As night falls, the sky is deep.

It is an ominous time when the moon is dark and the wind is high.

As if to verify Yu Wenrui's words, everyone waited with their eyes wide open, but there was no sign of the jackal coming.

After a moment of contempt for Yu Wenrui's words in their hearts, everyone yawned and fell asleep one after another.

"—Swish, swish"

When the night watchman on duty heard the noise, his heart trembled.

Could it be that the words of that brat are about to be fulfilled?

"—Roar" came a howl from the silent halfway up the mountain.

They woke up without the night watchman waking them up.

He was woken up by the roar that pierced the eardrums.

"Warning, alert!"

"Masters of the Light Department illuminate all directions, don't leave any blind spots!"

"All retreat to the middle, stay away from the edge of the cliff!"

"According to the morning lineup!"

In the panic, only the calm regiment Changjiang Liumu decisively issued a series of orders.

In the past half a day, Jiang Liumu's command was good, and he seemed to be the backbone of everyone.

Yu Wenrui jumped up, pulled Nan Rongyue to the middle, raised his sword and walked towards the edge of the team.

"Sister Rui, be careful!" Nan Rongyue raised her wand and shot a ball of light to illuminate Yu Wenrui.

Yu Wenrui nodded slightly.

In the midst of Mingming Mieming, the blood-red eyes of the mutated jackal on the mountainside moved quickly, terrifying like a ghost.

The two sides still fought an offensive and defensive battle like in the morning.

Yu Wenrui's broadsword slashed at the strong thigh of a jackal, and made a "clank", which made her mouth go numb.

Sure enough, as she expected, the power of the mutated jackals was much greater at night than during the day.

It's not good, even the muscles on the thighs are hardened to the point where they can't be cut...

It's a pity that the short-sighted mob didn't listen to her persuasion and missed the best chance to escape. Now it's all right, and they have to wait until night to fight a protracted war with these jackals.

In terms of endurance, humans are no match for mutated jackals, and they also don't have an overwhelming advantage in numbers.

To deal with these alienated jackals of the dark department, among all the people present, there are only a few mages of the light department.

Even at a disadvantage, Yu Wenrui still analyzed the situation calmly and rationally, without any panic.


Yu Wenrui swung her sword horizontally, blocking the claws of a jackal. She raised her leg and kicked the jackal off the cliff.

Just as the Moyu Forest was stalemate and the situation was grim, the top management of the three major magic schools was holding an emergency meeting.

The dean of Dongzhou College slapped the table and said, "What? There is a large-scale wave of phantom beasts in the forest of Demon Realm. It seems that mutated phantom beasts are causing trouble?"

"It's not suspected, it's confirmed." The dean of Jingji College said with a frosty face.

The dean of Xizhou College said solemnly: "Yes, according to the news from the mentor who secretly protected the students on the front line, there are already hundreds of students and dozens of mercenary teams who have encountered the wave of phantom beasts, and those who have been attacked by mutated phantom beasts student..."

The dean paused and said sadly: "The 35 students who were attacked have all lost contact without exception, and the specific numbers are still being updated."

"It's only the fourth day and the casualties are so heavy..." The senior management gasped.

In the end, the three deans made a unanimous decision: "Mobilize all available flying dragon vehicles, and use the fastest speed to bring back the students who stayed in the Demon Forest!"

Because time is running out and the situation is grim, they have waited for less than a month...

On the top of the mountain, the battle continued.

The soldiers defending in front obviously felt powerless, and the jackal in front of them seemed to be unable to be killed no matter what, and rushed up desperately.

They waved their weapons numbly, their minds were so confused that they couldn't think, and they just relied on instinct to chop and kill.

Finally, the first death occurred.

The knife of a soldier in the front row was shot down by a jackal that jumped up. He lost his weapon and was unable to resist the attack of the jackal, and was dragged down the cliff by the jackal.


The soldier's almost desperate cry for help before he died cast a shadow of death on the entire mountain forest.

Morale was getting low.

Then came the second death, the third death...

"Shrink the encirclement! Shrink the encirclement!" Jiang Liumu commanded with a loud voice.

At this time, Jiang Liumu's forehead and face were covered with sweat and dirt, his chest was heaving, but he had no time to take care of himself.

