The scene is simply an indescribable tragedy in hell on earth, anyone who sees it will tremble three times.

His Highness walked with strides, the cloak fluttering in the wind blown by her steps.She was not like before, as if every step she took was carefully calculated, but full of anger. For the first time, I heard her heels stepping so loudly, echoing in the empty corridor like the countdown to the ticking of a bomb.

"My lord, you can't leave here..."

Just as she was about to reach the end of the corridor, a guard stopped her.

"Where is Count Hector?"

Her voice seemed to be mixed with ice, which was exactly the same as the weather outside at the moment.

"I'm sorry Your Highness, I can't say anything." The guards replied in unison, with very stubborn expressions, "Your Highness, please go back to your room to recuperate."

They drew their weapons, and the steel spear-tips shone brightly.Her Highness's expression has returned to calm now, she has never lost control in front of unfamiliar people, but I still feel a chill around me, the temperature is lower than outside the castle.

"Get out of the way." Her voice was flat, like a machine.

"I'm sorry Your Highness, please go back and rest."


Majestic waves of air exploded all around, and they were violently thrown to the surrounding walls by His Highness's spiritual power, hitting their heads badly.

"Whoever blocks me will be killed without mercy."

She announced coldly, with the wind blowing from the soles of her feet, and her black hair fluttering with the wind, I hurriedly followed behind her, for fear of any accidents.

Seeing that she was really angry, the guards didn't dare to stop her again in order to save their lives. They all lay down on the ground, pretending to be unconscious.


His Royal Highness's chambers are located on the second basement floor of the castle.After blasting the guards away, she continued hurriedly along the spiral staircase, her speed was almost as fast as running, but her steps were firm, and the sound of her footsteps echoed throughout the castle.

"Where's Hector?"

She grabbed the Kindred in the hallway, her blue eyes fixed on him like drill holes.

I didn't actually know she was reading minds, I didn't even know she had it.I only found out about this matter after overhearing the conversation between His Highness and Miss Leng Xing.

"No... I don't... I know..." The man was staring at her coldly, and couldn't finish his sentence.


She casually threw the unlucky vampire against the wall and continued on to the next person.

In this way, layer by layer, she caught a person and used her mind reading skills, her blue eyes became colder and colder, like the polar winter.However, since she never got any news, they were all thrown to the wall by His Highness, or almost died of being strangled by her neck. This is the first time I saw her so scary when she was awake, just like a bloodthirsty Shura .

As a result, when we went up to the third floor, we found that the way to the fourth floor was blocked by a solid iron gate.Without saying a word, she directly activated her spiritual power to explode the door.

"Boom————" There were bricks and rubble everywhere, and the smell of dust permeated the air, which made me cough again and again, but she acted as if nothing had happened. Turning a blind eye to the horrors of the third floor of the castle that was nearly half covered, he continued to step on his boots.

The flying dust stained her cloak with a layer of gray, just like the dark sky in Niflheim at the moment, with dark clouds overwhelming the top, filled with an ominous atmosphere.

The author has something to say: I chose the name of the Xueyue tragedy after the "Coup d'etat" in French history, because I like Napoleon very much.It's just that the "snow moon" here is not the same concept as the "snow moon" in the French Republican calendar, it's just a month when it just snows.This historical event—fictional, is also about why the iconic blue eyes of the Duke mentioned in the previous article are a symbol of the devil in the minds of many blood clansmen, because its owner symbolizes killing (they think, you think the Duke Really atrocious?), but borrowed the date of the Brumaire Coup: November 11th.The date of victory in the Battle of Orbis: September 9, 1533 is the birthday of Queen Elizabeth I, who I like very much.

In order to allow snow to fall in November, the latitude of the location is set to be very high. I have already mentioned the origin of Niflheim, the headquarters of the Vanjo family, in the episode [Interlude]. The Scandinavian Mountains, in fact the Scherren Mountains is another name for it.

Hector sounds familiar, right?Yes, he is a hero in Greek mythology, the prince of Troy.The reason for giving the duke’s younger brother such a name implies on the one hand that he is brave and loyal, on the other hand it also implies his final tragic ending (because Hector himself ended up tragically and was killed by Achilles, And Achilles said he would feed his dead body to the dogs.)

