Under pressure, Raistlin had no choice but to write back to the vampire. They needed to meet Noelle himself and get his permission before they agreed to exchange.

Lan Yan didn't know exactly how these things were carried out. He was locked in the place where he lived, that is, in an authentic room and was not allowed to go out, but he was allowed to visit.Later, Aphra came and told him that the vampire agreed to let Raistlin bring ten people into the city of Ovieto to meet them on a sunny day, but Noelle was unwilling to trade him for him, and the vampire arrived soon after. his right hand.

After finishing speaking, Aphra leaned against the wall, looked at Lan Yan and said, "Humans have no future, and they can't beat the blood race. In the war between humans and blood races thousands of years ago, human beings were also crushed and killed like livestock." Massacre." She shook her head. "It's not that vampires don't have the ability to kill all humans, but they need humans so that humans don't perish."

The man guarding Lanyan sat at the door bored, and said with disdain: "You little girl knows how to talk nonsense, the blood race is slow to reproduce, if human beings can unite as one, they will kill all the blood race sooner or later. Noelle is a respectable leader I hope that Raistlin will inherit his position and his will to resolutely resist the blood clan."

Aphra was not angry either. "That's the problem, because the blood race has the ability to embrace human beings for the first time, so human beings will never be able to achieve complete unity. Do you think so? Lan Yan."

Lan Yan sat in front of the desk, looking at the quill in his hand. "Of course not," he said. "Humanity just lacks great power." After learning that Noelle did not agree to exchange him, his condition seemed a little better.He had originally escaped from the hands of the blood race. If he were to fall into the hands of the blood race again, one could imagine how worried he was.

The weather is getting colder, but the tunnel is getting warmer.Everyone cut down on food and clothing, trying to make it through the next spring to start plowing.The days were cloudy and the wind was blowing outside, so everyone could only hide in the tunnel, and they got along harmoniously as long as there was no shortage of food.

The accident came on a rainy night. The vampires invaded the tunnel at some point, all the entrances and exits were blocked, and the guards were silently dealt with. Terrible screams echoed in the tunnel, and the walls were sprayed everywhere. Blood, the entrance of the passage was full of corpses, and the people who woke up from their sleep fled in a panic and were routed.Someone ignited a bomb in the tunnel in nervousness, but the wounded were all his own people, and the vampire had already teleported away.

The guards left and woke up already. The worried Lan Yan hurried out of the room, only to see that there were corpses everywhere in the tunnel leading to the hollow where people gathered to rest, and many people were on fire for some reason. , The high-speed moving vampire turned into a bloodthirsty black shadow, plundering and killing the defenseless and defenseless human beings.The air smelled of blood and gunpowder.

This tunnel is so complicated, with so many secret entrances and exits, it is a very huge project, how can the vampire find it here accurately?You must know that although they will enter the tunnel through the entrance of the Pope's Palace during the day, in fact, the location where everyone rests at night is five or six miles away from the Pope's Palace, and it takes half an hour to walk.And this is the second layer of tunnel.Although it is empty here, the layer above the head is just a passage.

Lan Yan hurriedly walked to the hollow where Anastas slept, passed the workshop, went in and took a few bundles of bombs and tied them to her body. Someone recognized him, but they were too busy running for their lives to stop him.

When he reached the hollow, there were not many living people on the ground, and everyone was crowded at the nearby exit, causing countless casualties.

A vampire found Lan Yan, but saw the gun in his hand, and chose to let this trouble go.

Lan Yan anxiously rummaged through the corpses, but luckily she didn't find the corpses of the mother and daughter.Holding a torch, he climbed onto a table and looked at the crowd. He saw that the tunnel under the vault was crowded with people who could not see the end, like sealed meat cans. No one knew that there were vampires guarding the exit. , everyone is unable to enter and exit the passage, and when the people outside die, the people inside will squeeze forward even more.Lan Yan had never seen such a terrifying scene, people seemed to be no longer human, and everyone shouted wildly, as if they were going to suffocate, like crazy lambs.

While guarding against the vampires who tried to attack him, he shouted Anasta's mother's name so loudly that he got a weak response until his voice was hoarse.

"Master, I'm here!" Rhea Boyle raised her hand and waved it. Lan Yan saw her in the crowd about four or five meters away from the outside, and she was not in a good mood.

"Where's Anasta?" Lan Yan asked loudly.

"Here it is!" Rhea replied.

"Come out! There are too many people over there, you won't be able to get out together!" Lan Yan shouted.

