Grass head fairy's breaking evil

Chapter 21 The Statue on the Street

During dinner that day, Fifth Brother asked me: "You said you were too boring at home, why don't you see you surfing the Internet?"

It's not that I don't want to surf the Internet, but that I don't think it's good to enter his study casually. "Well... I don't want to touch your computer casually..."

Brother Wu glared at me, "Is there anything you can't touch? Didn't you say that you treat this as your own home? Go play after eating, I'll do the dishes!"

"Sure, if you say so, then I'll play. Oh, I mean I'll go after I finish washing the dishes, and you don't need to clean up."

"Okay, it's the same for anyone who cleans up. I can still do this job."

After thinking about it, yes, he is such an adult that he won't be able to beat all the dishes into fine pieces.So, I was not polite to him, and happily ran into the study to play with the computer after dinner.

There is no young person who doesn't like playing with computers. He originally wanted to save money to buy one, but he earns less and spends much more, and he still doesn't save enough.In addition, I was too busy with work and didn't have time to play, so I gave up later.

Turning on his computer, it turns out that the startup is slow, the internet speed is slow, and some unknown things pop up every now and then... How long has it been since he cleaned up the garbage and had a medical examination?And even a firewall and anti-virus software are not installed.

After thinking about it, I ran to the kitchen.He was washing the dishes, and I asked, "You have too much garbage in your computer, there may be viruses, Trojan horses, etc., can I clean it up for you?"

"I don't really understand, just look at it!"

So I ran back to the study and started tinkering with his computer.After cleaning up this meal, it was finally cleaned up.Then, I started to organize and categorize his various files.I thought there would be some "love action movies" in his video files, so I could watch them by the way, but there wasn't even a small movie.

Which man doesn't have these films in his hard drive?Brother Wu is really different!Could it be that he is really cultivating, so he is abstinent?

After tidying up, Fifth Brother also entered the study, "How is it going?"

I didn't dare to ask him if he usually watched porn, so I just smiled and said, "Don't worry, everything will be taken care of!"

"Where did you learn these skills?" He asked again.

"Oh, when I just graduated, I worked as a network administrator in an Internet cafe for a while."

If I hadn't stayed up late every day, I would have continued to work. After all, the work is not tiring, and I still care about the food.

Brother Wu suddenly reached out and rubbed my head, sighed, and said, "It's hard work at such a young age, isn't it?"

I was taken aback, then smiled lightly and said, "It's not bitter, besides, I was eighteen at that time, an adult."

He nodded, told me to go to bed early, and left.

I played a little game for a while, and went back to sleep early.


The next day, I did morning exercises with Brother Wu as usual. After breakfast, he went to the pharmacy to deal with things. After I cleaned up the house, I went to his study to play on the computer.As a result, he came back before ten o'clock.

He said he received a job and asked me to follow him right away.I simply cleaned up and went out with him.

We went to Donghua District again, but this time we went to the surrounding countryside, or a farmyard.When I went in, I saw that many people were eating in the yard, which was very popular.

Brother Wu led me to sit at a table, and soon someone came over and asked what we were eating. Brother Wu said, "Two bowls of mutton soup, one mutton with cumin, one cucumber with cold skin, and two bowls of rice."

I didn't react until the man finished memorizing the menu and walked away for a while.

Probably because my expression was too dumb, Fifth Brother couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

I blinked slowly, and said, "Aren't we here to see things for others?"

He laughed aloud, and said, "You have to eat first to see things! It's already noon, let's talk about it after dinner!"

"Oh, that's it." I finally figured it out, "It depends on the matter, is this the one?"

He shook his head while laughing, "I came here because the mutton soup at his house is delicious. Didn't you suffer from heatstroke the other day? Just drink some mutton soup to sweat. After eating, let's get down to business."

"Oh." I nodded and stopped asking nonsense.

Although it is good to eat sheep warming and tonic in autumn and winter, we love to drink sheep soup in summer.Under the pergola in the yard, there are more than [-] tables, and there are no empty seats.Most of the male customers were shirtless, drinking mutton soup and cold beer at the same time.

The mutton soup of his family is really delicious, which cannot be made by others.Because the family is a one-story house, there is a big pot, and the whole sheep skeleton is thrown in and boiled, and then the mutton and haggis are mixed in, and the taste is simply delicious.

After eating and drinking, I hiccupped and got into the car.Wu Ge drove the car to a big road, and then pulled over.

"Xiao Kai, take a closer look and see if there are breezes and smoke souls on the road."

Although it is the hottest time in the afternoon, I took a closer look and found a few ghosts floating on the road.

"Fifth brother, yes."

"Are those ghosts afraid of people?" Fifth Brother asked again.

I shook my head and said, "Don't be afraid, some of them are standing in the middle of the road, and several cars have passed by them, and they will not leave."

