was what Mo Mo had eaten, and this was an indirect kiss.Among them, Huhu, Huwei, and Rocky were the most aggressive.

Hu San was a little jealous at the beginning, how could he give them the meat that Momo had eaten, but seeing that more than half of the people around him suddenly disappeared, comparing it in his heart, it was more cost-effective, and besides, when he was at home, he He also often eats Mo Mo that is the leftover food. Compared with this, Hu San feels that he is still making money.

The little orcs were very happy chasing each other, and the orcs with their partners were also very active. It really was the most fun when the little orcs were chasing the little females.And even if there was a stalemate, it would be reconciled the next day.

Xiao Mo nestled in Hu San's arms, looked left and right, but if he didn't find Karl and Lei Nuo, it must have been covered by Mo Luo and the others.There was nothing fun about the event, but there was good food and it was very lively.

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