Li Zheng raised his head in the darkness, feeling as if something had hit the top of his head.The severe pain in his head prevented him from even moaning.

The surroundings were pitch black, and there was no light to allow him to judge his position and the surrounding things.He could only stretch out his hand like a blind man, and touched the place where his head hit just now.

The touch from his hand was soft yet hard, Li Zheng stretched his hand upwards while secretly feeling good, until his hand touched an obvious nose shape.

So what he touched...was a person?

"Bismarck?" he asked tentatively.

"En." The man's usual cold voice came from the darkness.

For some reason, when Li Zheng heard the man's familiar voice, the strangeness and anxiety caused by the darkness gradually subsided.He joked: "I just hit your chin? It should hurt, right? You can really bear it."

"You didn't say anything," Bismarck replied.

"I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak." Li Zheng rubbed the place where he hit just now, and there was still some dull pain there.But these are not the key now: "Where is the torch?"

"I lost it." Bismarck replied very naturally: "It may have fallen on it."

"Tsk." Li Zheng twitched his lips: "This is not easy to handle. Walk in the dark? You have to find a way to go up."

Bismarck didn't make a sound, but it didn't take long before a tiny flame burst into his palm.

Although the flame is small, it can't shine for a long distance.But it's better than nothing.Li Zheng looked at Bismarck almost in surprise: "There is another trick! I forgot about it."

However, when he was pleasantly surprised, Li Zheng discovered some problems - he didn't know what position the two of them were in when they slid down. He was actually clinging to Bismarck's chest. You can bury your face in your chest.

This made Li Zheng somewhat embarrassed, so he had no choice but to quickly jump away from his arms.Then he asked him as if trying to cover up something: "Won't it affect your mental power if you use spells for such a long time?"

The sadness of a kid with kidney deficiency, Li Zheng couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional when he asked this question.

But Bismarck quickly shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

It is obviously impossible to know that it doesn't matter if you think about it with your brain. Li Zheng reckoned that Bismarck was probably just trying to comfort him out of helplessness.But in this situation, it seems that there is only one way out for Bismarck to summon the flame.Otherwise, after a while, two blind men would really wander around.

Li Zheng looked around.The location they are in is an extremely narrow secret passage.This secret passage is in the shape of a semicircle, and the highest point is only the height of an adult man.Li Zheng could even touch the ceiling above his head by stepping on his feet.

There is endless darkness in front and behind, and no matter where you go, it is unknown.He looked at the pothole above their heads. If he remembered correctly, the pothole was very long. Obviously, it was just nonsense to talk about going back the same way.

But speaking of which, how on earth did they fall?

"Could it be that the effect of that magic nail is to dig a hole?" Li Zheng's brain opened, and he couldn't help expressing his thoughts: "Which bastard put that magic nail and that smoke bomb on earth? ..."

Bismarck knew that Li Zheng wanted to ask if putting down these traps was the one who kidnapped old Mr. Hessberg, or the one who manipulated zombies and forest banshees.He thought about it seriously, and finally shook his head: "Probably not."

"Why not?" Faced with Bismarck's denial, Li Zheng was a little disapproving: "Otherwise, who else would put so much effort into making these harmful things. You see, because we knew we were going to rescue Hesberg, we did everything possible to obstruct it." ,right?"

Bismarck did not answer, nor did he comment on Li Zheng's conjecture.

"Let's go ahead and see." Seeing that Bismarck didn't make a statement, Li Zheng thought about it, and finally he didn't bother with this topic anymore.Instead, he pointed in a direction to Bismarck: "You can't just stay like this. Why don't you see if there is another way out."

Bismarck nodded this time, carefully protecting the flame in his hand, and walked in the direction Li Zheng pointed.

The secret passage was not too long, and soon the two of them could clearly feel the wind blowing across their cheeks.Inevitably, Li Zheng became a little lighthearted. He didn't expect that his luck was not bad, and he chose a path that felt quite reliable.

Could this be the legendary land reclamation experience?Li Zheng couldn't help but feel proud in his heart.

When the end of the secret passage appeared in front of the two of them, Li Zheng was not very surprised.He made two steps in three steps, passed Bismarck sideways, and walked out of the secret passage first.

"This...what is it..." Li Zheng looked at the scene outside the tunnel in front of him, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

the other side.

"Why are you here?" Andrea looked at the person caught by her in front of her, and called out his name in disbelief: "Karilla?"

It was a brunette in a black tights.Her short black hair makes her look very capable and smart.And that bodysuit reflected the woman's perfect figure, and outlined the small muscles on the woman's arms and legs. It didn't look scary, but it added points to the shape of her legs and the curve of her arms.

"Andrea? How could it be you?" Kanruila was obviously a little surprised when he saw the enemy who had captured him: "Why are you here?"