"It seems that there is indeed a relationship." Fifth Brother thought for a while and said.

It turned out that a traffic policeman found Wu Ge through his friend this morning and asked him to show him whether the road was dirty again, because there had been several accidents in the past six months.

The reason for saying "you" is because when this road was first built, there were frequent accidents, and then an expert was invited to stop it.I just don't know why, but now it's starting to be weird again.

Brother Wu led me out of the car and went to a small park across the street.This park is really small, only about [-] square meters, it looks like a big flower bed, but there is a path paved with bricks, and there is a white horse sculpture more than three meters high in the middle.

When we walked up to the white horse, Fifth Brother said, "This is something from the street in the town. It must have failed because of a problem. Let's take a closer look."

We both split up and searched carefully.When I turned to the side that backs the street, I almost threw up--I 呿, who is so wicked, full of feces and urine, feeling like this is a public toilet!

"Fifth brother, here's the reason." I pinched my nose and shouted.

Fifth Brother came over to take a look, and couldn't help frowning.

"Let's take a look again at night to see if there is anything else besides the dirt."

Brother Wu is more cautious, and feels that he needs to get a comprehensive understanding once he comes here.

In the evening, Brother Wu took me to a well-known local farmhouse, where I ate stupid chicken stewed in a big pot.The dishes are quite expensive, and I saw that there were a lot left, so I insisted on packing them.Fifth Brother smiled and said, "You'll be fine."

I don't know if he is praising me or making fun of me.

After dinner, we drove the car back, parked it on the side of the road, and then stayed in the car doing nothing but looking out.Fifth Brother also opened his eyes with the paper talisman, and observed the white horse and nearby ghosts with me.

Brother Wu said that before the development here, it used to be a mass grave, and there were a lot of lonely souls and wild ghosts.At that time, we paid attention to breaking superstition, so there was no foundation laying ceremony, let alone invite people to send ghosts.After the road is repaired, there will be accidents from time to time.This matter has affected the political performance of the leaders of the relevant units, and the subordinates who will come to the matter suggest to find someone to take a look.Later, I found a Taoist master, who suggested erecting a white horse to suppress evil spirits.Since the statue of the white horse was erected, there have been few accidents, let alone serious accidents.

While listening to Wu Ge's narration, I looked at those lonely ghosts.Most of the ghosts who stay in Yangjian will keep close to the side of the road when they walk, so as not to collide with living people. After all, the anger of living people will also make them uncomfortable.

However, most of the ghosts on this road are running around on the street.They have all kinds of costumes, including ancient ones, Republican ones, and modern ones.This is the first time I have seen so many costumes from the old days.

The two of us were studying ghosts when suddenly someone knocked on the window.Since the man took a picture of my window, I pressed the window after Fifth Brother nodded in agreement, and asked him, "Is there something wrong?"

The man was very polite with a smile on his face, "You two have been here for a long time, why don't you go in and rest for a while?" He said and pointed his hand back.

I looked in the direction he pointed, and it was a bathing center, and we just parked on the side of the road in front of his house.However, there is a large open space in front of his house, and we are not in the way of his house.

"We're not in your way, are we?" I asked.

"No," he quickly waved his hand, "It's just that our boss sees you working hard, so let me ask if you need any help..."

Hey, there is something in his words!What do you mean?

I couldn't help but look back at Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother smiled at me, leaned over and said to the window: "It's okay, I want to reassure your boss, I'm not looking for you."

The man hesitated, then nodded and left.

"Fifth brother, what's going on?" I was puzzled.

Brother Wu smiled and said, "Some people on duty will park their cars in these bathing centers on purpose, and some bosses are guilty of guilt, so they will take the initiative to give some benefits."

"But we're not driving a police car." I finally understood what was going on.

"I'm afraid we are plainclothes!"

Brother Wu and I were talking when the person who had just left turned back.I opened the window again, and before I could ask, he handed in a plastic bag, "Our boss said that the two of you have worked hard, it's a little bit of kindness!"

The bag contained two boxes of Fu Rong Wang and two bottles of green tea.

It seems that they have determined that we belong to the relevant departments!I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, I looked at Fifth Brother, and asked him what to do with my eyes.

Brother Wu said: "We accept the water, but we don't want the cigarettes. Neither of us knows how to do it."

After the man put down the bag, he said, "This is what the boss told me, so don't embarrass me. That's it, I'm leaving!"

After the man left, I couldn't help laughing.I never thought that I could receive bribes in this way.

Fifth Brother also laughed, "Since they are giving you benefits, let's move our nest a little!"

So, he moved the car back more than ten meters, and stopped when he saw that a closed photo studio was directly opposite the car.

We continued to stare at the ghosts in the street.Inadvertently, when I glanced at the white horse statue, I suddenly found something crawling up the horse's legs.

"Fifth brother, look! There is something on the white horse's leg!"

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