"Garcia, did the hotel provide the child's identity information?"

Having obtained the necessary information, Hozner and the others returned directly to their temporary office, the Baltimore Police Department, without delay.However, when they returned, they brought Hannibal, who was very concerned about this case, with him. In view of the many cooperations between Dr. Lecter and the FBI, the BAU people were not stingy with a consultant card.Moreover, because it involves sensitive incidents such as online trafficking of children, it is also very useful for them to have an extra professional vision for them who are racing against time.

"No, the hotel doesn't know the child's identity information. The room he temporarily lives in is located in the name of T U Light and Shadow Company. It's hard to imagine how well they have kept their secrets!"

Speaking of this, Garcia's fingers typing on the keyboard became angry.Of course, it’s more anxiety. On the other computer screen, two videos are playing at the same time. One of the children—the Bill who was beaten away first—has already noticed that something is wrong, and he is about to lose control of his emotions. .

God knows, how much she wanted to go through the network cable, hug the child, and tell him that everything will be fine and everything will be fine.However, she can't.

"No, this is too slow."

She moved her finger, eager to play a small side-ball, and went directly to some mobile phones to find the senior person in charge of the company.Being able to live in the room booked by the company shows that he has a closer relationship with high-level administrators and even shareholders.

Even if she is not a senior profiler like her colleague, she can still be sure of such a simple logical reasoning.

"He said it was just a short trip."

Rossi once again recalled the few words the boy said that day, and then leaned in front of the phone and said.

"Garcia, try all the entry records including the two days when I held the signing, and focus on finding children over the age of ten and under the age of 15."

"Okay, okay."

The customs records are directly disclosed to the FBI, and it is easier to find than her side-ball. Garcia got the instructions and quickly cheered up.

"Why am I so stupid, I didn't even find out!"

After snapping her fingers, several photos of the teenager appeared on her computer screen, and she immediately identified one of them.

"I found it. I landed at a private airport in New York on Saturday. The name is Teruhashi Tsukimi."

Following the Roman accents on the screen, Garcia struggled to pronounce this name, which is not very friendly to Americans, word by word.Then he continued.

"I'm 14 years old and live in Tokyo... gone, gone?!"

Her eyes widened in disbelief, but no matter how powerful she was, this was all she could get from the passport alone.

"Should I dig deeper?"

This is a casual question that is not a question.Profiling victims was part of their job, so her fingers were already flying across the keyboard.

However, even so, she did not get a lot of news.

"I almost forgot, I don't know Japanese at all. The translator is not very accurate, but some key information is still very clear. Let me see our little beauty, oh my god!"


"I'm sorry, I'm just..." The girl wearing a pair of purple framed square glasses widened her eyes, which were covered with thick eye makeup. It started to get better, and then went to school like any other kid. As a result, at the age of eight, they lost their parents, and they died in a car accident caused by a drunk driver."

Just like her parents, similar experiences made this kind girl instantly have a strong sense of empathy.She took off her glasses and wiped them, then put them on and continued to read.

"He was still a teenager, and he wrote the best-selling "It's Better to Travel at Night", reminding me that I must ask him to sign me after I find him. I really like the relationship between the twin protagonists described in his book... Cough, the score is not perfect It's all excellent, thanks to the Arabic numerals and the fraction system, there is finally something that looks particularly clear."

"Excellent children, no more family background content?"

"Sorry, unless I use some 'tricks', that's all there is to offer online."

"Thanks, Garcia."

Morgan, who was about to hang up the phone, was stopped by his technical queen on the other end.


"What's the matter, MyLady?"

"You're going to bring him back, aren't you?"

"We'll do our best."

He also wanted to say that he would definitely bring him back, but both the data and the quick actions of the other party showed that the situation was not necessarily optimistic.

Soon, his hunch was confirmed.

The hotel called the Baltimore Police Department to confirm that the car they sent out did not return on time.

"...I watched him get into that car with my own eyes."

