Quantico, FBI, Office of the Behavior Analysis Section.

Four in the morning.

"I only slept for two hours when I got back from Chicago. It better be something very important."

Derek Morgan, BAU's handsome chocolate guy, is good at simulating the behavior of criminals, strong, sunny and a little humorous.However, at this moment, he was pressing the throbbing eyebrows, and the anxiety caused by lack of sleep made him wish he could just slump on the chair in the office and take a deep sleep.

Fuck those sick serial killers, he wanted to say that for a moment when he received the emergency notification, but in the end he got up from the soft bed like he had done countless times before.

"That organization, they reappeared."

"Wait, wait, speak slowly, Garcia, what organization."

The chubby, colorfully dressed girl, the technical support of BAU, and the former hacker known as the Black Queen on the Internet, raised the ipad in her hand in panic, and showed him a photo of a boy with blond hair and blue eyes and a sunny smile on it look.

"It's the organization that first provided photos of children for people to choose, and then started abducting and selling them and sending them to online auctions. Last year..." Under Morgan's gaze, Garcia swallowed the swear words that were about to blurt out, and continued Said, "These bastards ran away from the child abuse prevention team. This time there was a new target, so the other team came to us for help."

"This is their new goal?"

Holding Garcia's hand, Morgan took a closer look at the child in the photo. He was no older than ten years old. He was in line with the tastes of those pedophiles. He was blond, blue-eyed, and fair-skinned. It is very popular.

"No, they've got him."

The external liaison of the department, Jennifer Jieruo with the same blond hair, JJ as the team members said, poked his head out of the conference room and waved to the two people who were looking at each other under the stairs.

"Morgan, you are here, the meeting is about to begin."

"Bill Fettis." Putting the photo of the boy that Morgan just saw on the big screen, Aaron Hotzner, the administrator of the group, the boss of BAU, briefly introduced the abducted boy. The background of the boy, "This morning, the Child Violation Prevention Team saw his video on the website they have been tracking all year round. After a nationwide comparison of missing children, it matched with a child missing case reported by the Baltimore police last night."

"So, they chose Baltimore this year?"

David Rossi, the veteran of BAU, a successful writer, is also the excuse of Yuejian to come to the United States-it is not an excuse at all, he really likes the books he wrote.He flipped through the ipad in his hand, to be honest, there wasn't much information, and even less useful.

"They move very quickly, at fixed times, in different places. They show up once a year, sell three children and then disappear immediately, and all traces of the Internet disappear."

Looking at the lively smiling faces on the files in his hand, Rossi couldn't bear to look directly at them and closed the files in his hands.They have been on the front line of fighting criminals all year round and have seen all kinds of crimes, but the ones related to children are always the most difficult.

"Compared to conventional human trafficking organizations, they show very obvious characteristics of serial killers." Lived a century ago, a staunch nostalgic, holds three doctoral titles, can quickly write 187 words per minute, and a genius with an IQ of [-], The youngest member of the team, Spencer Reid, spoke very fast, "In this series of criminal acts, they have shown extremely strong desire for control and logic, and there is even a cooling-off period of one year. However, the focus of general organized child trafficking is money, and a good opportunity to make money will not be missed like this. The data show that..."


The conditioned reflex was normal, Xiao Tiancai's mouth that was spitting out data was closed as if it was stuck, and then he squeezed out an arc of grievance.

The black-haired beauty Emily suppressed the upturned corners of her mouth. This job is easy to make people feel tired and hopeless. Little geniuses, like Garcia, are their source of happiness.

"But they also don't care about the child. To them, the child is just an irrelevant commodity. If necessary, they can give up the child without hesitation. For this kind of controlling psychopath, giving up is the means killing."

"They have already got Bill. According to the previous pattern, they will start on the next child the next day, that is, tomorrow. We don't have much time. See you on the plane in 10 minutes."

