Stone Gambler

Chapter 40 This chapter is really solved

"Are you okay?" Kenma asked worriedly.

Bai Zishi gently rubbed the place where he was knocked down. A burst of severe pain made him frowned fiercely. Holding back the pain, he moved a bit. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the bones, so he shook his head gently. : "It's okay. Kenma, do you know who he is?"

Kenma glanced at the purple-haired orc, who was also looking this way, with an unfriendly look in his eyes, and he said, "Bette Turand, there are rumors that his elder sister likes Ellen."

Is that so?Being angered?This happens everywhere.As Bai Zishi walked towards the center of the field, he thought, this matter cannot end like this, not only because of the anger of being implicated innocently, but more importantly, if he does nothing this time, then what will happen next? It probably won't be just like this, after all, a person who doesn't resist when he is bullied will only attract more people to bully him.He must protect himself until the Ellen incident is resolved!It's not that Ellen can't solve it, but Bai Zishi, who has been on the road for so long, has already understood some rules of the mainland, which somewhat means that personal strength is paramount.If he wanted to live on this continent, he couldn't rely on others to help him in everything.

Thinking of this, Bai Zishi walked towards Bette Turand directly. The other party seemed a little surprised, but then he smiled disdainfully.

Bet Turand doesn't care about Bai Zishi's actions at all. My sister has already found out that this sub-orc man named Bai Zishi is just a rural villager whose parents have died and who has never heard of it. The man, who didn't know what tricks he used, actually climbed up to the expert Taylor!The Turand family is the descendant of the sub-orc man who followed Oliwen David Daya's family. Can they not deal with such a sub-orc man?

Walking straight to Bet Turand, Bai Zishi looked at a brown-haired sub-orc man beside him, pointed to a stone breaker diagonally behind them, and asked softly, "Can I exchange it with you?" location?" I saw that this sub-orc man and Bet Turand were in the same group.

Obviously, the other party did not expect that Bai Zishi would make such a request, so he looked at Bert Turand.Bette Turand sneered in his heart, and it would be fine to see what tricks you want.He patted the shoulder of the orc man next to him: "Ayi, let's change with him." The orc man nodded, gave Bai Zishi a sympathetic look, then turned and walked towards the place Bai Zishi pointed to.

As soon as Bai Zishi stood up, the examiner came pushing the wool cart: "Each grid here corresponds to a student number. After reading it, get your wool. Don't take it wrong." There are three floors, each floor is divided into three rows, each row has nine grids, and the brand number is marked on the side. Bai Zishi saw his own wool at a glance, and there was also No. 350 belonging to Bette Turand.He pretended to inadvertently swept his hand over the No. 350 wool, and then got his own wool. No. 350's wool material does contain jadeite, and it is also very sensitive, but unfortunately, it is at most a block of ice.

Since this is the case, then, I will not be polite. If such a proud person meets someone he hates and despises, how can he be calm?Bai Zishi smiled, and a cold light flashed in his curved black eyes inadvertently.Kenma, who has been paying attention to this side from his right back, keenly saw Bai Zishi's eyes. After a moment, he folded his arms playfully. It seemed that this little cutie was not to be trifled with.

Sigma, who has been paying attention to Bai Zishi, naturally also saw the scene where Bet Turand deliberately bumped into Bai Zishi, and his face immediately turned down, but he couldn't say anything in the middle of the exam. The sub-orc man Vincent took a fancy to reacted well.After Bai Zishi was able to make things difficult for no reason, he still calmly restrained him, which made him very satisfied. When he walked towards Bet Turand, he was a little curious about what Bai Zishi was going to do.

What are you doing?Bai Zishi showed a gentle smile: "Just now, did you do it on purpose?"

Bet Turand snorted and glanced at him out of the corner of his eye: "So what? What can you do?"

"Yes, that's fine." Bai Zishi waved his hand, calmly, "Then it's okay for me to stand next to you."

Although he was disdainful, Bette Turand couldn't help asking: "Why are you standing next to me?"

"If I don't stand next to you, how can I see your failed and jealous face when you see that the jade you unravel is not as good as mine?" She is cute, but what she said made the people around her almost angry.

"Will the wool I pick out be inferior to yours?" Bette Turand's tone was full of anger and amusement. If it was another occasion, then this time I really have to think about it, but this time it's different .After the family heard that Yajia Sigma was going to lead a class, it took a lot of effort to find out the news. Among these rough materials, the hospital specially asked Justin Locke, a seventh-level stone gambler in the stone stone guild, to pick it out. Yes, and the number of that piece of wool has already been obtained by myself!From the very beginning, he knew that he would be the leader of the students this time!After all, Yajia Locke said in the early years that he would not pick wool below the ice species!Although there are times when you miss, it is still a terrifying probability of [-] out of [-]!

