As long as Yu Wenrui is killed, she will no longer be under the control of drugs, because no one knows what drug she was given.

Losing the spell caster, the poison that Yu Wenrui fed her was cured naturally, and she no longer had to endure the pain that was worse than death.

Driven by strong resentment, coupled with Zhang Jiaojiao's instigation, Jin Shuya picked a good time to push Yu Wenrui off the cliff, thinking she didn't know anyone.

Jin Shuya and Zhang Jiaojiao boarded the flying dragon beast car.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the pleasure of revenge in each other's eyes.


The unconscious Nan Rongyue was sent back to Nan Rong's home by the flying dragon beast car.

After hearing the bad news, the entire Nanrong family was in a gloomy mood. They couldn't accept the loss of a living child just like that.

Soon, Nan Rongyue woke up, she sat on the bed in a daze, and didn't speak.

She didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment, she just felt that there was an empty space in her heart, something was leaving her, and she couldn't close the gap.

At mealtime, she couldn't eat, and at bedtime, she couldn't sleep well.

Jiang Liumu came to persuade her several times, but she didn't listen to a word.

The servants comforted her, but she lost control of her emotions.

I couldn't hold back my tears.

She always firmly believed that Sister Rui was still alive, she just left her temporarily, and she would definitely come back to find her.

Why did everyone come to comfort her, sister Rui is clearly not dead!

Three days passed in a flash, and Nan Rongyue washed her face with tears all day long. She lost a lot of weight and her face was sallow.

In another room of Nan Rong Mansion, Nan Rong Ya and Nan Rong Yu were having a secret conversation.

"Is that child really dead?" In the room, Nan Rongya's hand on crutches trembled slightly.

Nan Rongyu said solemnly: "A few days ago, my daughter sent someone to secretly search for the Demon Forest, but there is no news yet."

Nan Rongyu added: "However, there have been frequent animal swarms recently, and the danger is unpredictable. People staying in the forest have retreated one after another. It is really not suitable for our people to stay for a long time."

"Is it found out by accident or man-made?" Nan Rongya asked her.

Nan Rongyu replied: "My daughter asked the witnesses present, and they all said that she was besieged by four or five mutated jackals, and she couldn't resist falling."

"Hey," Nan Rongya said with a long sigh: "Let's search for a few more days, our Nan Rong family always owes this third princess a life-saving grace."

Back then at Nan Rongyue's hundred-day banquet, Yu Wenrui knocked out the kidnappers and rescued Nan Rongyue who was almost kidnapped. Nan Rongya always remembered this great kindness.

"Mother, do you need my daughter to disclose this news to the royal family?" Nan Rongyu asked.

If the news is revealed to the royal family, the emperor will surely send someone to the Demon Forest to find someone.

If the child is really still alive, the number of people and strength will increase the chances of being found.

"No!" Nan Rongya shook her head.

She said seriously to Nan Rongyu: "Did you forget that Yu Wenrui and Yu Wenjue are the key search targets of the court? Even the third princess herself said that the two siblings absconded because they were tortured in the palace." .”

"If you tell the news that the third princess is in the forest of Demon Realm, what if she is really alive? What if she is found by the Tian family first? You are trying to kill her!"

Nan Rongya finished speaking in one breath, panting a bit.

"Mother calm down, it's my daughter's recklessness!" Nan Rongyu hurriedly poured a glass of water for Nan Rongya to drink, annoyed at his thoughtless suggestion.

"Is Yue'er still the same?" Nan Rongya asked.

"Hey, that child doesn't eat or drink, I feel uncomfortable as a mother..." Nan Rongyu's eyes turned red, and he was about to cry.

"Well, please comfort her." Nan Rongya frowned, and her heart was even worse.

Nan Rongya was already old, and when this happened, she seemed to be much older in an instant.

Nan Rongyue's condition improved after receiving the admission notice from the Temple of Light.

As early as when Nan Rongyue participated in the magician competition when she was ten years old, she became the focus of the Guangming Temple because of her excellent performance.

