[Xiu Xian] Master, let's talk about life

Chapter 105 Before I Discovered that Master Is an Expert

When I was digging out the ant nest, I heard the sound of horseshoes stepping on the dirt.

So he shouted into the room at the top of his voice: "Master, they are here again."

I know that Master will never come out to meet them, but since they gave me two loose candies last time, I will give them a shout for the time being.

After I shouted this voice, the visitor had already dismounted outside the fence in the yard, and bowed to me respectfully—but of course I knew that the bow was not directed at me, but that he had never shown himself in the house. Past master.

Master often pulls my ears and teaches me to be polite, but I never set an example. I saw her roll the eyes of guests who came from afar more than once, and more often she didn’t even see them.

But the people who came still came one after another, probably because they called the master—the master.

There are always people who come to the expert.

This group in front of them is such a person.

Although they are courteous and considerate and humble in words, I know that Master will not come to see them. The way Master looks at them is no different from looking at a tree or grass. body.

This time they gave me some candies as usual, and the leader, Mr. Hua Yi, seemed to be willing to go all out this time. He raised his hem and knelt on the ground, and then all the people behind him knelt down—I know it’s very difficult to kneel on that. It hurts, because when I was disobedient, the master told me to kneel on it, sneered while scolding me, and she said: "Luo Guanyu, Luo Guanyu, let me teach you how to be a human being."

But I feel that Master herself is not good at being a human being—she may be doing something else, but she is not being a human being after all.

I looked at the kneeling group of people, and hid in the house with the feeling that there are so many idiots in this world.

Before I knew that my master was a tall man, I thought for a while that a tall man was a very tall person.

It's really not my fault, I'm smart enough in every way, but my master also failed in education, so he taught me to be a fool who lacks common sense. Fortunately, there was an old man with me for a while I lived in a hut next to the master's place, so I learned some knowledge from him.

"Are you an apprentice of an expert?" He asked me once.

"What is a tall person? A very tall person?" I asked back.

He wasn't surprised at all, and said solemnly: "An expert is a capable person."

Instead, I was taken aback and said in amazement, "Is my master a capable person?"

He was still not surprised, and I remembered his indifferent and peaceful appearance for a long time. He said: "Yes, everyone said that there lived a Taoist immortal at the foot of Xuanwu Mountain. I thought it was just a rumor. , has been used for life."

I was noncommittal, and while feeling absurd, I couldn't help but feel that the world is blind and idiot.

But that day I still tried my best to see Master from a different perspective, until Master sneered and wanted to pull my ear: "Luo Guanyu, what does this ghostly look mean?"

I hurriedly dodged Master's bone-like hand, then shrugged my shoulders.

— Ha, master.

If you were to choose a master who must be punished——

If the selection of insidious and cunning experts——

If you choose a master who does not stick to small details——

Master must be on the list.

But honestly, she was nice to me.

I remember when I was young, Master always asked me: "Guan Yu, do you hate me?"

I don't know why she had this illusion, and shook her head.

So she said: "But Guan Yu, you always interrupt me at the critical moment of my practice—either I'm hungry, or I'm thirsty, or I just fell down. Why are you so troublesome? ?”

But are all children like this?And you didn't manage well, last time I rolled out of bed and lay on the ground for a day and a night, you didn't find out about it.I really want to say this, but because I can't speak at that time, I can't say it.

Yes, although I lack common sense, it is strange that I seem to have a complete idea at a very young age.

In the past, I didn't know that this was a strange thing, so I told the old man who lived in a hut next to me, and the old man sighed: "No wonder the immortals accept you as a disciple. There are people who are born to know it."

I asked him what is meant by "one who is born with knowledge", and he told me that it means a person who is born with knowledge.

Knowing that I am a special person, I was so proud that I couldn't help but tell Master at night——At this time, Master was pushing me into the water, who was messed up from climbing mountains and playing in the mud. When she got up, she asked, "Who told you this?"

I didn't know about Master's small stomach at the time, so I told her directly that it was the old man next to me.

She suddenly changed her tone, and said sharply: "Your master is me, why are you asking some old man?"

I don't understand why she was so angry, but I know that the next day, there was no thatched hut by the side of our yard, and there was no old man. I went to ask what happened, but the master only said to me coldly: "The old man was blown by a gust of wind." Scraped away."

