Su Qing felt a little cold, frowned, then opened her eyes and found herself lying on the ground.There is even some dirt in the mouth.

Before I had time to think about it, I got up from the ground, spit a few mouthfuls, then raised my arm, wiped my mouth with my sleeve, I wanted to pat the ashes off my body, but unexpectedly I was still holding something tightly in my hand, Open it and see, hey, it's gleaming white, just like the one shown on TV, there is a heavy silver ingot, and there is another one on the ground, so I quickly pick it up and hold it in my hand.

I touched it cherishingly, and even rubbed it on the clothes. It really is a gold ingot.This is really a pie from the sky, oh no, it’s a gold ingot dropped from the sky, and two of them are dropped once you return it, hehehe..., really rich.

Although he didn't know how much this ingot was worth, he was still very happy and a little puzzled. He had always seen silver ingots on TV, but he had never seen the real thing before!Thinking of this, I put it in my mouth and bit it curiously, it was a bit hard, but there was still a small bite mark on it, it should be real, should I find a place to hide it.

Su Qing quickly looked around, the room was a bit dark, and I didn't know what time it was, but it didn't affect the sight, there was an old bed against the wall in the innermost part, it looked like an antique, surrounded on three sides There are some flowers, birds, fish and insects carved on it, which are lifelike. The rest of the board is painted with red paint, which looks very new.

However, he saw it once at his grandmother's house when he was a child. He heard that it was the dowry of his grandmother, and this kind of bed is usually used by older people.Who still uses this old-fashioned bed nowadays, and I don't know whose room this is.

Su Qing didn't dare to move, fearing that the master would come back at any time, so she just stood there and observed the room, while tightening the ingot in her hand, whether to return it or not.

There are quite few things in this room. I saw a linen curtain hanging from the bed frame, hooked on both sides with two hooks. I don’t know if the hooks are silver. The things on the bed are clearly visible, and the bedding on the bed is not. Very new, but fairly clean.There was also a thick quilt, which was piled up in a mess inside.

Su Qing felt a little thirsty, and saw a table by the window with a teapot and teacups on it, Su Qing walked over, picked up the teapot and shook it, there was still water in it, poured a glass by the way, took a sip, really cold.

He pulled a stool by hand, sat down and waited before talking, looked at the ingot in his hand, and then looked at the room. There was a cabinet on the left side of the bed, and there was a cage shelf next to it. wooden box.

There is also a small table on the right, with a bronze mirror and a comb on it. Everything is fairly new, so this should be a dressing table.However, Su Qing finds it weird no matter how he looks at it. The things here are very awkward, and it feels like he has strayed into another time and space.

Su Qing's mind is a little messed up, and she can't figure it out. Could it be that she jumped into the river and didn't die, but was rescued? Then she should be in the hospital. It doesn't look like a hospital, but someone's room, but also someone who likes to use old things.

She seemed to be lying on the ground just now, and Su Qing, who was tangled in the room for a long time, didn't wait for anyone to come, so she stuffed the ingot into her clothes, and put it away first.

Only then did I realize that the clothes I was wearing were not my original clothes, they were suspected to be ancient clothes, and my figure was obviously wrong. I didn't pay attention to that much just now, and my hands were also wrong. They were much smaller and whiter.

Su Qing was a little panicked, ran to the front of the dressing table, picked up the bronze mirror on it, the image inside was a bit distorted, but it could still be seen that the person in the mirror was not herself, to be exact, not the self in memory.

Su Qing is 32 years old this year. Although her body is a bit deformed and her height is only 170 centimeters, she is still an adult. She will not look like this in the mirror at all, with a little baby fat, at most thirteen or four years old .

Su Qing was startled, shook her hand, and the bronze mirror fell to the ground with a bang, which shocked Su Qing again.What exactly is going on.I remember very clearly that I had already jumped into the river and drowned, how could I become another person.

Could it be that it's like the show on TV, reviving the dead.

Thinking of this, Su Qing was a little happy and a little scared. He was happy that he would no longer be viewed with strange eyes. What he was afraid of was whether he would be burned to death if he was discovered by others.

I don't know what kind of people this child's parents are. Su Qing has no memory of this body at all. I hope that with better luck, I can meet a pair of people who love me.

In his previous life, except for his mother, other relatives either hated him to death, or treated him as if he didn't exist at all.

I remember that my mother told some things about him. When he was just born, when the grandparents heard the midwife said that his mother had given birth to a hermaphrodite, they asked his father to throw him in the valley behind the village without saying a word.

In the end, Jiang Camellia, who had just become a mother, picked it up again.It was the meat that fell from her body in October of her pregnancy, and it was still a living little life. How could she be willing to throw it in the wilderness and be eaten by wild animals.