In the huge room, plain gauze curtains and beige curtains looked cold.

Nan Rongyue sat in front of the desk and stared at the invitation letter inlaid with gold.

Her hair was disheveled, and she wore only a loose nightgown.

Her complexion was pale and her lips were chapped from lack of moisture.

At that time, an invitation letter leading to the supreme glory-becoming the next saint of the Temple of Light.

As long as she agrees, wealth, power, prestige, everything she wants will be within her reach.

Nan Rongyue gradually came back to her senses, and said coldly to the maid who served her outside the door: "Take a bath and change clothes."

When she walked out of the room with a completely new look, everyone in Nan Rong Mansion felt very relieved.

They thought that Nan Rongyue had finally figured it out.

Nan Rongyue received the envoy of the Temple of Light who sent the invitation letter.

"How is Miss Nanrong thinking?" the envoy asked.

"I promise you."

After bidding farewell to her family, Nan Rongyue followed the envoy to the Temple of Light in Gyeonggi.

The news spread quickly, and along the way, Nan Rongyue heard a lot of whispering voices.

"Who should be the Holy Son of the former Temple of Light?"

"Master seems to be Pei Nian, the son of Dongzhou Governor Pei Qing, and the younger brother of Empress Pei."

"From Dongzhou? Then why didn't he choose his own family to succeed the Holy Son, instead he chose the Nanrong family from Xizhou?"

"Do you think you can act arbitrarily by becoming the Holy Son?" The person who answered snorted.

"The Holy Son is not the only one in the Holy Temple of Light. He is also restricted by two priests and twelve Templar knights under his command. In addition, can he do whatever he wants."

Nan Rongyue boarded the flying dragon beast car, and the voices of those discussions went away.

"According to the rules, you can only become a holy son or a holy woman when you reach the age, why are you so anxious this year?"

On the way, Nan Rongyue asked out the confusion in her heart.

The messenger was silent, as if he was considering whether to answer her.

After thinking about it, the person in front of me will soon become a saint, so when will she not be courteous at this time?

The envoy changed his seriousness just now, and said flatteringly, "You don't know, the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter are replaced every five years, but this rule was broken by the previous Holy Son, Mr. Pei."

"This Lord Pei Nian became the Holy Son seven years ago. According to the rules, he should have abdicated two years ago, but he relied on the power of the Pei family to dominate the position of the Holy Son and refused to leave. for two years."

This envoy was also a snobbish person, seeing that the former saint son Mr. Pei had long lost his power, it didn't matter to belittle him in front of the next saint.

"Such behavior dissatisfied the emperor and other people in the Temple of Light who wanted to be in power, so..."

The envoy only spoke half of what he said, but Nan Rongyue understood the other half that he was inconvenient to say.

It was nothing more than Emperor Yuwenqian's fear that the prosperous Pei family would affect his rule, so he suppressed Pei's family. He joined forces with people from the Guangming Temple to force Pei Nian to abdicate, and internally neglected Empress Pei. Let him stay away from the center of power, and at the same time put Yu Wenxuan in confinement to prevent her from getting close to the people of Nan Rong's family.

Nan Rongyue could probably guess one or two of the emperor's thoughts: After Pei Nian was kicked out of the position of Holy Son, the vacancy needs to be filled by someone, and he can't be from the Dongzhou Pei family faction, Yu Wengan thought about it , I thought of Nanrong's family in Xizhou.

Over the years, the Nanrong family has been keeping themselves safe, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, which has won the emperor's favor. Let's look at the two direct grandchildren of the Nanrong family. …

Nan Rongyue is extremely talented, and has repeatedly achieved good results in the magician competition. She must be able to convince people when she becomes a saint. Moreover, a woman's ambition is not as good as a man's, so it is relatively easier to control.

Although Nan Rongyue, who is the most suitable to become a saint at the moment, is only 12 years old, and is not yet the age for the succession of a saint in the Temple of Light, it doesn't matter.

