back in love with a girl

Chapter 40 Don't

Before the two pairs of gay friends had even greeted each other, Jian Shi said coldly: "What I said was just deaf ears, right? Why are you still with him?"

Jian Shi's dislike for Yin Yao is also very clear at the age of 15, but the pictures she saw before and the accusations made by the righteous words now make her feel strange, and her tone is a bit harsh: "You don't care about me, you are different from him Are you together! What kind of broken moon is it on a cloudy day..."

Wen Xianhao blushed, looking up at the sky and whistling.

Yin Yao felt the hostility, and resolutely threw himself into the flames of war: "That...sister, do you have some misunderstandings about me, as if you don't want to see me all the time?"

"I didn't misunderstand you." Jian Shi didn't hide the disgust in his eyes, "You don't like her, so don't always lie to her feelings."

She is not sure how the 15-year-old feels about Yin Yao, but from the moment she knew that the gate of time and space would open again, she reflected on all the events that had never been successfully prevented since time travel, and had to doubt herself After disappearing, there is no one to supervise. Will the 15-year-old be tricked by Yin Yao again like in the previous life?As long as I think of this, I feel very heartbroken, and I want to kill Yin Yao, a hypocrite, before leaving.

"Sister, you really misunderstood me, I like Jian Shi, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other!" Yin Yao complained wrongedly for herself,

Just started, but was stopped by the sharp-toothed Jian Shi: "I told you where the moon comes from at night on a cloudy day! You idiot!"

Unexpectedly, such an elegant looking lady would be rude, and the two men were stunned.

He had seen the world at the age of 15, and immediately said sarcastically: "I can also prove that Yin Yao likes me, at least he said that he likes me, he likes me, he is simple, warm and single-minded, and he never hides his secrets in front of his face and his back."

"You know what!" The trigger was triggered, and it was the first time that Jian Shi lost his temper in front of the age of 15, "You are always so self-willed and domineering, thinking that the whole earth revolves around you, so you deserve it Get dumped!"

After the vicious cursing, there was only a quiet and terrifying echo. The two people who were facing each other had similar faces, one frowning and angry, hating iron for steel, and the other gritted his teeth in anger, suppressing the tears that were about to fill his eyes.

"Why are you talking about me? I didn't even mention you and Wen Xianhao..." She was the one who made sense, but at the end, her tone became lower and lower, "You just yell at me, you don't like me,..."

"Yes, I don't like you, so you should take it for granted that you should take it for granted. You should like Yin Yao. I also follow your wishes. Wen Xianhao, let's go!" She didn't know where Come to the courage, no longer look at the 15-year-old's aggrieved expression, or if you look at it for a second, you will not be able to bear it again, and take the initiative to pull up one of Wen Xianhao's suit sleeves, and rub shoulders with the 15-year-old. She understands this very well. It was unreasonable trouble beyond the boundaries of the well-designed script, but I had to make myself cruel and stop promising a future that I couldn't afford.

Fortunately, Yin Yao helped him quickly, and he didn't fall down until he was 15 years old, but the flood that lost his valve finally rolled down, and Yin Yao was so scared that he didn't know what to do for a while: "Jian Shi, why are you crying...don't cry Ah, I have something to say, don’t cry, you look like this, it makes me want to cry... No way, men don’t cry easily, I said don’t cry, woo. You look like this, I’m so worried about you do you know?......"

When she squatted down with red and swollen eyes, Yin Yao felt as if she had come back after walking through hell, and her hanging heart finally fell to the ground. She rummaged through her pockets awkwardly, but still couldn't find even a piece of tissue. It was the first time that he felt so helpless. It turned out that this thin figure had entered his torrential heart so deeply at some point, but it was a pity that he now realized that none of the hanging concerns belonged to him: " Your sister looks so fierce, is it because of me...I'm sorry...can you explain it? Is it because I chased you too much and she misunderstood something? I..."

Yin Yao couldn't wait for an answer, but just looked more and more innocently at the 15-year-old who didn't have the usual aura in a daze, and realized what kind of artistic conception the reason for worrying...

The two of them just stayed there until the sky showed their belly white......



"I heard from your homeroom teacher that your grades in the primary exam were not very good. Weren't you all in the top three of the grade before? What's wrong this time...Hey, Jian Shi! Did you listen to me!" Father Jane, who rarely came home once Looking at the 15-year-old still looking absent-minded, I feel that it is necessary to put on parental airs.

The dazed 15-year-old was called by his name suddenly, as if frightened, his dull eyes lifted up pitifully, and he admitted his mistake intermittently: "I...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it..."

Seeing her red and swollen eyes, Jane's mother heartbroken from the bottom of her heart, and scolded Jane's father: "Can't you keep your voice down? You've scared me to death!"

Papa Jane: "..."

Didn’t you say that this kid’s studies have regressed, maybe he’s slack and he’s going to teach him a lesson when he comes back this time? Why is it always me who gets hurt (┬_┬)

The 15-year-old was taken aback. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that the person at the other end of the table was still chewing and eating slowly, his nose was sore, and he felt like crying again...

