Savage Continent Survival

Chapter 42 Shedding a Small Skin

Several important things happened to Mr. Xiao this autumn. First, he and Mr. Juan lived together for nearly a year. The cave they lived in was big enough for Mr. Xiao to roll over ten years after being beaten by Mr. Juan. In the circle, the animal skins and bones that usually accumulate are piled up into a hill, and everything about life is on the right track.

They are finally able to live a good life independently, which means that the children are already eligible to return to the territory of their elders, with an attitude of being respected and welcomed.

Mr. Xiao is of course looking forward to licking, hugging and purring with his dear Gentle Mr. when he goes back this time to comfort the pain of lovesickness. How can he expect that when he returns to the territory of his parents and elders, there will be nothing but Mr. Smelly Face and Mr. Other than my younger brother, there is only one white egg.

Short oil, they laid eggs outside the stipulated time again!

Mr. Xiao twitched his eyebrows, and looked at Mr. Smelly Face with an ambiguous expression. But surprisingly, when Mr. Smelly Face saw Mr. Xiao's gossiping expression, instead of becoming ashamed and angry as before, he took the initiative to take the egg To Mr. Shaw.After that, Mr. Smelly Face said to Mr. Xiao, "You will have a very good brother next fall."

Very good brother?Could it be that the younger brother is not good now?

Or in fact, in the eyes of Mr. Stinky Face - he is not a good TAT?

The more Mr. Xiao heard it, the more he felt that Mr. Smelly's words were a little strange, but he couldn't figure out what the crux was.

On the contrary, as soon as the younger brother saw Mr. Xiao, he threw himself on him and begged for hugs and licks. His expression was exactly the same as before. Mr. Xiao held his younger brother in his arms, smelling the familiar smell on him, a strong sense of belonging But born.He chased after his younger brother to ask questions, thinking that the life of the elders would be the same as when he was there, but he didn't think that when his younger brother heard him ask about family affairs, he leaned close to his ear, covered his mouth and told He said, "Father Tu Mu finally got what he wanted!"

May all your wishes come true?

Mr. Xiao didn't react for a while, he was expressing his doubts, when he saw his brother stretched out his paw and secretly pointed to the egg next to him.Mr. Xiao and his younger brother gossiped about their elders for so many years, and instantly understood what he meant——

His dear Gentle Mr. was finally knocked down by the tireless Mr. Smelly Face, did he drop his egg?=皮=||||No wonder Mr. Smelly Face said that the egg would be a very good brother→,→///Because this time Finally, he is no longer the one to lay eggs ╮(╯_╰)╭Mr. Xiao mourned for Mr. Wenrou in his heart for a while, and at the same time, he was a little inexplicably relieved—it seems that even he himself thought that he didn’t look very good It is very unreasonable for Mr. Gentle to be able to beat the awesome Mr. Smelly Face for more than ten years in a row.

But after being suppressed for so many years, he can still win back a city—Mr. Xiao sighed with emotion at the extraordinary perseverance of Mr. Smelly Face, and at the same time felt that his thoughts about defeating Mr. Juan, which had been almost extinguished, seemed to come alive again. .

On this day, when the sky darkened, Mr. Gentle still did not come back. My younger brother said that he was completely hit by reality, so he has been running outside to exercise until late.Mr. Xiao thought that he would meet again in the future, so he didn't wait any longer.When I got home, Mr. Juan just came back. Their family also had a cute little friend this year. The two little monsters were deeply touched, and they talked for a long time on the topic of laying eggs and little lives.After this time, Mr. Juan more and more hoped that he and his dear Changchang could shed their skins and become adults soon, and then have their own children.

Perhaps it was this strong thought that promoted the physiological process. In the winter of that year, Mr. Juan began to shed his skin as he wished.

This is really a long process. The original skin has an aging and drying process before peeling off, and if the new skin does not grow on time, the process of shedding is like tearing off the skin abruptly.

It seems that Mr. Juan's luck is not very good. Since the skin on his body started to age, he feels uncomfortable.When the original skin really began to peel off a little bit, he was so painful that he started to sweat coldly.However, this old-fashioned little monster still had to hold on, his clenched paws were so hard that they turned white, but he still kept his normal look at Mr. Xiao.

Mr. Xiao looked anxiously and angrily at the side, and finally he couldn't help rushing over and grabbing Mr. Juan's ear and yelling, "There is no one else here, so it won't matter if you rely on me once in a while!"

Mr. Juan had never been so fiercely attacked by Mr. Xiao. He was terrified all over, and his already tight mouth became more and more deflated. It seemed that he was really wronged.And just when Mr. Xiao thought that Mr. Juan was going to continue to be stubborn, the wronged little monster hugged his knees and rolled himself into a ball, shrinking and shrinking, and finally fell into Mr. Xiao's arms.

This fool!

