This battle can only be won, not lost! I said firmly, holding up my saber to show my determination, "Brave warriors, I know that the enemy is stronger than us, but if we escape today, we will still die by their sword tomorrow!" "

I shouted loudly, trying to make my voice resound throughout the city.On weekdays, I am a lady, and my steps seem to be well-measured. I am steady but light, and I speak slowly.However, this is a battlefield. If we continue to put on the airs of those gentlemen and ladies, we will all die here.

The soldiers who wanted to escape were silent for a moment after hearing my words, and the commotion subsided, but then someone shouted: "That's just a lie of your nobles!"

"Lies! Lies! Lies!" The voices echoed one after another, hitting me like a wave.I couldn't help clenching my fists, my heart was filled with disappointment and anger of not being trusted.The previous commander was a marquis, and his prestige was quite high on weekdays, but the facts proved that he was actually a coward in the face of a strong enemy. When he saw the enemy was very strong, he immediately abandoned the city and fled. After being massacred, the sprayed blood mist hung over the city like a ghost, forming a blood-red cloud, which did not disperse for several months. This incident has also become an eternal pain in the hearts of our soldiers.

From then on, as long as they heard the blood nobleman, they would think of the cowardly Marquis who abandoned the city and fled to survive.

"I swear by the blood contract that I will never abandon the city!" I shouted with all my strength, "Maybe the previous commander was a nobleman and a coward, but I am not! I am the Duke of Vanjoy, fighting to defend the honor of the family, Never flinch!"

I know that they will not believe it if they only write a bad check, but the blood contract will not be faked.Once completed, those who violate the blood contract will undoubtedly die.I will definitely die if I run away, and I may still survive the first battle. I will definitely choose to stick to the city, and they know it well.

The rioting soldiers were shocked by my words. For a while, the city was silent, and for a while, it was full of whispers.I understand their mood at the moment, because no noble has ever made a blood contract to a commoner, let alone a pure blood standing at the top of the pyramid of the blood clan society?

"Blood deed, I, the Duke of Rose of the Vanjo family, will never abandon my army and people. Today, I will defend this city to the death and fight Le Senbai. I will never surrender or retreat!" The sword cut his wrist, and the blood fell on the ground drop by drop, turning into blood-red light in an instant.Silver-white light flowed from my fingertips, and engravings with complicated patterns emerged on the ground, and the river of light kept swimming, revolving around the circle around the magic circle.I released my spiritual power to complete the blood contract, and finally the red light enveloped my whole body, then suddenly went out, and a bright red engraving appeared on the back of my left hand.

In an instant, all the voices of people disappeared, those who opposed me, those who supported me, those who wanted to escape, those who panicked, those who calmed down, the city was completely silent, and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the wind passing through the city of Orbis, like The sharp whistle blew across my body coldly, and the only thing I could see was the bright red engraving on the back of my hand—the blood contract, a contract that must never be violated.

"Now, who of you still think that I will run away?!" I looked at them coldly, my voice trembling slightly with the anger of disbelief, I raised my arms high and showed them the engraving.

Those who opposed just now were silent, suddenly, something unexpected happened to me——

One, two, three, four, five...

The soldiers faced me and knelt down one by one.

The crowd seemed to turn into dominoes. They knelt down facing me one by one, and the expressions on their faces became amazingly united.

"I will follow you to the death, Your Excellency Commander!" The blood race who made the most trouble just now shouted loudly, his voice was hoarse due to excessive force in his throat.

"I will follow you to the death, Commander!"

"I will follow you to the death, Commander!"


They exhausted all their strength, and the slogans expressing their determination resounded through the sky. I suddenly felt a little guilty. In fact, I am not so fearless.

How could I not be afraid, when I saw those bloody scenes when I was a child, I would tremble all over, like falling into an ice cave, unable to sleep all day long, shivering under the velvet quilt, just like human beings suffering from malaria.

The reason why I do this is that on the one hand, I really cherish my reputation and don't want to be called a coward and coward. On the other hand, I also know that if I run away, the defense line will be torn apart and we will be defeated and eventually defeated by the enemy. The fate of being caught is quite terrible. Even if I don't die, I will become a plaything, and this is something I would rather choose to die than face.

