It was almost noon, and there was not much time left for them.

The city gate was made of oak, without the lacquered iron sheet for defense, so it was easy to blast open.Everyone backed away, only to hear a loud bang, the sky was full of ashes, the smell was pungent, a big opening was opened in the closed city gate, enough for the carriage to enter, and the remaining city gate was blazing, and the heat wave surged , making people blush.

Lan Yan took off her hat, patted the dust, and said, "Let's go, you can go in."

People and horses go in first, and the carriage follows behind. Walking on the stone brick road under the sun, the sound of horseshoes and wheels are intertwined. The houses on both sides have not been lived in for an unknown period of time. The doors and windows are open or closed, and no one takes care of them. Unbearable.

Without staying here, they went directly to the market where food and grain were sold under the leadership of Noelle, and the shops were all robbed.Lan Yan looked at Noelle, and Noelle said, "The granary is nearby. If we're lucky, we might be able to return with a full load this time."

Everyone is divided into groups, and each enters the store to search.

Most of the shops and warehouses here are behind the houses, and some have cellars.Someone yelled that several sacks of wheat and corn had been found.

Lan Yan formed a group with Noelle and six other men, not far from the others.

I looked around the house, the windows of the warehouse were so high and small that I couldn't see inside, and the only entrance was the gate.

The heavy wooden door was not locked. A man stepped forward and kicked it, and the door panel shook slightly. It remained motionless and was very strong.

Lan Yan and Noelle looked at each other, there might be someone inside, whether it was a human or a vampire.

The man took out the bomb and was about to blow open the door, but was stopped by Lan Yan.

"People inside, if you are human, open the door, we will not hurt you." Lan Yan shouted.

After a while, they heard the sound of the bolt being taken down, and a gap was opened in the wooden door. A thin boy stood in the gap, looking at them timidly and nervously.

"Come out," Noelle said. "Come into the sun, if you are a citizen of the day."

The boy turned his head slightly, glanced behind him, then took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked into the sunlight, with a thin body, hair like hay, obviously malnourished, but the clothes on his body could tell his former identity It wasn't low, and despite the dirt, it was still recognizably good satin.

"Who else is there?" Noelle asked.

The boy shook his head in panic. He looked only eleven or twelve years old.

"Let everyone inside come out, otherwise it will be bad for accidental injury." Lan Yan said.

The boy hesitated, overwhelmed, and wanted to run back into the warehouse.Noelle drew out his sword and put it on his shoulder, and sternly warned the people inside the door. "Come out, or you will all die!"

The boy was so frightened that he cried for his father and mother.There was another voice from inside the door. "Don't kill him! Don't kill my son, let's come out!"

The wooden door was completely opened, and a woman walked out with a little girl about three or four years old.

Noelle frowned. "Only you?"

The woman shrugged her shoulders and nodded.

"Come down to the sun." Another man pointed to his feet.

The woman took her daughter to the place he designated.

Noelle narrowed her eyes. "Where's the man in your family?"

"Dead." The woman said tremblingly. "Please don't hurt us. If you want anything, you can go in and take it."

Noelle glanced at the man beside him, and motioned for them to go in and check the situation.

The two men lit the torches and entered the warehouse under Noelle's instructions.

After a while, they came out and nodded to Noelle. "It's safe inside. There are a lot of goods that we haven't looked at carefully. We need to call some more people to move them away."

Noelle put away his sword and said to one of them, "Go and call the carriage, let's go in and have a look."

The warehouse is cool and dry, and Lan Yan saw that lime powder was sprinkled on the wall, but it may have been sprinkled for a while, and the lime powder has turned yellow. There are tall sacks, wine barrels, wooden boxes, etc. on the ground, and Lan Yan Randomly opened a wooden box, inside was a small package wrapped in oiled paper, he took out one and opened it, it turned out to be expensive tangerine peel.

Noelle also came over with an oiled paper bag, still eating something in his mouth, looked at what Lan Yan had opened, and said happily. "It's spice, it's so good!"

"What are you eating?" Lan Yan asked.

