Pick up an orc

Chapter 10 Tentacles

In this world, the days are long and the nights are short, and the temperature difference between day and night is huge. During the day, it is as hot as a sauna, but at night, it is cold and windy.

A gust of evening wind blew, Lu Yuan shivered, and quickly put on his coat.But the chill still seeped into the bone marrow, from head to toe.

Tuan Tuan huddled in his arms, trembling, scratching with his paws restlessly.Is it cold?Even if it was fed, it would not eat it, so we had to wrap it tightly with clothes, but the little thing was still shaking violently.

Soon, even Lu Yuan noticed something was wrong. The forest at night was surprisingly quiet, and the surroundings were dead silent. It seemed that he and Tuantuan were the only living creatures in the huge forest.It's so smart that you can't even hear the sound of insects, so even insects are afraid of this forest?Lu Yuan felt his scalp go numb, and the silent night made his hair stand on end.He hugged the ball tightly, trying to distract himself with fond memories and various comedies from his memory.

Suddenly, a few swishing sounds crossed the quiet night sky, as if something was flying quickly in the air.Lu Yuan raised his head vigilantly, but saw nothing, only the colorful shadows of the trees and the swaying branches under the moonlight.

"I'm too nervous, aren't I?" Probably to embolden himself, Lu Yuan began to talk to Tuantuan with some irrelevant words, laughing heartily on purpose.

But Tuantuan was always in panic. It buried its small head between its two paws, and even rolled its tail under its buttocks.The whoosh in the air seemed to never stop, and there was always a sound or two between his words.

Whenever this sound appeared, Tuantuan would tremble instinctively. This kind of animal's fear of unknown and powerful enemies made Lu Yuan more and more uneasy.

Felt like he was going crazy with this oppressive atmosphere, this forest gave him chills and fidgeting.After biting the bullet and persisting for half an hour, he finally couldn't sit still and decided to leave here.Even if there might be a dozen ferocious hyenas squatting outside, it would be better than staying in this weird forest.

After making up his mind, Lu Yuan took Tuan Tuan to act immediately. He planned to go out of the forest first and find a nearby cave to spend the night.

But as soon as he jumped down from the tree, he felt something grab his left ankle, and a powerful force instantly dragged him to the ground.The moment he threw himself down, he was so scruples about the ball hanging on his chest, afraid of pressing it, he landed on his elbow abruptly.Although it was separated by a coat, it was only a thin layer of cloth, and the bones all over the ground still caused Lu Yuan's elbows to bleed.

Before he could react, he was dragged to the depths of the forest by a force.Lu Yuan was shocked, and hugged a tree in desperation, kicking his feet desperately trying to shake it off.But the object wrapped around his foot tightly wrapped his ankle, and it was useless for him to kick it with the other foot, and the object was so powerful that Lu Yuan could hardly hold it.

At this moment, Tuantuan rushed forward, bit the thing hard, and scratched desperately with his claws.Maybe it was because the force was too weak, the thing didn't hurt or itchy at all, but it pulled Lu Yuan hard enough to loosen his grip.

Lu Yuan was dragged on the ground by it, his back and the back of his head rubbed in unbearable pain, Tuantuan chased after him and howled.It bit Lu Yuan's clothes, as if it wanted to take Lu Yuan back from that thing's grasp, but the strength of the two was very different, and Tuantuan was dragged along for several meters.

There was a rock protruding from the ground in front of him, Lu Yuan turned over and rushed towards the rock, clasping his hands tightly.He was in a stalemate with the thing, and with all his strength, he stepped his right foot to the side of the stone, using the strength of the rock to prevent himself from being pulled into the forest.But this is not a long-term solution. As long as you are not careful, you will be dragged into the unknown abyss by this force.

Tuantuan pounced on it again, biting and scratching at the thing.Through the moonlight, Lu Yuan saw that the object entangled his foot was a tentacle like an octopus foot, with smooth skin and many small suction cups, firmly sucking his foot.

He tried his best to retract the grabbed foot, untied the machete at his waist, and slashed it down.The green mucus splashed onto Lu Yuan's face, carrying a strong stench, making Ningren nauseous.The thing was injured, and quickly retreated into the dense forest, and the severed antennae were still wrapped around his feet.

Lu Yuan didn't care about anything else, picked up Tuan Tuan and ran towards the edge of the forest.But that swishing sound sounded again, Lu Yuan turned his head and found several tentacles like this flying towards him.

One of them was already wrapped around his arm. He suppressed the panic in his heart and swung his knife to chop it off.The tentacle's elasticity is quite good, and it takes a lot of strength to cut it off. He slashed those approaching tentacles again and again, while running towards the edge of the forest.

It was a species he had never seen before. It seemed to have no body, no facial features, no shape and limbs, only countless tentacles coming from the dark forest!

Another tentacle grabbed his arm, and then another tentacle wrapped around his wrist. The scimitar was taken away and thrown on the ground far away: "Damn it, what is this thing!" Lu Yuan quickly pulled it out. Another sword cut through the obstacles on his body a few times, but more tentacles rushed out like a tide.