Mr. Xiao sighed. He adjusted his comfortable posture and hugged Mr. Juan. Then he felt that his body was cold, so he took the thick fur to cover him.Mr. Juan endured it for so long and was finally able to express his discomfort without hesitation. There was a groaning sound in his throat, and he grabbed Mr. Xiao's paw even harder.

Mr. Xiao accompanied Mr. Juan to lie on the haystack, and observed the skin on his body at close range. He saw that some of the dry and old skin had hung like debris, while some were still tightly adhered to the body.Under the old skin that was about to fall off, new skin should have grown. Mr. Juan said that those places were very itchy, so Mr. Xiao stuck out his tongue and licked them all away.As for those still stuck to his body, Mr. Xiao tried to pull them away, but with only a little effort, bloodshot eyes appeared on his head. He knew he couldn't move any more, so he touched Mr. Juan's head, hoping to relieve his pain.

Mr. Juan felt a lot more comfortable being taken care of by Mr. Xiao so carefully, so his long tail, which had been frozen in pain, began to rub against Mr. Xiao frequently.In this regard, even though Mr. Juan still has a straight face, Mr. Xiao still clearly knows that this monster is acting like a baby again ╮(╯_╰)╭ But because Mr. Juan is in a special moulting period, he has lost his mobility and went out to hunt It fell on Mr. Xiao alone.The weather is getting colder, and there are fewer and fewer animals in the forest. Mr. Xiao doesn't want to feed Mr. Juan the monotonous fish every meal. Going out to hunt every day is really not an easy task.

What's rare is that Mr. Xiao didn't complain at all when he took on this burden. He even figured out why the Crewe people could go out to live with each other before they molted and became adults. Experience the difficulty of supporting life alone. Only through hardships can you appreciate your partner more.

Cherish it... Speaking of this, Mr. Xiao, whose face is almost thick as a wall recently, couldn't help but blush a little. He shyly thought that even if there hadn't been such a time, he would be very rare to Mr. Juan...Short oil, this is terrible I am sorry.

Mr. Xiao, who was still in the pink fantasy, couldn't help covering his face, but he released the lamb who was being crushed by his paws.

Mr. Xiao had too many pink bubbles that day, and he was completely out of shape. In the end, he only carried a hare back.There was little food, so he naturally wanted to give it to Mr. Juan.Mr. Xiao, who was hungry at night, was really touched by himself - he thought he was really a monster with great dedication, but when it comes to eating, Mr. Juan has recently developed a bad habit, that is, every meal Mr. Xiao fed him.The "feeding" mentioned here certainly does not mean that Mr. Xiao's claws tore the meat for him to eat, but asked Mr. Xiao to bite the meat and feed it to him mouth to mouth.At first, it was just Mr. Xiao who saved Mr. Juan from biting and swallowed the food directly when Mr. Juan was so uncomfortable that he lost his strength.Who would have thought that after Mr. Juan was fed once, Mr. Xiao would make it for him every time he ate.

Mr. Xiao felt that this feeding method was quite unhygienic, but a certain head was in a special period and he couldn't do anything to him, so he had to patiently feed him mouthfuls.And the abominable Mr. Juan still refused to settle down every time he finished eating. When the food was gone, he continued to open his mouth to Mr. Xiao—begging for kisses and licks. The little monster did it easily!

Mr. Xiao is responsible for feeding and giving kisses, and he will get impatient later.Sometimes Mr. Juan tells him to shut up and lie down. If Mr. Juan has been kissed enough, he will be obedient, but if not enough, this magical little monster will say to Mr. Xiao with a straight face, "But Changchang, you haven't brushed my teeth today."



Well, for the sake of shedding your skin!Mr. Xiao grinds his teeth. He plans to give Mr. Juan a good lesson after shedding his skin!

But teaching such things can only be swayed in Mr. Xiao's mind, because when Mr. Juan finally sheds his skin and becomes a real adult Crewe.After that, he seemed to have entered the second growth period. His original fat face gradually lost weight, and his already strong body grew taller and stronger.When next spring comes, he will almost be a head taller than Mr. Xiao.

And this rapid growth continued, and Mr. Xiao began to feel that something was wrong—because of the difference in physique, it became more and more unfavorable for him to fight.

The grim reality forced Mr. Xiao to desire to grow up. Maybe the Crewe people’s molt time is related to their own subjective ideas, because shortly after Mr. Xiao began to look forward to molting into adulthood, he really entered The molting period.

Mr. Juan was very excited when he learned that Mr. Xiao started to itch and a lot of skin flakes fell off his body. He hugged Mr. Xiao and licked him back and forth to comfort him not to be afraid. Well looked after.

In view of Mr. Juan's previous experience, Mr. Xiao was really nervous about shedding his skin. Since he had just entered the moulting period, the drying process of the old skin was really itchy. Using his previous experience, he asked Mr. Juan to remove those skins that were about to dry out. All the flakes of skin were licked off.

