The two appeared very cautious when entering the castle.Seeing Bismarck in front of him walking like a cat without making a sound, Li Zheng looked at the sound made by the soles of his feet, feeling a little embarrassed.

So he arched his body, stooped his waist, followed Bismarck silently like an uninvited thief, and even coordinated with the lookout movement of looking left and right.

After Bismarck quietly opened the gate of the castle, Li Zheng followed him in.However, he was accidentally scratched by the flying dust. After enduring it for a long time, he finally failed and sneezed loudly.

Facing Bismarck who turned his head at the sound, Li Zheng pinched his nose, bit his lower lip quickly and looked back with an innocent expression.Indicating that he didn't mean it, he also said "sorry" in a lowered voice.

"You don't need to be so nervous." Bismarck said: "This place is full of dust and abandoned for a long time. Obviously, there have been no living things for a long time. There will be no zombies or monsters."

Li Zheng blinked after hearing this, and then turned to look inside the castle.

Sure enough, as Bismarck said, the entire castle was covered with dust.And there are crack marks all over the walls.The golden wallpaper that was supposed to show grace and luxury also faded a bit, and even curled up at the corners.Not to mention the gravel that can be seen everywhere, and the plaster statues that have been crumbling.Apparently no one has been in or out for a long time.

Only then did Li Zheng realize that his nostrils were filled with the decaying smell of this castle.He lowered his vigilance a little, straightened up and said, "Hey, it's always good to be cautious." Then he was a little confused, "So you walk silently?"

Bismarck glanced at him without answering.Instead, he lifted his foot and stepped over the broken and broken stone statue in front of him.

Li Zheng touched his head.When I was in the woods before, the ground under my feet was either mud or leaves, and I didn't feel much about it.Now the two walk in the silent castle is very obvious.just like......

It was as if Li Zheng was the only one walking.

Li Zheng could not help but shudder, and decided not to scare himself.So he followed Bismarck in three steps and two steps.

As soon as you enter the castle, there is a promenade with no end in sight.Above the promenade are giant chandeliers that will never light up one after another, extremely luxurious.Surrounding the chandelier and on the ceiling are intricately carved wall patterns, which still retain the grandeur of the castle.

If you don't count the sound of your own footsteps next to your ears, the entire interior of the castle can be said to be completely silent.This made Li Zheng, who was a little afraid of the dark and ghosts, couldn't help getting closer to Bismarck.

On one side of the corridor hung some terrifying animal heads.These animal heads have their eyes closed and their necks are attached to the wall.In the animal heads, there are lions and tigers, which are called the king of beasts, there are also fast-moving leopards and wolves, and there are also ferocious and brutal black bears.Of course, not only these ferocious beasts and birds of prey, Li Zheng also saw relatively docile deer, sheep, horses and cattle.

At first Li Zheng thought that these animal heads were man-made, but when he walked in, he found that they were lifelike.It's as if some potion has been applied to freeze the time of these lifeless animal heads. They look plump and full of hair, and they are alive as soon as they open their eyes.

On the other side is the window below the upper circle made of stained glass, through which sunlight shines in, forming circles of chaotic colored light spots on the ground.These stained glass windows, which should have been as colorful as those in European churches, look extremely disorganized here.The color matching seems to be completely random and has no aesthetic feeling.

Each piece of stained glass is composed of completely different colors, but without exception, there is a tiny round hole in a corner on the right, which looks extremely funny.The sunlight shines in through the small hole to form normal light spots, and these light spots are regularly arranged in a row, very neat.

"Tsk tsk, the design is zero." Li Zheng looked at these windows and couldn't help complaining secretly, in order to slightly ease the tension that this weird castle brought him.

"What? Design?" Bismarck stopped and asked.

"Oh." Li Zheng stuck out his tongue, "It's these windows, don't you think the color of these windows is messy? It's so ugly. I don't know what the owner of this castle thinks. Living in this kind of visual Wouldn't there be insanity in a polluted castle?"

Bismarck couldn't understand the "visual pollution" and "insanity" in Li Zheng's mouth.But this did not affect his understanding of Li Zheng's meaning.He looked at the colorful windows, lost in thought.

Seeing that Bismarck hadn't responded for a long time, Li Zheng didn't understand why Bismarck was in a daze, so he poked Bismarck's arm with the hilt at his waist: "Aren't you leaving?"

