Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 40 The Blackened Demon King Day 5

I spent a few days, but still haven't found the key to break through this illusion.

But, having said that, I have to admit, that guy still touches me a bit: every time I see Etalon, I can't help but compare him to Minato: Minato doesn't make such a face, Minato this The reaction at that time must be much more interesting than that of Etalon...

In the end, it was concluded that Etalon had really ruined his face.

Of course, Aitalon's uninteresting personality aside, the King of Angels is indeed a very serviceable person.When I turned my gaze, Aitalong knew what I was thinking. If I hadn't met Minato, maybe this holy angel could really touch my heart...

...But, beauty trap or something, isn't it too childish?

Why didn't he just move Minato over here?Wouldn't it be more effective to defeat me to confuse reality with illusion?For example, planning a scene where Minato betrayed me, wouldn't it make me slide into negative emotions?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

"Daddy, hug, daddy..." I recovered from my thoughts, and when I saw the little boy pulling my skirt, I immediately felt an extraordinary headache.

"...The Lord is mine, you are not allowed to grab it." Another little boy who had just been distracted by me, saw that he was trying to get my attention, and immediately hugged my other one not to be outdone. thigh.

"..." I'm sorry, I have to complain about this - is he an idiot for making such a setting in the illusion?Is he insane?

Cough cough, please allow me to introduce the child who hugged my left leg. He has short bright golden hair, a pair of white wings on his back, and two sweet dimples when he smiles.His identity is... Ai Talong gave birth to a child for me, named Black Feather.

Whether it is the name or the identity setting, it is full of slots!

As for the child who hugged my right leg, in fact, I am very familiar with him in reality, so that when I saw him showing his innocent appearance, I felt very painful-yes, he is the three-headed child Long Dexis, in the illusion, his identity is... Hades.

Compared with the cheating of these two people, I suddenly feel that Aitalong's character design is not so curious. At least, based on the relationship between the king of angels and the god of light, it is unbelievable to say that they have no legs. many.It was that guy who set me up as the god of light, which made people deeply entangled.

there is always a solution to a problem.What plans does he have, I follow.

Of course, with the shocking identities of these two, I don't feel so nervous when I see Vulcan and Earth God again.Well, the god of fire is my father, and the god of earth is Gein.These two have recently planned to build a pair of the strongest shield and sword in the world, and have been busy in the heavens.Aitalong also joined their project. In the few games I watched, the three of them disagreed. Gein was obsessed with defense and was not interested in swords.And Aitalong believes that the strongest in this world should be a battle formation, a series of weapons supporting each other, he created seven prototypes of weapons, I glanced at them, and they should be the prototypes of holy name artifacts in later generations .

In the end, Janet, who could not get support from others, left angrily, leaving behind a half-forged holy sword.Atalon gave it to me, and I gripped the sword tightly, countless radiance gathered, and the blade took shape.

I stared at the sword in a daze.

Aitalong asked me: "My lord, what do you think is the name of this sword?"

"The Sword of the Holy Angel." I replied subconsciously.Yes, this sword is exactly the same as Minato's sword. I thought of Minato's eyebrows and eyes, and couldn't help but soften my voice.

"...This name is beautiful." Aitalong lowered his head slightly, as if he misunderstood something.I glanced at him, not intending to explain the reason, but suddenly a great disgust came to my heart, as if watching a hypocritical guy pretending to be coy.

"Father, I heard that you recently fashioned a holy sword, can you give it to me?" Hei Yu asked me, pulling my clothes.

As soon as he finished speaking, Delsis immediately taunted: "What's the use of the holy sword, I can defeat you with a breath of dragon."

"Dad, he bullied me!"

"It's you who are shameless, you crybaby!"

"Woo! Ahhh!"

I... I swear, I hate children the most, bar none.I peeled off the two dog skin plasters stuck to my body, and threatened: "If you dare to follow me, I will kill you."

"Father!" "Your Majesty!"

...I was wrong, the threat was useless.I took a deep breath and changed my threat: "...stay here well, or I won't play with you."

Kuroba and Delsis glanced at each other, Delsis let out a disgusted pooh, but stopped in the end.

However, I said that these two little devils have a problem with their values.

I finally gave myself a little peace, and I walked deep into the palace.Not long after, the figure of Aitalong appeared in my field of vision.He was sitting on the railing, his blond hair was condensed like radiance, his white wings were like piles of snow, and he was as beautiful as a dream.At this moment, Etalon is reading a book.I leaned over and found that this book described a story from another world.

