[Sword Three] Lord wants to cut the cloud dress

Chapter 10 Head of the Land Reclamation

500 years ago, the country of Raphael, located in the northern continent of the Twin Continent, ushered in the birth of its most controversial king in the next 500 years.

That was the son of the tenth king of Raphaels, named William.

Prince William had visions before he was born.It is rumored that his mother, the virtuous Queen Lofister, received the will of the great God of Light in a dream one night before she became pregnant.

"Your son—he will be a great and unfortunate person." This is what Queen Lofister relayed, from the words of the God of Light.

Just like most countries in the Twin Continent, the Raphaels Country regards the Church of Light as the state religion.And the pious Queen Lofister, at Prince William's full moon dinner, asked the bishop who came to congratulate and bless the prince about the interpretation of this sentence.

The bishop frowned. Holding the scepter in his hand, he asked after thinking for a long time: "The God of Light really said that?"

Empress Lofister originally had mixed speculations about this sentence, but now seeing the bishop's color is not good-looking, her heart seemed to be lifted.She fixed her eyes on the bishop, then nodded nervously.

The bishop shook his head and sighed: "Your Majesty the Queen should not announce this to the public."

The young Empress Lofister was rather unwilling: "According to the bishop's intention, it is not enough to only preach the first half of the sentence?"

The aged bishop looked at the beautiful Queen Lofister, and shook his head helplessly: "Your Majesty, please listen to me, this matter must be kept quiet."

Lofister twisted the delicate handkerchief in his hand, bit his lower lip, and said after a long time: "Luofey understands. Thank you, Bishop."

So, after the king at the time, Henry II, learned all this from his wife, he issued a silence order to all the palace people who knew about it.Offenders will be shot to death.

Prince William is a prince who grew up in such an environment.At a very young age, he showed a difference from other noble children, and even later brothers and sisters.He is talented and intelligent, and has strong swordsmanship.Even before he was full, he had already reached the super high level of the tenth level of swordsman.

Undoubtedly, as the eldest son and the most proud son of his father, he successfully completed the coronation ceremony at the age of 20 and became the king of Raphaels after his father left office - known as William III in history.

"So this is the palace of William III?" Li Zheng held Zi Yanchen, which functions as a mirror, in his hand, looking at the painting made up of light spots on the ground: "In the forest?"

"It should be just one of his resting palaces." Bismarck walked to the next window, and he looked at the animal head on the opposite side—this time it was a wolfhound hanging on the wall, and there was a terrible scratch on the closed dog's eyes. Mark, "It is rumored that William III loved hunting and often sent troops into and out of various forests. These are probably his trophies."

"So these..." Li Zheng looked at the row of animal heads on the wall with a disgusted expression: "Are they really real animal heads?"

"At first I was just guessing." Bismarck said truthfully. "Do you remember the inscription at the door with few words left? I relied on the palace where I roughly guessed who it was. These glass windows just confirmed my guess. If it was the king, it was indeed possible to make such a things."

Li Zheng nodded. He looked at the speckled painting depicting the achievements of William III under his feet: "But this king seems to be a wise king besides being unfriendly to animals. Look, this picture is personally leading the army to get rid of the robbers. It means rogues." Then he pointed to the previous glass window that had been restored to its original state after Bismarck's departure: "This one means to open a swordsman academy and let many people enroll. And the previous ones, I should have guessed right."

Bismarck glanced at him and nodded: "It's true. William III was a rare wise king in the world when he was young. Even in our southern continent, we praised this young king at that time. He was called honest and caring for the people, Rewards and punishments are clearly defined. And it vigorously promoted the domestic swordsman academy, which led to the emergence of outstanding swordsmen at that time. In addition, he was also a unique high-level swordsman, brave and good at fighting, and he was well-known in the entire Twin Continent famous."

Then he opened the next light spot painting with the Ziyan Shenyou Sword in his hand.The content of the painting this time is completely different from the previous ones. It is a scene of William III chasing an elk.

"Until one day, it was said that when he was chasing an elk, he stumbled into the residence of a witch. After he found out that the residence belonged to an evil witch, he resolutely killed her. But he didn't want this ugly witch, He is the lover of the king of hell who was sealed by the hero 1000 years ago. The cunning king of hell bewitched the witch in a dream and let her conceive his own child. He tried to possess his body to reproduce after the child was born. Back to the world."

