Crazy for me through another continent

Chapter 55 The Yatesna Beast

After another 4 days, the orcs began to get tired. This was already the ninth day of the battle. Although no orcs had died yet, the wounded orcs accounted for the majority of the whole.Those who were slightly injured continued to fight, and those who were seriously injured have been moved to a safe rear.

"Patriarch, I don't think the situation is very good! This year's beasts are too strange. Now it is said that big guys like mammoths should have come out, but you see they are still hiding in the back now." An orc approached Wig, Said worriedly.

"This year's beasts are indeed abnormal. After the mammoth comes out, we will retreat to the vicinity of the cave as planned. It is best to delay until they retreat. Send people to watch the direction of the tunnel entrance. Once the beast finds the location of the entrance, we will return quickly." aid." Weiger arranged the next plan.

"Wig, let's make more plans. I feel that they will retreat later than in previous years." Lesman also leaned over and expressed his guess.

"Well, I'll think about it." Wigg said, "The mammoth is out, retreat!"

The orcs fought and retreated according to the plan. For the ferocious and oversized mammoth, reckless fighting was obviously not the best policy.Letting go of the tribe and retreating to the direction of the dense forest can hinder the movement of the mammoth.

The orcs retreated, and the wild beasts rushed into the tribe quickly, breaking the windows or knocking open the wooden doors, rushing into the house to find anything to eat, they were all very hungry, the winter had just passed, the snow on the ground had not yet melted, the forest There are too few edible animals here, which cannot satisfy the needs of these carnivores at all, and they often kill each other to fill their stomachs.

The very hungry beasts would pounce on the animal skins and bite them twice. Fortunately, everything in the house was packed together, so even if it was damaged, it could be repaired and reused. Otherwise, so many beasts would rush into the house and crash it. how many things.

Finding nothing to eat, the beasts raised their heads and howled!The reasons that prompted them to attack the tribe in the past are gone. The unwilling beasts quickly rushed out of the house and chased the orcs, killing them, eating them, and delicious females and weak cubs. food.

Green pupils flickered in every corner of the forest, and Wigg led the orcs to retreat to the predetermined position. This position is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and is most suitable for long-term combat.There is a trail leading to the underground entrance at the back. Once there is danger, the orcs will give up their defenses and rush to the underground cave to fight the beast.

Soon the wild beasts gathered, roaring continuously, and the low roar threatened the safety of the orcs.

Big beasts such as mammoths are not suitable for fighting in the jungle, which is why Wig chose this place to fight against the beasts. Without the huge threat, the orcs can hold on for a longer time.

The wild beasts rushed up quickly. This place is narrow and cannot accommodate many wild beasts at one time. The orcs can also get a better rest and fight instead.

They held on to this position for 3 days, and the beasts that were supposed to retreat back to the forest continued to attack the mountain.The orcs all became restless. They were worried that the long-term entrapment would bring danger to the female and the cubs.Wigg also looked worriedly at the beast down the mountain.

"Wig, the nearby caves have been searched by wild beasts, and they're getting impatient." Lesman stared at the wild beasts, and was also full of worry. He was not afraid of the wild beasts coming towards them, but worried about those who stayed in the tribe. Beast, found the entrance to the underground cave.

"Well, the finale is here, get ready to fight, brother." Wigg let out a sigh of relief, watching a group of Yatesna monsters the size of adult orcs finally come out.

The Yatesna beast is about the same size as an adult orc. It has a pair of 5-meter-long fangs. The bite force of the upper and lower jaws can easily bite off the spine of an orc. The mouth is full of sharp teeth. A barbed tail can lift a piece of flesh with just one stroke, and a pair of curved horns on the forehead can easily pierce the chest and abdomen of an orc.

The most frightening thing is that they have the wisdom of the orcs. They are the leaders of the herd, and they command the battle.Let the weak beasts rush ahead, and they will come out at the most critical moment.They are cunning hunters.

The more powerful the beasts, the slower they reproduce. It takes three times as long for them to grow up as a beastman, and it takes many years for a female beast to conceive a cub. Yatesna, who has a difficult childbirth, cherishes his tribe very much. The abnormal death of any tribe is often accompanied by a big cleansing in the depths of the forest.

