"You didn't?" Andrea couldn't help but marvel: "But in the smoke just now, I'm sure I saw them both slide down, right there..."

Andrea's finger pointed to the place where the smoke bomb exploded just now, and she wanted to show Kanruila the location where Li Zheng and the two fell.However, there was nothing on the ground there, only the remains of the smoke bomb and a black ink spot left by the Misty Spike.

No potholes, nothing.

"How is this possible? I saw them slide down with my own eyes." Andrea was inexplicable, walked to the position where she was standing just now, stepped on it twice, and then walked to the position where the Misty Nail was.The effect of the magic nail has been removed, so Andrea will not feel any discomfort when walking on it.However, a strange feeling came into her heart, she frowned and took two steps at the place where Li Zheng disappeared, then lay her ear on the ground and patted it with her palm a few times.

"My magic nail is just attached with the runes of the fire element." Kanruila's voice sounded behind him: "It doesn't have any other effects."

"This..." Andrea really didn't know what was going on.If their disappearance was not caused by Canruila's trap, then who took them away?And the timing is so accurate?The moment Canrila dropped the smoke bomb?

If Canruila is not an acquaintance of Andrea, I am afraid that he has misunderstood.

Andrea narrowed her eyes, staring at the ground beneath her feet.Thinking that there might be a pair of eyes peeping at him in the dark, he felt a faint uneasiness.

"Who the hell..."

On the other side, Li Zheng patted Bismarck who was catching up beside him before he closed his mouth, which had grown out of surprise: "Well, you should make the fire bigger."

Hearing this, Bismarck moved his hand slightly, and the original small flame immediately turned into a huge flame.

Li Zheng thought about it a lot, but he never thought that the deepest part of this secret passage would be such a place like a water curtain cave in the Huaguo Mountain, which is so unique.

This hole is very huge, at first glance, it is as high as more than ten floors.And it is extremely spacious, just the place illuminated by the fire can be used to place three or five in the famous Vanna Square in the city of San Rafael that I have been to before, not to mention that there are still parts in the distance that cannot be illuminated by the fire. Lurking in the dark.

Bismarck walked to the side with the fire ball in his hand, and Li Zheng discovered that there were many paintings on the wall.And each one is as tall as three or four people.I don't know when someone painted it, but the colors still look very bright.If it weren't for the damage on the wall, there would be no traces of time on these exquisite paintings.

Li Zheng tilted his head, besides being shocked by these paintings, there was also a sense of familiarity that came out of nowhere.He looked carefully one by one, until he saw a picture of a mother holding a baby in his arms, and he suddenly realized: "This is not the one in William III's castle..."

Bismarck nodded, confirming Li Zheng's words.These exquisite paintings on the wall are exactly the same as the spot paintings reflected by the animal heads and stained glass in William III's castle a few days ago.

It's just that those spot paintings have only very simple lines and colors due to limited conditions.The paintings in front of me are even more lifelike.The background becomes more complex from rough monochrome patches, and the faces of the characters are more clearly defined.Each one is as beautiful as the exquisite oil paintings that Li Zheng saw in the Louvre on Earth.

The content of the painting is more detailed than that in the castle of William III.Even the dream that William III's biological mother, Queen Loftust, had before she gave birth.These paintings spread out on the walls, as if explaining the life of William III.The style of the painting is also very clearly divided into three sections.

The painting style in the first paragraph is more delicate, and the surroundings of the painting are decorated with yellow floral patterns, making it look more luxurious and luxurious.The content of the painting also ranges from the birth of William III with prophecy, to the carefree growth, and to the glory of making contributions.William III in the painting ranges from cute to tall, from tall to stalwart, all of which show the great achievements of the king.Until he followed an elk in the forest and found the witch's house.

After William III killed the witch, the mural style suddenly became wild.The exquisite and delicate brushstrokes become wild, and the surrounding golden floral decorations are gone, replaced by a bright red shading.The content of the painting also became dignified.In the painting, the king of hell, represented by a cloud of black mist, was furious. Therefore, the prophecy of the birth of William III was widely spread, which made the whole Raphaels panic.And William III became more and more unpopular because of the prophecy, until a thin scholar came to the door.

"Ah, this man." Li Zheng recognized the appearance of this scholar - that is the painting he scratched with purple smoke in the villa of the secret meeting, which is the painting that exposed the strangeness of the secret meeting. In front of them: "So he is the scholar Welsh? You can't see what he looks like in William III's castle. I didn't expect him to look like this."

Bismarck nodded, affirming Li Zheng's speculation.

The wild grass mural later showed a scene that Li Zheng didn't know - William III in the painting obviously lost his temper after the meeting with Wales. He angrily swept the books on the table to the ground, and threw a Looking in the direction of the door, he looked at Wales angrily.

After Wales left, William III spent almost every day struggling and hesitating.And the painting style of the murals seems to have become more frenzied.Until Li Zheng saw William III closing his eyes full of sadness and heartache.When he opened it again, the originally dark eyes turned blood red.

