Stone Gambler

Chapter 61 Peerless Stance

The master craftsman took out the coarse sandpaper from the spare box, and folded it into a square shape, leaving only a small piece of sanded surface to rub against the layer of purple-black mist. Grains of black sandpaper and crystal particles , with the skillful and careful movements of the master craftsman, it fell from the sandpaper and rough stone.

Because this piece of wool is really not big, it weighs ten catties in total, even Bai Zishi can hold it with one hand. The leather shell of this fast wool can be regarded as thin, and the master only polished it with a grinding wheel for two or three centimeters I saw a thin black-purple fog, and now I used sandpaper to polish the foggy place for less than 5 minutes. The master stopped the work in his hand, poured water on it, and observed After a while, he raised his head and excitedly said to everyone, "It's green!"

There is an unwritten rule of letting the owner of the woolen material see the material first. The master handed the woolen material to Bai Zishi first, and the Little Asian orcman eagerly took it. Under the light of the jadeite, it exudes a deep and mysterious brilliance, which makes people feel very dazzling, and the texture of emerald is even more transparent, full of luster, transparent and bright.

"Glass-species purple's actually glass-species purple jadeite!" Simba stood next to Bai Zishi and naturally saw the small piece of green jadeite clearly. The charming light emitted by the purple jadeite made him lower his eyes unconsciously. With a voice, murmured with a feeling of unreality.

The part where the window is opened is made of glass. If there is no variant inside, the jadeite inside will be terrible.Simba couldn't help but glanced at Bai Zishi. He thought of Sigma's prophetic words, and suddenly had a feeling that if he really kept going, he might really regret giving such a piece of wool to the other party.

Now Bai Zishi only cared about being happy, he held the piece of wool and looked at it again and again, and he reluctantly handed it back to the master after a long while.The master is also very excited, Purple Jade! ! !To be able to unravel a piece of purple jadeite with my own hands, or a purple jadeite made of glass, this feeling is simply not a pleasant word to describe.What's more, looking at the texture and appearance of this piece of jade, there may be even bigger surprises!

The master didn't intend to change tools at all, even if he was tired and slowed down, he didn't want to damage the jadeite even a little bit.Everyone present had this plan and waited patiently, especially Bai Zishi, who squatted beside Master Jieshi and stared at him without blinking.From Sigma's point of view, there is quite a cute feeling, which makes him always have a kind smile on his face.It has to be said that in the Boya Continent, a person like Bai Zishi belongs to the cute family.

Master Jieshi's methods are very skillful and natural, and the strength and angle of change are very accurate, which amazed Bai Zishi who was watching from the sidelines. He can always rub the stone skin off quickly to reveal the emerald The thin layer of black-purple mist on the surface does not harm the jade itself at all.

The master made up his mind to polish off the stone skin first, while the jadeite inside needs to be polished with fine sandpaper, so as to protect the flesh quality of the jadeite to the maximum extent.Therefore, only ten minutes later, the master put down the coarse sandpaper, and now the appearance of the jadeite can be roughly seen. The jadeite is two centimeters smaller than Bai Zishi's palm, and its shape is roughly in the shape of a cat's eye. , It is amazing.

After changing the fine sandpaper, the master’s method of relieving stones is much gentler and gentler than the technique just now. The layer of fog is only very thin, and after being gently rubbed by the master calcifier, it will fall off Now, the purple jadeite is like a beautiful woman who has lifted her veil, revealing its peerless appearance.

The color of the cat’s-eye-shaped jadeite is like a ripe purple grape, exuding a crystal clear feeling in the sun. The whole body of such a large top-quality jadeite is dark purple. There is no country of any color, and there is no variation. Extremely enchanting and charming.

Purple eyes!This piece of jadeite is the best among purple jadeites, bar none!Now this purple eye was carefully held in the palm of Bai Zishi's hand, the sunlight shining through the emerald reflected his entire palm a deep purple, and the lines on his palm could almost be seen.He stared at this piece of emerald obsessively, and it took him a long time to let out a raving sigh.

So beautiful!This purple eye is like a lover's eye, exuding a strong amorous feelings, it feels like a passionate beauty staring back, all kinds of amorous feelings come straight to the bottom of my heart.On Earth, the saying that purple eyes are a woman's heart is probably derived from this. Purple is a color that is both charming and mysterious.

"Purple eyes... such big purple eyes..." Simba looked at this top-quality purple jadeite fascinatedly, and said softly, "I haven't seen such a quality purple jadeite for many years."