Others, if you have any questions, please leave a message~ I will try my best to make the text understandable, and there will be no phenomenon that some places cannot be explained (if there is, it has not been written XD)~~ ~

☆、Episode2 Snow and Blood ([-])

"Your won't find any results if you search like this..." I said cautiously, hoping that she would stop this crazy behavior, although I pessimistically thought it was almost impossible.

I dare not stop her at all!Your Highness has never said anything else, this time she has already said "Those who stand in my way will be killed without mercy", if I dare to block, she will definitely let my blood splatter on the spot to prove that she will do what she says.

So I only dare to say this, because I really don't want to see my highness doing useless work like a caged animal, although I don't want to tell her the truth at all, there is no doubt that this will lead to bloodshed, but it is beyond my expectation Unfortunately, she stopped.

"Alice." Her blue eyes stared at me, neither crazy nor angry, very calm, so calm that it scared me.

There is no anger scarier than peace, because you never know what lies beneath the surface.

"I will definitely find Hector. If you know, tell me; if you don't know, don't stop me."

She looked serious, and every word that escaped from her beautifully shaped thin lips was like a hockey puck hitting me hard.I don't know when, her body radiated the coercion like waves again, which was the powerful fluctuation of spiritual power unique to the high blood race.Standing next to her, I could hardly breathe.I think the reason why she has the patience to explain to me is probably because I am her subordinate. His Highness is as cruel to the enemy as he is to his own people... I can't think of words to describe it. Anyway, she won't kill me, I'm sure of it.

Later, more than four centuries later, I heard a classic saying, "Treat comrades with warmth like spring, and treat enemies with cruelty and ruthlessness like autumn wind sweeps away fallen leaves."His Highness's character is probably like this.

It sounds contradictory, but she has always been such a contradictory existence.

" being judged by the Council of Elders..."

I was trembling all over and my teeth were chattering, not because I was afraid of what she would do to me, but because I expected what she would do.I am sincerely afraid of that result coming.

"Shua—" Without saying a word, her figure disappeared with the storm caused by the dazzling silver light and the coercion of the surging spiritual power around her. Seeing this situation, I hurriedly drove my spiritual power to keep up, because I knew that Heck Where could Thor be...

On the fifth floor of the castle, the wall lamps were shining with fluorescent green light, shining on the castle walls made of rough huge stones. The flames swayed with the storm caused by the spiritual field emanating from His Highness, like will-o'-the-wisps.

I followed His Highness and appeared in the void, and saw Yinyue, the sword in her hand.

She actually summoned a spirit weapon!This is bad.

My heart sank instantly like a big rock.

Sure enough, trouble came within a few steps.

"Duke Rose, you have no right to enter, this is a high-level meeting."

"Om—" The two swords crossed suddenly, making a buzzing sound.

Two vampires in black uniforms stopped her, and on their left breasts were embroidered with silver thread, with delicately patterned scepter clan crests.I saw that the swords in their hands were shining, they were nobles!

To use nobles as guards, even the imperial guards were dispatched, this battle is too big!

"Please get out of the way, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy."

They didn't answer, and their footsteps remained motionless, as if they had taken root in the ground.

Two silver lights flashed, and then blood gushed out, sprinkled in the air like a fountain, and His Highness directly cut their throats with a spiritual weapon.

The bloody cloak flew up, and her expression was as cold as a knife.

Before the blood drops hit the ground, His Highness' figure had already disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The sixth floor was empty, only the same fluorescent green light illuminated the corridor, but the more I went up, the more intensely I felt the abnormal flow of spiritual power. This power was very similar to...

Very familiar, but just can't remember.

The last floor is the highest point of the castle, the seventh floor - the roof.

When His Highness went up to the rooftop, she had already searched the entire castle, from the bottom to the top. She searched every corner, but there was no trace of Hector.

However, at this moment, she had regained her composure, and the sound of her furious footsteps became extremely silent, as if a ghost had floated into the rooftop.