They are very careful to protect their immature cubs, and they also cherish their own lives. If they are defeated, they will retreat, but their powerful fighting power requires the blood of the orcs to repel them. The one who died in the hands of Yatesna The orcs are the most, they are the natural enemies of the orcs, only the bravest orcs can repel the Yatesna beast.

Wigg stood up, and Raisman also took two steps to stand beside him. They were fighting partners for many years.

Gass squeezed away the clansmen, and slowly stomped behind Wigg, and Sleika stood beside Raisman when Gass just moved.A few adult orcs came out, and they all looked at Yatesna in front of them firmly. As long as they were repelled, the beast tide month would be over.

In every decisive battle, Yatesna came to a few, and the orcs stood up to fight. If they won, the beast horde would recede, and if they lost, they would frantically hunt and kill.

Therefore, the orcs can't retreat, they can only fight. With the beast horde joined by Yatesna, the orcs can't resist it.

The two sides were looking at each other anxiously, and they were about to launch an attack. There was a call from a wild beast in the distance. The excited sound made the beasts present startled. It's over. The end point.It seemed that the delay was too long, giving the beast enough time to search.

Wigg stared at the leader of the yatsna, wishing they would go on and let the other orcs set off down the trail to rescue the female.

Yatesnamon cast a mocking glance at Wigg, raised its head and roared, then turned around and headed towards the source of the sound.

"Damn~ start from the trail quickly, and stop the beast horde before it arrives!" The sudden situation made Weige, who had always been rigorous, let out an annoyed curse.

The orcs all know that this time is troublesome, but for the sake of the female and the cubs, no matter how much they pay, they must pay for their safety.

Ever since hearing the beast's footsteps, the old orc retreated quietly into the big cave, and all the females watched Gail nervously.

"Don't panic, the stones outside are thick enough to resist for a while. When they find the entrance, block the entrance with stones. Let's retreat to the cave in the middle. Don't worry, the orcs will soon find out what's going on here." Gail said calmly.

Weiss also began to feel a little uneasy. The time dragged on for too long, and soon the beast would find this place.Even if the orcs came to rescue them, they would have to pay the price of sacrifice.This was the last thing Weiss wanted to see. Since ten days passed and no orcs came to pick them up, he knew that this was going to be troublesome.

After calming down his restless mood, Weiss discussed with Gail in a low voice how to be discovered, and whispered to the female not to make a sound, slowly packed up the things she carried with her, and retreated into the back room little by little in order. cave.

Weiss didn't dare to go to the tunnel to listen for the sound. Gale also said that the ear of the beast can easily catch the sound of footsteps. Only the orcs who have been trained all the year round can approach the tunnel without making a sound.

Weiss prevented the old orcs from inquiring again. They gathered around the entrance of the cave, carefully listening to the sound in the tunnel with their ears up. As long as the beasts started digging the entrance of the tunnel, the sound would definitely be heard in this empty cave. They blocked it again. It's not too late for this hole.

Weiss walked carefully to another hole, and took off a piece of his own clothes. This smell can mislead the beasts and buy them more time. Gail gave him a glance of appreciation, and then his expression changed, and he listened. There was a faint howl of excitement from a beast outside.

Gail and several old orcs quickly moved the big stones piled aside to block the entrance of the cave, covering a distance of 5 meters. Weiss also signaled to use thick wood to support the stones to prevent the strong beasts from Push the stone straight out.

After doing all this well, Weiss put down the dragon-breaking stone at the entrance of another cave before walking into the tunnel they retreated to. Gail cleaned up the footprints around the cave entrance and retreated into the tunnel.

The huge granite rock fell down again with a bang, and the soil in the trembling tunnel rustled down. After walking 200 meters to reach a medium-sized cave, all the females crowded together and hugged each other tightly. His own cubs looked at Gail and the others anxiously, and some timid ones began to sob softly. Their experiences in the past made them fear what would happen if they were found.

In order to buy time, many old or disabled orcs changed into animal forms and tried to protect their safety until the arrival of the orcs.

The bloody scene often makes the timid female sleepless at night. Is someone going to die again today?Maybe I will die under the claws of wild beasts. Fear and sadness fill the entire cave.

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