There were not enough bandages and medicines, so Lu Yuan could only simply deal with the knife wound on Li's abdomen. The repeatedly opened wound was already bloody and bloody. If this continues, he may die from infection.

"Can you go? I'll help you go to the cave where I live. It's safer there, and your injury needs to be taken care of."

Li glanced at Lu Yuan, rejected his shoulder, and stood up unsteadily.After swaying a few times, he finally stabilized his body, but it could be seen that he was enduring the pain and sweating profusely.Lu Yuan understood that he had not given up his dignity as a king, and even if he was defeated, he would not allow himself to live in embarrassment.

He picked up the torch, carried the burden and quilt on his back: "Let's go home!" Hearing what he said, Tuantuan jumped up from the ground and ran to the front happily.

"I thought the arrogant fangs would not be tamed. It seems that there are exceptions to everything." Li clutched his wound, walking slowly, and Lu Yuan deliberately slowed down to wait for him.

"When I picked up Tuantuan, it didn't even open its eyes, it was only as big as a palm, and it grew so big in just a few days." Speaking of the growth of the little thing, Lu Yuan felt a sense of pride: " By the way, why do you all say that he is a fang, how did you tell?"

"Eyes, eyes of that color are only found in fangs." The emerald-like dark green pupils are unique in this world.

"Then will it also become a human, as strong and powerful as you?" Lu Yuan looked very excited, it seemed that he really picked up a treasure.

Seeing Tuantuan trotting up the hillside, yelling at them energetically, Li couldn't help showing an expression of approval and said: "The physique of the cat family is not as strong as that of the bear family, but it is still a giant to you. You can teach him to speak now, the juvenile fangs grow fast, and the learning ability is very strong."

"Learn to talk?" Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, and a muscular two-meter-tall man appeared in his head, meowing at his feet.

He shook his head vigorously, trying to get these absurd images out of his mind: "How to teach, I don't know anything about babies."

"Don't ask me, I don't have any children." After a moment of silence, Li looked into the distance and said sadly: "It would be great if Lei was here, he likes children very much. He will go to see whoever has a newborn, Then he hugged other people's children and refused to let go." This sentence seemed to bring back some good memories, he even smiled, but only for a moment, and then the bitter expression replaced that smile.

Lu Yuan opened his mouth several times to ask about the things between him, Lei and Barlow, but he swallowed the words abruptly.Although he didn't ask, he kept telling me, I want to hear gossip and curious expressions on his face.

"Not long ago, I was the king of the bear clan, and Lei was my spouse." Probably noticing the entanglement in Lu Yuan's heart, Li began to tell his story: "Baro is my only younger brother."

This is a story of bloodshed and sacrifice.

On this continent, although the bear clan is the most populous orc race, they are not united.They are divided into many small tribes, living in their own enclosures.The powerful ethnic group is the most populous and powerful of these small tribes.

However, the warlike bears often have wars with other tribes. They slaughter other tribes and fight against their own people.The longer the time, the greater the aftermath of the war.The number of births is decreasing year by year, the population is plummeting, and many small ethnic groups are even extinct.When the bear clan was weak, other oppressed races united to deal them a fatal blow.

The Bear Clan is facing a major crisis, when a mysterious man named Feilong appears.

He called on the various tribes to sit down for peace talks, signed an armistice treaty, and divided the territory without interfering with each other.Later, he persuaded and helped the then king—Li's father to recover other small tribes in one fell swoop, and unified the Xiong tribe.

Feilong stayed in the Bear Clan for ten years, teaching them medical and architectural knowledge, developing agriculture, and raising livestock in captivity.

Their life gradually improved, and they no longer needed to hunt around. The development of animal husbandry provided sufficient food and milk sources.Once the war and hunger are far away, having children has become a top priority, and the birth rate has greatly increased, putting a happy smile on everyone's face.Even the most stubborn rebels and tribes who would rather die than be united began to accept such a stable new life. Later, they designated the day when the flying dragon arrived as the Harvest Festival, which is a later story.

As for Ray, he is a small black bear known as the "Ono" family, a very rare race where males can also reproduce.

During the peace talks, Li immediately fell in love with this young leader named Lei.