"Wait a moment." Bismarck replied, and then he approached the window closest to the two of them, first glanced out at the small round hole on the right, then checked the window up and down, and finally bowed his head Look at the spot on the ground.He knelt down and touched the mess of colors.

Then he walked quickly to the animal head opposite the window.It was a sheep's head with its eyes closed.It can be clearly seen that this sheep should be not young, and its horns are quite long and sharp.He stared at the sheep's head, and finally found a glass bead tightly embedded in the sheep's mouth.

Bismarck seemed to have thought of something, he got up and grabbed Li Zheng's wrist: "Follow me." Then he ran in the same direction as he came and went involuntarily.

Bismarck's speed was extremely fast, as if he was eager to prove something, and the huge pulling force made Li Zheng feel painful: "Emma...lightly, lightly..."

After Bismarck finally stopped, Li Zheng rubbed his red wrist, quite dissatisfied: "Fuck, Bismarck, are you rushing to reincarnate or something...It hurts me..."

I saw Bismarck walking to the window closest to the door, opening the window, holding up the staff as if he wanted to chant something, but then remembered the fact that his mental power was empty.In the end, he had to frown, gave a soft "tsk", then turned his head and asked Li Zheng, who was still confused: "Is there a mirror?"

"Mirror? Why would I bring such a sissy thing?" Li Zheng rolled his eyes and looked at him, questioning.

Bismarck stared at him for a while with an expressionless face.

Li Zheng: "Are you fucking slandering me in your heart! You blame this pair of Zi Yanshen... Labor and management are really not a bitch!"

"Purple Smoke?" Bismarck watched Li Zheng unconsciously tighten his swords, and realized that the "Purple Smoke" he said was the name of the pair of swords.Then he nodded: "It's fine to use it."

After speaking, he moved closer to Li Zheng.Li Zheng blinked, looked at Bismarck who was close in front of him, vaguely felt that he had malicious intentions, and hurriedly covered his chest: "Wait...I said...Lao-management said that labor-management is not good. Damn it! Hey hey hey! Don't come here...!"

Just as he was nervously protecting his chest, the sword hanging around his waist had been pulled out of its scabbard by Bismarck.

Bismarck looked at the drawn sword body, which was completely transparent, and it seemed that a very strong cold light poured out at the moment it was pulled out.He nodded, and kept moving his position around the window with the blade of the sword.

Li Zheng seems to understand a little bit, it's a bit like when he was in middle school and high school, because he was naughty, he liked to use the surface of his watch to shine light spots on the faces of teachers or girls.But... what is Bismarck doing now?

Just when he was confused, Bismarck had already used the purple smoke to illuminate the light spot formed by the light coming in from the round hole.Holding the Purple Smoke Shen, he stood still and began to adjust the angle.Finally, the light was directed to the mouth of the lion head hanging on the wall opposite.

There was a "click" from the lion's mouth, and a few white rays of light shone on the ground under the stained glass opposite.

The light combined with the color of the stained glass reflected on the ground unexpectedly formed a painting with extremely simple thick lines.The white lines irradiated by the lion's head act as an outline, outlining the originally disorganized stained glass into a figure of a woman, and what she holds in her arms looks like a baby still in its infancy!

Seeing this scene, Li Zheng was stunned in surprise. He looked at Bismarck who was still holding the purple smoke sink, and a tinge of admiration rose in his heart.

Apparently Li Zheng didn't want to be idle, so he took out his purple-smoky left sword from his backpack, walked quickly to the second window, followed the same pattern, and directed the light from the round hole towards the beast on the opposite side. The head—a black panther this time.

The colored light spots on the ground really formed the second painting.The painting this time looks like a middle-aged man standing opposite a young man.The middle-aged man seemed to be holding a golden object in his hands, and was about to put it on the head of the young man in front of him.

"Coronation." Bismarck recognized the content of the painting at a glance. "It seems to be the life of the owner of the castle."

Li Zheng tilted his head and looked at the golden object.Since Bismarck said it was a coronation...that is..."So this is a crown? The owner of this castle is a king?"

"It should be right." Bismarck nodded. "I can roughly guess which king this is. But I still need a little clue." He said and walked towards the third window.

Damn, is this going straight from a puzzle game to a history exam?Li Zheng complained silently in his heart.As a standard "outsider", he is completely ignorant of the history of this continent.It seems that we can only hug the thighs of "locals".

Li Zheng raised his head and looked at Bismarck's eyes with a little bit of the eyes he cast on the top student sitting in front of him before taking the exam in the lecture theater.

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