What followed was a long silence, and the four people present all stared at this breathtakingly beautiful piece of emerald with bated breath.After a long while, Simba sighed: "If it wasn't for the emeralds that are the key to the evolution of the orcs, who would have the heart to let them be absorbed and disappear with such emeralds?"

These words won the hearts of everyone present.Even the orcs sighed like this when absorbing emeralds.

Simba looked at Bai Zishi, and finally showed a smile from the bottom of his heart: "You have good eyesight." Seeing that Bai Zishi was a little embarrassed, Simba showed a malicious expression, "To be honest, I'm really Some regret it."

=口=... This is Bai Zishi's expression.

Simba couldn't help laughing loudly: "However, I still keep my word. It seems to scare you."

==...Mr. Double Eyelid faithfully revealed Bai Zishi's inner thoughts.After the joke, Simba said seriously: "What are your plans? Do you want to consider selling this purple eye?"

Bai Zishi shook his head: "My partner is about to level up to level seven, and I want to keep this emerald for him."

Simba was startled, then smiled gently: "I think he will be very happy."

Thinking of Vincent, Bai Zishi couldn't help showing a soft smile on his face: "Yes."

Bai Zishi went back with Sigma. Simba finished his day's work and returned home. The Asian orc man who was helping here hurried up to help him get things. Simba nodded to him: "Where's Kurolo?"

"The city lord is in the study."

In the study room, the double-black sub-orcs were concentrating on studying a piece of information sent back. When Simba came in, he saw the dark circles under his eyes, sighed, and walked over: "Kulolo, pay attention Rest, you look like you haven't slept in a long time."

The city lord raised his head, revealing a handsome face. When he saw the person coming, the slight pressure that permeated his body disappeared instantly: "Father... why are you back?"

Simba walked over and touched Kuroro's cheek: "Come and see you." The city lord took his hand and sat down. Simba was saddened to see him in a rare good mood. ) was born to stand at the top of the continent, but who knows what the Karen family paid for it?It is not an easy task to carefully maintain the transcendent status of Yacheng and maintain the relationship between Yacheng and the ten tribes.The top ten tribes all wanted to swallow Yacheng alone, and they never gave up.It's just because the ten tribes have always been afraid of each other, it's safer if none of them gets it than if one of the tribes succeeds.

But such a balance becomes more delicate and fragile as the output of jadeite decreases.The current Yacheng can still support it, and part of the credit is due to the detachment of the Stone Gambler Guild on the mainland and Yacheng's status in the hearts of the Asian orcs.Among the top ten tribes, the middle and senior sub-orcs in the management also made great contributions to maintaining the independence of sub-city.

It can be said that the Karen family is the idol of the sub-orcs. The sub-orcs who have studied history remember who changed the status of the sub-orcs, especially the existence of the Stone Gambler Guild has made more sub-orcs feel the benefits. This benefit has continued to this day.

The father and son chatted for a while, and Simba told what happened today: "I saw Bai Zishi."

Kuroro was slightly taken aback, and lowered his eyes: "What kind of person is he...?"

"Very cute, sensible, and talented. He's a good boy." Simba patted Kuroro's head, "Yajia Sigma asked me to tell you that Bai Zishi will become a powerful sub-orc man, and he will be better than Those people are all strong." The strong in Sigma's mouth is not strong in gambling stones, but strong in improving the situation in Yacheng.

"He has the talent to become an eighth-level stone gambler?" Kurolo was really surprised at the moment, eighth-level stone gambler, this is the highest title that a stone gambler can get on the road, the legendary nine level, only Olivan David has ever won it.The charisma of an eighth-level stone gambler is unimaginably powerful.Now, Sigma has resisted a lot of pressure from all sides for Yacheng, but Sigma is getting older, and the other members of the Stone Gambler Guild, Kuroro, are not at ease.Once Sigma dies, the pressure on Yacheng will increase sharply.

"He gambled out a purple eye today." Simba smiled, "A purple eye about three kilograms."

"Purple eyes?!" Kuroro narrowed his eyes. He remembered the investigation of Bai Zishi these days. It seems that since he started betting on stones, all the bets have risen sharply!Moreover, on the way to Yacheng, he also gambled a piece of blood jade!

Blood jadeite and purple eyes, this kind of top-quality jadeite, can be gambled by a rookie who has just started. If it is just luck, then this Bai Zishi's luck is too strong!

In the end, the city lord nodded: "Father, I will think about it carefully. Wei Sen is my younger brother, and I hope he can be happy too."

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