Hannibal, who had been silent since arriving at the police station, leaned back in his chair and frowned when he heard this.The tall man with Eastern European blood in his face looked very dignified when he did this. He didn't say anything like incredible, but his body language showed his displeasure.

"I should have taken him to the hotel myself."

It's just a straightforward sentence, coupled with his action hints, it seems that he is extraordinarily sincere.

"It's not your fault, Dr. Lecter."

Sure enough, Emily, a woman who is softer towards children, immediately spoke up and comforted him.

"Even if you send him back, these people can still take him away in this way. Pretending to be a hotel employee is easy to gain the trust of others, even for adults."

No, that kid might not be the kind of person who let his guard down so easily.Recalling what he had observed before, the unnatural creases at the boy's trousers, Hannibal was noncommittal.

A teenager who can carry a weapon with him, and his speech shows confidence and self-control that others cannot match. His special family background makes him never get in a car driven by a stranger.Even though, it was a vehicle sent by the hotel that he had contacted in advance.

There should be some other control method used.

Walking into his own thinking palace, Hannibal carefully recalled the process when the boy walked to the car, the waiter opened the door, and then got in the car.Neither the boy's face nor his body movements showed any unnaturalness.

Precise to terrible control.

In just one day, the boy once again amazed him. The Memory Palace involuntarily played Schubert's serenade. The brisk tune was like moonlight, flowing under the dark night, bringing a beautiful radiance.

Hannibal picked up this handful of flawless moonlight and placed it in the newly opened room in his thinking palace, which was written with the name 'Zhaoqiao Yuejian'.

If there is a cup in front of you, the psychiatrist will definitely pour the fine wine he brewed himself, and then raise the cup and say, respect and restraint.However, when he opened his eyes, there was only the noisy police station in front of him, which made him uncomfortable.

However, if you can see how the child handles this matter, all the patience is worth it.

At this moment, just as Hannibal had guessed, Tsukimi, who knew there was a problem but still had a calm face, and could even smile like usual, was sitting in the back seat of the car.As if it was not some terrible journey to the unknown hell, but as before, it was a special place for him to read and drink tea at home.

"I'm already here, now please remove the gun from this cutie's head, you're scaring him."

His tone was so taken for granted, as if the driver sitting in the driver's seat and the other man in the army green tactical vest should obey his orders.

Glancing at the driver in front of him, the man in the vest put away the gun in his hand indifferently, and let go of the hand holding the child in his arms.

"Okay, okay, nothing will happen, I promise."

Yuejian embraced the child who threw herself into his arms, regardless of his snot and tears staining her clothes, softly comforting the child who dared not even cry loudly.

"I want Mommy, I want to go home."

The child's young crying voice was especially clear in the quiet car where only the sound of the engine was running, but anyone with a little conscience should not do this kind of thing that hurts them.

"Please give me a bottle of water, please."

Yue Jian raised his head and looked at the silent driver, and the man in vest who had a stern face but unconsciously turned his eyes away, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Soaking the handkerchief taken out of his pocket, Yue Jian lifted up the baby's chubby face in his arms, wiped it gently, and then blinked quietly at the crying child with a red nose.

"What's your name?"

"Andrew, my name is Andrew."

The man named Andrew looked at the big brother who was smiling at him with big black grape-like eyes, and unconsciously grabbed Yue Jian's long, cool, soft silver hair with his small hands.

"Are you an elf?"

There are no words to describe beauty in the little child's mind. He only knows that his big brother who smiles nicely and treats him very well saved him from the bad guys, so he naively thought that Tsukimi came out of a fairy tale. .

"Yes. But now, Brother Elf has been captured by the villain, can the brave Andrew help us find him?"

After the local police station in Baltimore received a call and took the child to the police station, the child kept saying that a beautiful elf brother saved him, and his childish words immediately attracted the attention of the BAU agents stationed there.

"I heard from them that Andrew called the police by himself, which is really powerful."

JJ, who has a young child at home, has no impatience in the face of the child's confusing words, but gently guides him to say more.

"So, that big brother gave you that phone, does he have anything to say to you?"

