"Fire arrows."

There was a loud sound, which seemed to be covered up by the sound of swords clashing on the battlefield at any time, but it directly broke into Li Jingxian's ears.

He raised his head suddenly, and saw a slightly old but still standing straight figure walking out in front of the main hall of Daming Palace.

The snow did not know when it had stopped, and the bright moonlight appeared in the sky.With the bright moonlight, Li Jingxian could even see the color of his robe, the weapon in his hand, and the expression on his face.

At the same time, Li Jingxian also noticed that he had already broken through the defense of the Spike Army and rushed to such an inward position.An Lushan's disgusting face is right in front of him, he only needs to take a few steps forward, and he can...

However, in the next moment, arrows flowed like rain.

Countless blood sprayed in the crowd.There are strategists and soldiers, and there are Spike Army.

Seeing this, Li Jingxian felt nausea in his stomach.

An Lushan did not distinguish between enemy and friend.If he replaces Emperor Tang, the people of the Central Plains will surely live in dire straits!

It's ridiculous... How could the soldiers of their Tiance Mansion be defeated by this kind of thing!

Li Jingxian rushed to the forefront, and the Tiance officers and soldiers behind him were already a certain distance away from him, so he naturally became the first target to be dealt with by the Spike Army.Pieces of arrow rain covered the brilliance of the moon, leaving only spike-like arrows, reflecting the cold light of the moon.

No matter how advanced Li Jingxian's martial arts were, he still couldn't get out of the rain of arrows covering the sky and clouds.In a hurry, he could only swing his gun to block the arrows shooting at his vital parts, but he was hit by several arrows on his shoulder, arm and calf!

Seeing that the opponent's general was injured, the Spike Army immediately regained their morale.They surrounded Li Jingxian into an isolated island layer upon layer, but Li Jingxian was not someone to take it easy.He had known for a long time that he would never return, so there was no fear on his face.Under the watchful eyes of the Spike Army, he sneered, stretched out his hand and broke the shaft of the arrow shot at his shoulder, a wolf's smile appeared in his eyes.

But seeing him shoot a long spear horizontally, and tap several acupoints all over his body.In the next moment, a dark red light wrapped around the Fire Dragon Liquan Spear, making the daunting barrel even more bloody and terrifying.Li Jingxian swung an incomparably strong inner force, sweeping away a group of people in an instant.

For a while, the Spike Army was in a mess again, and was beaten up by Li Jingxian one by one!

"It's the 'destruction' of the Tiance Mansion——!!!"

He heard someone shouting in such a panic.

"Mie" is a move that burns jade and stone together.Injure the enemy one thousand, and self-injury eight hundred.In the Battle of Guangming Temple back then, the reason why Tiance Mansion was able to repel the Mingjiao, which defeated the two major sects of the Beggars' Gang and Tangmen, was because of the "Mie" performed by thousands of soldiers at the cost of their own meridians - this stance It can greatly improve the internal strength of Tiance soldiers in a short period of time, but the meridians of the human body cannot withstand such a powerful force.After the "Mie" ceremony, let alone whether he can keep his superb martial arts, it's hard to say whether he can even keep his life!

The tip of the gun swiped horizontally, across the throats of several Spike soldiers.Those rebels didn't even have time to scream, and fell under Li Jingxian's gun.After a beautiful shot, he leaned back, and the long spear pierced the chest of a mace hammer heavily, splashing blood all over his body and face!

"Keep firing arrows."

An Lushan said so.Then, there was another wave of arrow rain that covered the clouds and the moon.Li Jingxian no longer remembered how many arrows he blocked, nor how many people he killed.The movements of attacking and defending have become the instinct of the body, and even the sound of fighting and fighting has faded away from his ears.

A dagger pierced his thigh.Li Jingxian saw the movement of the wolf tooth soldier and how the short sword sank into his flesh and blood, but he couldn't feel any pain.With his left hand, which was not holding a gun, he wrapped around the neck of the wolf fang soldier, and with a slight force, he heard the sound of bones breaking.

The young rebel looked at him with horror and fear on his face.At that moment, Li Jingxian almost thought what a heinous thing he had done.

However, only for a moment.

He is a general, but a general who doesn't like to kill people.

However, since the moment he and Ye Yishan betrayed Datang, he and his life have been entangled with senseless killings, endless betrayal and bloodshed.

Up to now, he must use the blood of the enemy to wash away his sins; use the souls of these Spike Army to commemorate the common people who died in the Anshi Rebellion, and comfort the heroic souls of the soldiers who died in the battle!

The sharp and cruel eyes are like those of a wolf.More and more blood splattered on his face, dyeing the silver-white Shuoxue cover into a dark red.Blood gurgled down his hair crown and flowed into the corner of his mouth. The taste was thick and bitter, but there was an intoxicating pleasure like poppies.He is like a killing god, harvesting the souls of the fearful and reveling in their blood.