"Sugar." Noelle twisted out a lump of sugar from the paper bag and gave it to Lan Yan, then refolded it and put it in his breast pocket. "Hey, I haven't tasted sweetness for a long time."

Lan Yan took it, took a serious look, and put it in her mouth.For them now, sugar is indeed a luxury food.

Outside the door, the woman took her son and the second daughter and watched them all the time, with nervous and fearful eyes.

"Here, give me the sugar!" Lan Yan stretched out her hand towards Noelle.

"What are you doing?" Noelle took out the sugar packet and put it in Lan Yan's hand.

Lan Yan walked up to the little girl with the candy, and stuffed the candy into her little hand. "Hey, let's eat."

The little girl looked at him timidly. Because she was thin, her eyes were very big.

"This is ours!" The boy retorted in a low voice, and was pulled by his mother forcefully just after he finished speaking.

"Sorry..." Lan Yan hadn't finished speaking when a shout came from afar.

"It's not good, the sixth team was attacked in the south, and the whole army was wiped out!"

Lan Yan frowned, and slowly got up, and Noelle also walked out of the warehouse upon hearing the sound. "What's going on?" he asked.

Lan Yan looked back subconsciously, her pupils constricted, and she saw a black shadow flashing behind Noelle, and at the same time, there were several screams in the depths of the warehouse.

"Get away!" Lan Yan shouted.

He grabbed the bomb at his waist, ignited it, and threw it into the warehouse. At the same time, Noelle heard his warning, and subconsciously threw himself on the spot and rolled to avoid it. A vampire appeared at his original position, and the bomb rolled in with smoke. .

The vampire seemed to know that the thing could hurt him, so he dodged subconsciously. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Noelle quickly crawled out of the warehouse with hands and feet.

After a loud noise, Noelle supported Lan Yan and stood up, panting heavily in shock, and turned to look back.The others heard the voice and quickly gathered over.The woman and two children sat on the ground in fright, crying towards the warehouse.

Noelle grabbed the woman by her collar and lifted her up, angrily said, "Who are you, the vampire inside?"

The woman's eyes were red and full of tears, and she spat at his face. "You devils, you killed my husband! You killed my family!"

devil? ? ?

As soon as she said this, Noelle felt his heart tremble. He threw the woman on the ground and kicked her hard. "You traitor, you stupid woman! They are vampires! Vampires who have killed so many people! You actually help vampires murder us!"

He beat the woman in a frenzy, not knowing whether he was stimulated by her words or overly frightened.

"Mom!" The boy yelled, rushed up to stop him, but was kicked down by him, clutching his stomach and howling on the ground, the little girl also cried heart-piercingly.

Lan Yan stood helplessly, surrounded by people, but no one stopped the atrocity.The woman was beaten until her head and face were covered with blood, and she curled up into a ball convulsingly.

It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this, what should it be?



It took him a while to realize that it was him who was crying softly.From the bottom of my heart, to my throat, to my lips and teeth, from silent, to whispering, to roaring.

"Stop!" He yelled and pulled Noelle away, looked at his bloodshot eyes, clenched his fist and punched him in the face.

Noelle raised his hand to fight back, but stopped, because Lan Yan's sad eyes were too clear, and he saw his crazy appearance inside. "She's a traitor!" he yelled unwillingly. "She helped the vampires to harm us! It is because of people like them that we have our current consequences. The people inside, the brothers inside, they also have families, and their families are still waiting for us in Alan!"

Lan Yan opened her mouth, but found that she didn't know how to refute.




Others shouted angrily, the woman was already unconscious, and the two young sons were clinging to her body.

"Kill them! Kill them! They help vampires, and they will become vampires sooner or later! Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Support the White King! Kill them!"

They shouted, deafening, deafening, like a tiger's roar, making people's hearts tremble.

At that moment, Lan Yan felt deep despair. On this continent, humans and vampires have lived together for too long, and the bond between them has become so deep that no one can sort out the right and wrong of the resentment.

"Kill them." Noelle ordered coldly.

Lan Yan looked at Noelle in shock. "They're human!"

Noelle shook her head slowly. "They're not human, they've become vampires, and while their bodies haven't changed, their hearts have."