The little boy nodded and shook again.

"He washed my face, the bad guys gave me water, and quietly handed me my mobile phone, um, blinked my eyes. Later, the big brother asked them to let me go, but the bad guys refused, and finally let them go again, and I was let down. "

"I see, Andrew is really brave."

JJ stroked the child's soft brown hair carefully, and handed him over to the waiting mother, whose eyes were red from crying.

"Will Brother Elf be okay?" The little child obviously rubbed his eyes tiredly, but still stared straight at JJ, "He is so powerful, he will be fine, right?"

"Trust me, everything will be fine."

Not far away, a group of people from BAU gathered together, looking at a mobile phone with a black background and a silver border.Andrew, who was let go, kept it in his hands all the time, and would not give it to anyone who asked for it. It was not until his parents came that the BAU agents got it.

"Anything, Garcia?"

“Except for a large number of papers and a tight schedule with almost no spare time, there is nothing special. There is almost no Twitter or social media software commonly used by Japanese youths in his mobile phone, and he rarely takes photos. And The breadth of his learning is unbelievable, and a lot of it has gone to a professional level."

While typing on the keyboard, Garcia enlarged the content on the phone to the computer screen, while processing the tracking that had been in progress.

"Honestly, it makes me feel admirable and a little scary. He is a 14-year-old kid, and this so-called elite education is simply killing nature."

"Isn't this the time to get entangled in education, Garcia, is there anything else besides these?"

To a certain extent, they have to thank the child's education for giving him the ability to deal with crises, otherwise little Andrew would not have been released so easily and unscathed.

"It's just a remote connection, I can only check... Oh my god, there is surveillance software in this kid's phone, is it some kind of weird and sick stalker?"

"Calm down Garcia, we are not sure if this is a precautionary measure made by his family."

A boy who was able to successfully rescue another child from two kidnappers, even if according to their profile, little Andrew was just a means for the other party to control the boy, it also showed that the boy from a foreign country was extraordinary.

I always felt that no matter what happened to that boy, it was not very strange.

Morgan and Rosie exchanged glances, then asked Garcia on the other end of the phone.

"Can you use this software to track the past and find the person who installed this software?"

Whether it was the boy's family or a stalker, it was the former who happened to contact the boy's family directly.If it's the latter, then he can easily solve a troublesome matter for the young man.

"Just before you said that, I have already started tracking, and I will tell you if there is news, bye~~"

"Call back later."

Seeing that Morgan hung up the phone, Rossi, who was checking the past information sent by Garcia on the ipad, raised an eyebrow at him.

"I have to say, there is a reason why Garcia said she would be so admired that she felt a little scary. This is not a schedule that a teenager should have. The pressure is too much."

He turned to ask Hannibal Laitek, their special advisor, who was standing behind him, also looking at the content on the tablet.

"Is that why he needs counseling, Dr. Lyteke?"

"I can't divulge too much, but I can say that these have nothing to do with his troubles. In fact, I have to say that he has adapted well to these courses."

Hannibal almost happily read the contents of the papers on the tablet, which directly showed him the scope of the teenager's dabbles, and then he silently added a few more names to his reading list.

"Hey, did you find anything?"

After seeing off little Andrew's family, JJ came over with a stack of documents, which she had just organized according to the child's dictation.

"There is nothing more to know than knowing that our teenager was brought up in a strict elite education, with almost no childhood of his own. The Garcia hotel is trying to find a way to contact his family."

The teenager's complicated background prevented them from just picking a contact on the phone and calling them. What's more, it would take [-] hours to come here from Japan.

"Let's talk about what you have gained first. How did he manage to get those people to let little Andrew go?"

"The child was frightened, and his memory and expression skills were limited. I have tried my best to restore the scene at that time. Take a look."

As he said that, the blond foreign liaison officer handed the document to Morgan, and the chocolate-skinned muscular man raised his eyebrows slightly, and then passed it to Rossi on one side, until finally Lecter read it and exchanged it to JJ.

