All the hustle and bustle was still.It seems that after the extreme turmoil, the earth has returned to the ultimate tranquility.

The dragon robe on Emperor Dayan's chest was torn apart by the aura brought by the fire dragon's Liquan spear, and strands of blood oozed out, staining the bright yellow robe red.

Li Jingxian opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief.The right hand that was holding the Fire Dragon Liquan Spear was trembling uncontrollably, but it was no longer able to pierce the sharp point of the spear into the heart of the leader of Spike Fang——

His whole body was already covered with large and small wounds, and almost none of them were intact.Although Shuoxue's armor is extremely tough, it is not a magical weapon after all—several sharp long knives and spears are nailed in from behind and pierced out from the chest and abdomen.Blood was gurgling from the wound, and together with the blood of the enemy flowing down the chin, it flowed into the armor, staining the sticky underclothes, staining the clothes and the wound together.

An Lushan looked into Li Jingxian's eyes, and there seemed to be eight points of sarcasm in his eyes-laughing at him for being so overconfident, and he seemed to shake the tree; there seemed to be two points of pity in his eyes-it's a pity for such a brave and capable man. The general can't use it for himself.

"Those who cannot be used by me have to die."

Li Jingxian bit his lip heavily, and more fishy smell poured into his throat.Suddenly there was a burst of sadness in his heart.In the next moment, he didn't know where the strength came from, but he suddenly leaned forward and broke free from those sharp knives.The bloody long blade was pulled out from his body, and the "creaking" sound of bones and metal friction could be heard, which made people shudder!

"Old man An.. U Ni collapsed...?

Li Jingxian's attack contained almost all of his own strength, but the spear lost its aim due to the state of its master's body.I saw Emperor Dayan flashing to the side lightly, and the final fatal blow was missed!

If one hit fails, there will be no more chances.The huge momentum brought by the attack made Li Jingxian stagger two steps forward, and the arrow and knife wounds on his legs made him almost fall down.However, he propped up his body with a fire dragon Liquan gun, and stared in the direction of An Lushan with gloomy eyes.

The sons and daughters of Tiance Mansion must not show weakness in front of Langya!Even if you die, you have to die standing up! !

His vision has been completely soaked in blood, like a deep red sea.An Lushan suddenly took two steps back and said something, but Li Jingxian couldn't see or hear clearly.

At this moment, he just widened his eyes as much as he could, and stared at the leader of the rebel army, hoping to keep his appearance in his heart. I can't die-! !

"Who is coming!"

He heard the terrified screams of the Spikes around him.Li Jingxian wiped his blood-stained eyes blankly, and looked towards the sky with unfocused eyes.When he saw that bright yellow sword light cut through the sky like lightning, and fell into the enemy's heavy siege with the force of lightning, his pupils constricted immediately——

"Yi Shan?!"

Hidden Sword Villa is not famous for its lightness kung fu, but Ye Yishan's body is light and vigorous, like a lone crane returning to the mountain, rushing up the wind.The arrows flew past his temples and clothes, and he flew behind Li Jingxian before the rebels had time to stop him.But seeing Young Master Cangjian leaping forward, the epee in his hand slammed on the ground, instantly making the surrounding enemies stunned for a while!

Ye Yishan didn't care about Li Jingxian.He maintained the movement of hitting the ground with the epee, and raised a cynical smile at the stunned Emperor Dayan:

"An old man? Lazy and ambiguous forgive u Tuo school? Fierce Gong? Falling frieze law dumpling surnamed toad?!?

In the next instant, he retreated with his left foot and grabbed the hilt of the epee with his backhand.In an instant, the sword energy was like a rainbow, and the bright sword light actually overshadowed the moonlight in the sky, it was so dazzling that people couldn't take their eyes off it!

"This trick is called 'Wind Comes to Wushan to Slay the Thieves'."

In this stunning and deadly sword light, the rebels who were stunned before were immediately strangled!Seeing that the surrounding rebels tended to gather again, Ye Yishan smiled disdainfully, put on a light sword with his right hand, and charged into the crowd!

The thick blood is dotted with red plums on the bright yellow clothes, and red lines are falling on the cheeks that are as warm as jade.Every time the bright yellow sword light came on, it was accompanied by screams of people turning their backs and rebels on their backs.Even if you stand a little farther away, you can still hear the clear roar of the sword energy breaking the wind!

Looking at the man's piercing sword light and his vigorous figure, Li Jingxian's mood changed from complicated to relieved.The reason why he didn't want Ye Yishan to go to the battlefield with him was because he knew that once he went, there would be no return; he didn't want Ye Yishan to die with him.

... However, at the last moment of his life, he suddenly felt that maybe dying together in battle would be a happy ending.

For them.

Ye Yishan in the crowd seemed to hear his heartfelt voice.From a distance, he raised a smile to him.Even though he was on the battlefield with thousands of troops, his smile was still warm and gentle, and upon closer inspection, there was a bit of cynical chic mixed in, no different from the usual Ye Yishan.It is said that a gentleman by the West Lake is like the wind, this is something imprinted in the bones.Blood stains can stain his clothes, but cannot tarnish his smile.

