Fyodor pulled off the communication device he had been wearing for a long time, looked up from the computer screen, and blinked uncomfortablely.

In order to give the future boss a good entrance examination paper, although it is not a waste of sleep and food, he has indeed worked hard.It is most intuitively reflected in the appearance, that is, the dark circles under the eyelids have increased several layers.

The sound of chaotic footsteps came from outside the door, mixed with rude shouts and Russian national curses. Fyodor leaned back in his chair and looked at the information about the progress of the plan in his hand without even raising his head.

Left and right are the group of people back again.

This is a remote neighborhood near the outskirts of Moscow. The paint on the wall of the tube building with a sense of age is peeling off, and the corners are still stained with green moss.

In today's Russia, anyone with a bit of spare money would not choose to live in such a dilapidated place. Except for the tramps without money, the only people who still live here are the gangsters at the bottom of the mafia.

And the group of people outside is the latter.

Going out to collect rent and provoke quarrels, go back to the room to drink and smoke fans, and when you have no money, go to the unlucky guys to extort money, just such a bunch of garbage that no one wants when you throw it in the recycling bin.

Of course, Fyodor didn't live here all the time. This room was just one of his many safe houses.

Recently, the intelligence organization "Rat of the Dead House" under his hand offended some local mafia, and the trouble was not too big, but he still hid in this safe house for the sake of caution.

The noise outside became more and more noisy, and there was even a faint tendency to expand into this room, until finally the locked old green-painted wooden door was knocked open with a "bang".

The man smelled of alcohol came in cursing, his eyes still bloodshot with excitement, he stared at Fyodor who turned his back and said, "Are you that kid who is said to be quite rich who moved here recently?"

Fyodor, who was staring at the information, didn't even turn his head, but read it carefully line by line, still muttering something in his mouth.

The delirious man felt that he was underestimated. He kicked the stool blocking the way aside, and reached out to grab Fyodor's shoulder, "I'm talking to you, brat..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

The gangsters who didn't notice the whereabouts of his companions were still making noise outside, but Fyodor just looked at the paper in his hand, and the words he was chanting gradually became clearer.

"God looks at everyone equally, redeeming those who are honest and good, and cleansing those who are guilty. They will not be shaken by pity, nor will they be unbalanced by hatred."

"God has endowed everyone with equal happiness."

The slanting sunlight coming in from the window stretched his dark shadow long on the ground, and under the cover of the shadow was the man's bloody corpse, with bright red blood slowly flowing along the cracks in the floor.

"It's a pity, but it's time to change places anyway."

Finally, he folded up the documents and said so.

Zhongli, who was being naughty, rarely felt a little itchy nose.

But this is undoubtedly an illusion.This body has no corresponding functions added at the beginning of its construction, so naturally it will not have any symptoms of sneezing and cold.Instead of delving into this, it is better to focus on the current situation.

Zhong Li lowered his head slightly, and looked at the curse spirit in front of him.

The red mantra with only its octopus-like head floating on the water surface, its eyes full of wisdom like a dead fish looked closely at it, revealing a subtle tension for no reason.

Zhong Li even vaguely saw cold sweat slipping off its smooth red skin.

This is no longer the southern coastline of Okinawa. After dealing with the mimic troops, Zhongli stepped on the petrified seawater step by step. He seemed to be walking in the courtyard but was rushing towards Miyako Island at a very fast speed, but he was about to reach the shore. At the same time, he stepped into the domain of the curse spirit named Tuogen.

Perhaps it was because the other party's breath was too similar to the sea, before entering the domain, Zhong Li didn't even realize that he had unintentionally broken the barrier of the domain.

And the appearance of this curse spirit really brought back some not-so-good memories for him.

The experience of going door-to-door to catch slimy little octopus demon gods during the Demon God War was deeply imprinted in his memory, which even caused him to be insensitive to seafood until now, not to mention the curse spirit with the same head shape as the octopus in front of him .

Zhong Li, who had been touched by a certain string, wanted to poke the curse spirit's head with a single shot.

Tuo Gen was almost paralyzed by the trace of murderous intent that Zhongli had unintentionally leaked, and the octopus-like mouth called its companion's name pitifully, and the whole curse spirit was about to shrink down to the bottom of the sea.

At this moment, the field was opened from another direction.

In other words, blasting away is more appropriate.

With half of his body cut off, Hua Yu flew upside down and smashed through the barrier of the domain, and fell into the sea in embarrassment.Leu Hu, who followed closely behind, resisted with all her strength, but still couldn't stop her, and was slapped into the field by the tail of a huge curse spirit.

"Oh! Mr. Zhongli, you move really fast!" Gojo Satoru, whose dark glasses had been thrown somewhere during the battle, also jumped in, his pretty little face was covered with dust, "But even Even if it's you, I won't give up the man... Curse Lingtou, after all, we agreed to treat Jie to a big meal."

"You can describe it as a Pokémon or something, but please spare me the big meal." Xia Youjie entered the field with his spell, with a disgusted expression on his face, as if the food had been humiliated.