"Little Andrew was not harmed, Yue Jian has been protecting him."

Compared with the pronunciation of Zhaoqiao, the pronunciation of tsukimi is much friendlier, even though most people pronounce it as zikimi.The only person present with a standard pronunciation was probably Hannibal.But to foreigners, it sounds similar—according to the Japanese tradition, you cannot call someone by their first name without permission.However, it is a rescue operation now, calling the name directly can shorten the psychological distance between the rescuer and the victim, which can be regarded as a part of the operation.

"He made the robber put down his gun, asked for water, and even persuaded the other party to let Andrew go—no matter what method he used, it showed that he had a certain degree of control over the environment around him, at least, he was able to influence The two robbers in the car, that's a good thing."

"However, he was threatened to get into the car, we didn't expect that."

"Because this is not in line with their long-standing pattern of committing crimes. However, focusing on Yuejian is an adventure in itself. He has only been in this country for a few days."

"But they still know how to get him. The first photos were taken from the hotel's surveillance camera. Some of the gang worked in the hotel and even had contact with Yuejian. Otherwise, it would be impossible to understand the other party's caution and know how to use threats. The way."

"I told Garcia to go and look up the list of the hotel staff he stayed at."

As a result, Morgan had just connected to the headquarters and only said a few words when he heard the maddened voice of the Queen of Technology over there.

"I'm looking for you, and a new video has been uploaded. But I failed to stop it, and the anti-tracking has no results. F—"

"Hey hey, slow down and talk about it one by one. The video was uploaded and we already knew it from the time he was taken away, didn't we? Calm down, you still have a lot of work to do. What do you say that anti-tracking has no results mean?"

"It literally means that the other party directly violently destroyed his mobile phone. Even if it is a god, there is no way to continue to track it. And I happen to be the queen of technology, but I am not a god."

This is not a good phenomenon. Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then Rossi told the opposite party what they had just discussed.

"Pay attention to the newly recruited employees in the last year. He or she has performed well at work and has been promoted quickly. Otherwise, there is no way to get in touch with the guests in the VIP room."

"Hold on--"

After a burst of keyboard tapping on the phone, Garcia's regretful voice came, "Sorry, no."

"The other party may have just sold the information, relax the conditions, and look for employees with unknown accounts."

"Searching, found it."

Garcia zoomed in on the information he found and read it out, "Alex Dipper, a maid who specializes in serving important guests, has been working in that hotel, but just today, an extra sum of [-] US dollars suddenly appeared in her account The record shows that it is cash deposit. I went to find the new naturalized employee that Rossi just mentioned. There is a security guard, Mike Lewis. If you look carefully, you will find that his records are all false, but he Make it look like it's real."

"And, the point is, isn't it a coincidence that he asked for leave today?"

After being aggrieved for such a long time, there was finally some good news, and the fat girl raised her eyebrows and raised her voice a little higher.

"Garcia, please send both of their addresses."

"Of course, it's already on your tablet."

Two 10 minutes later.

In the apartment where the maid lived, Morgan put the gun in his hand back into the holster around his waist, Morgan shook his head at Rossi who was walking behind him, and moved away from his seat.

On the floor, a bloody woman with open eyes appeared in front of him. She looked exactly like the photo Garcia sent them, and it was Alex Louis they were looking for.

"She was tortured, very professionally."

Without hastily turning over the corpse, Morgan, who was standing by the side, connected the phone of Hozner who had gone to the security guard, turned on the speakerphone, and analyzed it with Rossi.

"The local materials are just some ordinary household items, and they are used in this kind of place. No matter how many times you look at it, it makes people feel creepy."

Rossi made an excuse: "A shot between the eyebrows and a shot in the heart, the murderer didn't hesitate."

"This is the method of professional killers, neat and tidy, and it is estimated that we will not be able to get more useful information here."

"If the trafficker organization wants to silence her, there is no need to torture her at all. I think our identity background as a Yuejian boy is not as pure as we imagined."

"The monitoring software should have been installed by his protector. Now, the protector is probably completely offended."

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