The tentacles swarmed and pulled his body, the force was so great that Lu Yuan couldn't stand still.At the critical moment, he quickly took off his coat, cut off the tentacles wrapped around his waist, and ran out of the forest in a few steps.

Lu Yuan rushed out without thinking, and ran for a while before looking back, the tentacles seemed unable to leave the forest, they rolled under the shadow of the forest but did not dare to step out of the forest.Seeing that the tentacles stopped chasing him, Lu Yuan's legs softened, and he sat on the ground with a slap, his heart beating so violently that it almost jumped out of his chest.

What the hell are those tentacles!He held his head, hoping that everything that happened now was just a nightmare.Tuantuan jumped on him and licked him with his tongue, as if to comfort Lu Yuan.

"You're fine, that's great!" Lu Yuan hugged Tuantuan tightly, feeling like he was alive after a catastrophe.

The severed tentacles were still wrapped around Lu Yuan's feet. He tore it off and found that one side was smooth and elastic, and the other side was covered with suction cups.There was dark green sap left at the fracture, which reminded Lu Yuan of those big trees covered with vines.

There are no living things in this forest, so, this thing is a plant?But the bones in the forest proved that even if it was some kind of plant, it was also a bloodthirsty demon that devoured people.

After taking a breath, Lu Yuan decided to leave this horrible place immediately, no matter whether the thing was a plant or an animal, he was not interested.But his backpack fell on the edge of the forest as he took off his coat.The jacket can still be discarded, and it is no big deal if there is no backpack, but the crossbow and machete also fell into the forest, which made Lu Yuan extremely frustrated.

But no matter how annoyed he was, he didn't want to go back to the man-eating forest. Only then did Lu Yuan deeply understand why the hyena was so frightened and ran away with its tail between its legs.

When being chased by hyenas, he ran away in a hurry and didn't notice the surrounding situation. Now Lu Yuan looked around while looking for a way to leave.He was surprised to find that except for the forest, there was hardly any vegetation growing in this area, not even grass.There was a thick layer of white powder on the edge of the forest, scattered around the forest, Lu Yuan picked up some and smelled it.

Those white powders reminded Lu Yuan of table salt, so he tasted some boldly, and it was indeed salt.So he understood that those tentacles were indeed some kind of mutated plants, and there were humans living on this mountain, and they knew the danger of this forest.So they sprinkled salt around the forest, making it a saline land, and trapping the devil-like tentacle plant in an area where it couldn't reproduce.

Lu Yuan has nothing now, except for a sword, all other necessary items are in the backpack.He hugged Tuantuan and said to the little guy, "Now we can only take one step at a time."

Just as he was about to leave, a girl's scream came from deep in the forest.Listening to the voice was a very young girl, shouting in a language that Lu Yuan could not understand.

"Hey! Is there anyone in there?" Are there other people in the forest?Lu Yuan also yelled into the forest: "Can you hear me? Answer me!"

The echo echoed in the valley, and Lu Yuan waited anxiously for a while. Sure enough, there was another call from the forest, and it was in Chinese that had been missing for a long time: "Help me!" The girl's terrified cry echoed in the night sky for a long time: "Help—— Who can help me--"

Lu Yuan was shocked, there was someone here, and it was a person who could speak Chinese.He couldn't do nothing, so he yelled into the forest again: "Where are you, tell me." But the girl's voice never sounded again, Lu Yuan thought of those tentacles, and his heart shuddered, the girl would Wouldn't it have been killed?

It is definitely not his style to ignore death, and this person is likely to be his compatriots, and may even be someone who came here from the same place.

But he also knew that acting recklessly would not only fail to save others, but would also catch him.

Backpack!Pick up the backpack first, there is a lighter in it to ignite, maybe these monsters are afraid of fire!

Lu Yuan looked into the forest. His backpack was lying about a dozen steps away from the edge. If he rushed in quickly and then ran out, he might have a chance.Just in case, he grabbed a large amount of salt and sprinkled it on his body, the salt sticking to the wound made him grunt a few times in pain, it should be disinfected!

Lu Yuan said to Tuantuan: "Wait for me here, don't follow!" Then he drew out his sword, gritted his teeth and rushed into the forest in one go, grabbed his backpack and ran back in one breath.

But the tentacles didn't show up, maybe to deal with the girl.

Lu Yuan seized the time and lit a torch. He used the broken tentacle to experiment.As soon as the flame touched the green slime, it burned immediately, and after a while, the tentacle was burned to ashes.So he concluded that these things must be afraid of fire.

With the torch in one hand and the sword in the other, he was about to enter the forest again.

At this time, Tuantuan desperately bit his trouser leg to prevent him from leaving. Of course, Lu Yuan knew that the little thing was worried about him: "Be good and wait for me to come back!" Tether something small to a rock.

In fact, Lu Yuan himself doesn't know whether he can come back after this trip, is it worth it for a stranger?He also thought about retreating and hesitating, but he thought again: If I am trapped in the forest at this time, then I must hope that someone can come to save me!

With this belief sustaining him, he returned to the Bloodthirsty Forest again.


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