On the balance, I choose to defend the city. Since I have already decided, what's the point of making a blood contract?As long as I decide things will definitely not change.

Moreover, as a pure-blooded nobleman, I made a blood contract, so that the soldiers can see my sincerity, which can greatly boost their morale.

Although we are at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, I don't think we will win this battle even if our morale is greatly increased, but it is better than low morale, internal strife, and everyone thinking about running away.

So I am not as noble as they imagined, like a hero who is not afraid of death.I just chose the path that was most likely to survive, even though it was undoubtedly a dead end in everyone's eyes.

"Now... stand against the city gate, the infantry take their weapons and prepare for battle, all the archers go up the city wall, and the shield soldiers guard the archers!" I gave the order loudly, trying to restrain my trembling, if this battle is lost, I will There is no doubt of death, "The nobles will run with me to strengthen the magic circle with spiritual power!"

Lights of different colors flowed out of our bodies and merged into the rotating magic circle little by little. The huge consumption of spiritual power made me feel extremely painful, as if someone was cutting my bones with a saw.My spiritual power is mainly attacking. It is not very effective for this kind of defensive magic circle, but the spiritual power required to maintain a magic circle that can cover a city is amazing. It is impossible for me to stand by and let others to contribute.

"My lord, stop! You won't be able to hold on!"

"Go away, Alice!" I gritted my teeth, because the pain made my thinking blurred, my eyes were blurred, and everything seemed indistinct, as if shrouded in a thick fog, "You'd better waste your tongue here , why not ask for help!"

If we only look at the army, the opponent's strength is five times that of ours. Even if our army is well-equipped and well-trained, it cannot withstand the bombing of the sea tactics. Therefore, I am just trying to procrastinate, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements .

Although, even I am not sure whether reinforcements will come, but as long as it is not the last moment, I will never give up hope.I would rather die in battle than surrender, because this is my pride as a nobleman!

Even, I am really afraid of death, terribly afraid.



The Le Senba army outside the city bombarded the city gate with spiritual power, and the loud noise was like thunder from the sky.Spiritual powers of different attributes collided with each other, arousing dazzling sparks, adding a touch of color to this lonely and desolate city.The biggest difference between blood clan wars and human wars is that blood clans not only have hand-to-hand combat, but also spiritual power confrontations. This is also the reason why high-level blood clans can be counted by one enemy-the huge difference in spiritual power levels.But the Le Senbai family has always been elegant and cruel, and they have produced a large number of geniuses, so in terms of spiritual power, they are higher than most clans.Although the Fanzhuo family has many excellent leaders who can effectively attack the enemy strategically, when it comes to individual combat, we... are not as good as Le Senbai.

We are not as good as Le Senbai!

This realization made my heart go cold, but there was no way out.

Therefore, the only way to defeat them is to rely on cooperation!

Cooperation... I couldn't help but smile wryly, blood clans are not limited to fighting between clans, there are also internal strife within the clan.Although I command the battle without ever winning, letting me lead the army is beneficial to the prosperity of the family in the long run, but there are also selfish blood clans who want to control the army for their own benefit, so... even if I am in a desperate situation, they will surely Be happy instead of saving your life!

Finally, the magic circle is completed, at least for a period of time it can resist Le Senbai's army.So I stopped releasing my spiritual power and summoned another spiritual weapon—my longbow.

Le Senbai's generals were surprised by our desperate resistance and couldn't help opening their mouths.We are obviously at an absolute disadvantage, but we still don't abandon the city and surrender, but like crazy, shoot arrows, release spiritual power, and strengthen the city defense.He finally got impatient and planned to kill me, so the vampires in navy blue robes came out one by one, and then—they stood in several pentagons!

They want to activate the magic circle!

I bit my lower lip fiercely, and the pain calmed down the panic a little.It doesn't matter, as long as you seize the opportunity to kill those blood races who are urging the magic circle, they will naturally be backlashed because they can't control the operation of spiritual power, but on the contrary-help me a lot.

"You all back down!" I waved at the archers, a moment of backlash would trigger a spiritual riot, and I didn't want to lose people.


They obeyed me without any objection, presumably because of that blood contract!