Since then, the painting style has become extremely dark and gloomy, and the bright red background has been replaced by black clouds.The content on the painting also became bloody, from William III calling Wales again and shaking hands with him, to Wales' speech in front of the crowd, to Wales being shot.The king who had lost the last bit of faith almost watched with a cold eye that everything was under his control, including the death of his queen, and the rebellion or departure of loyal ministers.

"So what does this have to do with that so-and-so?" Li Zheng was speechless looking at the familiar plot on the painting. Is this the rhythm of William III's haunting?Why is his life and experience everywhere.

Bismarck didn't speak, but lightly tossed the fireball in his hand upwards.After the fire ball was thrown into the sky, Bismarck quickly produced several fire balls in his hands and threw them upwards one by one.The fireball in the air became bigger and bigger with the addition of new fireballs, forming a huge fireball, illuminating the road further ahead.

It was only at this time that Li Zheng realized that these surrounding paintings were just decorations.Hidden in the deepest place are actually three secret doors.The three hidden doors looked exactly the same from the outside, without any difference at all.This made Li Zheng, who is good at brainstorming, suddenly think of the plot after the protagonists in a certain novel face a fork in the road-the golden finger prop!Maybe the right door is a go-getter Mo Xie!The opportunity to reach the pinnacle of life is right in front of you!

But as soon as he thought of this, Li Zheng quickly poured out the chicken blood that had just risen.Since he came here from time travel, he has been on the road of hard work and land reclamation forever, so how could he really give him golden finger props.Thank goodness for not cheating him.

Considering Bismarck's mental power, after seeing the layout of the entire cave, Li Zheng waved him to take the fireball down.Bismarck nodded, and quickly pulled the fireball in the air back in front of him.He wrapped his hands around the fireball and closed it suddenly, and the huge fireball was extinguished in Bismarck's pure white gloves.

When the two hands were separated again, a tiny flame appeared on Bismarck's right hand.

"Hand." He handed the flame in his hand to Li Zheng.

Li Zheng blinked and reached out his hand in the direction of Bismarck.The flame seemed to be alive, it flashed a few times on Bismarck's bent palm, and then spontaneously jumped to Li Zheng's hand.

"This is the fireball just now." Bismarck explained: "I don't know whether you choose to walk with me or prepare to separate. No matter what you choose, this flame can burn for a long time without me."

Li Zheng raised his head to look at Bismarck, and the red fire light shone in Bismarck's eyes staring at him, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.Then he chuckled and said, "You think too much. Why would I choose a door different from yours?" After speaking, he deliberately moved the hand that took over the flame away from Bismarck, as if protecting something. Said like a baby: "But you don't want to go back. This is mine."

Seeing Li Zheng's reaction, Bismarck pursed his lips in a rare way and raised the corners of his mouth.Although the arc was very shallow, Li Zheng still saw it, so he grinned at Bismarck, showing his eight white teeth.

"That's fine. It won't be a big problem if we get separated." Bismarck said, "So, where are we going?"

"You mean, besides us and your missing companion, there are other people here?" After listening to Andrea's energy and speculation all the way, Canruila thought for a while and said: "And according to what you said, Those zombies and the forest banshee I didn't meet are also controlled by someone?"

"That's right." Andrea nodded: "The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. He must be caught. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen."

Kanruila kicked the stone on the side, and squatted down to pick up the wreckage of the Misty Nail's trap: "What you said makes sense. Remember when I told you that the zombies suddenly stopped attacking me? I was a little surprised at first , thought they were coming to Botta. Now it seems..."

Andrea quickly reacted: "You mean, those zombies are not planning to attack you, but because we entered the forest? They turned to attack us."

Kanruila got up and began to recover the hidden arrows stuck in the wall: "Yes, the time is just right. If someone is controlling these zombies and can know that you have entered the forest, it makes sense .It is likely that he transferred these zombies to attack you."

Andrea shook her head: "No, there is something wrong with what you said." While speaking, he helped Canruila recover her hidden weapon: "Since he knows you are here and we have entered the forest, he can completely divide the zombies into Two waves, one wave stays behind and traps you, and the other wave attacks us."

Canruila quickly retorted: "You said that your two friends have entered this forest. What if this dark man had already fought against them at that time?"

Andrea replied: "You mean, this dark man knows that a small number of zombies can't defeat Li Zheng and Bismarck, so he transferred your zombies to support?"

"There is another possibility." Canruila affirmed Andrea's thoughts and looked at her with complete coldness in her eyes.

"He deliberately forced you here, and then wanted us to misunderstand and kill each other."

The author has something to say: Sorry for being late today QUQ.I was really tired and busy yesterday.Because it was a close relative's wedding, I experienced the process from the beginning to the end of the wedding day...and there are many relatives, all kinds of things are chaotic, and the head is big.After returning home, I fell asleep and woke up at three o'clock in the afternoon today.

Hey, the wedding is so complicated, but seeing the happy appearance of the bride and groom is also a bit mixed.Don't bless lovers.

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