It was Pei Nian who set a precedent and broke the rule of the Guangming Temple every five years, so he, Yu Wengan, could become the second, and let the 12-year-old Nan Rongyue succeed the saint.

Being able to suppress the Pei family and get closer to the Nanrong family, why not do it?

Anyway, Pei Nian, a young bird, is responsible for everything...

But I heard the emissary whispering in his ear: "This Pei family is really real. Some people have become the state lord and the holy son, and the power is nothing more than that. Why don't you know how to restrain your edge? The ambition is so big. To make the emperor..."

But before he finished speaking, Nan Rongyue interrupted him coldly: "That's enough, don't discuss state affairs indiscriminately."

The messenger's eyelids twitched, and he obediently shut his mouth.

It was nothing more than complicated matters involving power struggles, and Nan Rongyue didn't want to listen to them or think about them.

The Temple of Light, a solemn and sacred palace comparable to a royal palace.

After staying in the Temple of Light for a full month and learning the etiquette and rules, Nan Rongyue must be baptized and officially become a saint after the ceremony.

Early in the morning, Nan Rongyue was woken up by her maid.

The first step in baptism is to wash the body with holy water to remove impurities.

After bathing, it's dressing up.

Four maidservants came in from outside the room holding trays, in which were placed various items needed for dressing up.

A maid opened the makeup box, applied plain powder on Nan Rongyue's face, drew black eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil, and then put on eye makeup. Put three petals of vermilion fine flower tin on it, and finally took out a piece of red paper for Nan Rongyue to purse her lips.

After putting on her makeup, another maid took out a wooden comb to make a side bun for Nan Rongyue, and inserted a luxurious and delicate tassel hairpin.

After the make-up was completed, the maid changed Nan Rongyue into the formal attire of a saint.

At this time, Nan Rongyue was wearing a well-fitting plain fairy dress, which outlined a curvaceous figure.

After makeup, her eyes were cold, her brows were sharp, her lips were as red as blood, and she looked dignified and majestic.

She holds the sacred scepter unique to the saint in her hand. The side of the scepter is dotted with a circle of seven-color gemstones symbolizing "gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder", and the top of the scepter is decorated with the Holy Spirit Stone, which symbolizes light.

She walked out slowly, her skirt mopping the floor was as soft as flowing water, every step she took was standard and elegant.

The maidservants were stunned, and they marveled how beautiful this saint is!

Only 12 years old can have such a temperament, and suppress this luxurious clothes, such a person is rare!

The ceremony officially started, and Nan Rongyue needed to walk up the 81 steps step by step, and then swear allegiance to the Great Holy Spirit Stone and the Creator God on the temple.

Nan Rongyue obeyed the rules one by one.

"See Mrs. Saintess."

Below the high platform, a group of priests bowed their heads to the saint above.

"Excuse me." Nan Rongyue's face was dignified, her voice was cold, without a trace of trembling.

The sunlight hits the gem-studded scepter, refracting bright colors.

Jin Qilin stood beside Nan Rongyue, majestic and majestic.

At this moment, Nan Rongyue's mood was very calm.

Even becoming a saint can't make her mood fluctuate in the slightest.

In her eyes, the glory and power that everyone is chasing are unreal glitz.

Her purpose of becoming a saint is only one——

Find the missing Rui sister.

Just because when she was a child, she asked Sister Rui out of curiosity: What are the benefits of being a clergyman in the Temple of Light?

Sister Rui answered her like this: If you become a high-level member of the Temple of Light, you will have the opportunity to have a dialogue with the divine consciousness of the Creator God, and the Creator God has great powers and can help human beings realize their wishes.

She remembered every word Yu Wenrui said clearly.

How boring and boring the days are without Sister Rui's company, she wants to find Sister Rui back.

And for this slim chance, Nan Rongyue chose to become a saint.

Because Nan Rongyue always firmly believed that Yu Wenrui was still alive.

The author has something to say: The saint is so beautiful, it's a pity that Yu Wenrui didn't see the beautiful saint.

Don't worry, they will meet soon~

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