"That's because of her family..."

"I don't need anyone in my team who speaks for vampires! As long as someone helps a vampire, it is equivalent to a vampire!" He looked around at the others in awe. "It's a traitor to mankind!"

"Traitor! Traitor!" the others echoed.

"Kill them," he said again.

"No! Noelle, you..." Lan Yan stopped.

"Catch him!" Noelle snapped violently.

The two stepped out immediately, and one set up a blue smoke on one side.

"No, Noelle, look, she is a woman, and her child is still there!" Lan Yan struggled.

"Kill them all," Noelle said.

When they let out the last scream of their lives, another male screamed in pain at the same time in the warehouse. Warm blood sprayed on the gray-black dry mud floor. The three corpses twitched for a while and then fell silent. The sugar bag in the bag was stained with blood and rolled down to Lan Yan's feet. The sugar cubes reflected colorful lights in the sun.

"No!" Lan Yan knelt down on the ground in pain.

"Blow up the roof of the warehouse and kill the vampires inside." Noelle ordered to the others, waved his hand again, and the two men holding the blue smoke backed away.

"Why?" Lan Yan murmured. "I thought you would be the light of mankind." He raised his head and looked at Noelle, the young man in front of him was so moistened by hatred that he was beyond recognition.

"Humans are the people of the day, and they live in the light themselves. Humans don't need light, they just need a leader who can lead them into the darkness and expel the dark creatures." Noelle looked down at him, and the sunlight gave him divine brilliance , also gave him darkness. "You are too merciful, Lan Yan. For the battle of life and death, kindness is tantamount to weakness."

"Starting tomorrow, you don't have to come out with me anymore, and you are not allowed to leave Alan without my order."

"What do you mean?" Lan Yan couldn't believe it. "You want to put me under house arrest?"

"I had to," Noelle said. "To us, you are dangerous and weak, you need to be protected and you need to be restrained."

"You?" Lan Yan repeated.

"We," Noel said.

Does not include him?Lan Yan was at a loss and helpless.

"Maybe you don't know, because almost no one can get this title." Noelle said. "In Viaken, human beings chosen by vampires and hybrid vampires who have just been embraced by vampires under the age of [-] can be called newborns. Besides the first time, there is also a special kind of newborns, which are called young children within the blood clan. , that is, the human child who was selected by the blood race from an early age and has the same status as other blood races. Perhaps because of the lofty status of the eldest relative, the human child may be higher than most blood races. When he grows up, he is destined to accept the first embraced person , called the youngest son of the blood race."

Lan Yan had never heard of this.After all, unless they are blood races converted from humans, most pure bloods think that humans are inferior creatures.The more inferior, the more able to reproduce.

"You say that such a person can still be called a human being?" Noelle asked.

"It has nothing to do with me, I don't want to..." Lan Yan retorted.

"Everyone remembers the old fortune-teller's prophecy, but you alone forget it!" Noelle said. "For a person who is destined to become a vampire, his own will is of little use. What's more, the person you love is a vampire..."

The blood solidified in the soil, and several flies flew around the heads of the corpses, hovering over their cheeks, noses, and open eyes.

The roof of the warehouse was blasted, the midday sun poured down like boiling hot oil, and the vampires hiding in it were like boiled livestock, suffering the most painful punishment and uttering the most miserable screams.

The intact goods inside were moved out in boxes and bags, and the entire carriage was filled.

"Don't worry, I still respect you, because I know you are still a person worthy of respect." Noelle finally said to Lan Yan. "It's just your identity. For human beings, life is worse than death."

His tone was calm to sincere, calm to indifferent.

After returning that day, that night, Noelle discussed with his subordinates and secretly elected an heir, in case his accident caused the human race in Alan to fall apart.

Of course, Lan Yan was not involved in the meeting, and it was Noelle who personally told him in the early morning.

Since then, Lan Yan has been staying in the workshop, making ammunition with others, or drawing with the little girl Anastas, sitting on the steps in front of the dilapidated palace in a daze.Since he didn't go out with Noelle, and rarely followed him, he seemed to have lost his sense of existence in the crowd, a vacuum existence, as if isolated.