I think it's because, she already has the answer - Hector is there.

She walked up slowly, the knuckles of the hand holding the sword were white and trembling slightly.

"As a nobleman, Hector is the general of the garrison of Kamidis City. If he went to battle without authorization and disobeyed the lord's order, he should be executed immediately!"

"I agree, this has committed the crime of betraying the lord and should be severely punished!"

"But if he hadn't sent troops to help Duke Rose, Orbis would have fallen now!"

"That's right, how could we still sit here and discuss how to execute him!"

"The law is the law and must be enforced! No exceptions will be allowed!"

"The hero of the victory is the Duke of Rose. We do not deny this, but it does not mean that Count Hector's crimes can be forgiven."

We have not yet reached the meeting place, but we have already heard the sound of heated arguments.This group of elders, who were sitting on the corpses and eating vegetarian meals, were usually aggressive and high-spirited. When the war broke out, they rushed to push others to fight and let others be the victims. His Highness is the best example of them.

"Your Highness..."

"Shh, listen carefully."

Instead, she was not in a hurry, and stood quietly by the door like a sculpture.I couldn't figure out what she was thinking, His Royal Highness Hector was clearly inside, and I could feel his spiritual power, was very weak.

"His Royal Highness, please be careful! Hector violated my order and took away the army without permission. It is clearly a plot to rebel!" It was the voice of Lord Kamidis!

The wretch!

I couldn't help feeling angry, and even my palms were hot.

If there is no Hector, now that Orbis has fallen, you wolf-hearted things should all drink the northwest wind!

"I know."

A cold voice came from inside the door. It was the head of the Presbyterian Church speaking, "So he is hanging in front of you like this now, paying the price for his actions."

On His Highness's right hand, the silver moon gradually shortened and disappeared in her cloak. I knew that the silver moon had turned into a dagger at this moment.

She pushed open the wooden door carved with ancient and delicate patterns.

"Good afternoon, elders." There was even a slight smile on her lips, and I really couldn't understand her more and more.

"Good afternoon, Duke Rose." One of the elders nodded to His Highness.

"May I ask you a question, where is Earl Hector?" She stared at the elders with a murderous look in her eyes.

According to the tradition of the blood clan, when meeting with the blood clan with a higher status than oneself, one should bow or bow to show respect.Usually, she couldn't raise her head when she saw these high-level members of the Presbyterian Church, but now... the old guys still count on her to fight.What happened to their spiritual power?If you have high spiritual power, you have the ability to defend the city!

"Hector...he committed treason and treason and is on trial."

The chief elder replied slowly, with an arrogant expression.

"Excuse me, where is he now?"

I could see that His Highness was very dissatisfied with this answer, but she still tried her best to restrain herself.

An ominous premonition hangs over my heart, something big will happen today!


One of the elders lightly raised his palm, and in an instant, Hector, covered in blood, appeared in front of everyone.

I gasped and almost fell to the ground.

Hector's face is covered with countless scars like a knife and an axe. There is a blood hole on his left cheek. The black blood makes people feel cold when looking at it. It seems that the place has been gouged out by a knife. .

In addition, his clothes were tattered, and he didn't look like a noble pure-blood. He was worse than the most down-and-out beggar.I can no longer see his hands, only bones and sleeves soaked in blood.

Moreover, there is a blood hole in his chest that is constantly bleeding. I remember that it was a trace of a sneak attack by the nobles of Le Senbai.

"Sister... I just know you're fine..." His blue eyes, which were exactly the same as His Highness's, faded as if they were covered with dust, His Highness Hector's mouth twitched, trying to force a smile, but——

His head drooped.

He never made another sound.

He was no longer trembling, and he was no longer in pain.

Just like that, he... died in front of His Highness.

The world has become a silent dead place, just like the name of this city - Niflheim, like the country of death, a place without any distinction, covered by snow and ice, without any sound.

The clouds condensed into a terrifying iron gray, rushing over the sky above Niflheim Castle.The snow and the wind whistled together, as if the wronged soul from hell was crying out in grief and indignation, telling his grievances that no one knew about.