They have been fighting with these two tricky super magic spirits for a long time.After all, they were still first-class conjurers who hadn't grown up yet, and both of them were more or less tainted, and Xia Youjie's inventory of conjuration spirits had also shrunk a lot.

It's just that the harvest of this battle is also rich. As long as he subdues these two super magic spirits, Xia Youjie can immediately become a super magician with the combat power of two super magic spirits.As for Gojo Satoru...

[He] blasted into the sea with an incomparable inversion of magic power, Gojo Satoru didn't care about the small wound on his face that was cut by the raised sand and healed instantly, and shouted arrogantly like a villain boss: " Hurry up and die for me, bastards!"

"It's really noisy." Zenyuan Shier stepped in from outside the domain with You Yun in his hand, and waved to Zhongli without any surprise, "Yo."

Zhongli stepped on the sea water and walked to the only beach in the domain, "I thought Mr. Chanyuan would leave the two of them here."

"Ah, that's what I thought." The Chanyuan shrugged unabashedly, "But after all, they also want to protect Qin Yin and Hui, after confirming that there are no other curse masters on this island except those two curse spirits." I rushed over after the mercenaries, with those two high school brats and your kid here, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

"But these two, if I hadn't rushed back just now, I guess they are lying on the ground crying in embarrassment now."

"Who do you think will cry!" Gojo Wujo turned around and bickered unhappily.

Zenyuan Shier was not afraid at all, and gave the white-haired college student a middle finger contemptuously, "Let's say whoever almost got his ass burned."

Feeling that his teammates were two older children, Xia Youjie sighed tiredly, and explained to Zhongli with a tired smile on his face: "You laughed at Mr. Zhongli, they have already been arguing like this all the way."

"Shang Ke." Zhongli, who had seen how Ararataki Yidou quarreled with Jiutiao Shaluo, didn't panic at all, and could even continue to talk about the business calmly: "Is there really no need for me to take action? The attack from the sea is about to hit."

"Ah, about this..."

Before the words were finished, the magma column that should not have appeared from the sea directly attacked the two people who were quarreling on the beach, accompanied by a large number of ferocious carnivorous fishes, and mixed with the flowers that absorbed the magic power. If you are not careful, you will be nailed into the body.

The two who were still quarreling switched places in an instant. Gojo Satoru stopped the boiling magma with one hand with his evolved technique, and the Zenyuan Shier, who had no magic power, waved Youyun and stopped all the flower seeds and fish schools.

"If you can't stop it to this extent..."

"—It's too embarrassing!"

Xia Youjie spread his hands at Zhongli, "That's what happened, they even refused to let me help out when they were hilarious."

The tall and powerful college student even felt a little wronged for no reason when he said this.

"..." There was a smile on the corner of Zhongli's mouth, "Thank you for your hard work."

Under the full firepower of the two hilarious people, even with the addition of Tuogen, the three curse spirits were exterminated in just half an hour.

Xia Youjie smacked his lips after swallowing the processed magic ball, "Huh? It smells like squid?"

Zhong Li, who processed the magic ball by himself, took a look at him, and rubbed his fingertips without any trace.

Sure enough, he still hates seafood.

There was a small incident on the way back to the Shier parking lot in the Zen Academy. Gojo Wu carried a bird that had just hit him on the head and shook it curiously, "Is this because you were stunned by the battle just now?"

Zhong Li looked at the bird in surprise, "There is such a superb thrush here?"

Gojo Satoru, who didn't have much research on this, asked curiously: "Thrush?"

"The feathers are thin and hard, the fur is reddish, the tail is close and short, the eyes are clear and oily, the eye sand is layered and the background color is cinnabar, it is indeed the best thrush." ​​Zhong Li carefully tasted the drowsy little bird , "It's just that this kind of bird has not been distributed in Japan. Maybe someone brought it and lost it while playing..."

Wutiao Wu, who was just asking casually, was dizzy when he heard it, so he simply handed the bird to Zhongli, and said indifferently: "Since it is a domestic bird, let Mr. Zhongli hold it, even if you want to find its former owner now It's hard to find."

"give me?"

"After all, I can't raise birds. The rabbits I raised before died because of diarrhea." Wutiaowu simply put the little thrush into Zhongli's hand, stretched his waist and walked forward, "Let's go, hurry up I'm going to go back to bed after I'm done."

Zhong Li looked down at the half-dead thing in his hand, lightly smoothed two handfuls of messy hair, his fingertips flickered with divine power.

So, when a group of people met again, Osamu Dazai, who was originally happy, saw a lively and lovely bird on the shoulder of his beloved Mr. Zhongli. He rubbed his head up against the side of Mr. Zhong's face, but Mr. Zhongli not only didn't stop him, but even fondled the bird's small and cute beak with his fingers.

The bird even rubbed against Mr. Zhongli's fingers and gave him a condescending look when he leaned over, and the peas-like bird's eyes could see a hint of showing off.

Osamu Dazai:! !

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