That's ice species. In such a pile of mediocre wool dishes, the one that can produce ice species is already the best, and the best of the more than 300 pieces of wool in front is also a piece of water glutinous species, above my own ice species, The first will never run away.

Thinking of this, Bate Turand suddenly had an idea, he laughed: "Since you are so confident in your wool, why don't you make a bet?"

bet?Bai Zishi sneered, you brought this up first.Thinking of this, he frowned: "Bet? It wouldn't look good if you lost!" Bet Turant saw him like this, thought he was afraid, and got anxious, and said fiercely: "Yes Are you afraid of losing? Don’t you want to see my jealous face when I fail? So it was just talking.”

Bai Zishi's expression turned cold, and he put on an agitated look: "Just bet, if you lose, you will apologize to me in front of all the teachers and students, and walk around when you see me afterwards!"

Bet Turan readily agreed, and then proposed a condition that he had thought about long ago: "If you lose, then never pester Taylor the Expert!"

"Success!" Bai Zishi was also very forthright, anyway, he didn't pester Ellen in the first place, and Ellen was just a friend.

"Then let me be a witness." Kenma's smiling voice came from behind. Bet Turand saw him, frowned slightly and then let go, Kenma? Toronto?It would be even better to have a Toronto family, not afraid of this countryman's repudiation: "Okay."

Bai Zishi and Bet Turand double-clicked their palms, and then made a fist in front of their chests. This was a betting ceremony, indicating that the contract between them had been made and they would not go back on their word.

The crisp applause attracted the attention of some people around. When the people around them were already buried in the stone, the three people standing beside them were already very conspicuous. Now there was applause again Appearing, it made many people look sideways.Some of the sub-orcs who had been relieved and felt hopeless simply dropped their woolen stuff and came here to watch the fun.

After completing the ceremony, Bet Turand squinted his eyes and gave Bai Zishi a cold snort, then squatted down and observed his own wool. As a sub-orc man who was naturally immune to Youta, Bet Turand was at home I have also received a lot of education about betting on stones and solving stones, and now I am concentrating on observing the wool, which seems to be the case.

Bai Zishi also squatted down, resting his chin with one hand and not rushing to make a move. For one thing, although it is certain that there is glass jadeite in the wool, it is not sure where the jadeite is.Second, he has to wait until this Bert Turand is untied before making a move.

After thinking about it, Bai Zishi decided to sense the different parts of the wool. It also takes time to sense the wool. The time difference in between should also show the approximate location of the emerald. I think it can be done.Bai Zishi tossed the wool back and forth, and finally sensed a slight time difference. The place where the sensing time is long must be thicker, so he decided to cut small pieces from here.

He pulled down the stone cutter, placed the line where he had marked, and cut the first cut. As a matter of course, there was nothing, and Bai Zishi didn't care at all.However, just as he cut the second knife, there was a sudden cry from the side.

"It's green! It's green!" He looked up. He didn't know when, there was already a circle of sub-orcs around them. All the suborcs around him hula surrounded him.

After thinking about it for a while, Bai Zishi simply put down his stuff and squeezed to the side, probably because the rumors about the bet between the two of them had been spread all over the place, and when everyone saw that it was Bai Zishi, they automatically moved out of their way to let him go in.

Bai Zishi was not too polite, and went directly to squat beside Bet Turand to look at the wool that had been cut in half. On one half of the section, Bai Zishi could easily see the traces of gambling. It is green, and the water head is not bad, it can probably reach the water waxy species, a small piece of watery, green and shiny, it is very pleasant to look at.Generally speaking, the closer the jadeite is to the center of the stone, the better the color of the jadeite. Of course, there are many exceptions.But this piece of Baizishi knows that it is estimated that it has already reached the ice species, and if you are lucky, the ice species may not be sure.

Bate's face was blushing with excitement, he picked up the kettle and poured some water on it, making the green even more beautiful, he couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch it a few times, raised his head and said to Bai Zishi contemptuously: "You're doomed!" Not only him, but everyone around him thought this way. The outermost layer alone is already covered with water glutinous seeds, and the green is also a relatively thick Zhengyang green. Looking at the direction of the green, there is a faint There are signs of going downward, no matter how you look at it, the quality of the emerald inside is not bad.At this moment, some people are already looking at Bai Zishi with pitiful expressions. They all know the bet, the expert Taylor, that is the expert Taylor!

Bai Zishi didn't show any signs of frustration, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Let's explain it first."