Not far away, someone rolled down the cliff again.

"Fill in the vacancy! Fill in the vacancy!" Jiang Liumu's voice was already hoarse, and the pain was burning.

If they had accepted Xiao Rui's opinion in the morning, they would not be so passive now.

Jiang Liumu regretted it very much.

"Have you noticed that no matter how you attack these jackals, they... they don't lose a trace of blood!" Someone in the crowd shouted.


It was the sound of a crowd gasping for air.

After several rounds of offensive and defensive battles, everyone present knew that they were fighting a protracted battle of stamina and consumption.

But after fighting for so long, the opponents seemed to have a body of steel that didn't even shed blood, let alone kill them.

Everyone became more and more certain that this battle would undoubtedly be lost.

Those jackals that couldn't be killed would drag their humans down the cliff, first breaking through the defense of the outer warriors, and then attacking the protected mages in the inner circle until there was no one on the top of the mountain.

Right now, unless someone comes to rescue, or try to stay up until the morning and expect those jackals to leave on their own.

But there are still two or three hours before the sun rises, and by then their physical strength has been exhausted...

For a moment, a breath of despair enveloped the audience.

On one side of the battlefield, Yu Wenfeng faced the enemy with a sword, protecting the magician Jiang Hanfang and others behind him.

Seeing the number of fighters in the outer circle drop sharply, and the defense power was weakened layer by layer, Yu Wenfeng was unable to do what he wanted.

Looking at the mages behind him, each with such low defense, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavy.

"Can your Highness hold on?" Jiang Hanfang chanted a mantra, and cast a beam of light to illuminate the darkness ahead, and asked with concern.

It is said that those who have fought side by side can form a stable friendship, which is absolutely true.

Yu Wenfeng's heart felt warm, and he was refreshed. Because of Jiang Hanfang's words of care like a spring breeze, he felt that his energy was energized again.

"I can support you, don't worry, my Highness will protect you well!" Yu Wenfeng promised, and continued to devote himself to killing the enemy.

Jiang Hanfang blushed, but she didn't dare to think about anything, the immediate battle was imminent.

On the other side of the battlefield, Nan Rongyue had a bold idea. She wanted to verify one thing.

I remember last night when she secretly asked Sister Rui if she could use the golden unicorn to deal with these jackals, Sister Rui said that these mutated jackals had nothing to fear except the light element.

What's more, the golden unicorn is good at breathing fire, but fire can burn wood. In this kind of lush and dense forest, one carelessness will burn the forest, so it is better to use less fire element.


But Nan Rongyue raised his staff and released a ball of light to hit a jackal.

The jackal screamed in pain and rolled down the cliff.

Seeing that this method worked, Nan Rongyue said happily, "Brother, hurry up! These jackals are afraid of light, let everyone use the light element to attack!"

The scene of Nan Rongyue's attack just now was watched by Jiang Liumu. Jiang Liumu understood and quickly issued an order.

Except for Yu Wenrui, all the people present were light element awakeners. They quickly abandoned the use of other elements and replaced them with light elements.

The warriors applied light elements to their weapons, and the mages kept accumulating energy, releasing light magic one after another to attack the jackals.

The increasingly disadvantageous battle situation has finally turned for the better.

"Light elements are scarce at night, so save your use!" Jiang Liumu did not forget to remind everyone to spare some energy while fighting.

As for Yu Wenrui, she can't use the light element, and still carries it with a big knife.

Jiang Liumu glanced this way, anxious: "Xiao Rui, hurry up and use the light element to defend!"

Yu Wenrui lied without changing his face: "No, my light magic cultivation is too low, and I can't mobilize it at all..."

When her words spread to the ears of everyone, it caused another wave of contempt.

Obviously, the IQ of this group of mutated jackals is not a thing of the past. Seeing that humans have found a way to restrain them, they stopped attacking on a large scale, but picked out the weak ones and attacked them one by one.

And Yu Wenrui, who didn't use any light magic, became their first choice to attack.

In the next instant, four or five mutated jackals rushed towards Yu Wenrui at the same time.

Yu Wenrui was startled, and swung a big knife with his left hand to block the vitals on his chest, while the knife in his right slashed at the jackal who took the opportunity to attack.