The author has something to say: the death of Hector, I think his death here is worse than the Trojan prince in Greek mythology.In this way, will the Duke explode...

☆、Episode3 Snow and Blood (Part [-])

(Note: Part of this chapter is Alice's memory.)

"Alice, get out."

His Highness made a hissing sound, as if squeezed out from between his teeth.

"What?" I was puzzled, still stunned in place, at a loss.

"I said, get out!" She roared, slamming her sleeves violently, and the majestic storm of spiritual power directly blasted me out of the door, and it didn't stop until the lower floor of the castle. I knew her intention instantly—— No, it should be said that all this is beyond her control.

With an ashen complexion, silver hair that cannot be concealed, and a storm surging deep in the bewitching scarlet blood-colored eyes——

Dazzling silver light burst out from her body!

It's an explosion of spiritual power!


There was a series of explosions overhead, louder than thunder.The ground under his feet shook terribly, and deep cracks had already appeared, only to be reduced to powder at the last moment.I frantically ran downstairs, my mind was blank and I had no reason at all.Fear oppressed my heart, making my whole body icy cold, surrounded by overwhelming coercive storms swirling crazily.I was so panicked that I even forgot that I could use teleportation.

The huge spiritual power is like a tsunami, crushing us almost to pieces.I have never felt such a terrible power, nor did she have it when she was out of control before.

This power...has surpassed that of an ordinary prince.I think, perhaps only the Thirteen Blood Mansions, which I have never seen before, can match it!

By the time all the sound died away, the upper floors of the castle had all collapsed into horrifying rubble.In the heavy snow with goose feathers, the only thing standing is the bloody rose with thorns all over its body - my highness.

The pure white snow has been dyed a dazzling red.

What happened later, I heard from a blood servant. He actually survived the catastrophe and survived the spiritual storm of His Highness.It might just be because His Highness "sent" him out with spiritual power at the last moment, just like he did to me.

She is bloody, she is cruel, she is cold, she is ruthless, but she does not kill innocent people indiscriminately.Even if she said the words "those who stand in my way will be killed without mercy", she didn't kill any of those who stood in her way.

The order is added, and I have to obey.The world of blood races is strictly hierarchical, with a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority, and she knows it better than anyone else.

I finally understood why she stopped moving.It was obvious that Hector was suffering cruel and ruthless trials and heinous tortures inside. She had heard of how cruel the methods of those old guys were, but she stopped patiently, suppressing the violent breath.Because, she wanted to know—who should pay for Hector's death.

She is only bloody and cruel to those who deserve it, and she is only indifferent to those who seek their own death.

This is my Highness, the blood-colored rose that blooms in the dark night.

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

(The third-person narration resumes below.)

Blood calendar On November 19533, 11, in the city of Niflheim, five elders of the Vanjo family were killed on the roof of the family castle. Their bodies were mutilated and incomplete, leaving only bone fragments that could not be identified. Niflheim castle was severely damaged .History calls this astonishing bloody event the Xueyue Massacre, and some historians have recorded it in the annals of history.However, no one knows the details of the whole incident.

According to unofficial history, this is the genius commander of the Vanjo family and the creator of the glorious victory in the Battle of Orbis. Because his younger brother Earl Hector was killed innocently, his spiritual power rioted in anger, resulting in an out-of-control explosion. Five elders were lost, but no one believed that the Duke of Rose could fight and kill the five family elders with the power of the Duke alone.

Earl Hector finally died of deteriorating wounds and prolonged torture. When he died-he was underage.

However, at the elders meeting, because the Lord Kamidis was dissatisfied with Hector leading the army to support his sister, he framed him and uttered nonsense, which resulted in Hector's unjust death. No one in the history books knows about it, except for the protagonist of the Xueyue tragedy—Duke Qiangwei, which is rumored in unofficial history.

The two elders who survived the catastrophe lost their memory after waking up. They only saw that the castle of the Vanjo family in Niflheim was destroyed. More than three floors of the castle no longer existed, and there were bricks and rubble everywhere.So this earth-shattering tragedy became the most doubtful historical event in the history of the Vatican family.To this day, whenever this matter is discussed, those blood nobles who have survived for hundreds of years are still terrified by the heinous tragedy at that time.