Suddenly, he felt that the person in front of the main hall focused his eyes on him.

Li Jingxian raised his head, his heroic face was covered with blood, from a distance, it looked like someone had killed his face, leaving only a hideous face with bruised flesh.However, at the moment when his gaze met An Lushan's, a bowstring appeared in An Lushan's hand at some point!

The arrow is on the string and has been sent!

Li Jingxian showed an evil smile.The moment he wanted to dodge, the sharp pain from his back made him freeze suddenly——

Because he was afraid that he would not be able to rush to An Lushan to finish him, he tried his best every time he made a move.However, he forgot that he was just a mortal, not a Daluo god, and he would be injured.

It is not known when the wound on the back was stabbed.At that time, he didn't feel any pain, but now, because of the wound, he couldn't turn around anymore.

The sharp arrows shone coldly, like the judge's death talisman.At the critical moment, Li Jingxian reined in the reins.The black horse under the crotch//neighed up to the sky, and jumped up with its owner!

The arrow that had been aimed at the center of his brow in an unbiased manner flew past his temples, and shot down the red plume of General Tiance's hair!

An Lushan drew his bow calmly, and hitched the second arrow.The internal force backlash brought about by the previous "destruction" finally appeared. Li Jingxian vomited a mouthful of blood, but heard his horse wailed and fell to the ground, and Li Jingxian also turned over and fell off the horse, rolling on the ground for two times. Only then did Quan Fang stabilize his figure, and looked worriedly in the direction of Ai Ma!

The black steed was prostrate on the ground, with countless arrow wounds and knife wounds on its legs and buttocks.Li Jingxian has been focusing on killing the enemy, but he has never noticed that his beloved horse has been seriously injured!

The black horse raised his head, and there seemed to be tears in his dark red eyes.Li Jingxian walked forward silently, patted the black horse's head, then rubbed the black horse's blood-stained mane vigorously, and whispered in its ear:

"Sleep, Heizi. We will be brothers in the next life."

The black horse stuck out its tongue, and licked Li Jingxian's bloody hand affectionately, then closed his eyes, and slowly lay down.Li Jingxian patted its head, supported by the Fire Dragon Liquan Spear, and stood up.Although his movements were slow because of the pain, they were determined because of his determination.

His eyes were as sharp and murderous as a wolf's.Even though he was seriously injured, the Spike Army around him still took a few steps back in unison.The soldiers who met his gaze were all so frightened that their legs were weak, as if the gaze had turned into a dagger and pierced into their hearts, stirring cruelly.

Li Jingxian took a step forward, and the Spikes surrounding him took a step back.

Li Jingxian took ten steps forward, and the Spikes surrounding him took ten steps back.

General Tiance's disheveled black hair fluttered in the bloody wind, and his blood-soaked cloak fluttered in the wind like a banner.Every time he took a step, there was a bloody footprint under his feet.Finally, after 33 steps, he stood not far from Anlu Mountain.

"Dog thief."

The voice is not loud, but it is not gnashing of teeth.It's just that the monstrous hatred mixed in that tone was heart-piercing, almost frightening.

"General Li Jingxian." An Lushan said, "It has been a year and a half since the Futu Underground Palace was parted. The general's bravery has surpassed the past, but it is a pity that he does not want to serve the Wolf Fang."

Li Jingxian narrowed his eyes, slowly raised his spear, and pointed at An Lushan's heart.

"Since ancient times, BMW has been matched with famous generals." An Lushan chuckled, "That tayan black chick can fight to the death with you, and there will be no regrets in death."

"Dog thief, why bother talking!" Li Jingxian just opened his mouth, and a mouthful of thick blood gushed out, dripping down his jaw, "I'm waiting for the 180 soldiers from Tiance Mansion to come today, But please die, take your head!!"

"180 soldiers? I must have heard it wrong." An Lushan sneered, and raised his chin behind Li Jingxian, "General Li can look back, those who survived the battlefield, Besides you, who else is from the Tiance Mansion?"

Li Jingxian knew this would end a long time ago.Unexpectedly by An Lushan, he raised his head and said loudly: "Li Jingxian is ashamed of the soldiers of the Tiance Mansion who died fighting for the Great Tang, and I can only comfort them with your head!!"


With the disappearance of the last syllable, the fire dragon Liquan spear swept the momentum of the thunder, flashing a cold light in the dim night.His marksmanship does away with all the flamboyance, leaving only speed and power.Countless flying arrows flew towards him again, but all of them passed by his armor——

His movement is so fast, those arrows can't even hit him!

Seeing him approaching Anlu Mountain quickly, the Spike Army around them all reacted and rushed towards him with their swords raised.Li Jingxian jumped up, stepping on the shoulders of the rebels to take off.The long spear in his hand is soul-stirring, and it is about to stab An Lushan's chest——

"Dog thief, die--!!!"

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