back in love with a girl

Chapter 41 Thank you

The bright red 65-point test paper was casually thrown on the sofa.

The flower pot on the window sill rang a few times, and the short-haired girl put down the PSP in her hand and looked back a little unhappy: "I thought you wouldn't come today~"

"Why are you getting such a score?" Obama ignored her, flipping through the test paper with his paws.

"Because Chinese high school math is difficult~" Wen Liyu didn't feel ashamed at all, anyway, relying on her status as the only heir of WENS, no matter how useless she is, her parents, grandparents, and brothers will support her.

Obama tore the test paper in half: "You can't rely on others all the time. If WENS is defeated by you, how can I go to hell to meet my ancestors!"

After not coming back for so many days, she thought she had disappeared without saying a word. After finally looking forward to the return date, the dog opened his mouth to her again. It was a good reason. The word "dissatisfaction" was written all over Wen Liyu's face: "You Why is it the same tone as those adults... I thought you understood me, I don't care about heirs at all!"

"It's not a question of whether you like it or not, but the responsibility that the chosen person must bear!" Obama recalled the tragedy of time travel, knowing that there is no evidence to prove Wen Xianhao's wolf ambition, but it won't last long, parting On the eve of the eve, all it can do is have a good talk with Wen Liyu, "The predecessors of WENS endured humiliation to keep the property, so you have a good life today. Now you don't learn well, and you still feel that everything is right. You are worthy of you We have high hopes!"

"Do you have high hopes for me..." Wen Liyu looked at the dog, although he really wanted to be stupefied, but a dog had high hopes or something...

"I don't want to place high hopes on you either!" Obama jumped off the sofa and said earnestly, "You know about the former Totem Tibetan Mastiff, right? It's the dog your mother raised. He was supposed to carry on the will of the tribe and assist your mother. But because of sympathy and falling in love with your brother, in order to satisfy your brother's vanity in front of his companions, he did many things that violated the admonishment, and even opened the door of time and space, and in the end, everyone only ended up being raped by your brother because of hatred The ending of killing Hanhen, there are only you two heroes in this generation of WENS, Wen Xianhao is a vicious and sinister person, he is not suitable and will not be loyal to WENS, I am afraid that he will not hesitate to betray the tradition of WENS and do many unfavorable things. Recently, He is preparing to go public. You are young and do not care about things, so sooner or later you will be wiped out!"

"How could my brother be this kind of person..." Obama had expected that Wen Liyu would not believe his one-sided words, but he couldn't think of any other way to motivate Wen Liyu except to tell the truth.

"I'm just a dog, but he's your own brother. Of course you won't feel good about yourself. You'll be on my side. The last time... five years ago, Wen Xianhao lied to you that you couldn't find me. I didn't get lost by myself, he deliberately murdered me. If I didn't have blind faith in you, I wouldn't be able to travel back. We protect the totem family... starting from the generation that was saved in the Qing Dynasty, we swore to be loyal to the master to the death , also has an unchanging desire, that is to become a human being. The Tibetan Mastiff is more greedy than any of us. He not only wants to become a human being, but also wants to be replaced by the person Wen Xianhao likes in the foreseeable world. Ridiculous It was she who died under the knife of her beloved and failed, but after Nirvana, I obtained this ability by relying on the inherited skills I possess..." Obama said, his body changed, and his wagging tail transformed into a girl's hair. , the reprinted Jian Shi appeared in front of Wen Liyu, "I've been thinking, when I can really control this ability and cultivate myself into an adult, I will be able to stand in front of you and protect you well, but I can't wait until then." It’s been a day, the time limit for traveling has passed, and my mission as the king of beasts has also lost its shelf life, whether it’s the soft body of a girl or the strong body of a shepherd dog, I no longer have the qualifications to protect you.”

There was deep thought in her eyes, and there seemed to be tears flowing. Before Wen Liyu came out of the shock, she spoke again: "Tomorrow I will go back to England... Liyu... this is my first time. Calling you that once, I know better than anyone what a kind little girl you are, but please forgive me that I can't help but express my sustenance to you at this time, I... hope you will grow up quickly and become an adult , guard your home just as I guard you."

The ability to change can't last long, and he looked at Wen Liyu who couldn't accept all this suddenly with infinite melancholy. It was just like every afternoon when he welcomed her back before, he just changed his position, hugged her in his arms, stretched out his dexterous Tongue, habitually licked her face, but the Yingran Wen Liyu was more like a docile puppy.

Soon Obama turned back into a dog body, flipped out of the window sill vigorously, and ran vigorously in the setting sun...

"Uh... your dog is very similar to the one I had before."

"If you like it, I'll give it to you..."

"Wang Wang!"

"Can you tell me about your dog? You pain?"

"If you dare to touch this person, I will never end with you!"


"Well... I'm back."

"Really? I thought I was dreaming!"

"I have a new owner now, she takes good care of me just like you."

