Crazy for me through another continent

Chapter 56 Facing the Crisis of Genocide

The atmosphere in the cave was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe. Fear spread rapidly in everyone's hearts like a spreading toxin. The females were trembling, and the young cubs hid in Ah Mo's arms ignorantly. Haven't even seen what the beast really looks like.

Weiss took a deep breath and said, "Now is not the time to be afraid. What we have to do now is not just waiting for the rescue of the orcs, we need to save ourselves. Everyone, leave the old female to take care of the cubs, and the others go into the tunnel, use The stone blocked the entire tunnel, delaying their digging time." Weiss calmly commanded, giving all the females hope.

They have an envoy sent by the beast god, without the cave he prepared, the beast would have found them long ago, yes!They can save themselves too.

All the females stepped into the tunnel one by one, and passed the big stones from the cave one by one. Gail was responsible for stacking the stones in the tunnel to fill them up.

Stones as small as half a cave were transported into the tunnel one after another.By the time the tunnel was finally filled, the cave had grown considerably.Using rough wood to support the gravel, Weiss and the others sat down to rest.

They needed silence now, even if the walls of the cave were thick enough, they would inevitably be heard by the beasts that could burrow.If they broke in from the four walls of the cave, all their efforts would be in vain.

Time seemed to stand still, and everyone even became more careful about breathing.Keya sat next to Weiss tightly, no matter what happened, he would protect his brother, even if he had no strength, he could stand in front of his brother and bear the pain for him.

From the time the beasts found the entrance of the tunnel, all the beasts have been digging hard at the big rock at the entrance, and some clever beasts have even started digging from the side.However, even the sharp claws of wild beasts cannot easily dig out a piece of hard granite.

By the time Wig and the others arrived, the mammoth had already started hitting the stone wall, and the entrance of the tunnel was dented by the huge shock, but even though it was dented, the whole piece of granite did not shatter.

The orcs started to launch a crazy attack, but facing the huge mammoth and the sneak attacking beasts, the orcs suffered more casualties, but they did not break into the vicinity of the tunnel entrance.

When the beasts of Yatesna arrived, the disadvantages of the orcs became more obvious. The orcs with their partners and cubs rushed forward madly, but were stopped by the beasts that kept coming.

Lesman was also fighting anxiously with red eyes. The safety of his partner and cubs made him lose his former calmness.

As soon as the battle started, the Yatesna beasts crouched quietly near the entrance of the tunnel. The leader beast frightened the mammoth away, walked to the entrance, glanced at the mammoth contemptuously, turned sideways, and used a The barbed tail twitched hard, and it hit the granite with a "snap".

The other Yatesna beasts grinned at the leader as if mocking them, revealing their sharp fangs.The leader beast just glanced at it arrogantly, then continued to flick its tail and "slap~" violently against the granite, comparing each other with more force, more than 30 strokes in a short time.

At the last moment, a crisp cracking sound rang through the orc's sensitive ears.As if hope was dashed, he rushed into the herd again, even facing the mammoth without taking a step back.

Gus completely lost his mind, and frantically attacked all the approaching species, and even Sleka did not dare to approach his hunting range.

The Yatesna pumped a few more times, the hard granite finally shattered, and the beast quickly rushed up to remove the pieces of granite. This kind of beast looks like a baboon, except that it cannot walk upright. Everything else is similar to baboons.After clearing the stones blocking the entrance of the tunnel, a group of slightly smaller beasts rushed into the tunnel.

All the orcs roared in despair!But after a while, the beasts all came back again, and the beasts "squeaked" gestures at the leader beast.The leader beast roared at a mammoth again, and the mammoth continued to charge into the tunnel knowingly. The stone walls on all sides were knocked up to both sides. Then hit.

"Don't panic, we still have time. Tunnels are not so easy to break through. The tunnels are dug underground, and big beasts can't get in, unless the ground connecting the tunnels can be lifted up. Calm down! Weiss and Gail is here, they will buy us enough time," Wigg said loudly to the orcs who lost their minds.

After listening to Wigg's instructions, the orcs gradually calmed down and stopped acting recklessly.

"How did we eliminate so many beasts?" A young orc screamed in despair, the tunnel will be breached sooner or later, his aunt and brother are still inside, and his beloved female is also inside, what should he do?

"Even if you risk your life, you must protect the female and the cubs, haven't you forgotten?" Wigg said in a deep voice.

"There is an exit at the back of the cave. If you can't eliminate it from the front, take out both the female and the cubs from the back." Lesman regained his senses and said the retreat that Weiss had left for them.Raisman's words brightened the eyes of all the orcs, yes!There is another way.

"Now think of a way to attract their attention, and then find a way to pick up the female and the cubs and hide in other places." Wigg said in a deep voice.

Seeing the wild beasts covering the entire forest, Wig had no choice but to comfort himself.It is easy to pick up the female, but it is difficult to take away the female and the cub without so many beast eyes. If it was in previous years, there must be no problem, but now the wild beasts are everywhere, so Wig really dare not think about the consequences.Is the Dager tribe really going to perish?

Seeing that the female and the tender cubs could not be dug up in a short time, the chief beast focused its attention on Wig and other orcs. Unexpectedly, the stupid orcs thought of hiding both the female and the cubs underground this year. It is indeed very troublesome.But sooner or later it will become their food. It is a little hungry now, so let's beat the orcs first.

Seeing Yatsina approaching, Wigg shouted loudly, "Cheer up, we are surrounded"

The orcs had gone deep into the herd in order to rescue the females and cubs, and now they were surrounded by numerous wild beasts. As long as the leader roared, they could pounce on them and get a share of the meat.The beasts were drooling and approaching the orcs.

A war is inevitable.Seeing the orcs being exhausted by the beasts, the Yatesna beast opened its mouth and yawned, flicking its tail boredly. It only needs to wait a little longer before it's time for them to make a move.

Thirteen consecutive days of fighting exhausted the strength of the orcs. Facing the impact of wild beasts, they had to form a circle with the injured orcs surrounded by enemies.

After fighting for two hours, more orcs began to lose their strength and fell down. Lesman quickly dragged the injured and fallen orcs to the middle position, filling the gap, and one person took the place of two people. The brave Raisman also began to lose his grip.

The tunnel has been excavated by several mammoths for more than 300 meters, and the orcs feel a sense of despair, vowing to kill two more beasts, roaring and killing the approaching beasts.

Just as everyone was desperately fighting, the roar of the orc came from a distance, "Roar~"

After one sound, more roars came at the same time.

Everyone's spirits were shaken, thinking in disbelief, did other tribes come to the rescue?

It would be good if a small tribe like them didn't become the target of oppression. No tribe would be willing to form an alliance with them to resist the beast tide. Even if there was, it would be almost the same tribe as them. Pull out a helping hand to help them!

The author has something to say: Houhou~~ Hope to come to the bird~~

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