For this reason, grandma made a lot of noise when she was at home, scolding Jiang Chahua for being shameless, she must have done something immoral, and she was punished.

He also said that there can't be a monster in the Su family. Either throw the child away quickly and make another one, or get out of the Su family.

Jiang Chahua, who had just given birth, did not kowtow and bow to the family, especially Su Qing's grandma, who even said some provocative words, which made Su Qing's father dislike Jiang Camellia's mother and son even more, and thought it was Jiang Camellia Because of this reason, a monster like Su Qing was born.

I also felt that Jiang Chahua didn't take him seriously at all, otherwise he would have thrown the child away, Jiang Chahua went to pick it up, felt that his authority was underestimated, and stood firmly on his mother's side, The child who brought him shame cannot be tolerated.

In the end, Jiang Camellia had no choice but to take the children back to her natal home. Of course, the two elder brothers of her natal home were unwilling to accept them. An oil bottle like Su Qing.

Jiang Chahua took Su Qing, who was not yet full moon, and knelt at the door of her mother's house and cried bitterly. In the end, her grandmother couldn't see her. After all, she was her raised daughter. Their mother and son live together.

There is still ginger camellia land in the village. Grandma Su Qing decided to distribute the land to them. Jiang Camellia is also a capable woman. For her son, she gritted her teeth and endured the strange eyes of others, and led little Su Qing to work hard. I just hope to earn more money. At first, I helped others pick tea leaves, and later I helped others pick mulberry leaves and raise silkworms. When Su Qing can leave, she will help others farm. As long as she can earn money, she is willing to do it.

Seeing that it is not easy for a woman with a child, the villagers will kindly pull it out so that the mother and child can earn some money.

Su Qing is also competitive. He has helped his mother with work since he was a child, and he is also very good at reading. He has always been at the top of the list from elementary school to high school. However, he has low self-esteem, does not talk to others, and is very isolated. His classmates and teachers do not like him very much.

He just gritted his teeth and studied hard. After the college entrance examination, although his score was very high, but because of his health, no university was willing to admit him, so he failed to go to university.

Not being able to go to college means not being able to change one's destiny. Su Qing's mother was also hit hard by this, and because of years of hard work, her body was exhausted early, and she couldn't afford to get sick and passed away not long after.

After Jiang Camellia died, the two uncles came to tell Su Qing that they would take back the house he lived in, and they couldn't give it to Su Qing, so they asked him to move away quickly. Su Qing had no choice but to go to the city to work.

He only had a high school degree and no one he knew introduced him. He found a job in a leather shoe factory. Although the salary was not very high, he was able to endure hardships, worked hard, and was also good-looking. The colleagues in the factory and Several leaders really like him.

He never spends money indiscriminately, saves all his wages and saves money.

In fact, he has a big wish, which is to work hard, save money, and then go to the hospital for surgery.

This is also Jiang Camellia's longing for Su Qing, hoping that one day he can be a normal person and stop being discriminated against.Because of Su Qing's health, he was often bullied and looked down upon since he was a child. Every time Jiang Chahua told him to be strong and never give up. When he gets ahead in the future and has money, he will be fine after surgery.

Su Qing has always held this idea to encourage herself.

At that time, Jiang Chahua was ill and was reluctant to go to the hospital, hoping to save the money for Su Qing to have an operation. Before she died, she also left the 1 yuan she had saved to Su Qing, so that he could go for the operation sooner. He died within two days.

Su Qing was very sad at the time, if it wasn't for herself, Jiang Chahua would not have died of exhaustion at a young age.

From working at the age of 18 until the age of 32, he also saved a large sum of money. When Su Qing finally worked up the courage, he went to the hospital.

The doctor examined him, and regretfully told him that both of his organs were deformed. Even if he had an operation, the reconstruction and maintenance would be astronomical. Su Qing was advised to keep it as it was. It's better, after all, he's been there for more than 30 years.

After Su Qing heard this, he was very shocked. He felt that the world had played a joke on him. After so many years of hard work, thinking of the humiliation he had suffered since he was a child, he felt that life was really meaningless. When he was crossing the river, he saw the rolling river, He just thought of dying, and jumped into the river without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, after waking up, he became a different person, and obviously became a child. Looking at the image in the bronze mirror, he looked white and tender, and his eyebrows were really picturesque. The most conspicuous thing was the red spot on his forehead. Cinnabar mole, very beautiful.

Su Qing’s hands trembled a little, it’s not me, then who is this, and who is he, then put down the bronze mirror, reached into the waistband of his trousers with trembling hands, touched the unspeakable place, then softened his body, and burst into tears , Why, why is this, why does this body follow me all the time.

Isn't God's punishment enough for him? Changing the time and space, changing the body, still can't change the ending?

His originally rosy face instantly turned pale.

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