I stared at them, mobilizing all my senses to capture the traces of spiritual energy flow.

It must be just at the moment when it is about to be completed and not yet completed, so that the lethality will be great!

Seeing that I suddenly ordered to stop the counterattack, the enemy hesitated for a while, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in my gourd.However, when I mercilessly took the lives of several Le Senbai nobles with my bow and arrow, they realized that this was my trick to bluff people!

"Come on, cowards, I know you are not as good as I am!"

I deliberately laughed loudly, and the Le Senbai soldiers under the city trembled with anger. They stared at me fiercely one by one, as if they wanted to swallow me alive with their eyes.

"Don't listen to this woman! She's just trying to piss you off!" Their general tried to reassure the troops.

He was indeed right, I was indeed irritating them, but it was not to make them lose their minds and attack randomly, but to cover up my real purpose.

Waiting patiently, finally, their magic circle is about to be completed...

It's now!

The silver-white light transformed into sharp arrows, and I drew my bow and arrow to launch a fatal attack on those nobles.






They were killed by the god of death one after another. In the out-of-control magic circle, the uncontrollable spiritual power began to flow wantonly, and then——


The loud noise soaring into the sky made my eardrums hurt.A gap was blasted in the city wall, gravel fell down in a rustle, and dust and smoke filled the sky.At the same time, the explosion spread everywhere, and the soldiers of Le Senbai crowded under the city were blown into bloody pieces, and their generals were staring at me with murderous eyes.

"So that's the case! You lunatic!" He roared, and his strong spiritual power hit me.I waved my hand to block it, but the massive loss of spiritual power made me unable to do what I wanted, and I immediately coughed up blood.

Of course I know what the result will be, otherwise I wouldn't have let the archers back down. You must know that taking advantage of the chaos can kill a lot of enemy troops.The explosion not only harmed them, but also affected us. The huge spiritual power swarmed in, hitting me like a tsunami——

"It's now!" I screamed hoarsely, and the nobles around me released their spiritual power to resist this wave of shock, and I drew the bow again, the bow string was as tense as the full moon, and the sharp arrow was shining with silver light, aiming at the man who shouted that I was a madman man.

"Whoosh—" the sharp arrow pierced through his body severely.With my high-purity spiritual power, he will be seriously injured if he does not die, but——

"Your Highness, be careful!" There was a piercing cry, but when I realized it——

The dense arrows came towards me with monstrous spiritual power, but this time, I didn't have time to resist in order to shoot the opponent's general.


The pain was flooded like a tide, and the eyes were scattered. The only thing that could be seen was the desolate gray of Orbis City intertwined with the red spray of blood, and everything else gradually disappeared.

Then my consciousness fell into a vast darkness.

The author has something to say: The Duke is actually very contradictory. On the one hand, she is very afraid of death, so she tried every means to plan and keep herself alive, including the so-called blood contract, which also has an element of acting, because she needs to bribe her. People's hearts, if this is not the case, and the morale of the army is unstable, she is more likely to be defeated and die.On the other hand, she is very dignified and proud. As a pure-blood, she has her own pride, so even if she is afraid of death, she is unwilling to run away and just live. For her, living like that is better than dying, so she will swear to die Resistance, will also risk their lives to deliberately destroy the opponent's magic circle.

So Lesemba's generals would call her a lunatic, and she was indeed, doing so would not only hurt the other party, but also put her in danger, which was tantamount to trading her life for her life, but because of the situation, she had no choice.Although she is crazy, she is also a calm and rational lunatic.

Chapter 26 Millennium Jihad (Part [-])

The author has something to say: The main building of Orbis Castle——

I am speechless to the river crabs in Jinjiang... The next chapter is a side story: Xueyue Tragedy

The Millennium Jihad only writes about this battle, emphasizing on the Duke's commanding ability and the sacrifice spirit of greatness, fearlessness, and fearlessness. The following famous battles will be narrated in the form of episodes. The decisive battle of victory, and the Duke of Rose became the hero of the whole family.

The name of this city - I just picked it up casually, it doesn't have any special meaning, it's just a bit similar to "Olympus", the birthplace of the gods.

