Stone Gambler

Chapter 39 Update on July 7

"... Where did you hear this rumor?" Bai Zishi felt that he should calm down.

rumor?Kenma raised the corners of his mouth and stared at Bai Zishi, somewhat teasingly: "Well... Let me think about it..." He paused, and then said, "It came from many, many people."

Bai Zishi couldn't help making a little black line, he could see that this sub-orc man liked to tease him very much, and now he must be waiting for him to ask what was passed on.In fact, he didn't want to know that much.Touching the bridge of his nose, Bai Zishi nodded lightly: "Oh."

Now I couldn't help changing Kenma: "Hey, you're not curious about what they said?"

Bai Zishi didn't turn around, staring at the field, the 81 students whose names were called first had already got the wool materials they selected, and the quick ones had already started to explain the stone: "Since the rumors are so prevalent, sooner or later they will hear .The false cannot be true, and the true cannot be false.”

"Okay." Kenma shrugged, this 'rival in love' was really calm, "I'll hear it sooner or later anyway, let me tell you. Everyone will say that you are Ellen Taylor's partner, or he the person I like."

"...for no reason, just because Ellen sent me to report to the academy yesterday?" Bai Zishi felt that the rumors were really weird.

"It's no wonder that you were misunderstood by others when you called him by his name. Ellen Taylor and Vincent Karen Garcia are well-known hunters at a young age, and their family backgrounds are good, so they are very popular in Yacheng. However, these two are notoriously unfriendly to sub-orcs, and no sub-orcs have ever been able to approach them successfully. Don't look at Ellen? Aside from being a little closer to the sub-orc man or his friend's compatriot sub-orc man, it is obvious to keep a distance from the sub-orc man, so that no one dares to call him by his name. Ellen's interesting sub-orc people have a clue to the sub-orc people around him, you just barged in like this, and I heard that Ellen was very close to you yesterday. Therefore, everyone has such a guess."

Just because of this?Bai Zishi couldn't help but hold his forehead.

It is estimated that Kenma also felt that it would be unreliable to be misunderstood just because of a leader, he coughed lightly, and teased: "Who makes Ellen so enthusiastic if he is not close to the sub-orc people? Everyone feels that there is hope for him. If Garcia, the expert, takes you, no one will misunderstand you."

"...Vincent? Why won't there be rumors if he carries it?" Bai Zishi admitted that he was curious.

However, when he asked this sentence, Kenma was stunned, Vincent!He actually called the expert Garcia 'Vincent' eh!Kenma suddenly had an absurd idea, looked left and right, and asked in a low voice: "...Have you met the expert Garcia?"

Kenma's cautious appearance made Bai Zishi feel that something was wrong: ""

Kenma bit her lip, desperately trying to stop the voice she wanted to raise: "...he allowed you to call him by his name?"

Perhaps the other party's expression was too weird, so Bai Zishi couldn't help lowering his voice: "Yes." After a pause, he asked, "Can't he be called by his name?"

The crazy and messy Kenma in his heart couldn't believe it for a long time before he calmed down. He shook his head slowly, stared at Bai Zishi with a strange expression for a while, and suddenly stretched out a hand to poke his cheek: " You really don't know anything..."Huh?It's so soft... I poked it again.

Bai Zishi grabbed the finger that was ravaging his cheek: "I don't know what?"

"Vincent Keren Garcia has the blood of Oliver David on his body. His eldest sister is the lord of the city of Ya, and has a non-negligible influence on the entire Boya continent. Vincent Keren Len Garcia is basically the most favored person in the Karen family, because Olivan's descendants are almost all sub-orcs for generations, and finally in this generation there are Vincent Karen Garcia and Su Sa Karen Garcia is two orcs, and Vincent Karen Garcia is relatively young. Apart from these, the expert himself should not be underestimated. His sensitivity to hunting made him so sensitive to hunting in the school. The teacher was surprised that he also has a strong ability to absorb gems, especially emerald. Therefore, the expert evolved very quickly. When he was 20 years old, he became a third-level hunter and hunted with adult orcs. The 23-year-old At that time, he was the vanguard of Beast Tide Moon, and brought back the most detailed distribution map in history. Bo Jia is 36 years old this year, and I heard that he is already a sixth-level hunter. He is not only the object of worship of the orcs in Yacheng, but also He is the dream lover of the sub-orc people." Ken Ma took a breath, and continued, "However, the Bo family is indifferent by nature, and the momentum is even more amazing. In his eyes, everyone seems to be the same, nothing special. This makes He is more like an unattainable dream, although many people admire him, but basically no one dares to approach him. And the expert himself has never shown even the slightest interest in that sub-orc man."

Bai Zishi was a little stunned. Although he always knew that Vincent would not be a simple person, Bai Zishi never thought that he would be such a noble and unattainable figure in the eyes of others.This is really far from the indifferent but gentle orc image he knew!

