All in all, I haven't left the city gate for ten years, and the outside world hasn't changed much, it's just that many of the old roads have changed their tracks.In line with the leisurely mood of occasionally going out to relax, I still lead the youth along the road in my memory, walking through the streets one after another.

"Jingwan, are you lost?"

When I brought him to a familiar street for the fourth time, he finally asked.

If you know it, don't tear it apart.I guessed that my current expression might not be very good-looking, so I turned my head to prevent him from seeing my face: "What do you know, there are thousands of streets and alleys in the world, and this is just a similar street."

Pedestrians come and go in a hurry, there are hawkers' hawking, children's laughter, and not far away, Jianghu people are majestic with long whips, attracting bursts of applause.As if a little uncomfortable with the lively scene here, I moved my eyes to a bare tree in early winter, and carefully looked at the branches that had not yet fallen.

I always feel that I am out of place with the laughing crowd.

The young man next to me held my hand and said warmly, "It's very lively over there, let's go and have a look."

It's crowded and messy, and I don't want to go.

However, before I could say no, the young man was already one step ahead of me, and dragged me to the back of the crowd with his fingers clasped.

I broke away from the young man's hand and caught a glimpse of his helpless smile out of the corner of my eye. He pointed to the front: "Look, it seems very exciting."

In front was a row of dark heads. Fortunately, I am not short, so I could walk around the row of people by straightening my back, and saw the two teenagers surrounded in the middle.

The one waving the long whip was a handsome young man with sculpted eyebrows and phoenix eyes, dressed in a bright red dress, and his black hair fluttering in a high bun during his movements, it was an indescribable gesture.Standing beside him was a man in blue who was staring at him obsessively. He was whipped across the cheek by a whip without paying attention.Amidst the laughter of the crowd, the man walked away awkwardly holding the copper basin, and changed into a kind smile to beg for money among the crowd.

Seeing that I was watching intently, the young man beside me pushed me to the front.

At this moment, the man in blue walked up to me with squinted eyes and a smile, and I subconsciously threw two silver ingots into the copper basin.

The man opened his eyes wide: "You... paid for it."

The young man in red who was surrounded in the center put away his long whip, and called the man in blue: "Xianqing, come and clean it up, what are you doing, if you don't let me relax your hands and feet, just look at my whip!" Bar."

"Brother, there are many people, save some face for me."

Stared at fiercely by the young man, the man trotted over again holding the copper basin.After the tricks were played, the crowd gradually dispersed, and the two teenagers got together to count the copper plates in the copper basin.

"Brother, don't count, these are enough for us to eat and drink for many days."

"Hey, who gave these two silver ingots."

"It was given by a beauty in white." The man in blue turned around and dragged his senior brother over, "Look, he hasn't gone far yet."

I always had a bad feeling. I had already walked a few steps, but I turned around again and saw the sharp eyes of the young man in red looking straight at me.

There is no kindness in that.

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