The reason why Alice called the Duke His Royal Highness, on the one hand, was actually her memory. At that time, the Holy War was over, and the Duke was awarded the title of Honorary Prince by the elders (although the Duke did not accept it), but she was qualified to be called "Your Highness." "(Only the prince is qualified to be called His Royal Highness, and the rest of the nobles can only be called Your Excellency).On the other hand, it must be out of respect for the Duke.As for Alice being able to kill the nobles of the opponent, it was only because most of them were at the viscount level. At that time, Alice already had the spiritual power of the earl level.

(Note: This chapter is the self-report of Alice No.1.)

In 19533 (AD 1533), in the Battle of Orbis, the Duke of Rose of the Vanjo family defeated the Duke of Bea who led the 8000 army of the Le Senbai family with less than [-] troops.Duke Bia was killed in battle, Duke Rose was seriously injured, all Fanzhuo's defenders were killed, and more than half of Le Senbai's army was killed or injured. Finally, they all surrendered under the attack of the Fanzhuo family's reinforcements.This is the first time in the blood clan's millennium jihad history that less has won more. Duke Rose of the Vanjo family has become famous since then and has become synonymous with the God of War in the hearts of the blood clan.

—— "Blood Story? Millennium Jihad Chapter"

Earl Hector Innes Vanjo, the younger brother of Commander Duke Rose, made great contributions in the Battle of Orbis. The reinforcements led by him reversed the decline of the Vanjo family. The enemy general was severely injured at the expense of himself, but if the reinforcements failed to arrive in time, the battle would undoubtedly be defeated, and Duke Rose would not be dubbed the "God of War" by the blood clansmen.

These are the only records of Earl Hector in the history books of the blood clan, and his life is summarized in just a few lines.Unlike his older sister who has a thick biography, as a younger brother with mediocre qualifications, he is far inferior to his talented and famous older sister. What kind of courage he showed, and no one knows his final tragic ending.

Only I know.

And this tragic ending indirectly led to the occurrence of the "Snow Moon Tragedy" in the history of the blood clan, and the protagonist of this "tragedy" is Hector's sister, Duke Rose.

My name is /Alice, and I am a descendant of the fallen nobleman of the Ravono family.My ancestors were famous in ancient times, but in my father's generation, his family was in ruins. His father was framed by his political opponents. The elders executed his father's death sentence in front of my eyes in the name of intermarrying his father with a human being and "abandoning the family".They also want to arrest me because I am a "betrayer's daughter", a "hybrid" born of humans and blood races, and will definitely try their best to take revenge on the family.However, at the moment when I was in a desperate situation, a noble and powerful pure blood rescued me.

That's right, that person is the famous Duke Rose, and I am one of her subordinates. Alice, the captain of the Second Imperial Guard Army, was also His Highness's herald during the Millennium Jihad, and I often delivered orders on behalf of His Highness.

I will never forget that day, on September 9th, the overwhelming army came, the fierce and cruel battle, the blood stained the city head, Orbis, this gloomy and desolate city, there will be such a gorgeous blood The flower of life, the flower of life, and the flower of death are very much like the blood-stained rose flower, and also very much like her, my highness.

When I saw the critical situation of soldiers approaching the city, as a blood nobleman, my first reaction was not to fight, but to run away!

I rushed into His Highness's room in a hurry to tell her the terrible news, but His Highness was much calmer than me. She stood up, walked to the top of the city unhurriedly, and ordered a counterattack after checking the situation.

I don't mean to be cowards, but the opponent's numbers are too many, we are outnumbered, and the chances of winning are so slim.However, His Highness not only refused to surrender or flee the city, but also made a blood contract in front of everyone, willing to live and die with the city. At that time, her body trembling due to excitement, we all could see clearly.

Your Highness deserves to be His Highness, she showed the dignity that a pure-blooded person would never abandon.

After she gave the order to release arrows, a dense crowd of soldiers fell under the city wall.As a commander, His Highness didn't have to go to battle in person, but in order to boost morale, she released spiritual power to strengthen the magic circle with the nobles, even if she was tortured by the huge consumption of spiritual power, she refused to stop until the magic circle was completed.

