Pick up an orc

Chapter 9 Bloodthirsty Forest

Behind him came the sound of stones rolling down the hillside, though faintly, mingled with the nasal sound of some animal's breathing.

Lu Yuan turned his head and found a hyena lying a few meters away, its teeth chattering.He hastened to protect Tuantuan behind him, and drew the scimitar from his waist to fight to the death.

About the size and appearance of modern coyotes, hyenas are ferocious predators with a very tenacious ability to survive.They move in groups, kill live animals and eat carrion, and their obsession with prey is surprising.All prey targeted by hyenas cannot escape: they have a strong sense of teamwork, and can even persist in chasing their prey for several days, until the other party is exhausted before rushing up.

But the hyena in front of him was very old, with sparse hair on his back and a few teeth missing.It may have gone so long without prey that it risked the nocturnal animal to operate during the day.Its body is very thin, and its front legs are still injured. It looks like a lonely beast.

So the hyena didn't pounce on it immediately, but kept a few meters away to watch.

Despite this, Lu Yuan still didn't dare to take it lightly. After confronting the hyena for a while, he found that it didn't intend to attack head-on.Instead, Tuantuan crawled up to Lu Yuan and yelled at the hyena.

The hyena was taken aback for a moment, as if it didn't expect this palm-sized kitten to dare to provoke it.It was completely enraged, bared its teeth and let out a low growl, leaned forward and made an attack preparation.Seeing Tuan Tuan Tuan Tuan still wanting to run forward, Lu Yuan was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, he picked it up and stuffed it into the hammock in front of his chest.

"Wow!" The little guy opened his mouth wide, and let out a childish roar, which was similar to a cat meowing.Lu Yuan was helpless. Where was the fear when he met the tyrannosaurus just now? Did he know how to bully the soft and fear the hard after just a little bit?

But no matter how old the hyena is, it is also an experienced and battle-tested predator. It jumped to a high place on the rock and looked down at Lu Yuan.Although its body has decayed, its eyes are still sharp, shining coldly like a falcon.

Seeing that it refused to approach, Lu Yuan picked up his crossbow and shot an arrow at it, but the aim was too poor, and the shot missed several meters.Although this crossbow was very powerful, it was harder to control than expected. Lu Yuan fired another arrow without giving up, not even touching a dog hair.

The hyena was still moving cautiously at first, but when Lu Yuan missed the shot, he simply stopped and stared at him coldly.

Grass!Lu Yuan cursed secretly, not wanting to waste any more arrows, he drew out his scimitar again and waited for the hyena to approach.Time passed by, and there was no movement from either side, so Lu Yuan decided to leave this place first.He packed his luggage and backed away carefully. The hyena didn't approach, but kept a certain distance behind him.

The hand holding the scimitar was sweating profusely, and his knuckles were turning white from too much force.Lu Yuan walked in the direction of the forest belt. Hyenas can't climb trees, so they can climb up trees to hide for a while.He moved faster, fully alert, clutching his sharp weapon, ready to deliver a fatal blow to the hyena if it came close.

But the cunning hyena seemed to have seen through Lu Yuan's tricks, knowing that he would miss the shot, as long as he didn't get close, there was no danger, so he kept a distance of three to five meters.

At this time, the sky is getting dark, and the sun is about to set. Human beings don't have good night vision, and they will fall into crisis once night falls.Lu Yuan thought, wild animals are afraid of fire, so he wanted to light a torch.However, the branches seen along the road were all damp due to the rain and were not easy to burn.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the last ray of the sun disappeared on the other side of the mountain!

The roar of an unknown animal echoed in the silent valley, the moon had not yet risen, and the surroundings were dark.The hyena let out a strange growl from the depths of its throat, slowly approaching.

The world was completely immersed in darkness, only a few stars were twinkling in the sky, and the steep mountains here made him dare not act rashly.

The hyena's eyes glowed with green light, and it followed like a ghost not far away.

Feeling anxious, Lu Yuan took out the lighter and fired it a few times. The faint light made the animal hesitate for a while.Sure enough, it is afraid of fire!He quickly picked up a wooden stick, regardless of whether it was wet or not.Wrap a dry towel around it, praying that it must be lit, or it may die.

Despite the lack of oxidizers, the towel was fortunate enough to eventually catch fire.After a while, it was lit together with some wet wood.

The light of the torch made the hyena retreat a little, but driven by hunger, it still refused to give up the delicious meal in front of it.Tuantuan kept yelling at the hyena, letting out a non-threatening growl and showing a mouthful of sharp little teeth.The hyena growled a few times in response at first, and after realizing that the little thing was completely harmless, it didn't even bother to talk to it.

The little guy was very restless in Lu Yuan's arms, and a few times, if he hadn't been quick to hold him down, he would have jumped to the ground.

Does Tuantuan want to protect himself?Lu Yuan shook his head, this little guy was afraid of being like that when he met a Tyrannosaurus, would he really protect himself in a critical moment?Of course, now is not the time to think wildly.

This place is not far from the forest belt on the ridge, and there is still a distance of 200 meters by visual inspection. Lu Yuan can only speed up his pace.

This 200 meters is probably the most difficult road for Lu Yuan in his life. The road under his feet is bumpy, and the undead hunters are behind him, waiting for him to relax and kill him with one blow.But the closer it got to the forest, the hyena became irritable. It began to hesitate, as if considering whether to attack or not.

Here, Lu Yuan has already reached the edge of the forest, but the hyena is still hesitating.It approached cautiously, stopping from time to time to spy on its surroundings.

