Xiaokui looked around, but couldn't find Osamu Dazai after searching for a long time.

"Where did Dazai go?"

Saiki Kusuo used his clairvoyance, but he didn't expect that there were bug jailors in hell. He was most afraid of insects, so he immediately retracted his clairvoyance in fright, and took a gulp of peach soda to calm his shock.

[I don’t know, I probably wandered around again. 】

Osamu Dazai used to sneak out to work every day in the port mafia, and he refused to show off his cute work when he went to the Sweet Cat Cafe. Every day, he hanged himself in the water, making Sakata Kintoki terrified, and being stuffed into an armed detective agency is not a safe cat. Kida Doppo is helpless towards him, that is, Kunikida Doppo will not attack him when he is a cat at the moment, and when he turns back into a human, [-]% of Kunikida Doppo will be beaten severely by Kunikida Doppo.

So is it weird that Osamu Dazai is walking around curiously because he's in Hell for the first time?Not at all, rather it makes sense.

"Dazai has always been curious about what hell is like." Oda Sakunosuke also agrees, but hopes that his friends will come to hell as late as possible except for this trip to hell, although Dazai has always been looking forward to leaving the world of oxidation He died smoothly, after all, he couldn't find the meaning of living.

But even if he dies, Oda Sakunosuke hopes that Osamu Dazai can embark on the road of becoming a good person first, and wash away his sins before returning to hell.Of course, it would be even better if this trip to hell could eradicate Osamu Dazai's hobby of suicide.

Hey, it’s said that Osamu Dazai doesn’t want to live because he can’t find the meaning of living. If he goes to hell, he can’t find the meaning of death... Cough cough, forget it, don’t consider these esoteric philosophies.

So Oda Sakunosuke didn't set out to look for Dazai Osamu, nor did he want to go. Based on his understanding of Dazai Osamu, he believed that even if Dazai Osamu was in hell, nothing would happen.As long as he is not condemned to death as a sinner, the jailers will not do anything to him, a living person who has strayed into hell.

Moreover, Oda Sakunosuke still remembers that there was an anecdote in the Heiankyo period. An official named Kono Ono, when he was still alive, had strayed into hell through the well of Rokudo Zhenhuang Temple, and his friend named Fujiwara Ryosang died of a serious illness. , During the trial in hell, Ono Huang spoke good words for him, and King Yan Mo let him go back to the sun.

And this Ono Huang has now become the first assistant officer of King Qin Guang, the first judge among the ten kings. It can be seen that hell is very friendly to those who fall into hell by mistake. After all, there is a shortage of talents...

Oda Sakunosuke suddenly remembered, could it be that Ghost Lantern sent invitations to the three of them, but Dazai Osamu was missed, so Dazai Osamu deliberately wandered around looking for opportunities to show his talents?

After all, ever since Osamu Dazai reunited with him who turned into a ghost, he has been entangled in the fact that he will go to hell after death because of the heavy sins on his body, and he will never drink and chat with his friends again, and he will suffer every day.

From this point of view, it is more likely that Osamu Dazai wants to go to the ghost lamp to show that he is the talent the other party needs, so he can't disturb Osamu Dazai's timing.

So Oda Sakunosuke was relieved, and even ordered a spicy curry from the shop owner.

"Doctor!" A white, chubby dog ​​like a little white bear rushed in and barked eagerly at the person at the table next to Xiaokui, "It's not good, someone was killed in the fire bun in the Great Burning Hell. Like bunworms to..."

As he spoke, Bai Gou trembled slightly as if remembering something unpleasant, before continuing, "We have sent him to the nearest hospital."

"Send them all over, what do you want me to do, Xiaobai." The man who spoke was sitting with his back to Xiaokui and the others, but the hairstyle on the back of his head seemed to have been made with several cans of hair gel, giving Xiaokui a A familiar feeling.

Xiaobai got even more troubled when he talked about this, "You also know that the bunworm must be treated immediately if it burrows into the body, so he was sent to the nearest hospital...but it was an animal hospital!"

Xiaobai came to run this leg precisely because he was doing experience in the animal hospital. Seeing the miserable appearance of that unlucky guy, he immediately thought that he had also been attacked by bunworms at the fire bun. Out of sympathy, he came here specially. Find a doctor. After all, although the doctors in the animal hospital are skilled in medicine, they are also veterinarians.

Therefore, patients still need a doctor who can heal people to take a look.

"Okay, okay." The doctor shook his head helplessly, and then stood up, "Isn't it an animal hospital, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't the jailers at the bunk place all distribute special protection protective clothing? Who would dare to go there without wearing protective clothing?"

Although the steel chastity underwear issued by the fire bun is very annoying, but for safety, no matter how big the problem is, you have to wear it obediently.

After all, bugs like bunworms are as long as wires and as thin as needlepoints. They don't drill anywhere, they just like to drill into the chrysanthemums on the ass.After the chrysanthemum is exploded, it will crush the internal organs, drill out from the head of the host, and even breathe fire and poison. Although it is easy to deal with, this kind of insect will regenerate after it is broken, so once it is exploded, it must be sent immediately. The doctor will take out the bunworm.

Insects like bunworms, even the strongest ghosts in hell, Ghost Lantern, have to use special containers to seal them up when they encounter them. Seeing their troubles, they are really ghost-like existences.

