Devil two hundred and five

Chapter 41 The Blackened Demon King Day 6

I slowly opened my eyes, and there was darkness in front of me. Slowly, the darkness was covered by large patches of gray in different shades, and then, after a while, colorful colors were thrown out of the void, like It is a painter with a fine brush, using various colors of paint to outline the details of the world.

——And countless histories also emerged, fate split into two roads in my field of vision, one road led to ivory-white spires and angels of praise, the other road led to fire and gunpowder smoke, blood scattered, The big sword was stuck on top of the bones like a tombstone.

One from the past, one to the future.

I forcibly closed the Eye of the Demon King before analyzing the infinite possibilities of the future.Because I don't need those different options.It’s ridiculous to say that if it was my former self, I would definitely think that I am crazy at this moment, but I know that I am calm, the anger like hot molten steel has long since disappeared in the past, and now, only the coldness remains in my chest , Solidified hatred as hard as the blade of a sword.

A familiar face flickered past in the darkness, and the tips of his hair shone like the light of dawn.

I subconsciously bit my lower lip and stuck the call of "Ami" in my throat.

Where there is choice, there must be abandonment.

"Dercis?" I opened my eyes again, and the two present came into view again.The crow was expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.Hearing my call, Delsis put his head in my arms. His face was always that of a flawless child, but the vicissitudes in his heart had gone through thousands of years.

He replied: "Your Majesty, I am here."

I was silent for a while: "I'm back."

Delsis blinked, and the flash of water inside seemed to be my illusion. He said, "Welcome back, Your Majesty."

I looked up and saw a crackling sound from the Wanmo Temple, and the fine dust was shaken off.This dark ancient building seems to have gained a new life at this moment. Now, it wakes up and begins to stretch its body - the endless dark power rushes out of me and merges into the steps under my feet at this moment, the steps Begin to pull up layer by layer.The ceiling opened like a flower petal.Starlight projected down, illuminating the entire hall.

... The devil raised his throne high, trying to be equal to the angel who gazed at the starry sky.

I thought of this poem unexpectedly in my mind. Standing on a high place, overlooking the entire wandering mountain range, countless dark creatures shouted and knelt down to me in various languages.They are small, and I am lonely.Delsis turned back into the image of a three-headed dragon, climbing and entangled on the stairs.The crow fell behind slightly, but soon more Black Feather clan turned into crows and stayed behind him.

The night wind was low.

The starlight gazes at the ever-changing earth forever and ever.

I raised my hand, the bat wings spread out behind me, the power of darkness was carnival, the gate of the underworld was opened, the demons danced wildly, and all things screamed.I declared: "Come! Come! Follow me—implement my will, incarnate my anger, come! Conquer the world, destroy the world, and shoot down the hypocrite from the sky!"

"...I declare that the war has begun."

After my words fell, countless ugly creatures broke out into more carnival sounds.I put down my arms, and there was a cold silence in my heart, and Minato's face resurfaced in my heart.What would he think if he saw this moment... no, just learned about it?


But it doesn't matter anymore because he is dying.

I lowered my head, looked at the three-headed dragon Delsis, and asked, "If I'm not mistaken, Aitalong put my heart in Minato's body, right?"

Delsis replied respectfully: "Yes, Aitalong is not qualified to fuse His Majesty's godhead, and can only use the godhead as the core to create a new life body. Although he is now sealed, he actually has the ability to kill gods. qualified."

"...He is so confident, will Minato kill me?"

Delsis gave me a strange look, but didn't answer: "..."

"I won't make the same mistake again, I will take back what belongs to me, and punish Etalon... I will take back my heart." I muttered to myself.

Delsis's expression became even weirder. He didn't seem to believe what I said: "Your Majesty, if you do this, Minato won't be able to survive."

"Why do I have to let him live?" I wondered a little.

Delsis was silent this time.

I jumped off the throne and landed on Delsis's head: "Go to Sarn City, go to the Temple of Light, let's go and grab the brave man, I need his heart."

Delsis obediently followed my instructions, spread its huge wings, and slid into the air.The wind was blowing head-on, I don't know why, although I made such a determination, I still felt a needle-like pain at that moment... No, it's not right.

My feelings for Minato are just transferring Aitalon's feelings to him.

...that's all.


"It's raining." Minato stood under the eaves for a while. He had just left the main hall of the Temple of Light, but the new meeting had not yet arrived.Not long after, a soldier reported to him that he saw Earl Francis leaving.

Minato smiled and thanked the soldier: "It doesn't matter, he will come back later. I will tell him next time, don't wander around during this sensitive period."

The soldiers flushed. Most people here have a dream of being a hero, and Minato is the embodiment of their dreams: "I see that the count is a little angry."

"You read it wrong." Minato replied calmly, "He has never been angry with me, not before, and never will."