"The new owner..."

"I'm free, don't be sad, I'll come back to accompany you."


"Have I ever lied to you?"

In such a bizarre reunion, Wen Liyu selectively skipped the unscientific parts.

Thinking about all the recent bits and pieces, extremely strange emotions emerged from the bottom of her heart.

And the empty house and the quiet windowsill brought her back to that nightmarish morning when she was ten years old.

Did it leave me again?


"Wow, the eyes are as swollen as a radish ``" Yan Xiangji exaggeratedly condemned Yin Yao, "Did you do anything to offend her again?"

"I didn't... because..." Yin Yao just started to explain, but was interrupted by a sudden noise in the classroom.

"Wow~Wen Liyu is here!"

"So handsome!"


Dressed in a men's school uniform, she looks unrestrained and bright, and the girl is handsome and extraordinary, with a gloomy and melancholy look, and the nympho onlookers are all intoxicated: "It's so cool! It's this Style!"

The nosy Yan Xiangji curled his lips: "You're handsome, are people nowadays aesthetically deformed...."

Regarding the word "handsome", a face that deserves a beating suddenly appeared in his mind, and Yan Xiangji stopped his mouth instantly as if he had been hit hard.

Her recent aesthetics don't seem to be very good... There are even a few occasions when she feels that the sissy who lives in a different dimension... is quite beautiful? ...

Many girls in the class were bloodied by the mixed-race and neutral Wen Liyu, and the noisy 15-year-old was even more upset. She got up when no one noticed, and wanted to go outside to breathe fresh air during the break.

The face so similar to the human form of Obama flashed Wen Liyu's sight, and she chased him out as if awakened by a sap...

"Jian Shi!" Wen Liyu was stuck in the stairwell, looking at the dazed 15-year-old out of breath.

Even though she has the aura of a mixed-race androgynous teenager, she has received a lot of attention after transferring to Sanmori this semester, but it doesn't mean that the narcissist who can't even recite the names of her classmates can recognize her at the age of 15.

"What's the matter with you?" Turning back lazily, it has been a long time since Yin Yao was caught and confessed since he issued the arrest warrant..

"I...I...I" As a result, the man "I" for a long time and still didn't say anything.

I'm so lost now, I wonder where Obama has gone, will I ever see him again?

At the age of 15, I remembered that I heard those people calling her the name Wen Liyu in the classroom, and the nervous Wen Liyu looked really pitiful. Is it because I like the same sex that I find it hard to say it?Then patiently encouraged: "Don't be nervous, speak slowly..."

The girl's expression was quiet and serene, similar to the face of that hurried moment, but Wen Liyu knew clearly that this was not alone.

"Thank you!" Like every young girl who is in love, Wen Liyu finally said the three words stuck in her throat. Grateful for the time to take care of Obama, he turned and ran away.

what a weirdo...

At the age of 15, I can't remember when I did Lei Feng's thing in front of Wen Liyu, and the mobile phone hidden in the pocket of the school uniform vibrated in the memory.

She looked at the strange number with no name displayed inexplicably, and quickly picked it up: "Hello?"

Jane Shi?

"Jian Shi! I'm Yin Yao, why didn't I see you when I turned around?" It was a male voice in the period of voice change, deep and magnetic, but it failed to surprise the listeners.

The 15-year-old's answer was full of disappointment: "How do you have my number?"

"I asked Yan Xiangji for it, and you are so serious. You didn't even tell me when you bought a new phone..." Hearing what Yin Yao said, the 15-year-old wished he could tear Yan Xiangji, a traitor, into pieces, "I just walk around , and went back."

She walked back to the classroom and noticed that there was no one in Wen Liyu's place.

Yan Xiangji helped her pull down the chair, and said, "That Wen Haigui is going to transfer back to England~"

"Oh." The 15-year-old replied casually, took out the book from the drawer, and prepared to listen to the lecture.

Yan Xiangji said again: "Why are so many people leaving recently? Your long-lost brother told me yesterday that he was going to the United States. Hehe, let's go. He said as if I would keep him, yelling like a sparrow every day. I'm so annoying, I can finally calm down, I was joking before asking me to be my girlfriend, I won't really believe his nonsense..."

"There is no more old-fashioned excuse to dump someone than this! Why didn't he just say that he actually traveled through time, and now he is going back to his own time and space?" Yin Yao, who was sitting in the back, interrupted, and Yan Xiangji used the Xinhua dictionary Cover your face.

The swift pen tip stopped, and drew a black hole on the white paper, and the automatic pen core was caught off guard and shot far away.

The 15-year-old grasped it firmly, and the two people who were playing didn't realize that she had been poked in a sore spot.

In an unknown corner, there is a pair of jealous eyes, watching the unaware triangle area.

The torn pink love letter placed on the desk gave birth to a vicious curse, which began to take root endlessly. .

The author has something to say: Keke, the next chapter has a common name but it contains content about loli...

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