Today is a rare good weather.

The "Kamoning people" casually put on a haori, sat on the porch and watched the elegant landscaping in the courtyard, and occasionally took a sip of warm tea at hand.

On the surface it looks very relaxed.

However, only the "Kamaoning man" himself knows to what extent his body has been oppressed by the "curse".

The stones that grow out of the flesh and blood from time to time greatly rob the body of nutrients. Even if it is coughed up in time, it will inevitably be scratched by the sharp edges and corners.At the same time, his bones are also gradually transforming into minerals. The transformation process is slow but irreversible. Up to now, it has become so heavy that it is almost impossible to turn over by itself.

On the day when this body completely dies, maybe all the bones in his body will turn into fossils.

"Kamonin" raised his forearm and slowly stretched his hand into the sun.Under the sunlight, the skinny hand showed a death-like paleness, and the shriveled skin was tightly wrapped around the bones, so stretched that it was almost reflective.

This is all thanks to that god.

Now even this body has reached its limit.

It's time to prepare the next body.The Wujo family has Wujo Wu, and the risk of being seen through by the six eyes is not considered.So, in order to grasp the trend of the high-level people in the magic world, should they continue to seek Kamo?Or a Buddhist monastery?

The "Kamonin" was thinking, and at the same time, he keenly noticed some unusual movements in the vestibule.

"Wait! You can't trespass without permission! Stop... ah!"

It sounded like some uninvited guest broke in, not only moved his hand, but also got closer and closer to the yard.

The disturbed "Kamonin" looked in the noisy direction, frowning displeasedly.

The gate of the courtyard was kicked open arrogantly, and a young girl with tea hair in military uniform walked in swaggeringly, and raised her head at the "Kamaoning man" who was sitting there motionless, "Are you from Kamoning?"

"Kamonin" was not interested in making false claims with the supernatural being, and nodded coldly, "I am."

"We have evidence that shows that you are related to the case of extradition of dangerous people and murder of the astral body, please come with me now." Okura Yezi said, with a ferocious smile on his immature face, "Of course, As a special type of criminal, you don't have the right to choose, if you don't want to, I'll beat you until you want to."

— “That’s what happened.”

On the phone, Wutiao Wu's tone was as excited as a female high school student who was eager to share gossip with others, and Zhong Li could almost imagine the other party's joyful look through his voice.

"Those old oranges have done all kinds of bad things, probably never thought that anyone could control them, right? I heard that the uncle of the military police has a very tough attitude, and the evidence is super strong. What kind of official department should be established to supervise and thoroughly investigate the magic world, and to amend relevant laws, the first thing is to abolish the death penalty without permission..."

That gloating and gloating appearance seemed as if Fudi Ying was so obsessed with not having the interests of him, the next head of the Wutiao family.

Of course, he really doesn't care about these things.

"This will always happen, but it's just a matter of time." Sitting in the exclusive lounge of the funeral home, Zhong Li teased the little thrush standing on the shelf with bird food, and said, "There is no need for two contradictory rules in a country. Rules coexist, otherwise the original intention of the legislation will be lost due to conflicts. Merging into the official system will inevitably hurt the magic circle, but it is positive in the long run."

"Well... indeed." Wujo Wu, who was taking a political class by the way, thought about it, "but the attitude of Lord Tianyuan is equally important. If he hadn't sent a letter to support the official intervention before closing the Xingxing Palace, I still don't know about those old people. What is going to happen to the orange. Xiaolizi is also prevented from assimilation because of the closure of the Xingxing Palace, which saves me the time to hide her."

Riko Tenuchi, who has experienced good times, finally chooses to live, and Tianyuan's subtle attitude just ensures that the girl does not have to live a life of hiding.

The little thrush who was full of food and drink had already laid down on his hands. Zhongli stroked the fluff on the little thing's stomach with his thumb, and said, "This is very good, but it's not safe to just place hope on others. This change is both a turmoil and an opportunity, if Wu wants to settle Lizi safely, he still needs to..."

Osamu Dazai silently closed the cracked door.

He looked at the person and the cat beside him with a heavy expression, "See everything clearly?"

The three-flowered cat squatting on the ground yawned, and Zhong Yuanzhong standing next to him also looked embarrassed.

"Dazai, I still don't think it's good for you to do this." Nakahara Zhong also hesitated to dissuade, "Mister likes Yundai very much..."

Osamu Dazai covered his face exaggeratedly, "My God, Chuya, you actually called that bird by its name! Could it be that you have already been captured?"

"What does it mean to be captured! Dazai Osamu, what are you thinking in your head!" Nakahara Chu was also furious.

"Where is some ink?" Osamu Dazai squatted down unwillingly, and stretched out his claws to the innocent kitty, "Don't you think that bird threatens your mascot status?"

The three-flowered cat gave a "meow" as if in response, turned around to avoid Osamu Dazai's hand stroking the cat, and ran to the corner to lick its fur leisurely.

Expressed the meaning of refusal.