"Imagination is good." I read it for a while and commented that the world view of this story is very interesting. It copied the settings of the God of Light and the King of Angels, but set the God of Light as a god who creates and destroys the world. The world is just a dream of the God of Light. Sleeping in a dream creates the world, waking up in a dream destroys the world, and the cycle is immortal.Facing the end of the world's destruction, people in that world continued to struggle and even prayed to Etalon, but they still failed in the end.

"This history book is indeed very true." Aitalong blinked, and a transparent tear fell on the book, "My lord, judging from this story, you are indeed ruthless."

I was about to ridicule Etalon for getting too deep into the play, and this is just a story, but a strong force and emotion penetrated me, forcing me to spit out other words: "People have life and death, grass and trees spring and autumn, and the world has its own. What's so strange about rising and dying?"

"But I still can't help but feel sad. Among all things, nothing is eternal except you."

"Aren't you?"

"It's just that you feel lonely and made props to relieve boredom." Aitalong pursed the corners of his lips. When he was about to cry, it seemed that everything was sad for it.I couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged him.His tears wet my shoulders, and I heard him whisper in my ear.

"I'm tired of the destruction of one world after another, I'm tired of the age when people pray to me, but I can't do anything... My Lord, hate me, hate yourself, you shouldn't put I shaped it into an existence with its own thinking ability... I shaped it into an existence where love is not the only meaning of life."

"I love you, although this may be the last time I say it."

My throat rolled, but nothing came out.Aitalong pulled out the sword of the holy angel, and golden blood spattered.His expression was a bit sad, a bit like he was crying but didn't shed any tears...but it was more like a new student, like a warrior with his own beliefs.

Aitalong was beautiful before, but he always gave people a feeling of puppet.But now, there is finally a kind of brilliance blooming in him.

But I had no intention of appreciating this beauty, and a huge anger welled up in my heart, wishing to tear the person in front of me into thousands of pieces.Aitalong stared into my eyes, he really made up his mind, so he didn't avoid it.Aitalong put his hand into the wound and groped inside. Every movement he made made me almost die of pain.

Aitalong finally found his target. He held my heart tightly with his hand, and with all his strength, a shining heart was forcefully dug out by him.At that moment, I seemed to have lost all my strength, as if I had died.

"Ah! Mom! What are you doing?!" At the end of the aisle, Kuroba's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

But Delsis reacted much faster. He opened his arms and turned into a three-headed black dragon, and sprayed directly towards Aitalong with a breath of dragon's breath.Such a hasty attack, of course, couldn't stop Aitalong. He raised his sword and was about to finish Delsis.

"Mom! Don't!"

A scream made Aitalong's attack pause for a moment.

When the smoke dissipated, Aitalong looked at the backs of the three black dragons going away, but finally did not chase them.The heart of the God of Light is in his hands, which means that the other party has lost his power, and even if he is rescued, he cannot survive.

...As for Kuroba.

Aitalong closed his eyes slightly. Although this was beyond his expectation, until now, he has no intention of leaving anything behind. The thing that he is nostalgic for... If it dies, let it die.


I never thought that I would be lying on Delsis' back in this posture.Aitalong's last expression was like a fire, igniting all the emotions in his heart.My mind was filled with crazy thoughts, to rip him, kill him, make him miserable.

I... I want revenge.

I want to destroy everything he wants to protect, I want to destroy this world, and I want to see Aitalong's painful expression at that moment.

"Your Majesty." Delsis fled to his territory, Netherland, where the river of Styx was flowing. He looked at me with an expression that seemed to have grown up all of a sudden.

"Am I dying, Delsis?" I asked him, but in fact, this question was unnecessary, I clearly felt the passing of self-awareness.

"Your Majesty, you will never die." Delsis fed something into my mouth.After a while, I felt that I had transformed into something like a soul, floating out of my body.The whole Netherland began to respond to me, and power poured in continuously, but it was useless, I was like a bottomless pit, and these powers could not fill those holes at all.

However, this at least cleared my mind a bit: "You gave me the Godhead of Hades?"

"It doesn't matter." Delsis explained, "My body is a dragon. Even if I am not a god, I can live for a long time."

"Where's Black Feather?" I continued to ask.

Delsis showed a dazed look, which made him look a little childish: "I... I don't know why he rushed up and got hit by Aitalong's sword."