At that time, Lei was pregnant with his first child. He sat quietly at the round table and listened to the opinions of the leaders.Even though he was wearing a wide cloak, it still couldn't hide his already protruding abdomen.

During the breaks between meetings, he would gently stroke his belly, his face brimming with maternal brilliance, like a compassionate Bodhisattva.

With just one glance, Li knew that he had fallen into it, and it was beyond redemption.

Finally, I learned from others that Lei's spouse died of illness not long ago, and the child in his stomach was a posthumous child.Li believes that this is an excellent opportunity, and no one will refuse to find an excellent father for their child who will become the next king.

He expressed to Lei that he was willing to take care of him and the child in his womb, but Lei politely declined: "Our Ono family will not go into heat again until the baby is independent. You should find a female who can bear the next generation for you. Besides, I don't like high life, I like my tree house more than your palace.

This is the reason for his refusal, and Li has been listlessly sad for many days.What I can't get rid of in my mind is the figure of that person.

In any case, I want to get him, no matter what method is used!This is Li's only thought after being burned by love.

This journey was very slow, and Li's story was also very long. He suddenly asked Lu Yuan, "Am I being selfish?"

Selfish?Lu Yuan closed his eyes and thought for a while: "Love is all selfish." Sighing, he cautiously asked again: "But why did they betray you? They are all your closest relatives."

How painful it is to be betrayed by your favorite lover and brother.

"Baro has always wanted to be king, but the elders refused to accept him. He thought I had taken over everything, but he didn't know that I was waiting for the time to pass on the throne to him when everything in the clan was stable." Li smiled wryly, Then said: "As for Ray, he hates me for killing his child..."

Li was silent for a long time, and finally said again: "If I knew he would be in such pain, I wouldn't do it."

Did he kill Ray's child?Why?Lu Yuan was so shocked that he couldn't say anything, to hear such a shocking truth.Why did Li tell him this? Could it be that he would be killed?Lu Yuan looked at Xiang Li tentatively, and carefully avoided the topic: "The cave in front is where I live, and behind the waterfall, you have injuries and can't get wet. Let's go around from the back mountain."

"I know, that's Mr. Feilong's house." After Li finished speaking, he walked through the water curtain without any care, and walked to the stone room familiarly.

He found the tools and medicines from the medical kit, sewed up the wound on his stomach, and applied the medicine to bandage himself, much more proficient than Lu Yuan.Find out a set of clothes to change, and find that there are many fruits in the basket.Although it has been left for a few days, it still does not affect the taste. He picked up one and bit down: "Why isn't Mr. Fei Long here?"

Seeing him ask Feilong, Lu Yuan honestly told Li about his disappearance, and told Li in detail that Barlow would send someone to tell him about the blueprint when he was leaving.

"What should I do? If Barlow finds out that you are still alive, will he send someone to kill you?" Lu Yuan asked worriedly. Although he learned that Li had killed Lei's child, he just couldn't hate this tall man. I feel that something is strange, there must be a mystery.

"The city of the Bear Clan is far away from here, and it will take at least a month to go there. And it will be the dry season soon. Barlow will not let people risk going through the tunnel. He will send someone to deliver the news to you, at least until The next rainy season." Li, who is familiar with the terrain and climate, said this, and Lu Yuan was somewhat relieved, but when he thought that the news of Feilong was cut off, he felt anxious again.

He still wanted to know more about Feilong, but Li told him apologetically that Feilong was not very familiar with him, but Barlow was the best with him.Still, he said a lot about the dragons that he knew, but it was all from many years ago, and it didn't help much about where he was going.

Lu Yuan suddenly thought of a terrible thing: "You said that Feilong helped you unify the bear clan and stayed in the tribe for ten years, so how old is he?"

"It looks similar to you, but since he came here, he hasn't changed, and he has always looked the same." Li thought for a while seriously: "He came during the last whirlpool sacrifice, and it is 34 years old. years."

"34 years?" Lu Yuan couldn't help exclaiming: "You said he hasn't aged in more than [-] years?"

"Yes, I met him when he moved here five years ago, and he still hasn't changed at all." After Li finished speaking, he yawned, said good night to Lu Yuan, and went to bed: "Sorry , I will explain to you tomorrow if there is any problem, I need to replenish my strength now."