Am I... special to him?Although it feels a little cheeky to think like this, Bai Zishi still can't help his thoughts. Thinking of Vincent's silent but considerate care along the way, a feeling similar to the first time he wants to eat candy spreads in his heart Open, not only sweet, but also a sense of fullness that needs to be satisfied.

Vincent... Bai Zishi read his name in his heart with distress and satisfaction.

Kenma observes Bai Zishi's expression, resists the desire to bite his finger and scream -- he is dying, is he guessed right, is this little orc man the expert Garcia's partner or sweetheart?It actually belonged to the expert Vincent Keren Garcia! ! !Bo Jia Garcia eh eh eh eh! ! ! !As soon as the news spread, it was definitely a big explosion!I'm afraid that the sub-orcs of the right age in the entire sub-city can't sit still.

But... that's what makes it interesting, isn't it?Kenma suddenly smiled, and he lowered his head to approach Bai Zishi: "Let me introduce myself, I am Kenma? Toronto, you can call me Kenma, Bai."

"... Oh." It was a familiar person.Bai Zishi looked at the unbearable sub-orc man in front of him and defined him.

Kenma smiled: "My other identity is Ellen's suitor."

"...Huh—?!" Bai Zishi's expression entertained Kenma very well, and he laughed loudly, "Is it surprising?"

It was a bit of a surprise.Bai Zishi nodded honestly. He was so friendly despite the rumors, because he didn't act like a 'rival in love'.

Kenma shrugged: "You are very cute, I can't hate you." His tone was a little willful, but it made people feel frankly cute. friend.

"It's up! It's up! My bet is up!" During the time they were chatting, the first person finally made a bet. The orange-haired sub-orc man, his wool has been cut to only one-sixth of the size, but in the remaining small piece, a faint touch of green comes into view, the grass-green color , the water head feels a little dry.

Kenma’s eyes are better than those of Bai Zishi’s, and he said in a low voice, “It’s a piece of dry white light green.” After a few minutes, the boy unwrapped the whole piece of jadeite, and the examiner came over and made a record: "No. 028, dry white, light green, six catties and four taels. Low energy, low absorption."

His gamble has stimulated the classmates who haven't seen Lu yet, and everyone speeded up their actions in unison.About 10 minutes later, another voice of surprise came out: "It's up! I wiped it up! The water species! It's the water species!" When he said the water species, his voice almost changed its tone.

His sound of "water species" made everyone excited, and it was already amazing to be able to extract water species jadeite from such a woolen material.

The student's excited hands were shaking a little, and he almost tremblingly picked up the rubbing machine and continued his homework.However, good luck did not take care of him. When he rubbed a centimeter below the skin, the white stone appeared again, and the student on the spot was stunned-it was a piece of green jade near the skin, and only the green jade near the skin That little patch of shell water species.

"Hey..." There were regretful voices from all around, and the classmate looked at his hair in despair, bit his lip, and stood up without saying a word.

Half an hour later, the first batch of 81 students finally untied their own woolen stuff—there was no jade in the 60 yuan, and the best of the remaining 21 pieces of jade was a bean weighing [-] jin. Kind of boxwood green.

However, in this kind of wool, the probability of 81 out of 21 is not low.The next batch didn't have such good luck. In the end, only six pieces of jade were unearthed, but the quality was slightly better. Seven catties.This is the best piece of jade that has been solved so far.

The better the quality of the unraveled emerald, the more anxious the people who have not yet had their turn. They all look forward to having better emeralds out of their wool. Waiting like this, watching others unravel the stone, is really anxious. .

Because he already knew the texture of his jadeite, Bai Zishi didn't seem too anxious. This made Kenma, who was self-conscious and anxious, treat him differently, and he really calmed down.Sigma among the examiners also nodded secretly. The person Vincent was looking for was really stable and dignified.

Time passed slowly, and there were cries of surprise, sighs of frustration, and even some faint crying in the field. This is already the fourth batch of students who have solved the stone.And because Bai Zishi took the recommended quota, his student number was the last one, 360 No. [-], and he was the last batch of Jieshi.

"Students from 320 to 360, please stand behind a stone-dissolving machine." The examiner's voice finally came.

coming!Bai Zishi's heart tightened involuntarily, then he lifted his foot and walked towards the field.Kenma followed him and walked towards the field, but at this moment, a purple-haired sub-orc man suddenly bumped into him heavily.

"Ah—" There was a sharp pain, and Bai Zishi was caught off guard and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Kenma quickly supported him.

The student who bumped into him glanced at him casually, anyone could see the contempt in his eyes, and he dragged out his voice: "Yes—no—sorry."

Without waiting for Bai Zishi to speak, he walked forward quickly, and could vaguely hear a sentence --- 呿... what, it's too weak...

A surge of anger suddenly rose in Bai Zishi's heart. He supported his shoulders, stared at the back of the sub-orc man for a while, then suddenly curled the corners of his mouth and smiled——

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