Rhea hugged her daughter tightly. Her body was still strong. She tried to walk out, but it was difficult to turn around. Someone around her was squeezed to death, or fainted, and her eyes were closed, but because of the force of the crowd, her body still standing.She knew that it would be difficult for her to get out, her daughter was only as high as her chest, and it was extremely difficult for her to protect her.

"I can't get out!" cried the woman, while holding Anasta's armpits, trying to lift her up with all her strength, but failed several times.

Lan Yan understood what she meant, immediately jumped off the table and ran towards her.

"Get up, mom is not strong enough, you have to step on mom's body to get up!" Rhea shouted hoarsely to the crying Anastas.

Anastas cried and shook her head vigorously. She knew that if she stepped on her mother, her mother might fall down.

"Get up!" Rhea slapped her severely and reprimanded angrily. "Why are you still disobedient at this time! I told you to step on my body and get up, did you hear me!!!"

Anastas cried louder.

The mother once again exhausted all her strength, and finally pulled her daughter out of the crowd and pushed her to her shoulders and head.

"Be good, my precious Anastas," she said weakly at last.

"Mom!" Anastas, who had lost her voice for almost a year, finally spoke again.

"Anasta!" Lan Yan also climbed up the crowd, stepping on their shoulders and approaching the girl. "Come to me, Anastas!"

Anastas refused to move, and turned her head to pull Rhea, trying to pull her mother up too, so that she would not fall down.But she was still too young to see that her mother's lips were pale and her body was extremely weak.

"Anasta, come closer, I'm going to catch you." The tunnel made him unable to stand up straight, so Lan Yan could only lie on top of the crowd, and stretched out his hand towards Anastas with difficulty.

"Go, Anasta." Rhea finally kissed Anasta, pushed her towards Lan Yan, watched Lan Yan hug her, closed her eyes, and fell sideways among the crowd.

"Mom!" Anastasia cried with all her might.

Lan Yan jumped out of the crowd and was about to turn back to pick up Anastas when a black shadow passed by, and Anastas disappeared. She appeared at the other end of the hole and was caught by a female vampire.

"Let her go!" Just as she was about to be bitten, Lan Yan raised the torch and the bomb at her waist and shouted loudly. "Let go of her! I'm Lan Yan, are you looking for me? I'll exchange with her!"

He said quickly, almost without thinking.

The vampire stopped, Anastas choked and looked at Lan Yan, the vampire grabbed her like a rag doll.

Lan Yan squinted her eyes, and felt that the female vampire in front of her was somewhat familiar. She was blond, thin, and looked young, like a teenager.

"Are you looking for me?" Lan Yan said as she approached. "Let her go, let her go, I will exchange with her."

"Throw away what's in your hands," said the vampire.

"It's not easy to throw away here." Lan Yan said. "You take her out and let her go, so I can rest assured."

"You are already a turtle in the urn, threats are useless to me."

"I can tell Heslet that you caught me, and he will definitely reward you and appreciate you." Lan Yan said seductively. "They want me alive, don't they?"

The girl thought for a moment, and the temptation to take all the credit prevailed. Anyway, these two were just weak humans, and it was dark outside, which belonged to vampires. She was not afraid of his tricks.

"Come with me," she said.

Lan Yan followed her to turn left and around, and went to another remote exit.The vampire looked more familiar with this place than he did.

"How did you find out here?" he asked.

"You don't have the qualifications to know." The girl said, she dragged Anastasia in front, Lan Yan in the back, and the three of them gradually moved away from the crowd.

There were also several rounds of corpses down at the exit, and Anastas couldn't help crying when she saw it. She saw her brother Dolly, who was the team member on duty tonight.

The two vampires were leaning against the wall chatting boredly, looking refreshed, and seemed to have had a full meal.When they saw them coming, they immediately stood up vigilantly.

"What are you doing, Nora?" asked a vampire. "Why bring two humans here?"

Nora continued to walk forward with cold eyes. "You don't need to worry about it."

"Huh?" Another vampire stopped her with his hand. "We are responsible for guarding this place and preventing any human from escaping. Now you say we are nosy? Even if your sister has made great achievements, you are not qualified to break the rules like this?"

"I'm warning you, I'm completing a mission secretly given by His Royal Highness, if you hinder me, just think about whether you can bear the consequences." Nora said.

The two vampires exchanged a look, and let them out anyway.