I don't know why, looking at Bai Zishi's appearance, Bet Turand suddenly had a very uneasy premonition, he shook off this inexplicable feeling, and said with a cold snort: "You hold on first, and you will cry later Yes." After finishing speaking, he ignored Bai Zishi, picked up the grinder and began to rub it carefully along the green direction.

The wool material selected by the college is not big. In less than 10 minutes, the whole piece of jade was unraveled. It weighs about eight or nine kilograms. It has a good luster. The middle part of the jade is transparent, as clear as ice, which is already high quality. The ice species, look at the color is clear and rich.Bette Turand was excitedly holding the emerald carefully, and his breathing became heavy. This emerald was even better than he had imagined!Such high-quality jade made the examiners next to them unable to sit still, and walked down one after another.

"Not bad, not bad, there are five or six catties of high ice, this is the best piece of jade so far!"

"Well, the color is glossy and pure, and it's a good material. No. 350, yes, I wrote it down. Good luck."

The examiner's admiration made Bette Turan feel ecstatic. He handed the jade to the examiner carefully, then turned to face Bai Zishi, with a condescending feeling, and said sarcastically, "Where's your jade?" ? It’s not like there’s nothing there…”

Bai Zishi didn't care about the other party's provocation at all, and said calmly, "I want to see it, come on."

He squeezed out of the crowd, came to the side of his wool, turned on the stone cutter, and made a second cut. The leather shell about two fingers wide came out, and there was still a piece of white flowers inside. Bette Turand laughed mockingly. One sound.Bai Zishi turned a deaf ear, and then cut a third time, still nothing.Now there were voices of regret among the onlookers.

Sigma also came in, stood beside Bai Zishi, and carefully looked at the little orc man picked by Vincent. At this time, Bai Zishi had already cut the fifth knife, and a small part of the wool had been cut off. Still nothing.The sound of collapse was endless, and even Sigma felt that the possibility of producing jadeite better than ice species was slim, but all this did not affect Bai Zishi at all. He touched the wool with one hand, and suddenly his mind moved, and the stone cutter cut it. Three wide husks come down.

Sigma, who had been observing the wool, suddenly shrank his pupils, and immediately shouted: "Stop!"

Bai Zishi was a little taken aback, and quickly lifted the stone cutter.

Sigma had already squatted down, carefully observed the incision of the wool, and said: "There is fog! And there seems to be green in it... Well, there is green, this piece of wool has swelled!" There is green in the fog, and there is green inside. Emerald is almost a sure thing.

No one would doubt Yajia Sigma's words, and suddenly the betting went up.Bet Turand's face froze for a moment: "What's wrong with the green? It's futile if you can't get the glass seed."

Bai Zishi didn't even look at him, he gave up the stone cutter, turned on the grinder and began to grind the surface of the yellow rough stone next to him. He didn't rub it for one place, but took out all the yellow stones left next to the green window. The skin is wiped off.The rest of this piece of material was not very big. After more than ten minutes, the yellow epidermis had been polished away, revealing slightly whitish gray crystals.

Then Bai Zishi wiped the stone along the faint green, and after rubbing in about three or four centimeters, a thin layer of crystals in the form of "fog" appeared again. This time he did not change the place, and directly continued with the grinding wheel. Polish it in, and after about one centimeter of crystals are wiped off, a rich and clear green color suddenly appears, and the clear ice-like texture reflects a deep green in people's eyes.There was silence in the field, and a minute later, a tiny voice sounded softly: "...Ice species..."

It's like throwing a big stone into a calm lake, and the discussion is one after another: "It's ice species! The outer shell is ice species! If this green is eaten, what kind of texture must it be inside!!!"

"It must be of glass! It must be of glass!"

"Ah, it seems that one mountain is still higher. I thought this little orcman was doomed!"

Bai Zishi listened to the discussion around him, with a slight smile on his face, Bethe Turand stood there blankly, staring at the green, eyes full of disbelief, murmured He muttered: "The texture inside must not be as good as the outside, yes, it must be not as good!"

Sigma squatted beside him, observing the direction of the fog and the direction of Lu, and suddenly nodded at Bai Zishi: "Next, shall I solve it for you?"

"Of course." Bai Zishi hastily handed over the grinder. To be honest, the machine here is still very difficult for him to use, and his stone-dissolving skills are not very good. Sigma offered to replace him, which is what he wished for .

When the green-haired examiner saw Sigma take over the work of understanding the stone, he was surprised at first, and then excitedly said: "It is not easy for Ya's family to analyze the stone by himself!"

When Bet Turand heard this, he was stunned as if struck by lightning.

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