Li unceremoniously occupied the bed. Although the bed was ridiculously big, Lu Yuan was embarrassed to sleep with him.

He found spare quilts and blankets from the cabinet, and laid a floor bed next to the bookcase.Lying on the soft cushion, Lu Yuan waved to Tuantuan, who had been left out by him for a long time, in a bored way, and the little guy rushed over immediately.

The little thing grows really fast, and now it is bigger than an adult cat. I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lu Yuan always feels that its canine teeth have grown a lot longer, and a pair of pointed teeth are exposed outside.Remembering that Li said that he could teach it to speak, Lu Yuan regained his energy immediately. He found a small branch, pointed at himself and said——I, Lu Yuan!

The little thing tilted his head to look at him, but didn't respond.He repeated again: "I, Lu Yuan; you, Tuantuan; he, Li." Then he called out the names of the places his branches pointed to: "Dining table, bookcase, notebook, fruit, bacon, summer mat, Quilts, bamboo buildings..."

Tuantuan groaned, stretched out his little tongue to lick his paw, and then washed his face carefully like a kitten.After washing his face, he crossed his legs and licked his butt again, then wagged his tail and waited for Lu Yuan's compliment, probably because he wanted to say that he is a good baby who loves cleanliness.

Seeing its appearance, Lu Yuan was completely discouraged, what kind of fangs, strength is really deceiving.He glared at the little thing resentfully, and kept repeating his name as if venting, thinking that you should at least remember my name.

"Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan—"


What answered it was the cheerful cry of the little thing.Probably thinking that Lu Yuan was playing with it, the little thing immediately regained his energy and threw himself on him to lick him.

Lu Yuan laid down on the bed desperately, stretched out his hand and hugged the little thing in his arms: "Hey, it doesn't matter even if you can't speak, I will always be with you, and you are not allowed to leave me."

Soon, Lu Yuan fell asleep and had a pretty good dream...

The purple mist dissipated, and Lu Yuan came to a carnival, where carnival crowds were everywhere.He made his way through streamers and balloons, over mountains of ice cream, across rivers of popcorn, and to a fortune-telling booth of a Gibson woman.The sign reads, Foretell the future and sell perfect lovers!

Lu Yuan walked over and saw a petite girl who said timidly: "I want a lover who is artistic, gentle, and loves me wholeheartedly." The Gibson woman smiled and said: "Meet your needs." After finishing speaking Handed her a box, the girl gently opened.After a loud noise, a well-dressed gentleman knelt down on one knee and kissed the back of the girl's hand: "Lovely lady, can I have the honor of being favored by you?"

Immediately afterwards, there are wretched people who want long legs and sexy meatballs, there are honest people who wish for gentle and virtuous wives who can cook delicious food, there are girls with sparkling eyes asking for a boyfriend who looks like a certain star... In short, all kinds of All requests are met, it's perfect.

After the crowd had dispersed, Lu Yuan approached the divination booth. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't tell what kind of lover he really wanted.Seeing his hesitation, the woman took out a particularly delicate box: "Young man, this is your destined lover!"

Lu Yuan took the box and hesitated for a long time before opening it tremblingly. After the white smoke dissipated, a small ball appeared in front of his eyes.

"Tuantuan!?" Lu Yuan was stunned, this is his destined lover?

As soon as the little thing landed, it turned into a tall and handsome man with cat ears and a tiger tail.He held Lu Yuan's face and kissed it, and gently called his name: "Lu Yuan!"

Lu Yuan was startled and woke up.

It was such a real dream, I always felt that the sound of Lu Yuan was calling close to his ear.He got up and drank some water, finally regained his composure, but another sound came from Lu Yuan.

Am I still awake?I squeezed my face hard, it hurts.It's not a dream, but who is calling me?Lu Yuan turned his head to look at Li, he was soundly asleep, and the voice was not from Li either.

"Lu Yuan!" The voice came from under his feet, he looked along the source of the sound, and saw Tuantuan squatting beside his feet.

The little thing licked his lips, opened and closed his mouth, and called again: "Lu Yuan!"

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