That's when I realized for the first time in my life what a lie is.

Master was painting behind me—maybe she was painting, I don't know what Master was painting, it should be due to her ineffective teaching.

I looked out the window and said to Master, "Master, it's been three days and three nights."

The group of guys who came to seek help from an expert have been kneeling outside the door for three days and three nights.

When I said this, I turned to look at Master. With a thoughtful expression, Master licked the ink-stained brush on the tip of his tongue, and then gave a "pooh".

I said, "Master, don't eat ink."

The master rolled her eyes at me, and then she said, "Aren't you too boring? You just watched it for three days after people knelt down for three days—or is it someone else in it?"

I looked out through the gap in the window, and I happened to see the young master in charge. His complexion was already a little pale, but his eyes were still as black as ink. I should not know the beauty and ugliness of people, but I think he is handsome. Yes, as if aware of my gaze, he smiled at me, and that smile made my heart beat violently.

Master sneered behind me: "Yo, you're still digging out ant nests, but now you're in love."

I didn't know what Master was talking about, so I just looked at her blankly with a puzzled expression.

The master put the pen in his hand on the pen holder, approached the window eagerly, and then took a look through the gap of the window.

Then she clapped her hands and said happily, "I have a good eye, he's the one."

I tilted my head and looked at the master in confusion. Although the master is petite, she is still a head taller than me. She put her slender fingers on the top of my head and stroked my hair: "Our foster husband, Tong Yu, is him."

Therefore, there is an extra person in my life with Master. This person is taller than me, but he is not in good health. Can watch him lose weight day by day, finally went to see the master.

The master only thought for a moment—maybe she didn't even think about it—then he clenched his fist with his right hand, knocked on the palm of his left hand, and said, "Take him and run away."

"Huh?" I didn't understand Master's brain circuit at all.

"A friend in adversity is the so-called friend, so you take him to escape, walk more in the remote path, meet more ferocious beasts, you escape from danger, and your relationship grows deeper——finally you feel like coming to me to confess, that's it, Just say that you love him and want to take him away."

Although it felt inexplicable, I did it anyway.

I rushed into the room and cut off the chain, then took his hand and said, "Master wants to eat you, let's run."

"Huh?" He looked even more disturbed.

But we still ran, wading through the jungle and wading the big river, but I have never encountered a fierce beast, most of them can be frightened away with a single blow, but the young man was frightened enough, his face was paler than ever, and his lips Dry and cracked, even the eyes are not as dark as before, and I don't have the appearance of Mr. Pian Pian at all. I am very disappointed, but I am worried that it will show that he will be sad, so I just pretend to feel sorry for him.

I thought that this kind of life would last for a long time, but I didn't expect that when I met someone, someone would come to the door. As soon as they saw the young master, they knelt down and wept, and then they took a knife to kill me. The young master was about to leave, but the young master was holding a long sword and wanted to cut me. I looked at them inexplicably: "You guys are going too far."

The young master's expression was solemn: "Demon girl, I have lived so long and suffered so much humiliation, just waiting for this moment to kill you and sacrifice my Dao heart."

I opened my mouth, but no words came out.

I remembered one thing.

Master told me a story——

There is a girl, her name is Baixue, she is smart and beautiful, but she lost her mother very early, and her father found a stepmother for her when she was 12 years old, and her stepmother originally had A daughter, named Ebony, became her older sister.

"The name ebony is ugly." I don't know why, but I couldn't help pointing it out.

Master glanced at me, and said indifferently: "Then call Qingfeng, don't pay attention to these details, and listen to the story."

She went on—

Although Qingfeng is a little uglier than Baixue, she is still very beautiful. The two sisters fell in love with the same man, but the man undoubtedly liked the prettier Baixue. She also had an affair with Qingfeng, and later, in order to fight for the family property, Baixue killed that man.

I stared blankly at Master. Although I hadn't heard a few stories, I felt that the development was inexplicable, but I didn't say anything, and Master continued to tell with a bored expression.

