At the beginning of the most exciting part of the night's activities, Xiao Mo had already fallen asleep, holding a piece of meat in his hand, his small mouth was slightly opened, and the front teeth that had not grown for a long time looked abnormally white.

After Hu San ate up all the meat in Xiao Mo's hands, he carried the child and walked home.A large group of little orcs who were following behind retreated one by one under Hu San's fierce gaze, and ran towards the other little females who were still playing.

Because there is no need to find a partner, there is no need for Hu San to participate in the later part of the activity, and it is also very noisy outside, so there is no peace in the house, so he came back directly.

The room was not as cool as the outside, and soon, Xiao Mo's body was covered with a thin layer of sweat, and he seemed to wake up.Gently fanned the little child with a fan.Seeing someone, he fell asleep again.I was relieved.

Sprinkle some water in the house, and it dries up quickly, but it also takes away some heat, and when the wind blows, it cools down quickly.The starry sky at night is beautiful, and the moonlight shines on the child's face through the window, and the sleeping face looks very peaceful.

The next day, Hu Hu and Hu Wei came to talk to Xiao Mo about the latter part of last night's activities. In order to fight against the enemy together, the two little orcs also shook hands and made peace.From time to time, he made some funny moves, which made Xiao Mo laugh. Fortunately, Hu San went out to hunt, otherwise he would not know what it would be like to be jealous.Huhu and Huwei can't get any benefits.

Huwei lost the carefulness he had yesterday, he thought that Momo must have calmed down after one night, so he wouldn't be fussy about such a trivial matter.

A few days later, several adult females in the village confirmed their partners one after another. For a while, the village was happy and sad.It wasn't until autumn came that the group of orcs who hadn't found a mate cheered up.

The leaves fluttered to the ground and made a rustling sound when stepped on.

Midas was pregnant, and Xiao Mo knew that Hu Hu and Hu Wei had told him the news, and the frequency of their visits to Xiao Mo decreased after that.For Midas' younger brother, the two little orcs held an unfriendly attitude. In the future, one more person will come to compete with them for Momo, and if a child is acting like a baby, Momo will definitely focus on it To him, the unborn foe is too strong.

Fortunately, there is one who is more miserable than them, that is Hu San, and the two little orcs are a little gloating in their hearts. Let's see how you will fight for Momo with us in the future. Once the three of us join hands, everyone will only have a role to stand on the sidelines.

Xiao Mo is very curious about the baby in Midas' womb, and often visits the Hu's family. Since she was not pregnant for a long time, Midas' belly is not big.Therefore, in Xiao Mo's opinion, that flat belly is not as big as his father's.Xiao Mo's father has a big beer belly, round and soft to the touch.In the past, what he liked most was lying on his father's belly, which was very comfortable. Sometimes he liked to pat it lightly with his little hands, just like patting a rubber ball.

Midas still likes Xiao Mo, not only cute, but also sensible, but it's a pity that Hu San took over him.Looking at the two children who were trying their best to be courteous next to him, he didn't know that they could beat Hu San.

"Uncle Midas, when will the baby come out of the womb." Xiao Mo opened his big eyes, blinking from time to time, very cute.

"I know this, it will come out next summer." Huwei rushed ahead of Midas, with a look of experience and understanding, "Because Huhu stayed in daddy's stomach for almost a year. It's a pity When I first came out, I was so ugly, and I was not obedient at all." In fact, he was too young at that time, and he completely forgot about it, which was told by Qi Qi next door.

"You're ugly, you're not obedient at all." Huhu turned into a little tiger, rushed towards Huwei with a cry, and even slandered him in front of Momo.

Both of them turned into animal shapes, you chased me and ran, making a fuss until Hu San came over, but they squatted beside Xiao Mo and howled at Hu San.

Xiao Mo grabbed the flesh from the neck of one of the tigers, like a cat, and brought it to his eyes. He watched the claws gesticulate in the air, and scratched his belly with his little hands. His limbs moved even more vigorously. There was a whining sound in his mouth.He raised it in front of Hu San: "Did Uncle look like Hu Hu when he was young?"

Hu San glanced at the grinning Huwei, with a serious face: "Uncle was very sensible when he was young, unlike them who are rambunctious all day long and don't do their jobs."

Looking at Hu San's serious face, Xiao Mo's little face also became serious, and he nodded in response: "I also think that uncle must be very sensible when he was young." He didn't know what he said to Hu Hu and Hu Wei. What a hit.Sadness was written on the faces of the two tigers, but it was a pity that children couldn't read it.

Hu San put Hu Wei in Xiao Mo's hand into Midas's arms, and left.

Huhu and Huwei kept complaining to Midas about Husan's various evil deeds, and they didn't stop until Huyi came back. They also said that Huyi had such a younger brother, and their uncle was cultivated in eight lifetimes. Bad luck.

Hu San couldn't hear the two little orcs' long-winded talks, and now he is trying his best to persuade Xiao Mo to eat vegetables and live a life of meat. The child is not tired of eating, but not eating vegetables is not good for the growth of the little female.

In fact, Xiao Mo doesn't dislike vegetables very much, it's just that Hu San's roasted meat is too unpalatable. Compared with the delicious barbecue, Xiao Mo is really hard to swallow.

Hu San didn't eat vegetables when he was alone before. After all, this thing is not very hungry. Even when cooking broth, he just knows which vegetables are more delicious to put in, and there is no concept of frying alone, as long as they are cooked.Therefore, the vegetables that could have been delicious in the first place became extremely unpalatable in Hu San's hands.

Anyway, persuading Xiao Mo to eat a little bit of green vegetables, Hu San considered that he should learn from Midas how to make vegetables more delicious.

At night, Hu San patted Xiao Mo's back lightly. The child was already asleep, and the breath he exhaled hit his neck, itching.The hair that hadn't been cut all this time was already relatively long, and it was soft to the touch, unlike his, which was a bit prickly.

The child sleeps in a good posture, and does not kick the quilt like other children, and does not sleep on one side at night and wake up on the other side the next day.Hu San looked at that peaceful sleeping face, besides not liking vegetables, he really couldn't find Xiao Mo's other shortcomings.

The child turned around and continued to sleep soundly.I don't know when Mo Mo will know his thoughts, and when he will respond to his feelings.Looking at the blurry little body in the dark night, let's grow up quickly.

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