Kuroba came over, his condition was really bad, but because he was essentially an angel with no entity, he could still move freely.Because an angel's external appearance is determined by his mental state, Kuroba turned into an adult almost instantly. His face was pale, and his golden hair and snow-white wings seemed to be stained with ink, slowly turning black.

"Father must be reincarnated, and the Godhead of Hades can protect his memory." Hei Yu glanced at me and said immediately, "In his state, even Godhead cannot guarantee his survival."

"What about you?" Delsis was unusually non-aggressive.

"I... I only have a few years to live." Hei Yu stared at his toes and said slowly, "I want to go to the mortal world, so that I can find some human women and leave blood, so... in the future, my The descendants will inherit my will and follow my father's."

Delsis pursed the corners of his mouth, and finally said nothing.On the contrary, Hei Yu looked at me eagerly: "Dad, reincarnate quickly, we will follow you and make Aitalong pay the price."

I was silent for a while, and then said in a protracted voice: "It's not difficult to jump down, after all... I did do this before. But, if I do the same now, I will lose to you and be defeated." You control, you think it is my own will."

"Hahaha." "Black Feather" laughed wildly, his appearance took off the outermost layer like melting pine oil, revealing exactly the same eyebrows and eyes as mine, "You are very sharp, but obey your own anger What's wrong, I am your anger, I am your heart of revenge. Do you dare to say that you, who know all the truth, don't feel angry?"

Yes, such things did happen.

Of course, there are subtle differences between the circumstances my anger creates and reality.For example, the holy angel sword back then was a conspiracy at all. It had four elemental gods to shape the embryo together, and then Aitalong said that he hoped that I would give him a gift, so I shaped it into shape.

The process is naturally not so light, I have paid countless efforts, so it can cut my chest so easily in the end.


I grabbed the neck of anger: "Even if it's revenge, I have to be the absolute controller. Whether it's love or hatred, neither can dominate me. I am my own master."

Looking at me angrily, unexpectedly, he smiled, and then turned into black smoke.

This battle, in the end, I won.

But I don't feel the joy of winning at all.

The author has something to say: ... After thinking about it, I decided to temporarily add an explanation for the girls who didn't understand.


1 Is what Pink experienced a memory?

Answer: no.It is an illusion shaped by the memory of Pink's escape.There are actually quite a few differences from the real history, but the entire flow of events is correct.It was Aitaron and Vulcan who were beautified, the storybook was fake, although Aitaron did say something similar, but the whole time flow was wrong, the one who was injured first was Kuroba, and then the god of light saved Hei Yu, lost part of his strength, and then Aitalong confirmed this before killing the killer-Aitalong was rational in nature, but the God of Light believed that he still had feelings for him.

It is easier for Vulcan to understand, he has the shadow of participating in the whole incident, but in the illusion, Pink arranged for him to leave last.After all, the roles of Vulcan and his father overlap, and this plot also implies that Pink has emotionally picked Vulcan out.

Black Feather and Delsis were the ones who got hacked... This Pink didn't do it on purpose, it was related to two cognitions.For example, Black Feather’s real name is not this, but Pink’s subconscious has linked him with the Black Feather Clan, so in the end his name is...

Delsis was hacked in the image of a child. When he was a god before, he was actually an adult. He lost his godhead, and the loss was too severe, so his state degenerated and turned into a child.Janet's situation is different from his, but it is similar in terms of mental degradation, otherwise Janet would not be able to do things like revive Helen. (Pink's thinking: Delsis = image of a child, Delsis = god of the underworld... Finally, put wax on Delsis)

2 What is the matter with the God of Light being the unified God of creation and destruction?What kind of state is Aitalong in the entire god system?

If the world is understood as a computer, the God of Light is almost a person who uses a computer.If he wanted to use a computer, he had to install a system first (create the world), and then there were more and more programs, and the running speed became slower and slower, so he formatted the hard disk (destroyed the world) and reinstalled the computer (recreated).

Then the gods are the main programs of the system... For example, the God of Hades is in charge of the garbage station.So the work of the devil can be said to be... to create viruses and throw things in the garbage dump everywhere.

So what is Etalon?He is an external U disk.He does not intervene in the specific system operation, just unplug it when formatting, it will not be formatted together.

Therefore, the background of this story is that the USB flash drive locked various operations in order to prevent the system owner from formatting the system. 360) is installed in the U disk to fight.

Aita Long: You scumbag, have you never thought about the feeling of data at all!They are not happy about being deleted by you!

Pink: Damn, if you dare to rebel with just a USB flash drive, I will kill you.

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