"...I'm going to review my homework." Chuya Nakahara, who felt that Osamu Dazai was extremely bored, turned around, and finally left a sincere advice from his peers: "Be more mature, after all, it's just an innocent bird."

Sanhuamao, who was originally forced to open for business, left with Nakahara Nakaya, wagging its tail.

Osamu Dazai, who was left in place, puffed his cheeks angrily, and then smiled triumphantly.

"Fortunately, Zhongye just tried it out." He put his hands behind his head, hummed a song and left here, "I didn't expect Zhongye, Luanbu is my real helper!"

Not long after, Zhong Li really agreed to Luanbu who was dawdling in wanting to eat a new type of thick snack on the phone, and left the little thrush on the bird stand and went out.

After all, it is forbidden to bring pets into dim sum shops, so there is no way!

Osamu Dazai, who had planned the plan, sneaked into the lounge, and covered the little thrush with a glass cover that had been prepared earlier.

Thrush, who was dozing off at first, was so frightened that its hairs frowned, and when it saw Osamu Dazai looking at it with a smile on his face, he immediately started beating the glass cover with his beak and wings angrily.

"Ah, don't worry, little thing, what do you think this is?" Dazai Osamu pulled out a snack box with "鸟の味味" written on it from behind like a magic trick.

As expected of the snack that is said to be the most popular among birds, Osamu Dazai watched the little thrush calm down in an instant with satisfaction, staring intently at the box in his hand.

"Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat?" Osamu Dazai moved the snack box from left to right, and the little thrush's head also moved back and forth, seeing that the saliva was about to flow out.

Then it just watched Osamu Dazai grab the snack and stuff it into its mouth.

thrush:! !

The human who ate its raw rations was still muttering to himself: "Didn't you say it's made of grains and fruits? It's tasteless, and it's very doesn't taste good."

The super angry thrush couldn't take it anymore, almost bursting out of potential, lifted the cover with one wing, flew to Osamu Dazai's slightly curly hair and pecked fiercely.

"Ow! I warn you to get off my head! It hurts! Don't peck! Do you hear me!"

Osamu Dazai fought tenaciously and unyieldingly with the little bird. Suddenly, the fluff and head hair flew randomly in the small space, and the movement was so loud that even Zhongyuan Zhong, who was reviewing his homework next door, went back and forth.

"Dazai, what are you doing? It's so noisy! Didn't you agree to just tease Yundai... Dazai! What are you doing, Dazai!"

Zhongyuan Zhong also looked in horror at the messy scene in the room as if he had experienced a typhoon of magnitude eight, almost turning into a screaming cat. The little thrush glides out while the door is open, and disappears with a flap of its wings.

The languid Osamu Dazai didn't even lift his eyelids, he was extremely aggrieved and pulled at the strands of hair that were mixed with the fluff of the birds on the ground, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, my hair..."

"Didn't you provoke him first!" Zhong Yuan Zhong also broke down and shouted, "Stop scratching on the ground, Yun Dai ran away in anger!"

"Go find it!!"

Osamu Dazai was dragged reluctantly by the anxious Nakahara to find the bird.On the other side, the angry thrush flew a long way in the sky and decided to find her master.

It was already late at this time, and the entire sky was covered with dots of stars. In this environment, even if the sky was clear, it would be really hard for such a small bird to find a specific person in a huge city.The small thrush flies higher and higher unconsciously.

Finally, it stopped on the ledge of the tallest building in Yokohama, carefully observing the city below.

The side window was blocked by thick curtains, but still left an open gap.Through the gap, there seemed to be some reflections flashing in the dark room, and the little thrush turned her head to look suspiciously, but of course she didn't see anything.

It flapped its wings again and flew towards the city with stars and lights.


Standing in the dimly lit room, Mori Ogai glanced doubtfully through the gap in the curtains.

There seemed to be a shadow flashing there just now?

The thrush had already flown away, leaving only the clear sky with a wide view outside the gap in the curtains, and Mori Ogai, who didn't notice anything unusual, turned his head back naturally.

This is the bedroom reserved for the boss of the Port Mafia.

On the big bed with the curtain drawn, the leader who had been tortured to the point of emaciation was lying there, his emaciated chest heaving with difficulty, and his breath was so weak that he seemed to die at any moment.

However, even if it had become like this, he murmured almost bewilderedly that he would kill all those who disobeyed him, his bloodshot eyes stared at the top of the bed curtain, almost burning a hole there .

Mori Ogai seemed to bow respectfully to listen to the leader's order, and his eyes flickered slightly after he heard the leader finally say "kill all the children who followed Zhongli".

"What an interesting 'appeal'." Mori Ogai smiled and said in a low voice.

The leader who was tortured to the point of madness by the illness could no longer hear any sound, even if Mori Ogai's scalpel was placed on his neck, there was no response.

"Then, at your command, my lord."

The silver scalpel cut a perfect arc, and scarlet blood splashed on the same dark wall.

"And now, all are dead," said the doctor at last, "in your sweet dreams."

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