Stone Gambler

Chapter 62

Vincent quickly ran between the thick and tall trees. He skillfully suppressed the sound of his footsteps in the dense forest to almost silent, and skillfully avoided those branches that hindered his movement. He will gently push them away with ingenuity, and it sounds like the wind is blowing by the mountains.His body is painted with wormwood juice, which most beasts hate very much. This juice can not only drive away some beasts, but also get rid of some insects that are not harmful but can cause great trouble to orcs.

This is already the fourth day after he came out, he flew 680 kilometers, and finally reached the Radopas Plateau on the second morning after he came out.Ladopas is located in the northwest of Yacheng, the terrain is high and dangerous, and the vegetation is mostly coniferous forest.The third place among the fierce beasts is the carved shadow beasts that inhabit the cliffs of the Ladopas Plateau. They have the sharpest eyesight and can easily see a small ant on the ground at a height of [-] meters. Their feathers are hard and sharp, and their tail feathers can even cut through rocks. When their huge wings are fully extended, they can reach a length of seven or eight meters. Their sharp claws can easily crush rocks.But the most dangerous thing about the Shadow Eagle Beast is not what was mentioned above, but its speed, diving at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, hunters below the fourth level can hardly see his moving trajectory.

Vincent's target for this trip is 'Radopa Gaoling', which only grows on the side walls of cliffs, where it is windy and cold.There are many such cliffs on the Ladopas Plateau. Therefore, it is also a high-yield area of ​​the Ladopa Mountains. It is said to be high-yielding, but it is only relatively speaking. The growth conditions for this kind of flowers are very harsh, and there may not be any flowers in the whole continent in a year. Production of [-] flowers.

Radopa Gaoling is a sacred product for delaying aging, and is highly sought after by people in the Boya Continent. This flower must be taken within 24 hours after picking it off. Immediate extraction, immediate consumption.Not only that, because this kind of flower is not only a necessity for improving the physical fitness of small carving beasts, but also a sacred item for healing after injury, so most places with Radopa Gaoling have shadow carving beasts' lairs .This leads to a high degree of risk in the process of picking Radopa Gollin, and the price of this flower has always been high.

Two days ago, Vincent explored several cliffs on the Lapas Plateau, but he did not find the shadow of Ladopa Gaoling, but saw the nest of the shadow carving beast several times, and he retreated quietly.His purpose this time is for Radopa Gaoling, not for hunting.The combat power of an adult fierce carved shadow beast can be equivalent to that of a seventh-level or even eighth-level hunter. For Vincent, such a battle is very dangerous, but it is still relatively difficult for him to maintain a state of being undetected. Easy.After searching hard for two days, he finally found two Ladopa Gaolings growing side by side on a straight cliff. The Glyph Beast's Lair is too close!Almost right next to the nest, the orc's keen vision allowed him to easily see the occasional fluffy little wings protruding from the nest.

That's a glyph!A couple of shadow carved beasts who have children will always leave one to take care of the child. Once there is a strong enemy, they will make a loud cry, and the other carved beast will quickly come back to rescue.The fighting power of two adult eagle beast couples is comparable to that of a peak hunter of level eight. Under such circumstances, it is wishful thinking to win Radopa Gaoling!

Vincent gave up those two flowers decisively. This was already the third day of his search. He planned to search for another day. If he still couldn't find them, he would go back first.Bai would be very worried if he was out for too long.

The orc exhaled the cold air and calmly searched for the nearby cliffs. Here he could not change his animal shape to search from above. The shadow carved beasts are the kings of the sky. Their fighting power is extraordinarily strong in the sky, and they can even have trees on the ground. as an obstacle.Although the speed is slower, safety is the most important thing.

Suddenly there was a loud cry in the sky that could pierce the clouds, Vincent raised his head, and saw a shadow carved beast flying past his head, that moment was enough for Vincent to see the appearance of the carved beast clearly, The orc couldn't help being overjoyed.After studying the shadow carved beast these days, he concluded that it was a young carved beast that had just grown up and was kicked out by its parents.And this should be the time for it to go out for food.This carved beast should not have passed the estrus period yet, so it does not have the conditions to attract a mate. In other words, his lair is now empty, so it is safe to go there at this time!

The orc judged the flight path of the carved beast, and did not hold back, and flew towards that side at his fastest speed.About 10 minutes later, Vincent came to a cliff.After checking that there was no danger in the surrounding area, he looked down from the edge of the cliff. After a short while, a touch of surprising white came into Vincent's eyes. Although only a petal was exposed, he was familiar with Radopa Gaoling. The incredible orc still knew at a glance that this was what he was looking for!