As the ace team of the FBI, BAU has their own private jet, and the plane also provides delicious coffee that can wake them up due to lack of sleep. The treatment is so good that other members of the FBI are jealous.

However, to some extent, this kind of good treatment is not a good thing.This means that the BAU is extremely busy and needs to travel all over the country, and it also shows that there are considerable numbers of terrible serial killers and potential psychopaths in American society.

Yuejian doesn't know this.

It should be said that, except for gin, his whole family did not know this.

It was just a short trip, except that it traveled a long way, directly across the Pacific Ocean, and crossed the border, it seemed to be not much different from his school trip to Nara.

Even, it was not as good as the cross-boundary trip to Soul Soul Realm.

"So, you come to a strange country alone. With all due respect, it's not very safe."

A tall and handsome man came out of the tea room, holding a tray with brightly colored but not vulgar teapots and teacups, bringing a breath of freshness to this calm and classical office.

Like a boy standing in the middle of this room.

Hannibal's nose moved slightly. Apart from the rich aroma of black tea, he could also smell the refreshing aroma of grass and trees on the young man's body, and the smell of autumn morning dew—for this trip, he must have woken up very early. ——And, the special incense that can only be found in that Japanese-style room in the largest hotel in New York.

A well-educated young man from a foreign country, who was a little too good, he was amazed by the eloquence he showed when he persuaded himself to take this consultation where he would not come into contact with real patients.

"After the consultation, I will return home."

Thank him for the black tea, Yuejian just said something briefly.In order to keep a low profile, he didn't bring anyone with him this time.In any case, everyone in the family, big and small, is the kind of person who looks handsome or gorgeous, and has a particularly distinct temperament.Standing in the crowd is enough to attract the attention of most people on the street.

"Thank you very much for your willingness to accept such an impertinent request, Dr. Lecter."

Making a diagnosis based solely on someone else's dictation without contact with the patient is not a reasonable request.After all, this is not a government department similar to the FBI asking for their help, using his expertise to provide an opinion with limited information.

"Actually, I don't think it's rude at all. On the contrary, I see a noble soul who always thinks of his friends."

Because the young man in front of him was not really his patient, Hannibal's actions and demeanor were relatively relaxed, or in other words, he specially created a relaxed atmosphere.

"You look concerned, is it serious?"

"It's hard to say whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, he's my best friend and we grew up together."

"A relationship that is too close makes you unable to make rational judgments. It is human nature." Sitting in the chair where he received patients, Hannibal's dark golden hair shone in the dim light.

"So you studied psychology for him? Impressive."

In the process of the teenager persuading him, Hannibal discovered that he had studied psychology systematically.Like he just said, he was impressed.Should have let that ignorant fool Chilton take a look and shut that smug mouth.

"Intention, yes. But the learning itself is also fun."

Especially when applying the acquired knowledge to real life, he found that the human observation that Heizi told him last year was really interesting.His professor usually assigns him many similar learning tasks, such as the time he went to the world of corpses and souls.

While the two were chatting, the BAU team on the plane also got the latest news.

"The website has been updated, they've uploaded new pictures, there's three kids, the guys behind the computer screens have started voting, these sick..."


Hotzner interrupted the thoughts of technical support and looked at the photos of the three children in his hand.

"Can you interrupt their voting process?"

"These bastards use a lot of proxies, basically I've been being taken around the world by them, can you imagine there is a town called Supayi in this world, now we know. Anyway, I mean, these bastards are good, I need time."

"According to their crime rules, the child will not be attacked until the client chooses the child. Garcia, can you find out the identities of these children?"

"Only relying on a photo, of course. I opened a process to find the identity of the child. If there is any news, I will send it to you as soon as possible. Garcia is offline."

"Thanks, Garcia."

"They accelerated the process of committing the crime. According to the previous methods, they should start the next day after catching Bill. Why did they change?"

"Is the sense of crisis trending them?"

"We don't know yet. There is too little information. I hope the local police can provide more information."