I was really worried at the time, and I violated the commandment that subordinates must not disrespect their masters in the blood race world and yelled at her, but His Highness just restrained his pain and said to me in a cold tone: "Go away, Ellie Si! Instead of wasting your tongue here, you might as well ask for help!"

The azure blue eyes are like a frozen lake, and a powerful coercion emanates from her body.Even in this embarrassing moment, she is still the aloof Duke Rose, a pure-blooded member of the Fanzhuo family, and others can only bow their heads in front of her.

She is like a bloody rose blooming in the dark night, want to break her off and play with it in your hands?First try if you can bear the pain of her sharp thorns.She is by no means an incompetent vase with only a beautiful skin, she is a talented commander, and she is a calm god of war.

I didn't understand His Highness's intention at first, but I understood when I saw the overwhelming explosion at the last moment.

She sent me away to find reinforcements, on the one hand to win, and on the other hand to save my life!

When I saw His Royal Highness draw a bow and shoot an arrow, and the sharp arrow pierced through the body of the Duke of Bea, who is known as the "invincible" of the Le Senbai family, I smiled, feeling extremely satisfied.My Highness finally won the bet. She is a madman. She risked her life to destroy the opponent's magic circle, causing heavy casualties to the enemy. She is also a genius. She chose to stick to it when she was at an absolute disadvantage, and with The most effective way to win, though, is to win badly.

At that time, I didn't understand why she risked her life to defend this desolate city. Orbis is not prosperous and the population is not large enough. In short, there is absolutely no condition that is worth fighting for. It's just a worthless city.

But after this battle, when I saw that no matter how the enemy attacked, they were unable to tear through our defense line. No matter where they attacked, the nearby cities rushed to rescue me. Only then did I understand that my Highness is so far-sighted. An Wei, and the flesh and blood of these brave and fearless eight thousand soldiers, built an indestructible line of defense for Fan Zhuo.This line of defense is solid, and it also played a huge role in our subsequent victory and becoming the leader of the Hidden Alliance. At the same time, our advantages also gave us the upper hand in the Emerald City Agreement, and all of this is our young but wise The commander brought it to us, my master, Your Highness Qiangwei.

However, she was lying unconscious on the bed at the moment, and the damage caused by that majestic wave of spiritual power to her overdrawn body was immeasurable, and pouring countless cups of blood could not relieve her paler complexion than ordinary blood. Even the brilliant healing circle couldn't erase the deep scars on her body.

After hearing what she said at the time, I left alone to seek help.I first went to the city of Kamidis, which is the closest to Orbis. Although the lord of this city is a wise blood clan, I had to give it a try.Because although I can easily reach cities that are too far away with teleportation, teleportation can only be used by nobles above the viscount level, and most of the army are civilians. How can I transfer them all away?Even if I seek help, when I rush back, I will only see His Highness dying on the battlefield—I know that if she fails, she would rather commit suicide than fall into the enemy's army. After all, Le Senbai's cruelty is no match for them. World-renowned for its elegance.

When the lord of Kamidis heard that I was from Orbis, coupled with the fact that we are outnumbered, he firmly shook his head and refused to support him. His thoughts were exactly the same as mine at the beginning, and he believed that there was no need to waste precious troops in Orbis. Irbis is a city that can’t bring anything, but His Highness’s order is my highest criterion. I tried to persuade him that if Orbis falls, the next one to suffer will definitely be Kamidis, but he still Shut me out and refuse to help.

Just when I was almost desperate, Count Hector Innis Vandro, His Royal Highness's younger brother stood up and insisted on helping his sister.Even though he is mediocre in terms of spiritual power and doesn't have any strategy, unlike His Highness who can strategize and win a game, but he is brave and fearless, emphasizing love and righteousness.

The lord of Kamidis quarreled with him, almost to the sword, but he refused to waver and insisted on going to help.In the end, he left with most of the defenders—although the lord had a higher status than the generals of the defenders, the actual control of the army was in the hands of Hector, but this move also laid the foundation for the later "Snow Moon Tragedy". Down the fuse.

When Hector's defenders were about to arrive, it happened to be an overwhelming explosion caused by the magic circle.I asked Hector to wait not far away after arriving, and I teleported to the city because I was in a hurry to go back to help my Highness, and the result——

As soon as I arrived at His Highness's side, I felt a surge of spiritual power that almost tore me apart.

