In fact, "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" is fried small white shrimp.

But the authentic way of this dish is to garnish a few fried small scorpions on the white shrimp slices, but because scorpions are not popular in all places, authentic snow mountain flying foxes are rare.

Fortunately, I did eat it today.

The appearance is not a [-]% problem, but the taste is really not bad.In particular, the fried scorpions are crispy and fragrant to the bite, which is very attractive to the taste buds.

As soon as Lin Minming arrived at the restaurant, he was overwhelmed by the gorgeousness of this dish. While eating, he studied the method and planned to go back and try it himself.

The waiter who was in charge of ordering and serving them was a local. The young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was young but had a deep affection for the country. He looked proud when he saw someone admiring the flavor of his hometown.

"Are the two guests from other places?" He brought up a porridge made from seasonal fruits and placed it in front of Lin Minming, "Do you like spicy food?"

Lin Minming nodded immediately.

The little waiter smiled: "That's great! Some of our dishes here are not spicy or tasty."

Lin Minming stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a small scorpion, and took a closer look in front of him. There was no pepper on it and it didn't smell pungent, and it tasted fragrant and numb after a bite.

"But why aren't these dishes spicy?"

The young man proudly said, "That's a specially modified taste to take care of you foreign guests. If you can eat spicy food, I'll ask the kitchen to make you an authentic one?"


When it comes to food, Lin Minming is no longer shy. The two of them had a great chat, and they could talk about a dish for a long time, but left the person responsible for paying the bill alone.

He Junyi listened to them chatting quietly for a long time, and finally asked the waiter to sit down and introduce the local dishes and human relations in detail. The young man was also having a good chat, but after thinking about it, he shook his head in embarrassment. One waiter had to give three private rooms To provide service, sitting down is definitely not enough.

He Junyi didn't say a word, got up and went out.After a while, the small owner of the restaurant opened the door and came in with a smile, asking the waiter to stay in this box exclusively tonight.

"Am I trapped?" The young man raised his thick eyebrows, and was immediately happy, "Hey, was that your brother just now? He is so generous!"

Lin Minming: "..."

The one who was praised for his generosity did not return to the box immediately.

He walked around the small restaurant, and there were small shops beside it, only the yard behind the toilet was relatively clean.

He Junyi took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. The speed of the other party answering the phone was comparable to that of a rocket launcher, and he answered the phone with a yelling as soon as it rang a second time: "You also know how to call me! It's so easy to get lost if you say go away." Give me the mess you can do..." Pa La Pa La.

As expected, He Junyi opened his ears for ten seconds before he began to speak: "Zheng Kailai, I want to ask you something."

The other party was still chanting and cursing non-stop.

He Junyi continued: "When did you find out that you like men?"

"You don't care when, anyway, it's wrong for you to suddenly let go..." Zheng Kailai stopped scolding halfway, and asked cautiously as if he had suddenly reacted, "Huh? What did you just say... like men?"

He Junyi repeated.

Only then did Zheng Kailai become serious: "Are you asking about the spiritual or the physical?"

In his opinion, liking men can have two different understandings.One is the purely sensual pursuit of some people’s curious attempts. This kind of crowd includes not only homosexuals, but also straight men who love to try new things; the other is the real liking of men, not only physically but also spiritually , this kind of talent will really talk about the future with the same sex.

After Zheng Dashao asked, he hurriedly added another sentence: "It's you... Do you want to ask yourself? Are you kidding?"

He Junyi didn't seem to hear what he asked in the last sentence: "Shouldn't the spirit and body be synchronized? Don't you have a priority?"

Zheng Kailai laughed immediately: "Of course I'm not in sync, but I'm a twin, you know that."


"I can like men regardless of my spirit and body. I must say when I started...... I had my first girlfriend in junior high school, and my first boyfriend in high school. That should be when I knew it in high school. My purpose is to pursue beautiful things, and gender, age, and cultural differences are all floating clouds..." He said with emotion, "It's a good thing you didn't ask when it was the first time, otherwise I really forgot!"

He Junyi blocked a lot of useless information from him, and grasped the key words: "... high school?" So early.

"What's so strange about high school? If you are sensitive, elementary school should be aware of it! Nowadays, children are so well-nourished, elementary school students have caught up with the height of our junior high school, and the information is so developed, maybe it's too late for high school to know. ...."

Zheng Kailai was aroused and talked endlessly.He and He Junyi knew each other in university, and they talked about their hobbies and hobbies, but they didn't talk about their sexuality publicly.He has never concealed his dual nature of being both male and female, even when he was a boyfriend in college, he was openly dating, but he never came out in front of He Junyi.

To be honest, he really didn't think He Junyi would agree to liking men.

But what is the rhythm of the call today?

He Junyi found out that he likes men?

"Then let's do this first." He Junyi hung up the phone before he finished talking, and pinched his brows helplessly.After the phone call, you are more uncertain than before, and your mind and body are out of sync?

Looking for a man for sensual pleasure...

is it possible.


When he frowned and returned to the box, the dishes had already been served, and the table was full of red, green and green.

But the atmosphere is a bit strange.

The waiter brother pointed at a brightly red dish next to Lin Minming, talking and laughing, Lin Minming sat stiffly.The younger brother lowered his head and got closer, the stiffer he became, it made people uncomfortable for no reason.

It's not that He Junyi couldn't see that this guy was very enthusiastic about Lin Minming from the very beginning, so he also took advantage of the opportunity to create opportunities for him to deliberately test him out.

But now it seems that it is a bit too much.

Seeing him coming in, Lin Minming stood up as if he was relieved, and the smile on his face relaxed a lot: "Brother, where have you been?"

He Junyi put the phone in his hand on the table and sat down next to him.


"Is it Xinxin?" Lin Minming poured water for him with a teapot, "Has she eaten?"

He Junyi shook his head: "It's a colleague from the company."

Lin Minming said "oh" and put the teacup away, then stood up and helped him pick up a few dishes with chopsticks, and introduced: "This is the local chicken stewed with small yellow croaker just served, it's not too spicy, eh, and this is fried pork Mouth, try it?"

When the person next to him moved a little, he spoke faster, until he piled up He Junyi's bowls into a mountain of vegetables.


He Junyi didn't say much, and took out a [-] and handed it to the waiter directly: "Brother, I'm sorry for introducing you for so long, thank you. Then we can just eat by ourselves."

That's what the service ends here.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, and his expression instantly showed a bit of embarrassment. He pursed his lips and looked at Lin Minming who was eating with his head down. After a while, he reached out to take the note, said a barely audible thank you, and turned to go out.

When the door was closed, Lin Minming let out a sigh of relief and raised his head.

He Junyi smiled faintly, knowingly asked: "...What's wrong with you?"

Lin Minming squeezed the tissue in his hand and said nothing.

This question is really difficult to answer. You can't say that you were harassed just now.For normal people, this level of contact is not necessarily harassment, but the performance is more intimate, relying on... a little close.

No wonder he was recommending and being recommended normally at the beginning, but as He Junyi went out, Lin Minming still felt the faint hint from the other party.

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