The body of Lord Kamidis was found next to the five elders. His death was extremely horrific, his eyes were wide open, his blood was drained, and the skin of his body was peeled off, revealing his white bones.

Another protagonist of the Battle of Orbis, Duke Biya, the so-called invincible general of Le Senbai's army, was tortured to death by the elders as early as January, but since no one knew that he was killed by Qiangwei The Duke's arrow was only seriously injured, and someone else caused his death. Therefore, the son of the Duke of Bea, and later Prince McKee, who was famous for his fatuousness and irascibility in the history of the Le Senbai family, was married to the Duke of Rose after his father was killed. A sea of ​​blood and deep revenge.

Although Hector was just a small earl, because of his unjust death, the history of the blood clan for hundreds of years has been rewritten since then, and even later triggered the shocking confrontation between the two princes, Vanjo and Lesenba.From this we can see how accidental history is, but how inevitable history is. A small person can affect the fate of countless people in the future.

After the Duke pushed Alice out of the rooftop, he had a violent expression on his face.

Her usual elegant and calm aristocratic appearance is long gone, and her face is horribly distorted.

"You... are dead..." The blood-red cloak on her body was inflated by the exploding spiritual power, and all the elders showed unbelievable expressions, as if their dignity had been violated and their status was challenged .

"Little dare to commit the crime! Don't think that we dare not kill you just because you are a hero!" An elder shouted sharply. He took the lead and threw a destructive magic circle directly.

The cyan light was brilliant, and it was extremely dazzling under the iron gray clouds.Seeing the magic circle approaching the Duke, he had a triumphant expression of revenge after his dignity was violated.

The speed at which the elders built the "array" was unimaginable.


Before the engraving with light flowing in the air touched the Duke, it was bounced back to the instigator by a violent spiritual force.


He screamed continuously, his voice was shrill, and he waved his hands wildly, which sounded creepy.The other elders saw with their own eyes that he was twisted into a pile of flesh and blood by his own magic circle, and the smell of blood immediately spread on the rooftop.

"How dare you!" Another elder rushed forward, wanting to strangle the Duke in a state where his spiritual power had not yet fully exploded, but Yinyue suddenly appeared and chopped off his head with a sword!


His head rolled down and stopped at the feet of the other elders.

Elder No.2's death condition was not much better than the former one. His eyes were wide open, his muscles were tense, and there was an expression of disbelief on his face.

Splashes of scalding blood sprayed the Duke's snow-white pajamas, and her silver boots were soaked with blood, only—not her blood.

unimaginable!The power of a mere duke can cut off the head of an elder!

Her body actually contained such terrifying power!

Seeing that the two elders had died, the remaining five elders were terrified.They finally understood that the tall, slender woman with fluttering silver hair and cold eyes standing in front of them was not the genius commander capable of fighting, nor the Duke Rose who had just grown up, but a devil!Devil Satan from hell!

Two lines of blood and tears flowed quietly from the Duke's face, her eyes were misty, as if in a dream.There was another loud bang, and a storm-like wave of spiritual power spread, and the upper half of the castle collapsed.The flying dust rushed straight into the sky, echoing the iron-gray clouds rolling overhead, and the five elders who were about to drive the instantaneous transfer of spiritual power fell to the ground one after another.The two who believed that Hector was innocent were only slightly injured, because the Duke finally gathered a sliver of reason and blasted them out of the range, while the remaining three die-hards—only the stumps and fragments.

They didn't even leave a whole body behind.

"Hector..." She murmured softly, her eyes were as gentle as water, and no one could hear her voice amidst the loud noise.Those two lines of blood and tears had condensed into blood-red ice marks on her face, making her face paler, and that solid ice would never melt like Niflheim's eternal world of silver and snow.

The cold gust mixed with goose feathers and heavy snow was blowing on her body. In the snow-white world wrapped in silver, there were only the ruined Niflheim Castle and the enchanting blood rose blooming on the snow.It was as if time stopped and this moment became eternity.