Li Zheng felt chills when he heard this, but he didn't expect the King of Hell to be quite obsessed with the Twin Continent: "Then what? Isn't the witch dead? Isn't the King of Hell going to die of anger?"

Bismarck nodded: "It is said that after the death of the witch, the king of hell resorted to some tricks in a fit of rage. He made the cronies of Queen Lofister tell the public the secret of William III's birth. The people were very afraid that their king might cause misfortune, and gradually began to no longer love him. At the same time, the surrounding countries were eager to move when they heard the news, and tried to take this opportunity to split the Raphaels kingdom."

"Faith is terrible." Li Zheng sighed and walked towards the stained glass window behind.He looked at the light spot painting at his feet depicting William III's efforts to restore his national trust, but it often backfired.Over time, William III began to have frustration, anger, and even extreme emotions.

"William III attributed all the failures to the God of Light and the bishop at that time. So he was determined to overthrow the position of the Church of Light in Raphaels." Bismarck opened the spot painting of the next stained glass window while talking.This time William III seems to be having a secret meeting with someone.Although the lines are rough and simple, Li Zheng can still see the angry and gloomy expression from William III in the painting.

"The one next to him should be Welsh Rascherno. A very famous scholar at the time. Not long after that, he questioned the relationship between the God of Light and the King of Hell at Raphael's annual academic conference. Existence, and there is also the legend of the hero sealing the king of hell. He claimed that this is the 'paradise questioning theory'."

Li Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this, which is really rare for scholars in the Twin Continent.After all, churches, gods, beliefs, etc., cannot really let people see the real thing.You see so many people on earth believe in Christianity, Catholicism, and Buddhism, but if you really want to ask them, have you ever seen God?ever seen jesusHave you ever seen Buddha?Not all have not seen.Faith itself means that if you believe it, you have it, and if you don't believe it, you don't have it.It's not a question of existence at all.

Although Li Zheng was so slanderous in his heart, he didn't comment much, just continued to listen to the story with relish: "And then?"

"Wales believes that the legends of heaven, hell and heroes are just excuses formed by people thousands of years ago to explain their mutual aggression. There are no demons in this continent itself, and everything is the fault of human beings. Heroes are also created by people. A fictional character. The fact that he has no name, no origin, no background, as Wales' most important argument that he does not exist, is just a lie. Then while Wales was instigating 'Paradise Questioning', William III was privately cracking down on the Church of the Illuminati , and support the free churches that have sprung up and expanded rapidly in those few years.”

Ha, the church has pulled people to fight, Li Zheng thought to himself.

"A free church? Advocating freedom?"

"Yes, they regard the God of the Illuminati Church as a shackle that binds mankind. It is unique to preach that human beings dominate the entire continent. After the secret support of William III, the Free Church quickly became the only one in the country of Raphael that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Illuminati Church Church. And then ... there was the famous 'Welsh riot'."

Just when Li Zheng was about to ask what the Welsh turmoil was, Bismarck went straight to the next glass window and opened the mechanism with the purple smoke in his hand as before.

The light spot painting this time depicts a scene where tens of millions of people gather in the city. At the top of the painting is a person lying in a pool of blood.According to the content of the glass window in front, it can be seen that this person is Wales, the initiator of the "paradise questioning theory".

Li Zheng frowned and opened the mechanism of the next glass window. This time it was also a scene of people gathering in the city, which was almost the same as the previous one.The only difference is that this time the place where Wales was was turned into a coffin.There are also white flowers around the coffin as decoration.

"Wales was shot and killed by an archer when he was giving a speech in St. Raphaels, the capital of Raphaels. It aroused the fury of the Free Church. They blamed the incident on the Church of Light, which was exposed by Wales. Then there was the rage, which then sparked unrest at the Welsh funeral," Bismarck explained.

Li Zheng let out an "oh" and twisted his mouth.Then he let out a "tsk" sound, touched his chin and looked at the two almost identical light spot paintings: "I always feel that something is not right."

"William III gave a speech and mourned the death of Wales. He took this opportunity to completely suppress the Church of Light and prop up the Free Church to the position of the first church. This has formed the current dominance of the church in Raphael's country. situation," added Bismarck.

"And then?" Li Zheng asked curiously as he walked towards the next glass window.

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