The sun is about to disappear, the sky is full of red clouds, and the thin clouds are layered on top of each other, only the purple blue sky is exposed in the gaps. The autumn wind is blowing, and the city is still dilapidated.

The men who went out came back in a carriage. It seems that their actions today were not very smooth, and the carriage was empty.

Afra sat down beside Lan Yan, while Anastas was still drawing with her head down.

"I don't know what happened between you and him." She looked into the distance and said. "But I remember the way he respected you when I first met you. He is a servant, and you are the master."

"War is the best way to break the solidified class." Lan Yan murmured.

"What do you mean?" Aphra was puzzled.

"Nothing." Lan Yan said.

"Actually, you have been excluded a long time ago, but you didn't realize it."

Lan Yan frowned.

"Your status was originally more noble than him. You were his master. Now that he has established himself as king, do you think he doesn't mind? Perhaps those exclusions were ordered by him," Afra said.

"If you say this, you will not end well." Lan Yan said.

"You can't go on like this, you have to make a decision."

Lan Yan turned her head and glanced at her. The girl's messy golden hair was tied with a gray cloth scarf, and her cheeks were still thin. When she got close, she found that there were a few brown freckles on the tip of her nose. If you look carefully, the gap between her teeth is also Some are big.

"Isn't my decision obvious enough?" Lan Yan said.

"Obvious, but not enough," Aphra said. "Try to let go of those things that you think are important but actually have no effect on you." She tilted her head and smiled at Lan Yan and winked. "I know what's going on with you, but you should think about it too much. After all, the vampires in Orvieto talk about you all day long."

"Actually, there is no contradiction between being a human and being a vampire under the buffer of Molly's medicinal wine. Besides, we have lived together for a long time. The mode of getting along between the Viaken blood and humans is already the most relaxed one. Judging from the current state of the parties , all it takes is the emergence of a strong leader, and the war will soon be quelled."

"You don't seem to hate vampires?" Lan Yan said after thinking for a moment.

Aphra paused. "I just don't think there's much difference between being a vampire or being a human being. Both like to kill and plunder, and both have power to suppress them. If human beings are more powerful than vampires, maybe the situation of vampires is even worse. Among them All you can do is become the stronger one.”

It's really not like something a teenage girl can say.

"Where are you from?" Lan Yan asked.

"I am from Vinmons. My parents died when I was very young. My sister and I live in my uncle's house, so my sister is the most important person to me. The most important person, whether it is a vampire or a human, is right. It’s all the same to me,” Aphra said.

She has lived in her uncle's house since she was a child, but only her sister is the most important person to her.

Lan Yan thought, this girl must have suffered a lot from being dependent and helpless.

Anastas showed the finished painting to Lan Yan, and she drew herself, flying in the sky with bird-like wings behind her.Lan Yan patted her head.

Aphra patted her buttocks and stood up. "So, in my opinion, your persistence is ridiculous. A free and empty soul is not as powerful as a real power."

Lan Yan smiled, disagreed, but did not argue.

After Afra led Anastas and left, Lan Yan sat alone for a while before leaving.

It had been nearly four months since Winster disappeared, and he was silently counting in his heart.

As winter approached, there were several rounds of continuous autumn rain. On a sunny day in early winter, Noelle took hundreds of people out, but only a dozen came back. He said in horror that they were attacked by many vampires. Those vampires As if waiting there in advance, Noelle was arrested and many people were killed on the spot.

This news was like a poisonous snake, quickly shuttled through the crowd, spreading panic and uneasiness.

They speculate that the vampire might want to negotiate by capturing Noelle alive...

Sure enough, they received a letter the next morning asking them to exchange Noelle for blue smoke.

Noelle's heir, Raistlin Hopeton, refused, because Noelle had told them that no matter what, Blue Smoke could not fall into the hands of vampires.Only his younger brother, Cornett Sen, clamored to bring someone to rescue his brother, and there were some people who were only loyal to Noelle. They thought that Raistlin was greedy for life and afraid of death, and did not save Noelle because he wanted to inherit the throne.

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