A touch of joy fainted in Vincent's eyes!He estimated that the Doradopa Hill grew 200 meters away from the top of the cliff, and the nest of the shadow carved beast was 800 meters away from the top of the cliff. The sharp eyes of the orcs could see clearly. is empty!This was indeed the lair of the carved beast just now, and the carved shadow beast would spend about one to two hours looking for food at a time, during which time Vincent was safe.But this is only during this period of time. When the carved beasts come back and find that Radopa Gaoling is missing, they will chase them out. They are very sensitive to the smell of Radopa Gaoling.

Vincent knew that he had to hurry up!He had to leave this area for at least [-] kilometers within an hour, otherwise it would be a disaster if the Glyph of Shadows came back and found that Radopa Gaoling was gone and chased them out.With a thought, Vincent changed back into a beast shape, leaped off the cliff, and flew down quickly. In a few seconds, he arrived at the side of Radopa Gaoling. After returning to the human shape, he followed the fixed method Stepped down Radopa Gaoling, put it in a special container, changed into a beast shape and flew up.Afterwards, he didn't dare to delay at all. There were not many trees on the way down the cliff, and it didn't affect the speed of the huge beast-shaped body running.After a while in the dense forest, he needs to change into a human form again, and the small movements of the target in the human form are more convenient.

Vincent's black eyes were bright and sharp. He quickly identified the direction and ran through the jungle. For speed, he jumped on the treetop and walked straight away.After spraying uninterruptedly for more than half an hour, there was a sudden burst of sharp screaming in the sky, the voice was full of anger and tyranny.

The speed of Vincent's feet remained the same, he just jumped off the tree, and then ran under the cover of the tree. He miscalculated the situation, and the carved beast actually came back early!Listening to its sound, it should be found that Radopa Gaoling is missing. The box containing Radopa Gaoling is a special reference, which can cover up the taste of Radopa Gaoling to the greatest extent.This will make the carved beast spend more time finding his position, but this is not a long-term solution. Vincent took out a small bottle of juice and sprinkled it on himself while running, and wrapped it in the small box. It was also sprinkled with a lot of this juice.The smell of this sap can disguise a person as a weak beast that can be seen everywhere on this plateau, and cover up the smell of Radopa Hill.

But Vincent knew that this method could only delay time in the end, and the sensitivity of the carved beasts to Radopa Gaoling was simply outrageous.Brutely raising the speed to the limit, Vincent listened to the approaching birdsong behind him, his face remained unchanged, but secretly prepared for the battle.

He ran non-stop for more than an hour, and probably covered a distance of five to six thousand kilometers, but the carved beast behind him was still chasing after him, and he was about to leave the Ladopas Plateau. Vincent felt relieved, but he didn't want to hear a sharp cry that pierced the clouds from far away, as if it was right next to his ears.

A solemn look appeared in Vincent's eyes. In the far sky, a black shadow flew towards him at an extremely fast speed, but in the blink of an eye, the black spot turned into a huge carved beast. The carved beast was black all over. It is golden, with plump feathers, sharp roots, and a metallic luster, and a hook-shaped mouth, shining with a frightening cold light.

The carved beast's eyes kept looking at the ground, and when a running figure caught its black eyes, the figure that was flying forward suddenly changed its angle, and swooped down towards Vincent with an imposing manner. It's like the nine-day Milky Way rushing down, and the sharp sound is like a tearing sky.

Vincent changed his center of gravity, changed back to the shape of a beast, and rushed out. This sudden movement happened to make the carved beast fall into the air.The orc didn't want to confront the carved beast head-on. His goal was to get Radopa Gaoling, but the shadow carved beast didn't want to let him go. He was very angry now. It's because it wanted to hold a gift to please its sweetheart, but it didn't want to hunt for food and return, so the gift disappeared!This makes it so angry!

After the carved beast missed, it flexibly changed its angle and flew past in the low air. Its sharp claws were wide open, five sharp claws glowed with cold light, and it grabbed Vincent. The orc fought hard in terms of speed However, the hairs on the long tail stood upright, jumped up and flew in mid-air, from bottom to top, followed the eagle beast's spread wings, and whipped it away fiercely. The tail looked pitch black from a distance. Black and bright, like cold needles.The Shadow Eagle Beast wasn't wary that this wingless guy could fly, and seeing his actions, he didn't think that the tail could hit him. It hurt like a pain, especially when the tail left, it was pulled out forcefully and sideways, bringing up groups of feathers and flesh and blood flying away.

The carved beast immediately fell to the ground, but it aroused his ferocity, let out a ferocious cry, raised his speed to the limit, flew high into the air, and dived down.After the fight, Vincent felt at ease, and this just happened to confirm his guess. This little carved beast has just grown up, not only is it not strong in combat, but also has little combat experience.The blow just now hurt the most important part of his wings, which had a great impact on his flying speed.In the past, he could still have a level [-] combat power, but now it is probably not enough.

In this case... the orc looked up at the little glyph beast that swooped down, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes - then stay.

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