Andrea hastily withdrew all the sword energy, grabbed Canruila's hand and disappeared in an instant.And Andrea put the sword back into the scabbard without hesitation and replied: "My story is a long story, let me tell you about you first. Why are you here?"

The woman in front of her was none other than Kanruila, the head of the Black Lions, the famous mercenary regiment of the Raphaels Country, who was very famous throughout the Raphaels Country.

Although adventurers who like to travel alone or with a team are the mainstream of the Twin Continent, there are still many people who prefer a well-trained and well-coordinated mercenary group.It's just that their prices are more expensive, and there are strict screenings for the identity of the employer.And the Black Lion Corps is the leader of these mercenary regiments, and is a well-known first-class regiment among the mercenary regiments.

But Canrila in front of him is not the only thing for Andrea.For Andrea, she was her childhood playmate.Before Andrea became a nun swordsman, the relationship between the two could almost be described as close.Until Andrea joined the Free Church, and Kanruila's Black Lion missions were getting more and more.The two gradually became estranged and have not seen each other for several years.So Andrea failed to recognize her in the first place.

"I was driven here by a monster," Canrela explained. "I went into the forest a few days ago, and not long after, I encountered a group of horrible... zombies. I don't know what to call them Accurate or not, but I'm sure you'll understand why I say that if you've seen them. They're brown and haggard, and don't look like living people at all."

"I know." Andrea nodded: "I also ran into those zombies."

"There are too many of them, and I can't handle them." Kanruila looked at the crossbow tied to his right hand.She didn't have much talent for swordsmanship since she was a child, but she loves to construct traps and crossbow arrows.Therefore, she is now a mechanism master and crossbowman who is not inferior to any tenth-level or even eleventh-level swordsman.

"I relied on the mechanism to hold them back and fled here. Then I deployed a large number of mechanisms and hidden arrows." Canruila added: "They were very aggressive at first, but they stopped suddenly not long ago. I thought They were going to attack fiercely, so I set up all my traps and traps. I wanted to fight them to the death, but I didn't expect to attack you."

"Just you? Where's your companion?" Andrea was a little puzzled.Kanruila can basically be regarded as the core figure of the Black Lions now, and it is almost impossible to act alone. How could he be alone when he was on a mission?

"I came alone." Canruila explained, his voice obviously lowered.She took a deep breath, and said to Andrea as if she was hiding some great pain: "My sister—that is the child I adopted, you have seen her name is Daisy. She is in this forest I disappeared when I was on a mission. I didn’t want to trouble everyone in the Black Lions, so I came alone. The Black Lions have a deputy leader, so even if I’m not there, there’s no problem.”

"You mean the little girl who is very talented in swordsmanship?" Andrea immediately realized who Kanruila was talking about.It was a girl who was eight years younger than Canruila.Canruila, who was only in her early 20s, brought back the girl who lost her parents during a mission.And keep it with you all the time.For Daisy, Canruila cherishes her almost like her own sister.

And Daisy is also very competitive, her talent in swordsmanship is very good.At a young age, he was able to follow the highly disciplined and difficult missions of the Black Lions, and sometimes he would even accept some less dangerous missions from the Adventurer's Guild in his spare time.

"She's missing? In this forest?" Andrea's eyes widened: "My God..."

This is indeed an unacceptable thing, especially after Andrea has seen the zombies and forest banshees that appeared in this forest.

Missing under such conditions, Daisy is very likely to be in danger.

"I..." Andrea didn't know what to say to comfort her friend for many years.

"You don't need to comfort me, I won't give up." Kanruila looked at Andrea and shook her head, but the will in her eyes was very firm: "If you want to live, you must see the dead body. Even if Daisy is killed, I We must see her corpse!"

"Wait," Andrea suddenly thought of a question: "So you set the trap on the ground just now?"

Canrila blinked, nodded and admitted: "That's right. A new type of magic nail that was recently researched."

"My companions...the two you took away are my companions, can you get them back?" Andrea asked.Since it was a trap made by Kanruila, he must know the whereabouts of Li Zheng and Bismarck.This will be easy to handle, and we will definitely be able to reconcile with the two soon: "A mage and a... It should be said that they are swordsmen but they don't look like it. In short, they look a bit like a woman, but they are very powerful Guy. I think you can join us, they shouldn't mind one more person."

"Get it back?" Canrila frowned, and looked at Andrea strangely: "Where did I get them?"

The author has something to say: Well, what, readers, if you have any suggestions for Wenwen, you can join the group and find me~ Lie Ping Ren molested~~

Also, tomorrow's update may be delayed.Because Ah He is going to attend someone else's wedding today, and he will be going for a day... so I don't have time to type OTL.Please forgive my QUQ.

But the update is for sure!It's just a little late QUQ.Those who follow the article can watch it later tomorrow~~

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