Since then, Duke Rose and her pair of world-famous blue eyes have become the symbol of Satan in the hearts of most blood clansmen who have heard of the unofficial history of the "Snow Moon Tragedy", a sad story that only circulated among the nobles.

The author has something to say: The sky is full of dark clouds, and the breath of a storm is brewing in the castle of Niflheim——

This is the reason why many people are afraid of the Duke... Unofficial history is indeed true, and sometimes seemingly unreliable rumors are often the truth.

So when giving Leng Xing a ring before, Leng Xing said that the gemstones of the ring resembled the Duke's eyes, and the Duke would smile wryly, because the memory seal was gradually opened, and she remembered all kinds of comments about these eyes, and then thought of her brother's tragic death.

In the end, this result was pre-set. Why did it mention in Episode 1 that the Duke had a spiritual explosion when he was a child and would lose control? In Episodes 1 and 2, Alice was particularly afraid. The bloody case", "How dare I tell her the truth... Do I think my life is long?", "I expected... I am sincerely afraid of the result" are all foreshadowing, otherwise why would it be a tragedy? Alice has already described: " It is a miserable situation that cannot be described in the hell on earth, and anyone who sees it will tremble three times."

There is another point, dear friends, why do you understand why Prince McGee is holding on to the Duke and insists on killing her? Because of the so-called "blood feud", people say that two major hatreds cannot be forgiven, the hatred of killing the father and the hatred of taking the wife Hate, it is obvious that the Duke took the previous one [although it was a misunderstanding]. Naturally, Prince McGee not only tried his best to kill her, but in the end he went to the Duke’s castle to find trouble for her, trying to find an excuse to kill her again. Fortunately, the Duke is high enough in IQ and Black belly.

Why are the three chapters of Episode Snow and Blood all "Alice's Memories" instead of "Alice's No.1 Narrative", the chapters also revealed the time, "After more than four centuries...", "The sound of walking The reverberation is like a bomb counting down", where was there a time bomb at that time? Alice would definitely not have thought so at the time, because time bombs did not exist!Also, when it comes to the duke’s mind-reading technique, she later found out that it was because she “overheard the conversation between His Highness and Miss Leng Xing.” Leng Xing didn’t exist in 1533 at that time!

Leng Xing's birthday is June 1996, 6.

☆、Declaration1 Untitled

Author's statement: The Declaration series is not the main text, but an explanation of the foreshadowing in the text.After all, the foreshadowing is a bit too deep, and you may not be able to find it if you don't look carefully.Children who don't want to reason, or children who have discovered something and want to prove whether it is correct, come in and look.

This article has been conceived for a long time. The main line is the survival struggle of the protagonist. For example, Leng Xing is struggling to support himself in his studies and part-time jobs.As the main line continues to advance, the emotional drama has ups and downs in the process of uncovering the conspiracy. At the same time, the emotional drama affects the progress of the main line.The reason for this arrangement is that our lives are not all about love after all.Writing for love's sake is not in line with the author's outlook on life, let alone the characters of the two protagonists (they are very rational, so love may even make people feel cold).Leng Xing and Duke, they come from very good backgrounds, Leng Xing is from a business family, and Duke is a pure-blooded nobleman. However, God cannot make you lucky all the time. They are ill-fated, and disasters always come to take care of them.There are two or three chapters of Leng Xing's foreshadowing. In the future, there will be a special episode about her life experience, including the reason why she went to college at the age of 17, so I won't spoil it here.The more obvious one is the duke. The copy also said that the duke is at the center of conspiracy and political struggle, because the article has two lines, one is the progress of the relationship between the two, and the other is that the duke is gradually discovering the shocking conspiracy in himself.

Part1 Duke's identity exposed

As a blood race, the Duke has many differences from human beings. If things go on like this and Leng Xing deepens his connection, his identity will definitely be exposed, and it is also a bomb in emotional dramas.First of all, let's not talk about the duke cheating on Leng Xing, just talk about her identity itself.The Duke is a vampire who feeds on human blood.Although a normal person may really be like Leng Xing watching anime and fantasizing, and even think he is handsome and domineering, but when it really happens to him, he will definitely feel very scary.What's more, Leng Xing was indeed caught by vampires N times, several times he was at the critical point of life and death, almost died, it would be no wonder if you were not afraid. (The article only wrote two representative ones. In fact, there were more times. It’s just that the vampires failed to succeed.)