His Highness was aiming at Duke Bia and shot an arrow, and Duke Biya fell to the ground immediately. I saw a triumphant smile on His Highness's face, that smile was a bit childish, but also thrillingly beautiful.

Suddenly, a more terrifying wave hit——

"Lord be careful!"

Seeing this, His Highness violently blasted all the nobles around her who were assisting her to resist with spiritual power to the rear, and she took the blow because she had no time to react—she knew that with our level of spiritual power, it is estimated that we would be directly crushed by the storm of spiritual power into pieces.

"Master Duke!!!"

I saw her fall slowly with my own eyes, the clothes that were usually neat and clean became tattered and bloodstained, even her beautiful face had a deep bone scar, and the blood sprayed in the air, staining red covered the entire city.

The magic circle was breached because it lacked the spiritual power of His Royal Highness to continue to strengthen. Countless nobles of Le Senbai drove their spiritual power to appear in the city instantly, and the sound of shouting and killing rang out.

I hugged His Highness, her body was so light, like a feather, I was terrified in my heart.

"Kill!" Orbis was breached, and the defenders were all red-eyed when they saw the commander's heroic sacrifice.

Bloody and bruised.

This is the Duke of Rose who led them to victory after game!

A few hours ago, she made a blood contract to them, and the cold voice echoed in the city: "The blood contract swears, I, the Duke Rose of the Vanjo family, will never abandon my army and people, and today I will stick to it." This city will never surrender or retreat in a battle with Le Senbai!"

But at this moment, she fell to the ground, life and death uncertain.

Never throw it away——she defended the city and her oath with her life.

At that time, we all thought that the enchanting rose that bloomed in the dark night had fallen, and the soldiers waved their sharp knives, rushed out of the city, and slashed wildly at the chaotic Le Senbai army that was in chaos because of the general's fall.

"Return our Commander!"

They cried out in grief and indignation, and blood flowed everywhere.

The enemy army was caught off guard, and a large number of soldiers fell down one after another. However, they were not vegetarian after all, and they quickly realized that the Le Senbai army with strong individual combat capabilities once again gained the upper hand.

When the spiritual power is exhausted, use weapons, and if the weapons are damaged, they will fight directly. In this battle, 5000 city defenders—3000 active troops plus 1 temporary soldiers were killed collectively. Nearly [-] people were placed.

Just when the remaining enemy army was about to occupy the city, Hector came.

"Hector!" I yelled.

Reinforcements rushed to the city and surrounded the remaining Le Senbai army.

"Put down your weapons and surrender, we won't hurt you." I shouted, "I know that most of you are just newly embraced humans, and you shouldn't be involved in the blood race war."

Facing the siege of the well-equipped Hector army, the morale of Le Senbai's army began to waver.I know that their generals have always been cruel, merciless to the soldiers, often physically punishing them, and even burying them alive for fun.

"If you surrender, those who are willing to submit to Fanzhuo will be included in the army; those who are unwilling to continue fighting can also return your status of freedom and give you protection."

They looked at each other, and some had dropped their weapons.

"Now we have far more people than you. Those who continue to resist will be killed without mercy; those who are willing to surrender will be exempted from the death penalty." I announced coldly, and cut off the heads of several enemy soldiers who were still fighting.Blood splashed all over me, but I remained unmoved, licked the blood on my face, and showed a cold smile.

Seeing this situation, they finally surrendered dejectedly.

"You... you traitors!" A Le Senbai nobleman shouted angrily, trying to provoke them, but I appeared like a ghost, and directly plunged the sharp sword in his heart into his heart.

"This is what happens if you don't surrender."

I announced coldly, and one by one they all lowered their arms and looked dejected.

If you die, nobles of Le Senbai, none of you will live!

Even if we have won, there are still unforeseen accidents——

"Lord Earl!" Hector fell straight, with a shiny silver sword stuck in his chest, and the blood soaked through his armor, dyeing the silver incomparably alluring.

☆、Episode1 Snow and Blood (Part [-])

Under the sky full of silver and snow, there are splashes of bright red blood, and delicate flowers bloom.

— Alice

(This chapter is Alice's memories.)