Li Jingxian greeted with a smile.Then, he suddenly shot backhand and directly pointed at An Lushan who had been standing aside!

Emperor Dayan thought that he was already at the end of his strength, but he never expected that Li Jingxian could burst out with such strength!

An Lushan dodged hastily, but Li Jingxian pressed on every step of the way.When the attention of all the rebels was attracted by Ye Yishan, Li Jingxian had gradually forced An Lushan out of the encirclement of the Spike Army!

Emperor Dayan's face was pale, but he didn't panic.The guards from Daming Palace heard the sound and rushed to surround Li Jingxian.Although General Tiance is brave and good at fighting, the huge trauma to his body prevents him from fighting a hundred with one.So, when he swung his spear to block a long knife stabbing at his heart, Li Jingxian mobilized his internal strength and shouted loudly——

"Yi Shan, help me!"

The voice spread throughout the audience because of the profound and exquisite internal force.Everyone saw only a bright yellow figure jumping up, and his figure cast a slender and deep shadow under the moonlight.In the dim night sky, the sword was astonishingly bright, and Ye Yishan had already cut the epee in the air.When it landed beside Li Jingxian, the blade of the epee had already been captured, and it was the previous style of Crane Returning to Gushan!

The crane returns to Gushan and enters the enemy's formation, and the wind comes to Wushan to slaughter the thieves.

Everyone expected that the next move of Tibetan Sword would be Fenglai Wushan, which even the eleven sects of Jianghu feared, but they had no way to dodge, they could only watch helplessly as they were swallowed by the sword light, and then turned into a corpse. Dead bodies, never rest in peace on this moonlit battlefield.

The moment he made his move, Li Jingxian had set up a "Yuan" for him, which could withstand three fatal injuries for Ye Yishan.However, his actions brought Ye Yishan an angry look: "You should save your own life first!"

"No." Li Jingxian looked at him quietly, as if he wanted to bury his appearance in his heart, "My body has been ineffective, but you... still have the possibility of surviving."

The words "Yaoshi Wangxiao" made Ye Yishan, who was still in the midst of thousands of troops, show a look of fear, but he covered it up in the next moment.Ye Yishan lowered his head, his hands holding the epee kept trembling——

When he saw General Tiance's hair was disheveled, his armor was stained with blood, and his body was covered in arrows, and he was only supported by his spear, he felt a pain in his heart, and almost failed to control his lightness kung fu, and fell from the air.

"Don't talk nonsense." Ye Yishan wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but Li Jingxian's shoulder was full of wounds, so he could only hold his hand.

"Miraculous doctor Xia can save you."

Li Jingxian smiled helplessly, but did not point out: Even though Xia Xifeng is a genius doctor, he is still just a mortal after all.He failed to save Xuan Qingxiao back then, could he be able to save Li Jingxian this time...

During the conversation between the two, many guards rushed forward.Surrounded by all the guards, An Lushan fled in a hurry, while Li Jingxian narrowed his eyes, and drew out the Dragon Riding Arrow from his waist.

The Spike Army around him understood his plan, but they couldn't stop him—by his side, Ye Yishan danced with two swords, light and heavy, superbly, and the impenetrable sword light firmly protected the seriously injured General Tiance .

The arrow is off the string!

In all fairness, Li Jingxian lost so much blood that he couldn't tell if he had been shot. He just relied on his instinct to shoot an arrow in the direction where Emperor Dayan was fleeing.However, there was a commotion among the Spike Army surrounding Anlu Mountain, and even the rebels here put down their weapons, even if they were wiped by the blade of the hidden sword on their necks, there was no reaction!


Li Jingxian stared blankly in the direction of An Lushan, with a relieved smile on his lips.Then, he closed his eyes, and his legs no longer had the strength to support his body.

He thought he would fall on the cold and dirty ground, but what caught him was a warm embrace.

Ye Yishan gently brushed away the strands of hair scattered on his forehead with his hands, and wiped away the blood sticking to the corners of his eyes.Li Jingxian slowly opened his eyes, staring tenderly at Ye Yishan's face.

"Yi Shan." He spoke, only to realize that his voice was so hoarse, like the sound of fingernails scratching across a stone slab, "I'll take a step first."

Ye Yishan still looked at him with a smile.Some warm water dripped on his face and the corners of his lips.Li Jingxian blinked, and subconsciously licked it, only to realize that it was tears!

"Yishan, you..."

Ye Yishan's smile was still the same as before, he was still the young master of the Tibetan Sword Villa who cooked wine with green plums and recited poems on swords in the season when the two first met.

Only, he was crying.

Because of himself, this young master who was supposed to be raised in Hidden Sword Villa went to the battlefield.Because of himself, dirty blood stained his clothes.

But now, she still makes him cry.

Li Jingxian stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears, but his fingers were covered with blood, and he only smeared more red on that warm and fair face, mixed with the tears, it was almost painted Make a face.Li Jingxian was a little panicked, but his hand was suddenly held by Ye Yishan.Young Master Cangjian wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said softly to him:

"The battle is not over yet, Jing Xian."

After speaking, he raised his head and looked at An Qingxu, the son of An Lushan who was standing not far away with many Spikes.Then, he took off his robe, gently placed it on Li Jingxian's back, and stood up.

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