"Oh, don't cry. Daddy is wrong. Be good. Daddy won't hurt you again..." Father Jane is actually not willing to be cruel to this precious daughter. He thinks she is crying because of him, and he can't wait to blame himself He apologized with death, but the more he said this, the more he cried at the age of 15, like he was on Bravo, and he couldn't stop at all.

"Dad." The other Jian Shi, who had been silent all this time, put down his chopsticks and spoke when the family was in a mess because of the inexplicable crying of the 15-year-old.

This is the first time she called Jane's father and father, but she unexpectedly did not violate the harmony at all. After the slow-moving Jane's father came to his senses and said "Hey", Jian Shi's eyes turned to Jane's mother's face again, and called again. He said, "Mom."

"Hey" With Jane's father's experience, Jane's mother quickly responded, not knowing why she was so serious.

"The company has allocated a dormitory for employees, and I may have to move out. Thank you for your care during this period of time. It took ten years to cross the boat, and a hundred years to sleep together. Getting to know each other is not easy and we cherish it. I will not be here in the future. I hope the two elders will be well. Pay attention to your body, get along well and don't always quarrel over trivial things."

company?dormitory?move out?cherish?Er Lao?Feather?Garlic?quarrel?

What is this all about? ? ? ? ? ?

What happened at home during our absence! ! ! ! ! !

For a moment, the husband and wife flashed many identical thoughts in a tacit understanding at the same time.

At the age of 15, I also forgot to cry, and looked at the resolute and indifferent Jian Shi with tears in my eyes. This time, I found that I didn't know when it started, and I could no longer see the original tenderness from her eyes, and some were just strange. reflection.

Looking at it again, I can't bear it again.


It was the first time that Jian Shi knew that this few words could only be vividly interpreted if he stabbed his heart with a knife.

Her heart has been pierced with a thousand holes, and her throat is strangled by fate.

Can't make a sound, tormenting each other.

After both of them returned to their room with the excuse of being uncomfortable, Uncle Wang approached the extremely worried Jane's parents and said, "There is a sentence that I don't know what to say, maybe I think too much..."


The next morning was bright and sunny, and it was a fine day.

Jian Shi got up early, loaded the luggage into the car,

She looked up, and the curtains on the second floor seemed to be blown by the wind and loosened a bit.

Mother Jane was woken up by the sound of transporting things, and knew that she was determined to leave, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.Still nagging a few words: "Xiao Shishi hasn't gotten up yet, isn't it good here? Why do you have to leave, the conditions in the dormitory are not as good as your own home, and Xiao Shishi will definitely miss you."

"I can't help it...there is closer to the company. I have caused a lot of trouble by telling you that I am a college student before. Jane told her...she is very afraid of being lonely. If you have time, how much can you do?" Talk to her..." Jian Shi's knuckles turned white, and he felt that he couldn't continue, so he looked up at the sky, and the 15-year-old looked at the sky through the gap, and caught his eye unpreparedly, and happened to catch the unstoppable The teardrops, the heartstrings of the two of them wanted to be touched by something in an instant.

"What is trouble? Don't you treat us as your own? Where is the address of the company? We'll visit you when we have time..." Mother Jane has endless things to say, what happened to be like water drops? Flying to her face, "Oh, why are you crying, big girl, it's not a farewell, I'm about to cry..."

"Mom, goodbye!" After giving a tight hug at the end, Jian Shi leaned over and quickly got into the car.

Within two seconds after Uncle Wang drove out, a thin and weak figure was chased out of the villa, one of his slippers ran away, and he hoarsely called her name: "Jian Shi!"

"Woo...Jian Shi...I was wrong...Don't go...Don't go...I don't want...I don't want you to go...I don't want to be alone..."

"Miss?..." Uncle Wang heard the yell, before he stepped on the brakes, in the rearview mirror, he saw another face covering his mouth to prevent himself from crying: "Uncle Wang, don't stop... .”

He had no choice but to let out a silent sigh, and let go of the clutch, so that the screaming call was farther away...


The IPHONE5S placed aside vibrated without interruption, Wen Xianhao's name flashed non-stop without rest.

It wasn't until the car was stable that Jian Shi wiped away her tears with a paper towel, took a deep breath, and tried to pick it up in a calm tone: "Hello,"

"Jian Shi! What's the matter with the resignation letter on my desk!" As soon as the servant connected, Wen Xianhao's questioning that pierced the eardrums had already passed.

Jian Shi looked at the duplex building in front of him, the surrounding scene was familiar but unfamiliar, obviously it was only a few months, but it seemed like he hadn't been here for most of his life.

Slowly, low and forcefully, she aimed at the position of the phone's microphone: "I'm sorry..."

Wherever I came from, let me go back quietly.

It's just that the wind blows, how long will it take for this world to completely hide the traces of my past?

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