Lu Yuan was holding a knife and a torch in one hand, ready to fight.Perhaps it was because hunger drove the instinct, the hyena suddenly bared its white teeth and rushed towards Lu Yuan.Lu Yuan dodged, but because of the uneven mountain road, he couldn't stand still for a while, and was thrown to the ground by the hyena who attacked again.

The ugly beast aimed at Lu Yuan's throat and was about to bite it down. In desperation, Lu Yuan turned the torch across its bloody mouth.The hyena couldn't bite off its mouth, Lu Yuan desperately resisted its attack, and couldn't stand still.The hyena's paw dug into the flesh of his shoulder, and a strong stench was emitted from its mouth, and the sticky saliva kept dripping on Lu Yuan's face.

The pain from the scratched shoulder was unbearable, and one end of the torch was scorching hot. Even though Lu Yuan's hand was not holding the burning place, it was also scalded with blisters.

But in order to survive, these are nothing.

Just when he felt that his strength was almost exhausted, the hyena screamed and retracted its claws.It turned out that Tuantuan had bitten its front paw hard, and the fellow relaxed in pain.Lu Yuan took the opportunity to push it away, picked up the machete and chopped it down.

The sharp scimitar hit the front of the beast, the hyena was wounded, and blood was scattered all over the ground.Lu Yuan panted heavily and adjusted his figure, ready to make another blow.

At this moment, the wind direction suddenly changed, and the wind blowing from the forest carried a smell of blood.

The hyena, who was planning to fight to the death, smelled this smell, gave up the delicious meal in front of him with a wail, and fled.

The bloody smell in the air was extremely strong, and the stench of rotting meat made Lu Yuan frowned.This smell not only made the hyena retreat, but even Tuan Tuan, who was very excited just now, became depressed and showed signs of fear.It tightly grasped Lu Yuan's chest with its small paws, and burrowed its head into his arms desperately.Lu Yuan stroked it lightly to show comfort, while walking into this dense forest.

He raised his head to look at the forest, where towering trees stood like monsters in the darkness.

This forest made Lu Yuan have an ominous premonition. He didn't want to enter the forest at first, but many green eyes appeared one after another on the rocky mountain. They were nocturnal hyena groups.

He swallowed his saliva, an old hyena can still be dealt with, if it is a group, the consequences will be disastrous.After hesitating again and again, he decided to find a suitable big tree at the edge of the forest and spend the night on the tree.The group of hyenas watched from a distance, and when they saw Lu Yuan walking into the forest, they all scattered.

The big trees in the forest seem to be of the same species, with long branches like willows, and the soft branches are floating in the air, which looks very strange in the dark night.

The smell here was suffocating, Lu Yuan resisted the desire to vomit, and used the light of the torch to look for trees to climb up to.

I didn't know what brittle things were stepped on under my feet, and there was a crisp clicking sound. Lu Yuan moved the torch, only to find that the forest floor was covered with a thick layer of bones.

I don't know if they were animal or human skeletons, but they were all covered in white.

This strange phenomenon terrified Lu Yuan, no wonder the hyena would rather give up its prey than enter the forest.What is in this forest?

Lu Yuan didn't dare to take the risk of going deep, but he was worried about the hyena group outside, so he was in a dilemma.Finally, he found a big tree at the edge of the forest. This tree needs several people to surround it. A thinner tree next to it was leaning and growing obliquely against the thick and strong tree.He looked up and observed, and felt that he could climb from the thinner tree to the branches of the big tree. The branch was very strong and could definitely bear the weight of an adult.

Before, he thought that climbing a tree was not a difficult task, but when Lu Yuan took a lot of effort to climb the big tree, he couldn't help but envy Tuantuan.This little guy has been huddled in his arms, without any effort.

After finding a suitable place to sit down, Lu Yuan relaxed his tense nerves for a day. Because he climbed the tree, he didn't bring the torch up, and stuck it in the soil under the tree, and it burned out after a while.But the moon has climbed into the sky, and the bright moon hangs on the blue sky, casting a layer of silver light on the earth.

Li Bai has a famous saying: Raise your head to look at the bright moon, and bow your head to think of your hometown.Just ten words express Lu Yuan's heartfelt thoughts. Looking at the bright moon in the sky, he yearns more and more to return to his relatives and return to a civilized society.He couldn't help but think of his parents, how they cared for him meticulously, his eyes were sore, this was the loneliest time for him.

He took out his notebook and wrote the following words by moonlight: On May 2011, 5, I was looking for a way out in the mountains, but there were unexpected beasts lurking in the forest.I can't describe my shock with a pen. I came to a prehistoric continent, alone, and there were no other human beings.Tuantuan seems to have grown up a bit. Today he saved my life under the claws of a hyena. I am very much looking forward to its growth.

After closing the notebook, Lu Yuan felt his shoulders swell.His shoulder was scratched by a hyena and was bleeding, but luckily there was first aid in his backpack.His feet were also in severe pain. He took off his shoes and found that his feet were red and there were several blisters on the soles of his feet.

Seemingly worried about his wound, Tuantuan curled up on his lap and howled softly.

"Little guy, I only have you now!" Lu Yuan leaned against the tree trunk, his shoulders and feet hurt, he simply treated the wound, remembering the scene of Tuantuan desperately biting the hyena just now: "Thank you very much for protecting me just now , you are so brave."

He hugged Tuan Tuan, stroked its soft fur, and kissed its little head.But Tuantuan suddenly seemed very disturbed, and it didn't even respond to Lu Yuan.

In the dark night, several black shadows flew towards Lu Yuan quickly.

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