All her attention was focused on the jackal attacking her, and she was so focused on defending that she had no time to pay attention to the changes behind her.

Therefore, he didn't notice the extremely venomous gaze behind him.

Just as she was about to sideways dodge the surprise attack of a jackal claw on the lower left, a huge force behind her pushed her forward violently.

She lost her center of gravity and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

"Hehe, it was made by my own people, could it be Jin Shuya..."

At the moment when he was pushed down, Yu Wenrui thought of this.


on top of the mountain.

Standing in the encirclement, Jiang Hanfang saw Yu Wenrui surrounded by four or five jackals, and wanted to release a ball of light to help her, but before she could take any action, the scene in front of her stunned her.

Yu Wenrui lost his balance and fell off the cliff somehow.

But separated by several layers of human bodies, Jiang Hanfang did not see the instigator, and she never thought that it would be someone with evil intentions who did it.

Jiang Hanfang's eyes were red and she was about to cry, and she said intermittently in a trembling voice: "It's not good, Xiaorui... Xiaorui fell..."

That living child just fell down?

Jiang Hanfang couldn't believe this fact until she said it.

"What?" Nan Rongyue looked over in disbelief.

She looked at the position where Yu Wenrui was standing just now, but she didn't find Yu Wenrui's figure.

She looked around again, but still did not find Yu Wenrui.

"What are you talking about! Where's my sister Rui? Where's my sister Rui!"

Nan Rongyue's mind went blank, and she suspected that she had heard it wrong.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Sister Rui, how could she fall!"

Yu Wenrui's past voice and smile gradually emerged in Nan Rongyue's mind bit by bit, and finally turned into an arrow of despair piercing her heart.

Nan Rongyue's emotions almost lost control, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Knowing that the survival rate of falling off the cliff is very low, she still wants to walk to the edge of the cliff to see if she can find Yu Wenrui.

But he was pressed hard by his shoulders with both hands.

That thick force brought back her sanity a little bit.

"Yue'er, don't go, it's dangerous!" Jiang Liumu's voice was deep, as if he was suppressing something.

"Brother..." Nan Rongyue choked up, and when she turned to look at Jiang Liumu, tears were streaming down her face.

"You said Sister Rui really..." Nan Rongyue couldn't continue.

"No, Xiao Rui is an auspicious person, she will be fine."

"Yes, Sister Rui will be fine, she will be fine!" Nan Rongyue was inexplicably certain in her heart.

As if wanting to vent all the negative emotions in her heart, Nan Rongyue threw light balls one after another at those jackals in a masochistic manner, without any intention of controlling the output.

Nan Rongyue's light-type magic is about to break through the middle-level and high-level and reach the high-level and low-level after practice. Once such a peerless genius unleashes its power, the power is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The mountain that was hit by the ball of light shook violently, and those mutated jackals were even more pitiful, they were directly engulfed by Nan Rongyue's ball of light and turned into ashes.

The people present were dumbfounded, but they all consciously gave up an open space for Nan Rongyue to use her magic.

After an unknown amount of time, someone looked up at the dark sky.

He pointed to dozens of flying light spots in the sky and said, "Look at the sky, it looks like a flying dragon beast car!"

"Great, they must have come to rescue us!"

"Great, we're saved!"

Different from the state of mind of most people at the moment, Nan Rongyue and the others are in agony.

A gloomy low pressure quietly filled the air.

They all knew in their hearts that Yu Wenrui might have...

But no one is willing to admit this fact.

When the rescuers on the Feilong beast car put down the cork ladder for them to climb up, Nan Rongyue didn't want to leave.

She was suppressed to the extreme, her heart was tightly gripped, and she was suffocated.

She was lost in thought as she gazed at the lush mountainside, she wanted to go down the mountain to find Yu Wenrui.

Live to see people, die to see...

No!Sister Rui, she won't die!

Nan Rongyue's eyes were out of focus, and she walked towards the edge of the cliff step by step.

But Jiang Liumu, who was discovered behind him in time, slashed on the neck with a hand knife and knocked him out.

The author has something to say: This chapter is hard to describe, but I finally dug out the lines buried in the previous chapters @…@

I wrote a lot about fighting, and I almost want to pull back the emotional line, don't worry, I won't abuse you.

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