"It doesn't seem to be the jailer of Dajiaohe Hell, maybe it's from somewhere else." Xiaobai didn't know. After knowing that it was a bunworm attacking someone, Xiaobai focused on the ass of that unlucky guy. No attention was paid to the face.

"Forget it, it's not too late. Doctor Kamaitachi has already taken out the bunworm for the patient, so I'll finish it off." The doctor stroked Xiaobai's hair, especially the fluffy big one. tail, and then put his hands in Haori's sleeves, and stepped out of the shop slowly.

When Hong Yanmo heard the bunworm, he pricked up his ears to eavesdrop. Seeing that the person had left, he did not forget to remind Xiaokui, "Don't use the appearance of a cat to go to the fire bun in the Great Scorching Hell. , absolutely not!"

Xiaokui was biting the freshly served yokan, her cheeks were bulging and moving as she chewed.She stared at Hong Yanmo blankly with her round eyes, wondering why she couldn't transform into a cat.

"It's too dangerous there for a meow like you and a chirp like me." Hong Yanmo felt that this topic should not be discussed too clearly. After all, Xiaokui is still eating. A professional proprietress is You can't talk about this kind of topic while the guests are eating.

"I can fly, so it's safer Chirp, but you can't fly, it's dangerous Chirp."

After all, the bunworm can't fly, as long as it doesn't land, it's safe.

Xiaokui hugged Kusuo Saiki who was beside him unconvinced, "I can also fly, and Saiki can take me to fly."

Saiki Kusuo, who was eating Hell's special coffee jelly, nodded, expressing his agreement with Xiaokui's words, but he actually wanted to say that he would never let Xiaokui go to the kind of insects that may come from any time. Next to where a bug jumped out.

Oda Sakunosuke, who didn't know much about bunworms, listened to Benyanma's words, and silently remembered in his heart that the hot bun in the big scorching hell is a dangerous place, and he should avoid this place when he comes to hell to work in the future.

But he was more interested in the little white dog who just came in to run errands, "Just now I understood what that dog said, it's amazing."

Oda Sakunosuke said admiringly with a blank face, and the action of digging the extra spicy curry in his hand did not slow down. It is indeed Hell's special curry. If you eat spicy food, you may have to swim in Santu River to calm down.

"Hey, isn't it, where is the customer who was sitting here just now?" The shop owner's dissatisfied voice came from the side, "How dare you eat the King's meal!"

"What, what?" Hong Yan Mo jumped up when she heard it. As the proprietress, she strongly condemned this kind of overbearing behavior, "Just now Hong felt that this person looked familiar, it's not that Jiu stayed at Yan Moting and never paid for it. the scoundrel?"

"That scoundrel actually dared to appear in front of Hong. If Hong didn't recognize him, he would definitely..."

Hong Yanmo clenched her knife tightly, and a fierce fire ignited behind her back, wishing to catch the person who had eaten the overlord's meal just now and chop it up.

"Do you want to catch up?" Oda Sakunosuke thought that the children would go through the Judgment of the Juden, and the pace and process were not so fast. Now they are going to catch a guy who used to stay at Yan Moting without paying for it. Give Hongyan Mo a favor who has been helping him so much.

"But Chiu, that guy is a slippery ghost, if he wants to hide his whereabouts..." Hong Yanmo had long wanted to catch this guy who ate, ate, and lived, and beat him up, but he kept catching him, and that guy was slippery. Same as loach.

"But didn't the little white dog just say that they are going to the animal hospital?" Oda Sakunosuke finished the last mouthful of spicy curry and looked at Xiaokui and Saiki Kusuo.

The yokan that Aoi ordered was finished, and although the milk tea was not finished, it can be taken out, and Saiki Kusuo also finished eating the coffee jelly, and nodded to Sakunosuke Oda.

Seeing this, Hong Yanmo hurriedly finished the rice porridge she ordered based on the principle of not wasting.

After paying the money, the group immediately embarked on the journey of arresting someone in a sack and beating them up. Xiaokui, who also often eats and drinks, said that this eater is too good at eating and living. The one who took the initiative to let her eat and drink has never been in such a danger of being covered in a sack.

When they chased to the animal hospital, they saw a familiar curly hair before they put on each other's sacks.

"Odasaku... Xiaokui..." Osamu Dazai lay on the hospital bed, angry like a silk.

"Dazai, what's wrong with you?" Oda Sakunosuke was surprised, he had never seen Dazai Osamu so weak, even if Dazai Osamu committed suicide every day before, he would soon be full of energy.

Then his eyes shifted to Dazai Osamu's bandaged ass that was wrapped into a raised ball.

Suddenly, Oda Sakunosuke's mind went blank, and his mind was thinking about why Dazai Osamu's ass was wrapped with so many bandages. Although Dazai Osamu likes to wrap bandages on himself, the bandages are almost like Dazai Osamu's physical characteristics. , but you can't wrap so many bandages around your butt!

"Dazai, if you wear so many bandages, it will be inconvenient to go to the bathroom." Oda Sakunosuke said.

Dazai, Dazai cried out with a meow, this time it was not a fake cry, he was really wronged.

Oda Sakunosuke's brain circuit hadn't accepted the fact, but Saiki Kusuo figured it out.

【For a long time, the unlucky guy they are talking about is you, Dazai. 】

The chrysanthemum is broken, and the buttocks are full of injuries.

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