Pick up an orc

Chapter 26 Lu Yuan Is Mine

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa than''s than sleeping Li jumped up, took out the weapon and entered the combat readiness state.

"What's wrong!" Li looked at Lu Yuan who was screaming, "What happened!"

I saw Lu Yuan clutching his hair in collapse, with a panicked expression on his face.He grabbed Li's arm and said incoherently: "Tuan...Tuantuan...he said...talked...talked..."

"What should I be? Orcs can talk." Li put down his weapon, walked up to the little thing, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello Tuantuan, I'm Li!"

Tuantuan tilted his head to look at it for a while, then slapped his paw on Li's palm, and uttered two words: "Lu Yuan!"

Li twitched his face twice, pointed to himself and said, "I am Li, he is Lu Yuan, remember?"

The little thing patted again, and said firmly, "Lu Yuan!"

Then it raised its little paw, and wherever the paw pointed, whether it was a bookcase, table, clothes, bedding, clothing or food, it was all Lu Yuan, everything was Lu Yuan...

"Have you taught him how to speak properly?" Facing Li's suspicious gaze, Lu Yuan was also speechless.Afterwards, the two spent most of the night, but they failed to correct the little guy's notion that everything was Lu Yuan.No matter how you teach it, it will only repeat these two words "Lu Yuan!

"Take your time, I don't think you should be too anxious. Sleep for a while, and we'll talk about it tomorrow." Seeing his despondent face, Li had no choice but to softly dissuade him.

For two big men who had no experience in raising children, teaching a little thing to speak was almost impossible, and Lu Yuan was tortured almost madly.He glared at Tuantuan resentfully, the little guy's innocent eyes could be described as sparkling.

Thinking of the dream just now, Lu Yuan blushed, is this guy really my destined lover?

This scene appeared in his mind again, the man with a tall and mighty appearance was his destined lover.He is obviously a handsome guy when he doesn't speak, but when he speaks, he makes people speechless. His intelligence is the same as that of a two- or three-year-old child, and he only knows how to bark.

"Damn! How's that possible!" Lu Yuan roared, throwing down all his strength and running towards the entrance of the cave, plunged into the cold pool.The little thing ran out, but because he was afraid of going into the water, he could only whine through the waterfall.A man and a beast were separated by a waterfall. One pretended to be a dead body floating in the water, and the other was so anxious that it scratched the wall with its paws and turned around.

Li shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and decided to ignore these two guys and go back to sleep.

To some extent, this night was really lively...

After tossing and tossing for half a night, I only had a chance to take a break when it was almost dawn, and even the energetic Tuan Tuan yawned profusely.

I don't know how long he slept before Lu Yuan got up sleepily, and saw that Li was seriously arranging his weapon: "You haven't healed from your injury, so you must go back for revenge!" It's no different from dying.

"I'm going to live here for a while, so I have to stock up on some food." Naturally, Li knew that recuperating from injuries is the most important thing at this stage, but the rainy season is coming to an end, so we have to prepare all the food for these months before the drought comes. .It's okay for me to be alone, and I can go out to hunt, but since I live here, I have to take care of Lu Yuan.

"There's a lot of food here, so don't move around and watch out for the wound to open again. If you want a change, I'll catch fish for you." Lu Yuan looked at Li worriedly, but he was stabbed twice in the stomach ah.

The wound has not yet healed, and he said he was going to hunt the next day. Did he think he was a Super Saiyan?

"It seems that you don't know how dangerous it is to live here." Li chuckled, this man has an unusual charm.He tried the dagger, and it was thin and fast: "There are two rivers in this forest, and the source of one of them is deep underground. The White River comes from an underground river, and there is water all year round, even if it does not rain for several months. It will cut off the flow. Think about it, when the dry season comes and the water sources in other places are dry, a large number of herbivores will travel long distances to migrate here. Once the prey gathers, what will follow?"

"Carnivore..." Li made a lot of sense, but he was so strong, would he be afraid of other creatures?

"I can't beat the Tyrannosaurus Rex." Seeing through Lu Yuan's thoughts at a glance, Li told him the truth: "So to be on the safe side, it's better to store as much food as possible. But now I'm injured and can't hunt , let’s dig some sweet potatoes today.”

He put the bamboo building on his back and took the weapon: "Take your fangs, we don't have much time, the rainy season will end in the next few days."

Lu Yuan hurriedly packed up his things, and seeing that Tuantuan hadn't woken up, he lay lazily on the quilt and remained motionless.Knowing that he didn't have a good rest after a night of trouble yesterday, and felt sorry for the little thing, he said, "You take care of the house, Li and I will be back soon."

Tuantuan turned his ears a few times, jumped up with a snap, and looked at Lu Yuan and Li warily.