Winter 1533, Niflheim.

In fact, the original name of the city was not Niflheim.It has a short name, Leto, which is a city originally inhabited by humans, named after the first city lord.But when Vanjoy captured the city, because it was covered by ice and snow almost all day long, and there were boundless snow everywhere, it was renamed Niflheim, which was taken from the name of the country of fog in Norse mythology.

This name is quite appropriate, because Leto City is simply a lifeless world of ice and snow, no different from a land of death.However, the city is backed by the Sheron Mountains, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In addition, the city defense is strong, and the tunnels extend in all directions and are intricate.

His Highness has been in a coma for two months, and there is still no sign of waking up.

I looked at the pale-faced His Highness under the velvet quilt, worried and restless, walking up and down involuntarily.Since he was a child, His Highness has had frequent outbreaks of spiritual power because his spiritual power was too powerful to be controlled. Every time the spiritual power erupted, the castle would be in a mess, and sand and stones would fly around.Perhaps it was because her parents were of pure blood from different clans. The mixed blood endowed her with strength far exceeding that of her generation, and it also generously gave her a weak body.The powerful strength and the weak body that completely doesn't match it made her spend most of her childhood in recuperation, and also made her develop an independent and brave character.Because——no one dares to approach, no one can accompany, including controlling the chaotic spiritual power, learning how to manipulate the powerful magic circle, all need to be done independently, which is why she will do everything to achieve her goal!

Her skin is as delicate as the petals of a freshly opened flower, her eyelashes are as long as soft feathers, and her towering nose casts a shadow on her beautiful face.However, at this moment, she was curled up in the quilt, shivering.

"No...don't..." I heard her whispering in her sleep, and tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes.

"I don't want to look... I don't want to look!" She screamed, her brows were furrowed, and her arms were around her, shaking uncontrollably.I quietly walked to the bed, stretched out my hand and slowly stroked the center of her brow.The girl is gone, and now I'm the only one to comfort her.

Her father held a high position and was naturally in the political vortex of fierce struggle.Political struggles have always been omnipotent. She is as used to killing as she is used to conspiracy and betrayal.At the age of six or seven-year-old human children, she was already calm and rational like an adult blood race, but I know this is just the appearance, and she is still a child in her heart.

Whenever she witnesses those failed power contenders being subjected to cruel punishments, such as draining the blood alive, cutting off the flesh with a knife... Her blue eyes are unmoved and indifferent, as if they are a signpost, a piece of Stones are not living things at all.However, only I know how terrified she is when she sees these bloody punishments. She always has nightmares and trembles when she sleeps, and then wakes up suddenly screaming.

She's just trying to maintain a mask of indifference.

"No!" she screamed, sitting up suddenly, panic in her blue eyes.

However, within a second, she returned to her indifferent and haughty look, putting on a calm mask.

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"Two months and two days, Your Highness."

"Where's Orbis?"

"Hold it, Your Highness, we won!" I replied excitedly, I couldn't help clenching my fists, and my heart was filled with uncontrollable joy, "We won, Your Highness! About 1 people were captured by the Le Senbai army."

"very good."

She only nodded slowly, no joy could be seen on that snow-like face.

In the blue sky-colored eyes, there was no joy, only deep boredom.

"Where's my brother?"

After a while, she spoke again, her voice cold.

"This..." I stammered, not daring to tell the truth.

"Alice, where's Hector?" She called my name, her voice getting colder.I heard the anger.

"I'm sorry Your Highness...I..."

"Shua—" She pulled back the quilt and stood up abruptly, grabbed the cloak and put it on her body.Under the blood-red cloak was her snow-white silk pajamas, which brought waves and cold light with the wind.

"Your Highness, where are you going?!" I shouted anxiously, trying to stop her.

"If you don't tell me, then I'll find it myself."

She answered word by word, her expression was terrified, and she seemed really angry.

"Your Highness, please..."

How dare I tell her the truth, that Hector is on trial for disobeying his lord?Tell her that Hector is still suffering from the sword wound in his chest?Do I think I have a long life?

Although His Highness is quite mild-tempered, I have seen with my own eyes the scene where she lost control and went crazy when her spiritual power rioted.

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