Minato's words were a bit absolute, and at the same time, he didn't give the other party a step.The other party hummed several times before leaving.Minato stared at the rain-soaked stone slab, a little dazed. The sound of the rain was so clear that he could almost count every drop, but it soon turned into a continuous rustling sound.

"Your Excellency Brave, those few have arrived."

The waiter's reminder awakened Minato from his contemplation.This room is the dressing room where he changes his formal clothes.Minato held the hilt of the Holy Angel Sword in his hand, and this action made him feel a little relieved—for some reason, he always had an ominous premonition in his heart.

When Minato entered the arena, almost all the people inside had already arrived, and there was a chilling atmosphere.Minato sat down next to the Pope, on the other side of him was Brando, and on the opposite side was the King of Bauhinia.

Minato cleared his throat, and made a customary opening remark: "Everyone has come from afar, and you have done your part to resist the dark forces of the Demon King. We are deeply honored... Can someone introduce it to me?"

Although the faction they belong to can be basically determined from the clothing, but there are indeed many unfamiliar faces among them.

"This is Your Excellency Avril Lavigne of the Temple of Water."

The girl in the middle of a group of water-blue sacrificial robes nodded slightly. Compared with the beautiful priestess behind her, she looked like a sparrow with phoenix feathers rather than a phoenix.It's just that the young girl's face has a lively temperament, and a pair of brown eyes are raised at the corners, which are alluring and alluring, which suddenly lit up her small face.

The Pope suddenly welcomed him: "Avril, as Brando's fiancée, we need him to run a lot, thank you for your hard work."

"No, it's not hard." Avril was startled and waved her hands again and again.Brando, who was sitting next to Minato, showed an embarrassed look.

"Your Excellency Lannaur of the Wind Temple."

A middle-aged elf nodded to indicate that his head was wrapped with vines with green buds, which looked very strange.Ignatz unconsciously introduced to others: "Ur is my teacher."

When Helen heard what Ignatz said, she raised her eyebrows expressionlessly: "Why do I think it's a group of relatives and friends who came to visit this time?" She said, and at the same time, her eyes fell on Jie, who represented the pinnacle tower of mage power. Knight.

Brando retorted in a low voice: "It's not that exaggerated..."

Helen snorted. Ever since she found out that Brando had a fiancée but didn't tell her, the relationship between the two has been somewhat delicate.She crossed her eyebrows and glanced at the representative of the Temple of the Earth who was being introduced: "As the grandson of the Sword Master of the Earth, are you qualified to say such a thing?"

"The Temple of the Earth, Your Excellency Dayas, the Sword Saint of the Earth."

The gray-haired old man smiled at Brando.The rich second generation and official second generation and holy third generation - Brando, finally turned his head silently: "It seems... a bit."

"The Temple of Fire, Your Excellency Gein."

Gein yawned and seemed to have just woken up.His attitude caused dissatisfaction among some people present.But at this juncture, no one cares.The visitors of the entire Earth Temple looked weird, deliberately lagging two bodies behind Gein, as if they were a little respectful.The four temples are lined up in a row, and the difference between the Sword Master of the Earth is particularly obvious.

Afterwards, Janet of the Pinnacle Tower was introduced, as well as some bits and pieces of small forces.Although these people will basically not play a big role on the battlefield.But out of politeness, they were still arranged in the back position.

Minato continued to speak: "Everyone should know about the coming of the Demon King. In order to resist the dark forces, we have established a battle line. The current state should be..."

"Well, can I interrupt?" Avril Lavigne timidly raised her hand.

Minato nodded: "Please tell me."

Minato's attitude encouraged Avril, she amplified the volume so that everyone in the conference room could hear: "The Temple of Water has conducted an investigation on the identity of the reincarnation of the Demon King, and has received some information..."

Avril Lavigne's words immediately made the entire meeting room discuss. It is true that most of the time, the identity before the awakening of the devil is useless.But what Avril Lavigne said obviously contained something that was not said.

Minato's face was cold for a moment, and the cold hilt of the Holy Angel Sword made him calm down instantly. In addition, no matter how kind Minato's expression was, there was a majesty that was not angry and majestic in his bones.Therefore, except Brando, no one noticed Minato's momentary emotional change.

Everyone's reaction gave Avril more confidence. She stretched out her hand and signaled everyone to be quiet: "For the specific situation, I still want everyone to listen to the witness's statement."

Avril turned her head and said a few words to the people behind her, and soon, a civilian was brought up.Minato was slightly surprised, and unconsciously let go of the hilt of his sword.

That person had a relationship with Minato, and he was the civilian who was captured by Ryder earlier. He seemed to be the mayor's son, but Pink didn't mention his name, and Minato didn't pay attention.Now, Minato hasn't figured out the logical relationship between them.

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