Li spread his hands together: "I'm not interested in your Lu Yuan." Even though he said so, Tuantuan still refused to relax his vigilance at all, sticking closely to Lu Yuan all the way, guarding it as if guarding his personal belongings.As long as the two get a little closer, the little thing will growl from its throat in displeasure, bristling its fur and yelling at the force.

Facing the possessive Tuantuan, Li kept laughing, saying that Lu Yuan would be "strictly controlled by her husband" sooner or later, and he was so angry that he was speechless for a long time.

Digging fire sweet potatoes is actually quite an easy job. This thing looks similar to a sweet potato. As long as you look for the kind of leaves and pull them out, you can bring out a bunch of fire sweet potatoes.

Scrape off the soil, put the mature sweet potatoes into the bamboo building one by one, and dug a lot in a short while.According to Li, this plant can be stored for several months in a cool and ventilated place, and it is one of the essential grains for bears to survive the dry season.This thing doesn't look very eye-catching, its shape and size are similar to modern sweet potatoes, the outer skin is bright in color, the inner is light red, and has a delicate fragrance of plants.

In addition to sweet potatoes, I also picked a lot of edible mushrooms and nuts.They followed the forest in search of food, and before they knew it they came a long way from the waterfall.

Tuantuan was particularly curious about the surrounding environment, running and wandering around.Its small claws are very suitable for digging. It will dig a hole here for a while, and dig a hole there for a while, having a great time.

Suddenly, the little thing seemed to have discovered something, it quietly lurked in the grass waiting for an opportunity, and then rushed out like an arrow.

This blow brought back a hare.

"Little guy, you are so capable!" Lu Yuan hugged the little thing proudly and kissed again and again: "Li, we have roasted rabbit meat for lunch, I have flint here."

Such a small rabbit is not enough to fit between the teeth. Although he thought so, Li still didn't say anything to pour cold water: "There is a stream in front, you can go there to deal with the rabbit and catch some fish."

The stream is very shallow, but the current is quite fast, and the fish hidden between the rocks are very plump.In order to keep Li's wound from getting water, Lu Yuan volunteered to go into the water to catch fish.

Li, who stayed on the shore, dug a hole, put a dozen or so fresh stalks, covered it with soil and started a fire.The flames were crackling, and he disemboweled the hare, skinned it, cleaned it, and roasted it on the fire.

The smell of meat wafted over, and Tuantuan licked his mouth and squatted aside, drooling, waiting to eat, but Lu Yuan didn't even touch the tail of the fish.

"Do you want me to help?" Li smiled and looked at Lu Yuan who was in a hurry, took out a dagger from his waist and flipped it deftly: "You drive the fish over."

Lu Yuan didn't know what he meant, but according to Li's request, he ran in the water to drive away the fish.The fish were frightened and jumped out of the cracks in the rocks and fled downstream. Some fish even jumped out of the water more than half a meter high.Swinging the dagger vigorously, using the strength of his arm to shoot it out, piercing a fish flying out of the water and nailing it to the opposite rock.

Damn, this is a stunt that only exists in martial arts movies!

Lu Yuan was stunned, but he still tried to remind him to put away his knife and continue. After repeated several times, he caught a lot of big fish.

Tuantuan and Lu Yuan were very satisfied with this meal. Although there was no seasoning, the deliciousness of the fish itself was enough for people to feast on.The rabbit meat is also very tender, the fly in the ointment is that it is too small, you can only taste the texture.

After handling the fish and meat, I put out the fire and started digging.After a while, the steaming hot sweet potato rolled out, and the tempting sweet fragrance overflowed.

He sniffed, touched his round belly, and couldn't help but took another sweet potato.The seemingly inconspicuous thing, when bitten down, immediately splashes honey juice, and the natural sweetness immediately conquers the taste buds, almost melting in the mouth.This is really delicious, you have to dig a lot and bring it back. While eating, Lu Yuan plans to run a few more times to dig up all the sweet potatoes in this area!

"It seems that it's not bad to travel here, at least I didn't treat my stomach badly." Lu Yuan bit his mouth with a smile, and said vaguely: "And I also met a lot of friends. Let me tell you, I was in the previous world. I don't have any friends, so lonely."

"Haha, you are so optimistic. When Feilong first came here, he yelled and refused to accept the reality. It took him a long time to give up." Looking at Tuantuan, who was too full to eat and rolled around on the ground to digest food, Li sincerely praised : "Not only did you survive alone, but you also adopted a fang, which is not easy."

"It seems that I am better than Feilong in terms of accepting reality." Lu Yuan felt complacent, and simply sat next to Li, and put his shoulders on his shoulders like a good buddy: "The one just now is amazing, teach me too."

"I have no problem, but Tuantuan doesn't seem very happy." Because the two were too close, the little thing was obviously angry, and it jumped to the middle with its big eyes, trying to keep the distance between them with its body.

"Lu Yuan, mine!" It turned its head and said to Lu Yuan word by word: "Lu Yuan, it's mine!"

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