The exit was facing a wall, and it was only after walking down the stairs that there was a sewer below. The wall above the exit of the sewer was smashed, allowing one person to enter and exit.It was originally a secret exit, and it needed to crawl out in the sewer, but now it is filled with broken bricks and stones that smashed into the wall, and you can go out directly from the smashed wall.

The rain was still falling, and the cold air made people shiver all over. The oilcloth wrapped around the torch was still burning, and the flickering flame was the only light in the night.

The ditch spread all the way to the river not far away. It was dark and there were only a few low farm houses on the bank. They should have come outside the city.

Nora stopped and looked back at Lan Yan.

"Let her go, I need to see her go far enough." The dim light shone on Lan Yan's pale face, and the cold made him tremble uncontrollably while speaking. "She's just a little girl. If you let her go, she won't go far. If I go back on my word, you can always catch her back."

This is true.Nora puts Anastas down.

Anastasia stood barefoot and shivering in the cold mud. They were all woken up in the night and wore thin single clothes.

"Run!" Lan Yan said. "Anasta, run without looking back."

Anastas cried and shook her head. She didn't know where she was going. Her brother and her mother were all dead, and her dreams had come true.

"Run! What are you doing?!" Lan Yan roared angrily.

Anastas had never seen Lan Yan get angry, he was always gentle and patient with her, he was the most polite and educated person she had ever met.

"If you don't go, then both of us will die here! Do you want us to die here?"

Anastas ran away crying, she fell down, got up again, soiled her white nightgown, and ran into the darkness alone until Lan Yan could no longer see her.

"Can you put down what you're holding now?" Nora asked.

Lan Yan raised the corners of her mouth, smiled sadly, let go of her hands, and the torch and bomb fell to the ground. "Come on, take me to see Heslet."

At the same time, other people were also looking for traces of Lan Yan in the tunnel. There were too many people, and it was very difficult to find them.

"He seems to have followed Nora Loft. From your description, he seems to be the person you are looking for." A vampire said.

"Which way?" asked Dennis David.

The vampire immediately pointed him in the direction of one of the exits.

When Dennis arrived, there were only some messy footprints left on the ground. He felt very strange, but he still chased after the footprints.

In the hall, the original collapsed place has been repaired. Nora walked towards the underground palace with blue smoke, and vampires stared at him along the way.

Passing through the stone arch, they entered the downward stairs, descended about ten meters before stepping onto the flat ground again, entered a passage more than ten feet wide, and finally arrived at a wide and tall columned hall. The sculptures of the columns are very rough and simple. It can be seen that it is not finished.

The sound of their footsteps echoed in the hall, the candles were brightly lit in the hall, and Lan Yan saw Heslet Lesenbra sitting high at a glance, with black hair, scarlet eyes, pale skin, and a dangerous gaze Crazy again.

"Good evening, Master Lanyan." That gorgeous and slightly low tone represented the antique vampire royal family from Viaken.

"Good evening, Your Royal Highness." Lan Yan said, his voice was extremely calm, his eyes were full of grief, but the corners of his mouth had a strange arc, as if mocking, feeling helpless, or compromising, although he still Hold on to your pride.

"I didn't expect that we would have the chance to meet again."

"I didn't expect that you would become my eldest relative."

"Oh?" Heslet raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and then laughed sarcastically. "When did I say I wanted to hug you for the first time?"

Lan Yan's pupils trembled slightly, but she still kept her mind steady. "Many blood clans want to be my eldest relative."

"That doesn't include me," said Huslett. "The only ones who want to embrace you are the old-fashioned group of Viaken. Now, I have changed my mind. Instead of having another king who suppresses me, I would rather enjoy the chaotic world of this dark night." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Air, showing an intoxicated expression, then opened his eyes and stared at the blue smoke again. "You have a wonderful smell on your body, the smell of blood, the long-lost fight, so sweet, it makes me excited."

"Then why did you arrest me?" The death of countless lives was a wonderful enjoyment for him!Lan Yan was extremely angry.

"Of course it's because you are still useful. At present, there are still many blood clans in Viaken supporting you, and some of them claim to be your friends. Now you are in my hands, what do you think?" Heshili Special said. "They should try their best to rescue you and become your benefactor, so that you can't refuse, but now, you are really ready to accept the first embrace." His eyes suddenly became cold, like a cold light, trying to pierce the blue smoke .

"You are just a human being, an inferior human being, your life is in my hands, you will not be my king, I am your king." Heslet looked down at him like an ant.

The author has something to say:

Winston is coming out soon, almost a piece.

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