However, Baltimore is the largest city in Maryland, with a population of just over 200 million.Trying to find children about to be trafficked in such a population density is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

That's why they chose this city.

"Every time it is a big city, it can buy them enough time to leave."

Rosie hardly had to think to figure out why these people chose the way they did.A man born in Italy, his youthful and frivolous experience gave him a good understanding of the Mafia.And the black world is always similar.

"The children they took away were well-educated, and their parents were all middle-class or above. They were what we call low-risk groups. If you want to attack such children, you have to take a lot of risks."

"But kids like that, I hate to say it, are more popular than dirty kids from the ghetto."

"Yes, I have seen their previous auction records. The price is high enough to make you doubt your life. To use an inappropriate analogy, these children who have been carefully selected are luxury goods that are different from ordinary commodities."

"In other words, only the so-called upper class can afford these prices."

"The data show that upper-class successful people have a stronger desire to control than the average person, which is one of the factors that make them successful."

"The process of selection, voting, arrest, and auction satisfies the desires of those people, and voting makes them part of this series of crimes."

After a short discussion, they got a very bad news as soon as they got off the plane.

"New videos have been uploaded online."

This is when the members of the child abuse prevention team who rushed to Baltimore first came to pick up the BAU team members, and they spoke the first words when they saw them.

"too fast."

"Lightning action, I wonder if any of these people have a military background, it's so clean."

"Or, they've been following these kids for a long time and know enough about them."

"Have Baltimore police received a report of a missing child?"

"No, at least not before I came to pick you up."

"In fact, very few parents are able to react immediately that their children have disappeared. Only after a period of time after the incident, some regular things are broken, they will find out that something is wrong."

"And teens are the time to be active, lively, cheerful, which means more friends, more social activities."

When the group got into the car, Morgan took out his mobile phone and connected to Garcia, the technical support who stayed at Quantico.

"They took another kid, damn it, I actually..."

As soon as it was connected, there was a series of crackling sounds like a shower. Behind the computer screen, the girl with dyed blond hair was holding a pinch ball with one hand, but failed to stop the scumbag's violent mood. Let her pinch the ball in her hand into a shape that she can't bear to look at directly.

On a screen in front of her, a child who didn't know what happened was 'exploring' in a warmly decorated cage, but she didn't dare to look at it with his innocent appearance.

Because she knew that soon this child would be like the previous one, find himself locked up, break down, cry, and finally beg for mercy.But these are completely useless and will only make those scum who are watching the video even more excited.

"Garcia, Garcia, girl, calm down, it's not your fault."

Trying to calm down the irritable girl, Morgan said while turning the steering wheel.

"But you'll be able to find those guys eventually, won't you?"

"Of course, of course."

After hanging up the phone, Garcia sat back on the chair and poked the keyboard hard.

"I'll take out the color of these bastards' panties."

Everyone was running against time. When Reid and JJ arrived at the police station, the entire Baltimore Police Department had already taken action for this case, and all other cases were postponed to ensure the best human resources. effective use.

For well-known reasons, Reid, who was specially approved for field work, was arranged in the police station this time.Use his professional knowledge to help analyze the data, while JJ, who is in charge of external liaison, must ensure that the media and public opinion are under their control as much as possible, so as not to irritate the other party.

Except for Dr. Reid, who was classified as weak and in need of protection, two of the other four went to the scene where the first child was taken away, and two went to the child's home, even though they themselves knew that they could get There is not much information.

"You said, is their one-year cooling-off period just to select and follow those children, to learn about his life, his family, and his timetable, and then."

Rosie made a fist-clenching motion, "You know, grab him."

"This explains why the suspects are so effective, they know the kids well enough to be trusted. The video shows that the kids didn't even know they were being trafficked in the first place."

"The extreme contrast between two very different emotions before and after can satisfy the buyer's morbid fantasies. Our suspect is a very typical psychopath, at least, the ringleader is such a person."