This torment lasted all night, Mr. Xiao was itching all over, and Mr. Juan was about to lick him all over.I was desperately thinking that my shedding process would be more difficult than that of Mr. Juan, but when the sun shone into the cave the next day, the two of them noticed that Mr. Xiao's old skin was being licked by Mr. Juan. clean, and that means—

Mr. Xiao's molting process is over!

I'll fuck it! !Mr. Xiao observed his darker skin in disbelief, wondering if he had been tricked by a god.

As for Mr. Juan, after pursing his lips and taking a deep breath for a while, he still couldn't help punching Mr. Xiao to the ground.Then Mr. Juan rushed forward and bit Mr. Xiao's shoulder fiercely, and he kept thinking in his heart - Songbao was thrown away earlier than Juanjuan!Teeth change faster than Curly!Even shedding is much easier than curling!Chang Chang, how can you be like this T^T So, if Mr. Juan didn't like Mr. Xiao, he would probably have been stimulated by a certain head and collapsed.

The author has something to say: The host finally came back from a stroll, summer is really not a good time to go out Otz=====

Regarding Mr. Gentle and Mr. Stinky Face, shortly after Mr. Gentle missed and was knocked down by Mr. Stinky Face, Mr. Gentle, who started to work hard again, finally took the initiative again.So the next summer, their family took a total of two eggs and buried them in the river.And the sensitive Mr. Gentle didn't give Mr. Smelly Face any more face this time, he went to bury his eggs in the river by himself.Since this was the first time someone in their tribe took two eggs at once, everyone looked at Mr. Stinkyface for a while as if they were studying a magical creature.The face-loving Mr. Smelly Face is so black that it almost turns into carbon. In addition, he has been taught a bad lesson recently. After that, Mr. Smelly Face finally understands that his partner at home is really not offended at all ╮(╯▽ ╰)╭=====

Speaking of extra episodes, let me put two together in the comments before →, →: Regarding the name of the patriarch:

As the patriarch of such a group of cute and cute monsters, the patriarch is actually a cute and cute monster. He has no imagination since before, so it has always been a painful thing to choose a name.When Mr. Gentle and Mr. Smelly Face were born, the patriarch had only become the patriarch not long ago, and he was quite excited, so every time the eggs were placed on the riverbank to hatch, he would secretly count how many children needed names , and until the eggs hatched for more than three months, he thought about names with his family every day, so the monsters born during that time had more reliable names.But later, the patriarch’s family got annoyed, and was not happy to think of names with the patriarch every day, so whenever the patriarch started to grab him to think of names together, he used force (→,→) to make it useless for the patriarch to mention names this matter.So the names of children born later became more and more unreliable.When it was Mr. Xiao's time, when even the name Changchang appeared, the patriarch's family was actually a little ashamed, and felt that he should discuss the name with the patriarch again.But when he found out that his son's son and grandson were called Juanjuan, the patriarch's family felt that even his grandson was called such a frustrating name, why can't other people's children call him Juan!So until now the patriarch's name is still so uncanny =====

Continuing on about Mr. Gentle and Mr. Smelly Face:

When the Crewes want to partner with each other, what they give is not a pet, but a prey to eat, but Mr. Xiao didn't eat Mr. Food.

Mr. Gentle gave a wild zebra to Mr. Smellyface, because the wild zebra’s fur is different. Otz Although horses are not things that ordinary monsters would give to themselves, but because the elders of Mr. Gentle’s family were very early In the previous tribal wars, they all received lunch boxes. Mr. Gentle has been taken care of by adults in various families in their tribe since he was a child, and Mr. Smelly Face has been awesome since he was a child. So what if he won Ake? He is very pitiful for Mr. Gentle and wants to take care of Mr. Gentle, so even if he receives a little rabbit, Mr. Smelly Face will still agree to live with him.

Of course, everyone knows later that Mr. Smelly Face is a tragedy ╮(╯▽╰)╭ This story tells us that even if there is only one time, you can’t be the Virgin Mary-,-+=======

And one more about Mr. Grain:

After Mr. Xiao left, the deer in the fence were gradually eaten up, and finally only Mr. Grain was left.Mr. Grain realized something was wrong very early on, and he desperately tried to escape with his antlers against the fence, but the tragedy was that Mr. Grain had recently suffered from calcium deficiency, and before the fence fell off, his antlers fell off.

Besides, because my younger brother has been following Mr. Xiao, when spring came, he thought about whether to take Mr. Grain to catch deer in the forest and come back to raise fawns.However, Mr. Grain's new horns hadn't grown at that time, so he didn't hook back the doe this time, but got a young buck instead.

The younger brother is more lacking. Seeing that the Kru people are all males, he thought that two male sika deer could give birth to fawns together, so he took the male deer home.And then, of course, my younger brother can't wait for the deer to be born, but Mr. Grain has since embarked on the road of disturbing the foundation ╮(╯▽╰)╭The above small fans, everyone can't make up their minds carelessly!

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