This exposure obviously did not happen overnight, because Leng Xing is very careful, calm and good at reasoning (this is also one of the necessary qualities to become a doctor), and she will gradually discover the truth about the Duke's identity.Although they met in the wilderness at the beginning, the Duke showed many abnormalities, such as a pale complexion, a cold body, and strange wounds, but Leng Xing saw that she had lost a lot of blood, so he didn't think much about it.Later, her ignorance of common sense and her inexplicable disappearance caused Leng Xing to have doubts in his heart, but the doubts were not strong and passed in a flash.One of the earliest foreshadowings was that Leng Xing wanted to check the Duke's breathing, but by coincidence, the Duke just groaned under the severe pain, and Leng Xing found out that she was still alive, so he didn't continue to investigate (when I first wrote the article before I ignored this problem, and just wrote that Leng Xing hurriedly bandaged and dragged the Duke home...Fortunately, I was still a medical student, and later found out that I had a heart that slapped me. She lost so much blood, Leng Xing will definitely check it Breathing and heartbeat, and CPR if the heartbeat stops).If there was no such detail, Leng Xing found that she had no heartbeat, and probably sent the Duke to the hospital after the treatment failed (because she had no heartbeat in the first place, it was impossible to press and hold it), and then——Successfully exposed, the Duke murdered silence.

The incident at night was also the same, and it was from here that she began to plant the seeds of doubt, but it was the real world after all, and Leng Xing didn't want to believe it.After that, she met for the second time and found a very subtle evidence on the Duke's clothes - the scepter family crest.Most people wouldn't think too much even if they saw it, but Leng Xing's logic ability is very strong. The duke's weird behavior after driving away the vampire and the explanation full of loopholes did not convince her, so she saw the scepter symbol immediately. The two are connected.Fortunately, after the Duke lied, Leng Xing saw that she was unwilling to answer and did not ask any more. In fact, this "non-interference" trait saved her life. Maybe erasing her memory for peace of mind, after all, the Duke is very selfish in nature.It is very likely that Leng Xing became a lunatic because of this, and was even killed because his memory was too good to be erased deeply.

However, the Duke did not do this, not only because of the reason mentioned in the third chapter of the ring, but also because the Duke did not erase Leng Xing’s memory even if he was discovered later—on the one hand, he knew her character and felt that she would not tell it. On the other hand, it was because he had feelings for her and didn't want her to be harmed.After all, memory erasure has very serious side effects.The Duke is a tight-fisted person, and will never leave troubles or excuses for herself. For example, after McKee planned the Auston attack, she immediately made preparations to let McKee return without success. The foreshadowing is the sentence " The game is about to begin."

The explanation full of loopholes is indeed inconsistent with the duke's cautious character, but after all, the incident happened suddenly, and no matter how this incident is explained, it will seem strange.Because it was obvious from the surface that the Duke was a weak woman, even if she lied that she was a special soldier or something, Leng Xing would probably not believe it, and how could she explain that the vampire disappeared?The so-called lie needs a thousand lies, and the more you explain it, the weirder it will become. So after the Duke's identity was exposed, he never lied to Leng Xing again, because she also saw that lying was a costly thing.

The biggest bug in this incident is that the duke has no name, how can humans have no name (I mean she looks like she is at the top of society), so Leng Xing also said this to the duke in the third chapter of the ring, But... the Duke was indeed at the time, and he told her that what you were asking was the name, and she didn't realize that there would be such a thing as an "ID card", and she didn't think it was strange to have "no name".The duke's father is a prince, and the duke was equivalent to a princess when he was born, so it's normal to only have a title or something.Besides, she had a crush on Leng Xing, so if she could not lie to her, she would not lie, except for the very necessary concealment.

The last and most obvious evidence is that the Duke saw that Leng Xing was attacked and was about to die, so he didn't care about his identity

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