"It also explains why they were so effective, because he was able to keep control."

"We should profile him the way we profile serial killers...Garcia, any news?"

"New photos have been released. This time is different from the previous ones. Sir, this time there is only one person."

The photo was taken through the hotel's surveillance cameras. Even though the suspect had blurred the background, they kept the sofa the teenager was sitting on. The leather couch is obviously the style that large hotels would choose.

The photos taken by the monitor are not particularly detailed, but they are enough to see the beautiful side face of the boy clearly.

Or rather, it's wonderful.

"There is only one... oh, this one is enough to satisfy human beings' imagination of beauty, and he will be their gold medal."

Emily turned her head to see him staring at the phone screen, and the senior profiler didn't hide his surprise.

"You know the boy, Rosie."

She read it almost immediately from his expression.

"I met him, he came to my autograph."

A good-looking teenager will always attract more attention than ordinary people. This is the instinct of human beings to appreciate beauty.What's more, he is still a very polite young man, so it is easier for people to give him preferential treatment.

David Rossi is no exception.

Especially the boy who came here alone, without any adults around him.As an FBI agent who has seen a lot of various crimes, he asked a few more questions almost reflexively.

"So, you know his identity?"

"No, he didn't tell me."

After carefully recalling the whole process of talking with that boy, Rossi recounted and then said.

"He said that I didn't know his identity was the key. He asked me to recommend a psychiatrist and asked me to keep it a secret."

Rossi thought it was probably another high-society thing, so he said yes.

"So, you recommended Dr. Lyteke?"

"Yes, Dr. Lecter, who is discreet, abiding by the doctor-patient agreement, and noble, would be a suitable candidate."

"Why don't you answer?"

Rossi's cell phone kept calling Hannibal's number, but there was a short tone that no one answered.

"Doctors will keep their phones on silent at work, especially psychologists. The nature of their work determines that they must keep quiet and not be disturbed when facing patients."

"We're going straight there."

"Rosie, keep calling the doctor."

"I know."

Seeing the boy get into the car arranged by the hotel, Hannibal returned to the office and picked up the mobile phone that was on the table. The dozens of missed calls on it made him raise his eyebrows.

"Hello, this is Dr. Lecter...Agent Rosie, hello... no, you know under the doctor-patient agreement I can't..."

Walking to the window, Hannibal opened the curtains and took a look. There were no vehicles downstairs at all, not even exhaust.

"I'm sorry, but he just left. Yes, the hotel sent a car."

"I don't know what hotel it is, and there is no personal privacy involved in our conversation. Name? I don't know. No, it's not because of the agreement, it's just his request that the real name be withheld, and I agreed to that."

"No, I didn't leave contact information. His consultation is over. However, I can provide the landline number when he called before. Sorry, I can't provide more information... If there is any change, I don't know you Can you call me, he's a good boy. Yes, thank you very much."

Hanging up the phone, Hannibal thought back to the whole conversation—yes, he didn't want to see it as therapy.At best, it was nothing more than a consultation.It was also a pleasant chat, by his standards.

The young man is not very old, but he possesses an extremely extensive amount of knowledge, as if he has never stopped acquiring knowledge in his short life.However, according to his description, it is actually similar.

In any case, they had a good chat.Expertise in music, art, history, and even psychology.

Most importantly, he has a very firm heart.

If he could, he would be happy to develop a friendship across borders and across ages, and he believed he would be a good friend and...mentor.

However, he is very curious now, what will happen if someone really finds that boy.

This unknown foreign boy is not as harmless as his beautiful appearance.

Recalling the thin calluses that were faintly visible on the boy's supposedly tender palms, and his upright and elegant figure that could burst out at any time when he was sitting on the sofa, the corner of Hannibal's mouth curled into a happy smile.

Even though the hunter is still young, his minions have been sharpened.

If you underestimate him, your throat will be bitten off.

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