But Baixue didn't grab the family property, the final winner was actually Qingfeng, Baixue had to marry an old man, who treated her badly, Baixue always wanted to escape, until one day, Qingfeng, whose brain was kicked by a donkey's hoof, suddenly came to Baixue , Baixue poisoned Qingfeng into a stun, and switched identities with her—from then on, she became Qingfeng, Qingfeng became Baixue, and the story was over.

After I heard the story, I knew that Master made it up very casually. At that time, I was still an ignorant child, and I wanted to cry when I pursed my mouth.

The master pressed his head with a headache, and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, then I will ask you a question. If you were Qingfeng and saw Baixue again, would you kill her?"

This question is too profound for a child, I hesitated and nodded, then shook my head again.

Master hated iron and steel and tapped my forehead hard with his light-white finger: "Of course I will kill her, little idiot, whoever is sorry for you, you can kill him - simply, without hesitation, Master taught you this way , you just remember it for me."

But, why skip to the murder step?

I think the idea of ​​being like a master seems too extreme, but I finally didn't say it.

When the young master pointed his sword at me, I thought of the story my master told me in the past.

I felt that I had met a heartless man, and wanted to raise my sword to kill him, but hesitated, and finally turned around and left with the wind.

I was wandering in the secular world, and it didn't take long before I heard a rumor that the descendants of Xuanwu Mountain were born and experienced. If anyone gets her favor, the world will be at your fingertips, so I was chased for no reason, and I couldn't live a good life. mountain forest.

At this time, I already wanted to go back, but for some reason, I couldn't find the way back.

Master may not want me anymore.

As soon as this thought appeared in my mind, the blood in my body seemed to be cold and stagnant. I seemed to have turned into a walking dead, and I didn't even have my own thoughts.

But they still chased me. I looked at their eyes, and suddenly felt that they didn’t seem to regard me as a human being. They were like a hungry wild dog chasing a meat bun, and their eyes were not human eyes. , rather more like a beast.

Finally, I seemed to understand Master's feelings. In the [-] days of fleeing, I took the sword and cut off the heads of the people one by one.

After I cut it off, I thought, I have done what Master said, why is Master still not coming to pick me up.

So I changed from a fairy to a witch. They all said that I caused a bloody storm in the whole world. I felt quite innocent, because I obviously had no idea——soon something confirmed the rumor that I was a witch, because Ten years and 20 years have passed, the people who chased me have changed from one batch to another, and they have aged one after another, but I am the only one who has not changed.

There was a large army chasing me, and many masters came to block me. I saw the young master. He was already a middle-aged man with a lot of wind and frost, and he was sitting on a golden throne. secret recipe."

I was exhausted, I looked around, but I couldn't see a single person, only a piece of squirming living creatures, they rushed forward with hideous faces, and there seemed to be a smell of flesh and blood in their mouths.

I came to Xuanwu Mountain again - or the place where Xuanwu Mountain is located.

I looked at the high mountains shrouded in clouds and mist, and my body was covered with dust. I thought of being pushed into the water by the master because I played too dirty in the past. At this moment, I suddenly recalled her appearance.

She was wearing a bright yellow gauze dress, her face was so pale that it seemed to be able to emit a light blue light, but under that bloodless paleness, she could still be a gorgeous and seductive beauty, because when she smiled, the whole Zhang's face became the most sinking ray of light.

She came from the fog, Tingting like a magnolia.

Master wiped the blood off my face and said, "Guan Yu, I'm so embarrassed."

Then the ground suddenly shook, and the rocks rolled down, breaking the formation of the army, and the group of wriggling creatures were suddenly split apart, turning into one after another crying for their father and mother.

Thunder fell from the sky, and the light of the thunder fell from the nine heavens like a sharp sword, making deep pits one after another on the ground.

Everyone knelt down suddenly, they surrendered in front of absolute power, they would rather wait for death than resist.

"Xuanwu Mountain" moved, it grew thick, Optimus Prime-like limbs, moved forward amidst the roaring vibrations, and then slowly stepped into the void, flying to the sky.

I sat on the ground with my knees folded, looking up at the vast sky.

I thought my life was going to be over, but I found that it might just be a small episode in my life.

The master was humming with a straw in his mouth, an unknown tune.

She was still that petite girl, and I was taller than her when I stood beside her.

But I have already discovered that she is a tall person.

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